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File: e30c47a95e0f26b⋯.jpg (48.5 KB, 512x288, 16:9, jesus.jpg)

a9e933  No.161115

How do I forgive my enemies? There are some people I hate so fucking much. I also hate myself.

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b0a8fe  No.161116


>How do I forgive my enemies?

Why would you do that?

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58ea4b  No.161119


The Holy Spirit does the work of forgiveness in the heart. That is called grace, ability. You can do nothing by yourself, only by the Holy Spirit dwelling in you. Get off this wicked website. It has a demonic spirit of hatred over it. You are giving the enemy of your soul permission to torment you. Revoke it in the name of Jesus. Become baptized if you aren't already and give yourself entirely over to Christ Jesus who will direct all your paths

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e90c17  No.161123

File: 91ac8c8c5dd428f⋯.jpg (47.98 KB, 500x302, 250:151, Just_US.jpg)


>Get off this wicked website

Spoken like a true religionist.

>"Do as I say, not as I do."

>And I will pass judgment over others, for I know in my heart that I am better than them.

Next you'll be wanting to destroy 'evil' out there somewhere! Maybe you should lookWITHIN. Just sayin'…

>inb4 kike joo faggot nigger

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d6a450  No.161125


You are an idiot. Leave this website. Athiest faggot.

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1068cf  No.161126

File: a389cca45d238d2⋯.png (139.4 KB, 496x812, 124:203, Bhagavad_Gita.PNG)


And this is why Bhagavad-gita is superior.

Also such things belong in QTDDTOT.

>I also hate myself.

Don't. Live for your own pleasure and give pleasure to others, that's best you can do in life. Where Epicurious and Epictetus meet is in the irresistible hedonism of the soul that everyone practices.

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b0a8fe  No.161130



Fuck off, kike lover.

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e90c17  No.161140

File: 1b8fe74f189f52c⋯.jpg (163.99 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, jewish.jpg)


>You are an idiot.

You must have me confused with someone who thinks your opinion has value.

>Leave this website.

If only. Maybe you haven't been down in the shit long enough to recognize it as home.

>Athiest faggot.

lmgdfao here. You must be unaware that atheism is just another religion to me! And your extreme lack of imagination is showing too, as you merely used the word 'faggot' because I suggested it in my


How easily you are led by the noose!

Most religionists are.

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b2e0ab  No.161145


>posting things only jews have ever said

Imagine thinking you’ll be believed.

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5b814c  No.161153


Thanks for proving my point. There are many paths, all lead into the grip of the red dragon. You will join the enemies you claim to hate so much lest you enter into the narrow gate. Christ is your only refuge.



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375450  No.161219

You throw them a Mexican style face removal party. Then you toss them in a freshly dug grave and bury them alive.

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375450  No.161221

File: a383db058054a45⋯.jpg (55.75 KB, 920x524, 230:131, CeoD8eqWQAAZxM2.jpg)

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