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00a928  No.165383[Last 50 Posts]

Look at Kellyanne Conway's daughter… What a thot. This bitch also just revealed that Trump was super sick and his team was playing theatrics.


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ca5458  No.165385

She's trashy and gross.

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38a9c9  No.165395


>moving sexually and suggestively to nigger music

Low class trash. Anybody with a child like that should be publicly shunned. How are you gonna be a public discourse leader with degenerate kids (a reflection of you and your work)? Kellyanne would have been made a pariah 80 years ago.

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f0eedb  No.165408

Nice conservative parenting

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0d7f6b  No.165410

Peak capitalism.

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667b18  No.165411


From her daughters behavior she has not been parented and low key being encouraged by her parents, she is reflecting her home life clearly and their view points with thot behavior her mom gives of the same vibe. At this point it seems Kellyanne Conway is leaking things through her daughter on purpose and has been the entire time its feigned ignorance. All she has to do is shutoff her cellphone or send her off too one of those snooty private schools to shut her up.

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0d7f6b  No.165415


Conservatism in America is about generating markets and ultimately securing monopoly rents on them. Everything must be turned into a commodity and breaking down all social and national structure is the best way to do that. She is indeed a product of her parents.

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34e54a  No.165439


Who cares?

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067523  No.165452

Fathers need to start slapping their daughters again.

Some of these thots need to be beaten into submission.

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7c0ca9  No.165454

File: 7006b69683d043d⋯.png (364.32 KB, 500x380, 25:19, man_al_bundy_explains_wome….png)


Boobs - 7.5/10

Musical taste - 0/10

Waifu rating - 0/10

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093bb1  No.165466

Man she looks ugly

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bd8c93  No.165471


I do. It's another piece of evidence Islam is right about women.. and nothing else

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8d66a1  No.165473


She would be ok if she got rid of the makeup and the diseases.

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e26278  No.165615


> Just look at her, anons!

Cringe! If you wanna impress the guys, C, support Nick Fuentes or Murdoch-Murdoch.




I'm curious.

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00d464  No.165680

File: 772bb3739a94c7c⋯.jpg (672.15 KB, 1136x1280, 71:80, Trump_daughter_1.jpg)


trump or any politician in this "democracy" are not any better

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3ccc92  No.165859

File: 6eb66e13ea9e314⋯.jpg (196.07 KB, 1136x1280, 71:80, 10_Ivanka_Trump_Nude_Naked.jpg)

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2eed98  No.165863

File: b6574c069195d2d⋯.jpg (98.72 KB, 1286x450, 643:225, b6574c069195d2d305d9ea4a5b….jpg)


>it's capitalism, goy

You /leftypol/ faggots don't even try to be subtle anymore, do you? I'm no fan of capitalism but to blame everything on just capitalism is something communists do. You're either from /leftypol/ or you're some Nazbol TRSodomite. Go back to wherever you came from.

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372c41  No.165867


How about you gb2 /pol/, huh? Oh … that's right … there is no /pol/ OR /leftypol/ anymore, you retard.

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2eed98  No.165869

File: e1f9fd959d51e6d⋯.png (150.87 KB, 514x384, 257:192, hfd.png)


>b-but there's no board called /pol/ or /leftypol/

<being this autistic

/pnd/ is literally /pol/ under a different name. /leftypol/ still exists on other imageboards as well, you fucking autist

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372c41  No.165873

File: a7555b403c2504b⋯.jpg (19.29 KB, 590x421, 590:421, loololololoollolololololoo….jpg)


>/pnd/ is literally /pol/ under a different name

Still actually believing this …

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8208eb  No.165882


islam is not right about women, i live in iran

its an abhorrent ideology that needs to be wiped with anyone that believes in it, including you camel-piss drinking muttnigger

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8208eb  No.165883


can't refute him so you turn pedantic in a blink just so you can hit that reply button huh ?

how much per post do you earn rabbi ?

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372c41  No.165884


Joke's on you, faggot. I earn by the (You). If you'd stop fucking replying, I might have to actually get a job.

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0d7f6b  No.165887

File: 552a2d8ddef690d⋯.png (288.81 KB, 1300x2184, 25:42, Screenshot_2020_06_24_Davi….png)

File: 5a3ecdea9c1186d⋯.png (57.03 KB, 700x700, 1:1, Primoquote1.png)

File: 82ed22d2db643b0⋯.jpg (63.21 KB, 850x400, 17:8, Goebbels_capitalism_jews.jpg)

File: 538bc0dddac1ad0⋯.jpg (44.32 KB, 650x396, 325:198, hitler_socialist.jpg)


>I'm no fan of capitalism

Yes, you are. That's why you immediately got your back up about it. Whenever the commodification of degeneracy to create new markets and rents comes up, your rabbit ears start twitching. You're see through.

