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Looks like Oregon is voting for Hitler this year

File: f4fa1e872454ea2⋯.jpg (62.61 KB, 1024x731, 1024:731, ClintonSmashingComputer_10….jpg)

d3b199  No.167601

Pic related is real. Mine are satire.


That SNOPES is funded by Soros.



>why is it false?

Snopes is funded by organizations funded by Soros and not Soros directly


That a Muslim student beheaded his teacher with a sword cos he showed an image of Mohamed in class



>why is it false?

While a teacher WAS beheaded in Paris today, the Muslim student didn't use a sword.

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d3b199  No.167603


That the CIA funds Islamic terror organizations



>why is it false

While the CIA supplies weapons and training to jihadists, the money comes out of the American citizens tax dollars and not directly from the CIAs allocated funding

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f01b30  No.167614


Jews rape kids



>why is it false?

Some jews are too young to begin raping kids.

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d3b199  No.167622

File: 2485b34d3630c08⋯.jpg (42.46 KB, 400x393, 400:393, funny_asian_boy_laughing_w….jpg)

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d3b199  No.167623


That joe Biden is a bloodsucking pedo



>why is it false?

While it may be true that Joe likes his girls on the slightly younger side, to call him a blood sucker would be an utter fabrication.

"Sucking" would suggest that he uses a straw, when everyone in Mr Biden's inner circle is more than aware that Joe prefers his blood on ice from from the crown of his first victims skull.

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d3b199  No.167624


Independent fact checkers



>why Is it false?


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d3b199  No.167626


That the holocaust never happened



>why is it false?

Whilst 4 million Jews did indeed vanish from Europe during ww2, 4 million Jews arrived in America during the same period.

And as holocaust literally means 'burnt-offering' or 'sacrifice by fire', Dresden, Nagasaki and Hiroshima more than meet the requirements for a holocaust.

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198133  No.167627

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d3b199  No.167629


Msm makes fake news



>why is it false?

Main stream media is a well respected sauce of current and up-to-the-minute happenings from around the globe.

By only reporting on the items which we want you to hear and excluding the other more important articles that we would rather you didnt know about can not be classed as "fake".

Moreover, making up stories to manipulate the masses is more of a forgery than a fake.

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6fe758  No.167694


That African Americans commit 52% of the crime, despite only being 13%



>why is it false

The 56% of the population still commits more crime

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d3b199  No.167702







While it may seem that 13% of the niggers commit 50% of all the violent crime, closer inspection of the crime statistics suggest that all the crimes are committed by males ages 15-34.

So in actuality it's more like 3/50.

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5cfa03  No.167726

This is a nice thread op because snopes is my favorite source for information

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7fba39  No.167729


> This is a nice thread op because snopes is my favorite source for information

I'm gonna have to ask Snopes for a fact check on that.

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d3b199  No.167757


Fact checkers are biased




Fact checkers are completely independent and impartial.

Being founded and funded by globalist George Soros has zero impact on our decisions.

Our militant leftist ideology and sheer hatred of anything other than far left plus our murderous rage toward the right coupled with our latent homosexuality has no bearing on our outcomes

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683cce  No.167758


Best one yet.

Serious question: is Snopes actually funded by Soros? (Need source).

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d3b199  No.167845


The world is a simulation




The world is a complex system on 1's and 0's with the operating system outside our reach.

Just because they forgot to update the anti virus, calling it a simulation would require an acute loss of ones mental faculties, logic and reason. Especially when you consider the fact that we haven't even gotton past the hook-nosed end level boss yet.

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d3b199  No.167846


I really don't know anon

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d3b199  No.167850


Allah is merciful




While it may appear at first glance that Allah is indeed merciful. On closer inspection it becomes clear that writing a book asking your followers to explode themselves in a crowded market place full of innocent children would go against the initial claim.

The fact that you fuck goats and young boys because Allah made it so the richer gentlemen can gather a harem of 10 wives leaving non for you would also back up this argument.

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02a4f0  No.167993


Absolute clown world

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0e3dd5  No.168063

File: 613a34291b7fd38⋯.jpg (302.88 KB, 1908x1146, 318:191, 42B6538A00000578_0_image_a….jpg)


Snopes dumped his old wife for a hot porn star




Former porn star morphed int a big bloated ditch pig, too fat for porn, but fuck weasel Snopes dude was good with that as long as he got to suck on her huge juddering sow dugs

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