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File: e46df09507e53bc⋯.jpeg (115.08 KB, 1080x555, 72:37, slutqueens.jpeg)

b7a2ef  No.165274[Last 50 Posts]

Its time to start redpilling white girls. But how do you make these e-drops more appealing to them to get them to spread?

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8d785d  No.165280

File: d8284d77057c4a0⋯.jpg (174.75 KB, 529x705, 529:705, Liz.jpg)

White girls are already here you just don't know. Internet is not only for nerd men anymore, you know.

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d40751  No.165287


You fundamentally do not understand.

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4c7f72  No.165292


On instagram if you go straight to the search tab (on mobile) there will be some young women in sexual outfit doing a sexual dance, possibly aimed at younger girls to make them think it's the current cool thing.

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e1d159  No.165315


If only this totally modern phenomena of sexuality could be stopped before its too late so the next generation never realizes its existence.

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9c3672  No.165322


Could you perhaps be less seemingly selfish and perhaps provide him with elucidation regarding his fundamental misunderstanding and misconceptions? I think I know what you mean, but I'm sure he doesn't

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9c3672  No.165324


Yeah, cause hyperpromiscuity is ultra-healthy, no downsides at all to the mind, body, and quality of life. Right, Sir Strawman?

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c4aa17  No.165332


Yes. I absolutely could. Is there a point, though?

This place has no set of beliefs to define the board as being separate from anywhere else. We have no standards, and can’t base content on objective reality and the numerical truths derived from that reality. The imageboard format facilitates this–as without a username or “account”, the only thing that matters is what was said in the post. Shit (meaning lies) filters to the bottom, while truth, theoretically, rises to the top. Truth above narrative.


We see this literally everywhere else on the Internet. Twitter and Facebook are bad examples in practice, but they are good examples of showing how automated bot posting can sway polls, fudge statistics, and control a narrative. /pol/acks cataloged thousands of burner accounts there posting copied and pasted jewish narratives after this or that world event, with pre-determined hashtags to “resist” such things as ethnonationalism, trade agreements, gun ownership, or what have you.

Reddit in its early days is a better example. Back when it actually had some semblance of free speech, users would post what they wanted, and it was either true or false–cited and sourced or bullshit. But then sockpuppet accounts started being created. Things that were true (but which went against the jewish narrative) got “downvoted.” Thanks to Reddit’s system, those users who got enough downvotes were physically prevented from posting, even though what they said was true. And now, of course, those socks have created a narrative such that the site owners themselves now ban anything that goes against it, even if it’s true. Narrative above truth.

Without a metric of standards we’re nothing. We don't stand FOR anything. There is no ideology whatsoever, other than “the majority.” We have becomes, literally, dictated by what “the majority” says we are, and “the majority”–as we have seen happen many times on 4chan (and here in the past)–is literally just whoever paid for a VPN and a hundred sockpuppets. As such, “effortposting” becomes irrelevant, as it’s instantly drowned in lies by volume, which are never removed.

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e1d159  No.165339


If only there was some way to focus ones natural sexual drive in a productive way that furthers the species rather than making that illegal for young adults and then wondering why they're growing up to have their sexualities totally divorced from their purpose and instead use them purely for pleasure seeking instead.

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9c3672  No.165340


If you effort post, they will come.

Many are still around, and many are still able and willing to learn from those who came before - I can only assume the way you did, yourself.

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9c3672  No.165341


No one said to make it illegal, Sir Strawman.

Just not to be infused with degeneracy which is constantly promoted from all angles and by all propagandistic parties.

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312ec1  No.165347


If you think insta is bad, you haven't been to tiktok.

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e1d159  No.165351


It already is illegal or else their sexual energy would be going towards procreating with their spouse like has been tradition for thousands of years. We just became intelligent enough to open pandoras box and realize religion is farce before we were intelligent enough to realize its traditions actually served a greater purpose and shouldn't be thrown out as well but now its too late and theres no putting pandora back in the box.

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69756c  No.165381


That's terrible… Can you post examples of some of these bad tiktok girls?

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6be160  No.165414


Disrupt social media and make it hard to not see funny right wing memes would be the quickest but , cost more.

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6be160  No.165416


Or just disrupt and spoil the enemies propaganda. Like copy their meme tweak it so idiots repost your lite version. Or just find a way to shutdown social media like insta all together

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336da4  No.165430

Go after the funding. Men who pay these whores should be named and shamed.

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dee9db  No.165453

How is Avril Lavigne a "slut queen"?

Did she sleep around with a bunch of guys?

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df559f  No.165455

File: 343b544bd93b292⋯.gif (2.62 MB, 353x209, 353:209, manarnoldtrueface.gif)


> Internet is not only for nerd men anymore, you know.

We know.