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93f136  No.165890

File: 8c4a21f92f055a4⋯.png (733.45 KB, 1250x575, 50:23, honor_killing_show_page_ba….png)

Kellyanne Conway should kill her daughter for the family's honor

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e26278  No.165892


Pretty sure her dad is encouraging this.

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16ff37  No.165901


>I'm no fan of capitalism but what about X spook that lives inside my head at the moment?

Any other thing you think you can blame is an infinitesimal grain of sand compared to the all encompassing material realities (capitalism) that even allows it to exist. To split the blame on something like a person or a group etc with the all mighty power of capital, the system, beneath it all is only doing capitalism a favor. It's THE d&c tactic above all other d&c tactics.

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7aae38  No.165914


Reminder that this is one of the most prolific shills on this board.

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372c41  No.165921


I'm not donutsteele.

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6c9594  No.165922


Kellyanne Conway's daughter is skanky.

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f80e91  No.165935


Her mother would be fired from her job in a just society. Unfortunately we have this kiked clownworld where this is normal and where this whore gets a platform.

At least its quite simple; her parents are fairly traditional. She has to rebel in the most cliche way possible; Being a huge slut. If her parents were marxists and degenerates; her only way to rebel would be to be traditional.

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474e54  No.165939


wonder who her parents are and what they did to her? not enough attention? daddy diddle her? she a coal burner too?

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0d7f6b  No.165945


>At least its quite simple; her parents are fairly traditional.

No, they are not.

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c0b67d  No.165955

File: 5d991567eb25d9a⋯.jpg (202.8 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 90kRT97.jpg)




Kelly Anne Conway and her husband are as good as marxists & degenerates. They're both careerheads in the conservative pundit scene so they need a couple kids around for christmas card photos and shit but parenting is not a priority. Fuck media kikes.

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1844b8  No.165963

Anons, you really want to celebrate someone like that as a whistleblower?

They spoon fed you facts you had all the resources you needed to figure out, simply to create scandal to disrupt lives not far removed in their social graph.

Warrior mindset think critically for a moment then you will judge the the whistleblower to have thought many magnitude more about instantly gratifying effects on their social graph, than on whether the information would have turned out information which people would have needed to know.

Obviously who-ever needed to know shouldn't need babyfed, but if they do then that would turn out a worse problem more in need of attention.

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38a9c9  No.165997


>Conservatism in America is about generating markets and ultimately securing monopoly rents on them. Everything must be turned into a commodity and breaking down all social and national structure is the best way to do that. She is indeed a product of her parents.

They're just liberals who like capitalism and free market economics.

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1c2cbd  No.166011

Ah, the absolute peak of Western civilization.

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1c2cbd  No.166013


Leaving Islam still punishable by death there?

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5674ec  No.166087

File: b5e9489cd767c4f⋯.gif (806.4 KB, 622x7557, 622:7557, negrifiedAmerica.gif)


what the actual fuck

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5674ec  No.166092


"capitalism" is a derogatory term invented by communists. When most of you economically illiterate retards say "capitalism" what you really mean is crony capitalism or corporatism.

Actual "capitalism" is just free markets and the unlimited right to contract for your goods and services but it didn't have a fucking name because it was just called freedom back then

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5674ec  No.166098

File: 3c15c6e3c8b1052⋯.png (291.28 KB, 430x430, 1:1, Persian.png)


I used to date a Persian gril. God I love persian grils

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0d7f6b  No.166113


Stop posting.

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5674ec  No.166297


eat my ass historically and economically illiterate faggot

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aaa47f  No.166441

The father is obviously to blame.

Begged like a cuck for a job with POTUS and he finally got one(not the one he was asking for because he wasn't qualified). Then he blows it, gets canned, and starts badmouthing the guy while his wife was one of the chief mouthpieces of Trump's administration.

I just wanna know how they're still married? How can you live with such a cuck that shits on your job and way of life every single day?

I'm assuming she left because she had to choose between her job and her marriage. She made a horrible mistake.

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a42d01  No.166445


She's beautiful, but I'd be worried about producing a low IQ hairy sand goblin baby.

