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92dbcf  No.166379

What is it that makes a Jew a Jew? Having a bigger ego? Or what is it?

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a23f88  No.166383


>What is it that makes a Jew a Jew?

The inability to make a useful thread.

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92dbcf  No.166384


>If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.

Having a big ego makes you hated by people. Michael Laitman said Jews have a bigger ego than others.

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92dbcf  No.166386

It's interesting to me that I think that if having a bigger ego is what makes a Jew a Jew then I think in a strictly Muslim society there would perhaps not be any Jews because Islam seems to me to be all about making the ego smaller. If all women wore burqas there wouldn't be much to trigger envy.

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e6953c  No.166423


We have rules.


Fuck off if you can’t follow them.


For fuck’s sake.

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