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df559f  No.165456

File: 7f5707f1ef53f62⋯.jpg (34.49 KB, 295x280, 59:56, lotrgollumfish.jpg)


>rather than making that illegal for young adults

<it's the pedophile, again

Dude, let it go. It's not happening.

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cdf640  No.165458


Publicly state that you know that having sex with children is wrong. Publicly state that you know children having sex with each other is wrong.

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9c3672  No.165515



Good catch. I suspected as much, but I didn't fully believe it at first, for some reason.

For the record, I think that adults having sex with children is wrong under any standard circumstances (perhaps acceptable under planetary crisis conditions when most people have gone extinct, and only then in order to continue the species' line). I define children as under 14 (I don't really count thirteen as a teenager, more of a transitional age between childhood and adolescence proper). But I still don't think adults, in general, should be having sex with adolescents, either, at least until 16-17 (and even then under relatively rare and special circumstances, and not just open season). It's a very touchy subject, but I do think that under some circumstances, adolescents should be able to marry proper men of good character. I think to some extent this should be contingent on the parents' assessment of the man in question, as in past centuries. But I certainly don't think there should be any sort of non-commitment-based sexual relations between adults and adolescents. I define men as somewhere between 18-20+ year old males, and, further, I suggest that the age of manhood can vary between different individual males, some becoming men young, at 18, and potentially (extremely rarely) at 17. Some take until 19, 20, 21, even up to 25 (these days; it isn't normal, though). Some never truly become men at all, and remain permanent adolescents in terms of psychology, if not in overall physical biology.

But what that anon is trying to suggest seems to be that adult men should be allowed to have sex with young adolescent (possibly even 13 or somewhat less) girls, and that somehow this would absolutely fix things and stop sexual degeneracy. I think that he is willfully blind (for selfish reasons) to all the ways this would go wrong. At such an age, sex without absolute and permanent committment simply exponentially increases sexual degeneracy in both the short and long terms. Moreover, since many males no longer become *men* as early or at all, there would be many social issues as a result.

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2884eb  No.165531


Thats not what I suggested at all, what I suggested was that a return to tradition is the solution but that those traditions were imposed with a threat of supernatural force behind them and that we're in the intermediary stage of being too smart to buy into the supernatural bullshit but too dumb to accept that the traditions served a greater purpose and should still be implemented. Religion was useful in the past because no matter how retarded the populace was they could all be instilled with a fear of god and do what needed to be done based on that fear.

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529b8a  No.165539


I've probably jacked off to Liz Vicious a million times. I wonder if she's a racist

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251762  No.165541


except new traditions will need to be made, as now there is more to learn and more that is needed to be accomplished before having children. BTW the women being lesser than men idea is a middle eastern arab/kike concept. Women and men should learn knowledge during the years before having children, so it would be better for both to have children later rather than have children younger and have either the mother or the father, or both, be less knowledgeable than they could potentially be. If they have as much knowledge as they could possibly have while still having children at a reasonable age, then the children will learn far more and build on the parents knowledge. If the parents weren't well educated, the child will be missing out on potential opportunities for education from their parents.

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adbbcc  No.165550


So then what do you propose as a solution for forcing women to spend the horniest years of their lives in greater education in the name of equality making legally binding committed relationships illegal to them but then be shocked when they turn out to be sluts that fuck for pleasure rather than purpose because they were raised to value getting a career and not a family? The potential damage of having an uneducated mother is nothing in comparison to the damage of having no father figure at all which the western world has an epidemic of now with single motherhood and divorces at the highest rates ever recorded. The modern western pipe dream of perfect equality between the sexes is an abject failure and if it has any hope of redemption it needs to go back to traditional gender roles that have worked for thousands of years.

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9c3672  No.165560


My bad then. There are a couple anons who come by trying to promote exactly what I suspected, so sorry to jump the gun on you.

Yeah, I get what you're saying, it does seem kind of valid. But I still think we will ultimately be able to forge a new box to hold this in, even if we can't get it back into it's original one (Pandora's).

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d24334  No.165610

File: e43b5a5e9b4297e⋯.jpg (54.76 KB, 500x500, 1:1, tumblr_n50uhkS1jJ1ry9khho1….jpg)

you would need a main stream media outlet and to play on emotions and jealousy

Do you think a bunch of girls always wanted septum piercings and hair that looks like shit?

I remember hearing, "women do not care what men think. only what other women think" this was in the days of mini skirts, tube tops, tongue rings(meant they sucked dick), belly button rings and femininity to the extreme. So I thought yah right. these bitches only care what us guys think

Boy was I wrong women are heard animals who only care what other women think. "That bitch got some attention for her butt, I'm going to work out only my ass cuz I want too" yah right. "this bitch is being seen as strong and brave for dying her hair and getting a hanging dyke piercing,, MEETOOOSISTER!!"

most are quite pathetic and not worth the time of filling their heads with Men Matters(like losing your country). Don't waste your time brother.