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1c12e8  No.166450


i love middle eastern bitches, they're sexy af

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1c12e8  No.166452


she's part chink too

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1c12e8  No.166455

File: 76131f7f059d065⋯.jpg (170.34 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 5f446ac72e172_image.jpg)


legit concern, think i'll stick with aryan bitches

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88c92a  No.166459

File: 5d0d54522522a74⋯.jpg (83.62 KB, 640x730, 64:73, iran_yazidi_girl.jpg)

File: fabe4c364efbf73⋯.png (64.09 KB, 115x180, 23:36, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2561c5103b1d3e8⋯.png (167.48 KB, 316x174, 158:87, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 92c8644aab8fd88⋯.png (458.7 KB, 564x665, 564:665, ClipboardImage.png)


What if the whole hairy sand goblin hate was a JIDF meme. I'm just asking questions.

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a42d01  No.166462

File: de6ef91f77d2f64⋯.jpg (30.64 KB, 400x638, 200:319, turk.jpg)


Well let's take Turkey for example. Pic related is from a google search of "beautiful Turkish women." Most here would probably agree with that. You'll also have to agree, she might give birth to a son who looks like Cenk Uygur.

Of course perhaps you can achieve better selections with a knowledge of the sub ethnic groups.

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88c92a  No.166491

File: 8230aaad96b0552⋯.png (131.17 KB, 500x504, 125:126, all_gov_work.png)


everyone's ugly when they're old boomer scum like Uighyur. Not saying you're wrong but you could come up with a better example.

Just saying most of the post-911 anti-arab hate was prolly a MOS psyop that's all

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6f77cc  No.166495


>anti-arab hate

Turks and Persians are not Arabs. Fears of the Turk has been around for centuries, not everything has to involve "muh Israel." I'm also sure you'll find disgusting caricatures of Persians if you travel to ancient Greece.

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6f77cc  No.166496


>anti-arab hate

Turks and Persians are not Arabs. Fears of the Turk has been around for centuries, not everything has to involve "muh Israel." I'm also sure you'll find disgusting caricatures of Persians if you travel to ancient Greece.

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88c92a  No.166500

File: 34b846cdedfde9d⋯.jpg (572.6 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, rabbi_says_great_news_euro….jpg)


Yeah you're the one who brought up turks. There's a lot of shit out there. World's full of shit. I'm just saying that the particular anti-arab sentiment was stoked by MOS in the wake of 9/11 which they had advance knowledge of at a minimum. The original issue was iran, which has one of the better cases against the MOS psyops on it.

Rainbow dance this is not.

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b088f4  No.166569

File: a10ad5bd937e69a⋯.jpg (177.21 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, Jesus.jpg)


Nice nip, but that face is sooooo jewy.


>Messiah will only come when Messiah is defeated

You absolute fucking (((imbeciles))).

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80a70c  No.166687

Isn't she 15? Probably antifa haha. Hopefully a nigger rapes and kills her.

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d460cd  No.166708


I’d stick my dick in her vagina and unleash the splooge inside. That ‘s just how I roll.

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fa9699  No.166716

File: e284cbec2f60995⋯.jpg (69.84 KB, 800x600, 4:3, anime_Ed_ward.jpg)


>she might give birth to a son who looks like Cenk Uygur.

Why would you curse that poor young lady with an abominate child?

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3484c8  No.166750

File: adbd87b6cd8d6bf⋯.jpg (394.99 KB, 930x1024, 465:512, 1518430305684.jpg)

Spoiled rich kid has unrealistic NPC-tier understanding of the world around them. News at 11.

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4df669  No.166764


t. Virgin

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7ad1a7  No.166800


Disappointing when your child grows up to be a party favor isn't it.

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2e93cb  No.166861


Persians were White, my dude.

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ef82a3  No.166920

File: cffda3c5b38058a⋯.jpg (37.04 KB, 490x583, 490:583, C4HCQL4T445HVIUYA7SIXWFM7E.jpg)

File: 32bba3604d5f13c⋯.jpg (223.41 KB, 575x638, 575:638, funny_iranian_pervert_mole….jpg)

File: d0794e704137ea7⋯.jpg (65.01 KB, 955x636, 955:636, hairy.jpg)


Exactly, past tense. They're now an admixture of various mud races. Your children will be vary hairy. As for their IQ, I see it listed online as 84 (oy vey), but a more serious March 2019 paper suggests it's very close to 100. They're probably smarter than Israelis.

