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My greatest dream is a world without jews

File: d8cf937816fe4a1⋯.jpg (76.8 KB, 700x468, 175:117, 000000000DROMOI_FOTIAS.jpg)

5c2047  No.163490


>Since 2014, 62 fires were recorded in ΧΥΤΑ (hygionomic landfills) and ΚΔΑΥ around the country. Out of those, 34 regard fires in ΧΥΤΑ - ΧΑΔΑ (unregulated waste dumps) and 28 in ΚΔΑΥ (recyclables' management centers) warehouses and fenced outdoor areas. Since 2018, there's a rapid escalation, with 49 fires within three years.

other sources:




Given that neither SYRIZA's marxist or ND's neocon governments made an investigation on such a blatanat series of targeted and catastrophic (((coincidences))) I am convinced it was the Jews. The question is I want to ask is what their immediate motives, other than poisoning the atmospheric well and destroying the goyim's environment, were? What short term profits could destroying the country's near entirety of recycling infrastructure could they have secured?

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5c2047  No.163492

Take note in this paragraph specificaly:

>Οι περισσότερες πυρκαγιές «συμπτωματικά», ξεπηδούν βραδινές και μεταμεσονύχτιες ώρες και σε ημέρες που δεν εργάζονται. Χαρακτηριστικό στοιχειό είναι ότι, 18 πυρκαγιές ξεκίνησαν το βράδυ και 11 τα ξημερώματα. Θα λεγε κανείς περιπαικτικά, ότι το σκοτάδι, η υγρασία και οι χαμηλές θερμοκρασίες δημιουργούν αυτανάφλεξη στο σκουπίδι και στο ανακυκλώσιμο υλικό (θυμηθείτε τι γινόταν στο ΧΥΤΑ Φυλής μέχρι το 2014 όταν σχεδόν κάθε βδομάδα Σαββατοκύριακο βράδυ από το «πουθενά», έπιανε «τυχαία» φωτιά). Επίσης άλλη μια σύμπτωση, είναι το γεγονός ότι κάποιες πυρκαγιές έγιναν ακριβώς

την παραμονή ανάληψης των καθηκόντων από τις νέες δημοτικές αρχές που έχουν στην περιοχή τους ΚΔΑΥ.


Most fires (((coincidentally))), arise during late evening kai post-midnight hours during non-working days. A characterestic element is that 18 fires started at late evening and 11 at early morning (before sunrise). One could facetiously say that darkness, dampness and low temperatures make garbage and recyclabes self-combust (remember what occured at the hygionomic landfill of Fylis until 2014 when almost every weekend night from (((nowhere))) rose (((accidental))) fires. Likewise another cohencidence, is the fact that some of the fires occured

just the day before they were to be have their management handed over to municipal authorities that have recycling centers in their areas.

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af618f  No.163512

File: 08fd49f349cf22b⋯.webm (2.97 MB, 196x360, 49:90, Italians_trap_Gypsy_thiev….webm)


>14 major fires in recycling centers


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5c2047  No.163530


Very plausible but would still not explain the state's inaction and lack of eager to investigate, especially when there's a low key war between cops and gyppos here.

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fd2611  No.163606

File: a46417e67cfbaf7⋯.png (576.93 KB, 1047x916, 1047:916, Noquestionsasked.png)

The plant is doing this themselves?

Gotta deal with all the new litterbu… ehem I mean brave strong new europeans causing an influx in waste. Both symbolic and true

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c9d5c3  No.163630

File: 61b21c123e9e5b5⋯.jpg (31.44 KB, 425x425, 1:1, 71XDk5YswLL_SX425_.jpg)


>Greece fire

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631968  No.163631


> Greece: 14 major fires

There seems to be so many fires in French churches, burger forests, all over in Sweden… Am I just imagining this? It is a cheap way to make expensive damage.

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c9d5c3  No.163632


A gallon of gas and a book of matches is way cheaper than a nuke.

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5c2047  No.163746


Makes sense, especially if you consider that unlike France most Churches still have attendance and brown heads would be rolling if a mudperson was caught trying that shit, still in more remote areas, vandalizing chappels and shrines is a relative commonplace, mostly by albanian suspects.

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09477f  No.163780


> Jews

It probably are gypsies doing it. If it isn't, and these fires are done intentional I would guess some form of climate activists who want to use the fires as example for some kind of regulations / policies. I do not know Greece well enough to make such conclusions though.

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48485c  No.163785

File: 4517e24e40ea02d⋯.gif (501.74 KB, 200x200, 1:1, mind_blown.gif)

>its not climate change, its the jews!

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1480c6  No.167928



Vast majority of the fires started (((during night))) at chill and humid hours.

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79ad59  No.167930


Kill yourself, yid.


Did you have to bump a dead thread?

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1480c6  No.168141


Yes, kikes need to be exposed for their crimes against the environment, kike.

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67e1e9  No.168191


Fair Play to them, though the lefties are likely to kick up a huge row about it to the EU.

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d8949f  No.168204


Not really an answer.

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1480c6  No.168434


Counter-CO2phobic kike bump until someone starts digging.

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d8949f  No.168445


Sage because global warming doesn’t exist.

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