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15b37b  No.165790

File: 442e27d7ef7fe1f⋯.jpg (72.55 KB, 679x300, 679:300, photo_235480_dc91cc9b6.jpg)


Remind you of anything?

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f7375a  No.165793

File: 3c51cc9c318bc5a⋯.webm (597.31 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, White_Beats_Innocent_Nog.webm)


they exist to mock the human form.

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9ecdad  No.165795

File: 1876f68ac79993b⋯.webm (1.39 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, terry_davis_cli.webm)


they exist to mock human coders

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053524  No.165834

File: 36e07f96c7735d6⋯.webm (2.36 MB, 460x460, 1:1, backuponetwo.webm)


tight powerful punches. would not want to fight.

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cc87f9  No.165858

Blackpill trash on the catalog sec above. So I'm bumping this.

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cc87f9  No.165870



It needs to be pointed out that not looking like some plebe, not being cringe/trashy count as good look. Play that angle.


She ain't, anon just assumes s…


Correct. Above all, they need to learn character. Information is necessary but character is essential.


True but isn't there a better moderated version of PND on this very website?


Uneducated mothers brought you the baby boomers and part of how we got this pathetic, increasingly rootless plebe culture after WW2.

Muh single motherhood is because of jogger, muh divorce and low birthrates among younger generations is not because of careers but because millenials are weak, whinny and lack discipline, even the ones who grew up in normal families.


Anon is prolly a libertarian.



El Libertariano!

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4891a2  No.165956


It's obvious their number is non-zero because their attempts to infuse feminist degeneracy with pol ideology is very obvious.

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c55c66  No.165959



YES, except we had that since the beginning, with gender accelerationism.

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c55c66  No.165960


Ubuntu exists for ubuntu

Ubuntu qualifies an earlier principle ethic than language. The principle which makes language living, makes it unintelligible.

The balance forms through a balance ob poetry and prose. Ubuntu matters for existential health. To allow microcosmic entities to live within endangered languages.

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4891a2  No.165965


Men don't care what women think either though unless it's relevant to getting what they want from women.

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7fc0f1  No.165984


>True but isn't there a better moderated version of PND on this very website?

Is there? Where? There’s a board here that is allowed to ban leftist content and stands for truth above all else?

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4891a2  No.166001


The primary problem with gender accelerationism is that around half of what's perceived as feminine is primarily masculine and vice versa. Technological reproduction is the most obvious one because it's a liberation of the masculine from the monopoly of the feminine natural/organic reproduction and the feminine natural/organic world.

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450868  No.166017

File: da0351ca952771e⋯.jpg (320.79 KB, 587x844, 587:844, 1601402449181.jpg)


There's soooo many females lurking, it's ridikuluz

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cd92b6  No.166041

File: 824c1708e15d6f8⋯.jpeg (119.22 KB, 1500x1500, 1:1, 7B36D83A_B207_43B2_83DA_A….jpeg)

File: ac3c5bbb76aee2d⋯.jpeg (235.98 KB, 1436x2052, 359:513, 679E62F4_DA7F_4B53_A5AC_5….jpeg)

Who cares anymore?

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52a6d4  No.166059

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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4c1db8  No.166063

Modern women cannot be "red pilled" because women do not have the same way of thinking as men. Because of this, trying to appeal to them on the fundamentals of society and life will be lost in translation. Women were not made to carve a new path but have adapted to fallow set paths even if those set paths lead to cliffs or dead ends. They cannot understand cause and action but only learn and repeat what is already known.

To break this down, Men communicate with logic and women with emotion. When a man gets emotional it is not his primary state of mind where as a women emotion Is. You can talk a man back down into his primary state of mind and that is logic but for women that is emotion. So trying to "redpill" a women is not possible. What is possible is to lead a women and discipline her when she tries to fallow a dead end path.

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951def  No.166066


True. Although for different reasons. one is for emotions and attention. the other for logic and results. Obviously outliers exist.

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b41f64  No.166080


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902a9e  No.166179


No, you were right the first time. Women only care about what guys think. Only thing is they only care about what the top 5-15% of guys think. Whenever women talk about 'men' as in 'All men are trash', they're referring to only guys they find attractive. 90% of men don't exist to women They see other women getting attention from top guys for their ass, and then emulate it. 5 women rather share 1 guy they all deem top, than each have a man to themselves.

Eventually the degeneracy of women will swing back to slut shaming etc, because the top % of men won't want to marry a woman with a 500 body count. Sadly for millennials and gen z men, we got fucked with the worst time period ever for women. I have a feeling the late Gen Alpha men will start to see women shifting back to lower body counts as all the women will want to signal to the top men they're worth marrying.