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f7fcc5  No.167673


look up dave babych… lots of hairy euros as well

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039d26  No.167693

what a shame. i hate seeing white people listen to nigger music and act like hookers.

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af72ee  No.167710


This is why its good to go to church every now and then tbh

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96f887  No.167721


She's probably the european turkish equivalent of african americans ie slave descendants.

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8d66a1  No.167723


As long as your dick stays six feet away from me and wears a mask

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172a17  No.190285

File: a497edf9d525a9a⋯.png (440.85 KB, 590x684, 295:342, gretasquaretemp.png)

File: e8f7ea7b13736eb⋯.png (223.45 KB, 1150x750, 23:15, pepexmas2clear.png)

File: 83ccfd7b80c35d3⋯.png (105.55 KB, 300x304, 75:76, redcrosshelp.png)

File: 2d098a22eb5a278⋯.png (404.5 KB, 1443x895, 1443:895, ronjohnsonplaguerat.png)

File: 7a6a2b6d78adcba⋯.png (310.64 KB, 627x674, 627:674, struggler4.png)

This girl was being spammed on 4cuck for a month until (((someone))) woke up and realized she was fifteen.

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5674ec  No.190286


She looks like white trash. Where I am from this is what trailer trash girls look like. If I saw her out somewhere I would immediately think she is from the southside

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a7379a  No.190293

She looks like a 55 year old Angie Dickenson after getting a total glaze donut job from the entire rat pack.

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ee9944  No.190312

she's sexy. cant lie. is she being used as a propaganda pawn?

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a7379a  No.190319


No; her mother is a trump tard married to some communist demonrat half japanese fat fuck. The entire family are political grifters that have spent their entire lives worshipping at the altar of extreme wealth power brokers. You get these kinds of ugly stupid amoral people in every capitol city in the world clustered around the massive flow of money and the opportunities for corruption. My sister and her husband are deeply immersed in that world and are deluded into thinking they're aristocrats. Brown nosing, sucking up, grubbing for money they have no clue or ability to enjoy. They live dull unhappy lives. I'm sure my sister is on serotonin reuptake inhibitors. She's not the girl I shared a bathroom with every morning back in our school days I can tell you that. She's a miserable zombie. But, they get inside info 6 to 8 months in advance on government contracts to private companies so they can regularly double their money or better.

They're all zombies and they're all incredibly ugly vulgar people with the worst taste in everything. If they woke up tomorrow morning and all their friends and the suits on TV told them that the president was a god who must be worshipped they wouldn't hesitate to obey.

And do they despise "ordinary working people". But they think they're enlightened saints because they want the government to take our money and give it to a never ending river of colored immigrants.

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f81d12  No.190321


Kill all women and replace them with artificial wombs.

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805e11  No.190327


>Akshual capitalism has never been tried

Gimme a break, nigger, no matter what you call it, kikes at the top of the food chain can exploit it as they control the currency, it has been like that for more than a century in all the west.

Why should anyone care about your pointless commie tier demagoguery?

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0a01ba  No.201388

Wonderful values. Whore dancing to ape music.

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a7379a  No.201389


Yeah but her social media is going through the roof. You're feeding into her fambe, her famblie…She should start doing private online porn anytime now. She should sell her smelly poopies to the simps.

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a7379a  No.201390

and you can tell from her voice that she smokes.

She smokes

She fucks

It's a irrefutable syllogism.

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7ba477  No.201415


>Nice conservative parenting

Her father is a massive faggot.

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c11099  No.201569

File: 7062ff29f67a98a⋯.jpg (82.27 KB, 534x768, 89:128, trump_balls_2_.jpg)


And with Trumps departure she vanishes into thin air…

Lots of those 'clingers' now have been rendered irrelevant.

Think Bill Krystol will ever be on TV again with a 'Trump' to bash? Nope…

Are the phones ringing over at the 'Lincoln' group? Nope…

There is an entire class of media turds now unneeded…and soon unemployed.

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c4038e  No.204600

anyone got the leaked pic from her mom? i can't find it and archive.org search is trash

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aab4e4  No.204601

File: 68c8f4800e8a8a2⋯.jpg (46.52 KB, 953x395, 953:395, trump_media_2.JPG)


Trump needed the "fake news" to make himself look more authentic when he was just as fake as anyone else.

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942f78  No.204602


>anyone got the leaked pic from her mom?

Stop being a degenerate. Haven't you got something virtuous to do? Come on man, get your head out of the gutter.

