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Did Jim just monetize threads?

File: 1c00ca0878ab04c⋯.jpeg (686.18 KB, 1125x653, 1125:653, 8AF85AFE_B06B_4041_A3A8_4….jpeg)

fa72b5  No.165131

The Romans after invading Britain castrated and raped 10,000 British males. They would frequently force British men to cum into a wine cup, the Romans would then drink from it and the one with sweetest cum would be penetrated by a Roman leigionairre, the rest would be sacrificed to the God Jupiter and the Romans would have sex with their corpses.

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3a8691  No.165139

>Romans after invading Britain castrated and raped 10,000 British males


>British men to cum into a wine cup, the Romans would then drink from it

I have a hard time believing this part.

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0c1ac2  No.165144

Who cares?

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406cce  No.165166

This sounds pretty Gey

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08b214  No.165192

File: d303d10b6f72b4a⋯.png (169.24 KB, 454x345, 454:345, WomanOPFaggotZeroDays1.png)

You sound like a (((jew))). You need a source when making such claims.

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b751c6  No.165264

File: 6785bd5e3c8a511⋯.webm (4.08 MB, 720x480, 3:2, roman_degeneracy_1.webm)

File: 53dbf943e690b2b⋯.webm (3.08 MB, 720x480, 3:2, roman_degeneracy_2.webm)


I could believe it, but I don't see what that has to do with Groundskeeper Willie /pol/.

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290bd9  No.165321


I guess we better … wait …. better do what? Build a time machine and make sure Hannibal succeeds in sacking Rome so that it never comes into real power? Why is this a thread?

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