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c55c66  No.166226



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c55c66  No.166227


ty 4 da pretty art

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c55c66  No.166228


y not show them cool threads on 8kun or 4chan?

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e88baf  No.166265

File: 582301791e18a09⋯.png (179.15 KB, 479x248, 479:248, demoman.png)

>implying that white women give a single fuck about national socialism, anti-racemixing, degeneracy and (((them)))

My sides. Listen here, you little faggots, women don't give a SINGLE FUCK about /pol/ related things. They just want to get fucked by chad, listen to cardi B and do degenerate shit.

No single white girl want to waste their own time with these type of things, don't you assholes remember Evalion? She just went full nazi mode for ATTENTION.

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51304e  No.166326


You gotta be chad if you want women to notice you. No big surprise, women evolutionarily desire optimum mates. Get good or get out

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443c43  No.166330


He didn't say he was a beta/wasnt Chad. He just (rightly) said that women are shallow and don't care about politics. If anything the implication is exactly what you said, that the only way to get their attention is to be a Chad

pretend I attached the greentext of the guy who made a pedo Chad dating profile and was dripping in women

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c55c66  No.166353


Just b careful.

Incels don't fucking touch this.

We can't let ourselves get co-opted by gynationalists.

Or people vulnerable to gynational ideology

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9b5350  No.166369


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c55c66  No.166395

look not to phase out the NAZI meme yet

but we should add more contradiction

to make the irony more obvious


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e88baf  No.166520


Yeah man, but question is: women DON'T. GIVE. A. FUCK. ABOUT. VALUES. All white women in this exact moment are dancing to WAP.


I'm a "normie" in real life, but I know that women don't even know the existence of non-chads.

Also…why /pnd/ talks so much about women if they don't even care about us?

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443c43  No.166530


>Also…why /pnd/ talks so much about women if they don't even care about us?

Women may not care but men do. Most want wives, girlfriends, and families or at least understand that without women there will be no perpetuating the race

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e8f200  No.166690

File: 4927320cf9ed52f⋯.jpg (116.87 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 72488570_2525608704173643_….jpg)

File: fed5fd31d75419f⋯.jpg (137.38 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 74266012_2470546016344146_….jpg)

File: 9505c9f44e814f4⋯.jpg (444.41 KB, 1440x1436, 360:359, 70798125_2423327111066037_….jpg)


Your internet, loser whore is a fat pig now. She married a spic and had a chimera with the subhuman.

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84d955  No.182861

you don't. stop being a simp


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74c624  No.182921

There is only one red pill that N. American women understand and that is the redpill of hitting the wall and then suddenly discovering the party is over.

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3b4b87  No.182992

give them aryan kawk

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ae1e6d  No.182996


Keep in mind the rate of interracial dating among white women is one of the lowest of all races. If white women have liberal values then they are taken into the globohomo vortex. Which can be isolating and hard to get out of.

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dce5c9  No.183182

File: 482d1569348528c⋯.jpg (143.19 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, black.jpg)

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fff4eb  No.183185

File: 82dffd9217b713c⋯.gif (1.06 MB, 326x246, 163:123, 1471458419291.gif)


That doesn't even look like her

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65553d  No.183187


Gamer grill XDXD

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60f1af  No.183189

Girls are atracted to POWER, in the absence of a more sophisticated form of that, go for what the most primal form.


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fff4eb  No.183192

File: 9f87b543b4b4faf⋯.webm (4.01 MB, 270x360, 3:4, world_war_6.webm)


so niggers?

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dee9db  No.183513


>That doesn't even look like her

I know, it's amazing, isn't it?

Women age like shit.

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2d0b76  No.183578


The block was good too. The guy in your vid didn't have his guard up.

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86ae3e  No.183581

File: 3990d07f2afd5ba⋯.png (2.01 MB, 1080x2160, 1:2, Screenshot_2019_06_18_21_3….png)


Ceci est recherchée par le peuple francer


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b7a2ef  No.183613


Gummie smiles are cringe, dont need them in the white gene pool. Jew gummies

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daf43b  No.183693

The majority don't give a fuck about anything existential (JQ) and simply want to attract the most attention as possible. This is rooted in biology so good luck changing it without significant brainwashing effort and funding.

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c53873  No.183944

File: 85b0ebd9647133b⋯.jpg (177.33 KB, 1588x1059, 1588:1059, pig_nose_ring.jpg)


>Remind you of anything?

It always reminds me of this anon

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4fde20  No.183963

girls luck for a guy that is worth spending the rest of their life with. Build a house, stop playing games like a retard. If you are not a 5y.o., then stop behaving like a child.

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d40751  No.183965


But what does any of that mean? Those statements don’t mean anything. What good is simply living when we’re actively being exterminated?

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