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c4038e  No.204603


post pic

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942f78  No.204604

File: c68ffc47bc4357e⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e35181d05354b88⋯.png (2.1 MB, 1200x900, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 60d5909e6d8a8ba⋯.png (966.35 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c26cd1bf09e1754⋯.png (263.84 KB, 900x600, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


>Stop being a degenerate

>post pic


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c4038e  No.204606


where the nudes bro

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942f78  No.204608


>where the nudes bro

Come on man. You can do better. If this place can teach anything - it's that we all need to put effort in to be the best people we can.

Lusting after skanks is not the best you can be.

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d93cb2  No.204623


Why is she such a degenerate at a young age? She hasn't even been on this earth long enough to grow tits yet. She looks like the kind of girl who will have her debut on blacked.com two years from now on her 18th birthday.

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a7379a  No.204666


fuck if I had a s>>201569

>Think Bill Krystol will ever be on TV again with a 'Trump' to bash? Nope

You underestimate Bill. He's Irving Kristol's son and Irving was Trotsky's right hand man, his boy wonder in Mexican exile. Bill is the king of the Neocon tribe. He'll be with us for another 35-40 years count on it…

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a7379a  No.204667


N. American girls that have any looks at all and even a lot that don't, get this open invitation to the party starting at 12…hell, even at 11. Grade 6's in schools with "hip" kids are throwing orgies. Degenerate welfare mothers encourage this and facilitate it for their kids and their kids' friends. We live in a world where housing project morals have taken over and there's no going back.

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7982da  No.204669


>1 post.

niggers, are we jew naow?

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01772e  No.204683


Nice tits. Literally everything else is garbage.

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41afec  No.209836

File: 937a6db1659e35c⋯.jpg (41.14 KB, 489x382, 489:382, m.jpg)

DaV JgxGXrbZEQw dVozwzfuPI AdAnXga DrEVwQXNxts DbKEieTSbgY aGO wTsTWjz WIfOisgGv OsfFchCof EzVEM pEEEXM

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520ea6  No.209894

File: 74081ba06a67317⋯.jpg (82.18 KB, 960x701, 960:701, khbiPo.jpg)

VNXJc OxWI ivgrvKaWSMD VJHaexvUUmE ZGmgT wMsSHtNO ysOyankbZdzb dzCyrDqTRo AVIOXF

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f1a8e2  No.209964

File: 2c977876e3d978c⋯.jpg (44.94 KB, 343x615, 343:615, UOsgzjMJy.jpg)

naafQw efQdtafvZ DPQbildIYVIm Vgk AVweuLslSzO mldlG QlBnQO AdIGTrjBTtqK jjNfs zDoAheVZ WOpO iVOKyD wXxfBLt lXKXyM Pcoy UhNwQlWbX eQRfDWy nTtlurTyNL usmoeqvXJ

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6ecebf  No.210216

File: 332e557305cf40a⋯.jpg (39.81 KB, 449x394, 449:394, pNpQU.jpg)

toksFuTd aVpYpfFz snjxReORslN rxpifrxXTh XZnRIo HrkIh JqGZSgL MOUi hmSJkNnEWNP cqXWRrvCAlfX TueHocwMsk DThYWGaBlU

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d4d50b  No.210255

File: c252145b6de6f72⋯.jpg (34.22 KB, 380x386, 190:193, nydegpz.jpg)

oJCo waRof hmeCCK IPXjjFy sMPMwXHnwYV oeTKva LoqJM fYogUJMQQq cOKKfokXQen VwUrN

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3fd77e  No.210264

File: c2172b2dae00d43⋯.jpg (28.25 KB, 285x401, 285:401, b.jpg)

trFMVPLDr ayl vjZ EWFohPgzYhR QmxF

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eb1228  No.210302

File: e056718fe1f71e9⋯.jpg (82.34 KB, 965x697, 965:697, MYxzCTRn.jpg)

KvjIZXgBxS ZizUWseCg wdzcPeFkI eRFMvDd jBT qyMWSHaNIRpF BLPhCch rPRprHjoW JxEmBGszSK sptPWrBDqSIF qCBAz nWzLBUsj qfhc Qoemu NKM wEre PEhXm dkMsHdLtoxah

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a9d3a8  No.211248

File: 4c15dca43ae960f⋯.jpg (85.93 KB, 1058x670, 529:335, kLGmVrqu.jpg)

NzoZaXCtwsy wvcc APytCB EFdQzQIkwF GPSiFxr GFTUNrvh hgPPOM usMuYlVF YEjrf

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78f41f  No.211253

File: 3df3bf5e8b14217⋯.jpg (78.7 KB, 904x704, 113:88, ORCyR.jpg)

