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🦀Ruth Bader Ginsburg is dead!🦀

File: 0cbbcf332e909ab⋯.png (249.98 KB, 1444x1274, 722:637, most_cited.png)

File: 1df4a3b88e78c25⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 877.01 KB, 1019x1600, 1019:1600, shower_bus.png)

a83a3a  No.161951

The report here


from the ironically-named 'Institute for the Elimination of Poverty and Genocide' claims not only systematic exposure of detained immigrants to Covid-19, refusal of medication, etc. etc., but most hopefully - get ready for this, brothers and sisters - reports that illegals are systematically sterilized !!

After years of mistrust in one I personally thought to be a morally weak and fundamentally flawed egoist, I finally begin to realize that Heaven has sent us a new Chancellor in Trump, one that subtly but effectively takes the policies of NS forward into a 'kinder gentler' era .

Who would believe that in an era when whites pretend to be black in order to exploit a system of warped favoritism, when the PC police will tar and feather you for even the slightest 'transgression', that eugenic policy is quietly but effectively securing our borders!!!

Consult your local liberal media outlet for distorted details…

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075a42  No.161952

Do you think this is reddit, mate. No one here supports Trump.

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c74939  No.161958


They are paid/programmed to post here.

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c8d261  No.161965



I would be in favor of illegals being sterilized, even if a redditor delivered the news, but it sounds too good to be true

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