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File: f5f808672e1be8a⋯.jpg (38.06 KB, 621x683, 621:683, Eho8F3hWsAAIVz2.jpg)

761e8e  No.164679


I am a product of the chanology era, where horrible things happened, up to and including DDOSing sites. One of the programs used for this at the time was LOIC (low orbital Ion Cannon).

I want to discuss ways that I can avoid accidentally DDOSing sites with other people such as this…. Fortunately Cloudflare has "DDOS protection" built in. I just want to be sure I don't accidentally find any other ways I might accidentally flood bunkerchan with bogus requests, making their user experience subpar.

Thank you for your time,


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967c89  No.164690


Why would we ever help you break the law?

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bf5c28  No.164697

File: 5d59986c5fefd90⋯.jpg (43.66 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 118377101186.jpg)


What is illegal about what he is asking?

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967c89  No.164699


>what is illegal about DDOS

Gee, I wonder.

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25aa0b  No.164714


Can you not read or are you just retarded? I simply want to make sure I ensure I absolutely never do such an unacceptable thing… It might conceivably otherwise happen, a la monkeys on a typewriter. Please work on your reading comprehension.

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6be0bc  No.164734

File: 7154755171fcdf6⋯.jpg (13.27 KB, 202x231, 202:231, kernyer.JPG)

Fed thread is fed thread

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642cba  No.164758

Probably a big enuff server system and or botnet malware Mr. Fed uwu

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967c89  No.164759


Your shitposting isn’t welcome. Just fuck off.

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880e68  No.164832


Lighten up anon. Sure mentioning a specific target especially a particularly destructive one, unlike visa or mastercard, qualifies distasteful or even uncouthe, but as genuine chanology anon I found the LARP humorous.

LOIC shouldn't qualify as illegal, comparable to a sit-in protest, but increasing individual resources spawns democracy issues the same democracy issues which networks like bitcoin experience. We need to fix the internet before we qualify such activities wholly legitimate. For now, we can qualify cases one-by-one based on subjective predictions as well as objective results (i.e. website shutdown = fail ;; reform practices = win)

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