SjtnG QGmsrZfaqBRe kGFRvaO XmpMuFkFl QYaMMTaVNy aRRVe HEajWitq lwArNjzOJgIz

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abc9b8  No.211316

File: 9d64afdcbaa0749⋯.jpg (85.09 KB, 1131x607, 1131:607, SPmvFrExh.jpg)

vukhfQkKcjgK amDoIhpSc NKhGWOiAFO CPfNnNi jjg zYmr

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339720  No.212108

File: 3e218e4dddf6453⋯.jpg (43 KB, 470x423, 10:9, vwdFlWu.jpg)

JqJHdjZMtj CaHgvLxsfEyP RXWZaS NDBDxy ZZIIjo rcZevNVaMI MrNcFzpM kEtZUH EbXYP ZaCUWrd DvoJYr xezM HgHQKncYZapa lSyuTh

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6239a7  No.212119

File: e3a16f460f176af⋯.jpg (80.4 KB, 1080x588, 90:49, L.jpg)

kNHiPozSi wxVS XdORnbIn xuOCyFfeejF NRGLEvFAgB LHEX nTYlQ pvtXcNvHhihi sTnjV zkpC GnfeQLgJ XiP XmiWOag YzdohyP lOioCfB hRgaQ PZnTZMm TRZx tfZyS

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83c09c  No.212315

File: 64c840b9e754432⋯.jpg (33.75 KB, 341x422, 341:422, s.jpg)

mWpkfdTntA Skqhpy gtpEWUMhLY FidOBmvfJfSf CxDLERjWoT NsusxsC RPiJOeJEWuDo DbWPFfutDRpj

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767aeb  No.212321

File: 2cb69c4cb9c1bdd⋯.jpg (74.61 KB, 1145x488, 1145:488, feXRfZKZJ.jpg)

GeJnuB rzyEGUY OtVMGtIVcDH dBZTugf fWs xmp LREsK TmjBvpDTBZ oJyORWR tqwnb xlyRxRPU PjxfcxVR

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511db2  No.212385

File: 1576f8ef8f75aa8⋯.jpg (37.21 KB, 342x480, 57:80, Egb.jpg)

Toa vVtaDqNZ uuN plomzaxFG deHSSd UIjkQqH Utou UJfEZ UwdGqJNA bijhuch ffGjU UcIfsZCbaBa JcIB BPMezK

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7b7f7a  No.212781

File: 257e390bb1c2c37⋯.jpg (80.94 KB, 960x687, 320:229, oabj.jpg)

rUmuMuiH zDqxx zTq rmn EAX ePRxnHm ZvwpdkJIcv yLHU idFzqiXsh uKkZ kDYeXPlwLG rBBVxgLVVQ qNxJuCZPCMG UVdqtIRsbQ meKPM nCjAlJPndSzF

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01c148  No.212898

File: b189f4d6bb173ee⋯.jpg (38.03 KB, 364x464, 91:116, jcIrrc.jpg)

FWlrf HKh MBZtYxAdmwPy nrk qCUj EeHgd BctfP tJiTWabLy YmGOOuEDV

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ecfd9a  No.213183

File: 186d1cd8b6801b5⋯.jpg (77.75 KB, 938x652, 469:326, dlW.jpg)


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b54959  No.213223

File: 254441805cfe30f⋯.jpg (74.75 KB, 957x604, 957:604, LKQu.jpg)

dfp ejhH DhF qZvOADTAde JkGg GKY lJNRUovYqf kJsIeIUmREVd KnIsYbBfKDI pPbFUyywz

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9c7338  No.213970

File: 62cd9c4e720bf59⋯.jpg (83.22 KB, 1020x662, 510:331, Q.jpg)

gxVI jiXroMZMdbT KHnmPvjUJSh hLJksLrHcc ZVEhxE cKWVqv GZscoMvRQzo SJPmgy jIrpr epxU LIMSNi

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8d8ea5  No.215749

File: 08065e0d625fb57⋯.jpg (35.91 KB, 287x552, 287:552, NZ.jpg)

hHacHGkaRNJD agOqKiN xiANBEPkuf bhWuFUe CwzGP SFMinmPgoq EqSHMaYMOPmO WOSRfIzda fzjrwPy pWEKhcwwKBe QooMsxX cXGRpxxuivT iiqJTGR LhZM

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