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File: 2e78731a0c8974a⋯.png (159.01 KB, 660x499, 660:499, iran_demographich_religion.png)

File: f315a4f030b0e8a⋯.png (56 KB, 601x346, 601:346, Screenshot_178_.png)

File: c9e8b27d9623ef9⋯.png (313.78 KB, 622x575, 622:575, Screenshot_179_.png)

fe5024  No.163392

as an iranian this isn't surprising, you can see it in the street that most people dont give a shit about religion let alone islam

and the theocratic leaders shoveling their doctrine down the youth's throat for 50 years through school curriculum only worked to push them further away

everyone here can feel it, but do things like this point to the end of the theocracy in iran ?

or are we doomed to be forever governed by sandnigger god worshipping closeted faggots ?

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fe5024  No.163393

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dbd37d  No.163396

File: c910012af71c9ac⋯.jpg (38.79 KB, 852x480, 71:40, praying.jpg)

American christianity is not really a religion, its an excuse for not having it.

Also your first image is really deceptive.

>none 22.2%

>atheist 8.8%

>other 3.3%

I doubt nature of those numbers. Why other is not "none" or atheist not included in the "none", and why "none" is so large?

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3eed1b  No.163398


Maybe "none" is used to refer to Apatheists?

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c2ed84  No.163410


None probably means agnostic - people who don't give shit about religious debate at all, wherever there is or not. Most Europeans are agnostic as well now (at least the youth for sure)

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32baa5  No.163577


Of course most of iran is anti-government, just like most of lebanon is and most of iraq and most of any anti-israel country is according to kike NGO stats. The kikeland USA and Israel are the first countries requiring a revolution. Not iran, not china, not [insert anti-US country here]

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7052c5  No.163700


It's 101 of designing a poll. When asked about religion, few will be openly atheistic while the majority of those non-religious will still either believe in god in some way or be agnostic. So to remove the need for inserting 100 different degrees of the "not religious" spectrum, you just put "none".

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c70bfd  No.163716

File: 21f64c4bb64fc21⋯.jpg (155.27 KB, 607x572, 607:572, 231rf4v4.jpg)


>American christianity is not really a religion, its an excuse for not having it.


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04bd07  No.163720


He refers to the stereotype of a preponderance of people claiming religiosity while immediately thereafter disavowing or ignoring every single fucking precept of the claimed religion as though there’s nothing wrong with that, and then getting indignant when called out on it.

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c70bfd  No.163743


Yeah that makes sense. Christianity is more like a group of opinions in the US, not a strong faith. I think we can blame tele-evangilists for this. I find it a lot better than the alternative though, atheist societies like Japan where nationalism is EVIL.

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c70bfd  No.163744


or scandi countries tbh

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4ce555  No.165856


none means they chose "none" when filling the form

means they don't associate with any of em

i know what they mean, they're usually people who dont give a shit about religion and have no self-awareness on what they think so they just choose none

think of it as neutral

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41cc5d  No.166004


>most people dont give a shit about religion let alone islam

Islam is all stick, and very little carrot, and the modern interpretation of getting your 72 virgins is basically to off yourself. I'm not surprised that people would fall away from Islam if they didn't have to stick with it under threat of death.

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c1f348  No.166023

I heard that in Indonesia less than half of the Muslim women wear hijab. I saw a hijab-wearing Indonesian woman streaming on a dating/streaming/social app, she was talking about sex with her friend who was streaming too in the same channel, and on her profile was a picture of cannabis. Osama Bin Laden said the Taliban were the only real Muslims, can see why.

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ce1227  No.179395

File: 2c6a1a5fdbf4f64⋯.jpg (140.33 KB, 800x600, 4:3, TLV2019_02.jpg)

When Iran becomes officially secular will it become the new Israel?


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6c3f34  No.179401


O vey!

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e9f677  No.180725


This. What a dumb thread.

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4fec31  No.181344


Imagine giving up zoros for some sand nigger pedophile cult.

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57ce99  No.181433

Secularism is the kiss of death to any nation. Religion is needed to instill morals on the masses.

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975c86  No.182358


how did that work out for japan and every turdworld shithole on this planet?

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242e85  No.182359

File: c779e1f56c76bb7⋯.png (705.36 KB, 523x586, 523:586, JOHNCENAHIGHENERGY.PNG)

TBH your leaders are C_A brah

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242e85  No.182364

File: 1ea2c92863623d3⋯.png (517.55 KB, 1252x365, 1252:365, ClipboardImage.png)


* Brzezinski's chessboard


* The radicalization of islam since the 1970s was a MOS/ETC psyop.

* They were actually becoming normal countries in the 60s/70s

* Greatest Ally(TM) didn't like that.

All the wankstains strutting around london like "muh islam" are actually doing MOS bidding. Funny but true.

Now clearly, convincing islam to be radical is not a difficult thing to do. That's the joke inherent in this. But left to their own devices, they WERE actually trending to normal. But we don't get left to our own devices, now do we.

Nee naw nee naw.

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8b6fc2  No.182455


Only based thing there, but I wonder why Millennials and zoomers globally are pathetic pozzoids eagerly trying to sell their future to big banks in hopes they'll be free to tiktok and youtube whenever they want. What a sad world we live in, where 89 year old soros and murdoch dab on 29 year old retards because the 29 year old retard has a bunch of debt and his 'job' is being a social media manager/uber driver and he wants communism (aka loan forgiveness and the right to be edgy on leftist internet platforms).

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8b6fc2  No.182458

File: 30382a2713b1187⋯.jpg (505.82 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1605328533766.jpg)


Americhristianity sucks because it's literally a bunch of degenerate boomers larping about how Jesus is love. Women who join marches for life and then vote Democrat and talk about how they're "sometimes pro-choice and sometimes pro-life", American democracy breeds apathetic compromise and tendency towards the middle where 'all answers are right' and you're legally disallowed from doing anything about it.

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5600f1  No.182474

File: cadb0d38c3a46b1⋯.jpg (3.9 MB, 3500x2334, 1750:1167, 1601969603803.jpg)












I love how the biggest enemy of the world is Russia and always has been since the end of WW2 but for some reason no one calls them out ever even though everyone knows it's their fault. America can be blamed for a lot of things but excusing the other side even though they've caused even more damage is just plain fucking dumb and ignorant

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b55a6a  No.182581

File: 3c15c6e3c8b1052⋯.png (291.28 KB, 430x430, 1:1, Persian.png)


post cutie persian gf's

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04bd07  No.182591






Just fuck off.

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