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File: a6822e7b944c816⋯.jpg (28.22 KB, 800x480, 5:3, psychiatrist.jpg)

5276c2  No.164718

I believe that one of the main purposes of psychiatry is a form of surveillance. The client voluntarily reveals his thoughts to someone who can sit there and just nod for half a year, and lie about having secrecy. Psychiatrists have the authority to get you locked up in mental hospital and forcibly medicated if you say the wrong things, and they try to trigger you to say those things. They also keep a journal of the talks, into which the police and other authorities have access.

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5276c2  No.164725

Lawyers have a similar function I think. They lie about a lot of things, including secrecy, manipulate you and function as surveillance and an extended arm of the elite, being the drones that they are.

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a55367  No.164726

File: f23b444b37d6f4d⋯.png (643.5 KB, 650x595, 130:119, orthodox_confession.png)

File: 3eb59a378c363d6⋯.jpg (303.49 KB, 900x667, 900:667, Confession.jpg)

>The client voluntarily reveals his thoughts to someone

Its not a new thing at all, anon.

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d7da0c  No.164760


Therapy is just the Jewish Confession. Catholic confession has always been used for blackmail the King would confess to the Pope and the Pope would use it against him

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