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My greatest dream is a world without jews

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600c74  No.167464

Traditionally Somalis are seen as caucasian. Hitler viewed Somalis to be of the same race as the Europeans (but not Nordics or Slavs, who were Mongolian). There have even been short-lived Nazi movements in Somalia. Thoughts?

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11f626  No.167475

I have nothing against Somalis, as long as they stay in Africa.

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f0c9b9  No.167493


Whites are a subset of the Caucasian race, which also encompasses Semites, as well as some other peoples. Somalians however, are hardly Caucasian. Some bear the traits of the Caucasian race, but they are mostly dominated by Negroid features.

I'm also pretty sure that he didn't consider Slavs, or especially Nordics, to be Mongoloid, and hte confusion is due to the USSR encompassing a bunch of actually Mongoloid peoples, besides Slavs.

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d714de  No.167502



Not a thread. Somalis are not and have never been seen as Caucasian. You’re brain damaged.

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2d35b6  No.167508


Regardless of skin color you can't be White and muslim.

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aeb073  No.167516


>Africa is theirs

Why? We should take over as much as we please. Land only belongs to people strong enough to keep it.

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4a29ca  No.167519

In an anti-Jewish propaganda poster stating „Der Jude ein Bastard” shows what races Jews are comprised of including „Orientel” „vorder asiat” „neger” and „Hamit”(horn africans)

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5ec3af  No.167520


They are not white but they are pretty smart and could not be classified as subsaharan (aka negro). They are really different from them alongside with Ethiopians

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ad815d  No.167548


they are not caucasoid, no matter how hard they try to claim otherwise.

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b312ac  No.167552


This is the first time I've ever heard a Somali described as smart.

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5ec3af  No.167582


compared to sub saharans, they are.

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9cf2a5  No.167584

File: 16f2ad47df8c606⋯.jpg (325.15 KB, 2617x1962, 2617:1962, blksomalipirates.jpg)


>Somalis are seen as caucasian.

They barely qualify as lower-primates. If they had tails, the lightbulb-heads would be thought of as drug-smoking rape-monkeys.

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79e776  No.167591

File: fe7dacef46b6a5b⋯.jpg (10.7 KB, 255x237, 85:79, 189e2f6971e54bc7a48bc84aa1….jpg)

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7a5950  No.167597


>but not Nordics or Slavs, who were Mongolian

Your entire post is so low IQ you must be zoomali

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a77561  No.167620


somalians are a hamitic people, retard

"caucasian" in traditional anthropological contexts is *not* the same as white, it encompasses northern pajeets and sandniggers as well

>Hitler thought nords were mongolian


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a77561  No.167621


someone with high-functioning downs syndrome could be seen as smart compared to sub-Saharan Africans

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3fe8d4  No.167649

File: 758ca645180c0ce⋯.jpg (704.51 KB, 2048x1280, 8:5, DPIbPeVUQAENa_m.jpg)


lmfao this has got to be the most warped and retarded shilling i have ever seen. KYS nigger-lover. PS. we are coming and you will pay for all lies and subversions you ever caused.

Slavs and Nords are the vanguard of all Aryans.

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f75382  No.167658


>Traditionally Somalis are seen as caucasian

Somalis belong to Somalia, not here. You can talk about IQ, race and shit, but that's meaningless chatter. I want them out, that's all.

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db399d  No.167677


light bulbs… how the f are they caucasians?

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04d16c  No.167703


>Hitler viewed Somalis to be of the same race as the Europeans

Really? Sauce? Never heard this before. Sounds like some bullshit derived from Somalis being listed as having "caucasoid" skull shapes in some books (but none from the 3rd reich). Having read Mein Kampf multiple times, and translated a number of 3rd Reich anthropology texts, I can say I've never once heard of Somalis being "Europids" or any Europid subrace before.

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a53b61  No.168545


Weak bait.

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