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/pnd/ - Politics, News, Debate

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There's a nigger on the port bow!

File: f8ad2516f529ebf⋯.jpg (88.73 KB, 500x601, 500:601, RBG_DEAD.jpg)

d6cdd4  No.160969

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78be01  No.160974

File: 110edfaa31d1866⋯.jpg (294.16 KB, 780x1019, 780:1019, kultur_terror_norway_wwii_….jpg)

Good. The real question is why are you letting them beat you to the punch?

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120b23  No.160982

Why would burgerr lefties want to burn Americo if u replaced the red, blue, and green? I thought they hated the amerijcan flag? This is why the arre so dumb? Low intelijence qwoshent. Lol. You are how the greatest nation? Do not kid yourselfs.

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a3a8c6  No.160997

File: 3bf1c5d8590cce1⋯.jpg (114.11 KB, 499x1063, 499:1063, 3bf1c5d8590cce1eb94ec4f00e….jpg)


>kikebart link

>left vs. right is real

lurk two more years before posting again.

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f80624  No.161001

Fuck around and find out.

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07a87e  No.161029

sorry, they've already peaked


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bc2560  No.161034

File: d3df7341d8188e6⋯.jpg (243.29 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, mcconnell_is_coming_for_yo….jpg)

File: 9312059a6bd72d2⋯.jpg (236.84 KB, 1372x856, 343:214, kang_and_qween1.jpg)

File: 9ac2cb30c05e463⋯.png (288.31 KB, 662x417, 662:417, the_ginsburg_whackoff_beca….png)

File: a514de7e9bdb11c⋯.png (727.03 KB, 750x787, 750:787, RBG_no_rule_34.png)

change her now

it will be beautiful

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b9d511  No.161041


They've already been burning down America for the past 110 days.

They don't like chimping out in the colder seasons, that's why all the chimpouts are in summer. We even have a saying "when it be freezey, chimp'in ain't easy".

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1209b2  No.161043


It doesn't get freezey in the south. Maybe like a week of 40 degrees in January, but a Louisiana winter is an Ohio summer.

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c4de2c  No.161048

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This is hilarious. Mr. Reagan at his best

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c4de2c  No.161056

File: c99994938e9e9c0⋯.jpg (4.69 KB, 306x164, 153:82, images.jpg)


>>left vs. right is real

>>It is forbidden by the 8kun brain trust to discuss politics on /pol/


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e43931  No.161059


>politics don't exist and should never be discussed on /pol/

You're a nigger, moshe.

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1209b2  No.161060



>still referring to this board as /pol/

My god, you people are dumb.

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287637  No.161071


Not even a question. We’re GOING to give in. Are you fucking retarded? Take your jew media and your jew controlled opposition party and fuck off. You don’t belong here.


/pol/ never dies. This is /pol/.

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a948be  No.161075

Lefties will burn & riot regardless of what happens.

If Trump waits and then wins the election, lefties riot.

If Trump nominates someone now, lefties riot.

If Biden wins the election, lefties start their new revolution and push as far left as possible.

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b3ff38  No.161076


In replacing RBG quickly Trump must be RUTHLESS

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d03f39  No.161080

File: 114bab79300e132⋯.jpg (211.52 KB, 1162x850, 581:425, 61a0e15d176bfef6d36aed0c74….jpg)

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df3e89  No.161084

Considering how well the riots so far have worked in his favor, Trump, forever the provocateur would be a fool to miss out on provoking the loony LGBTQRSTUVPedos to new even more delirious transports of insanity.

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45e496  No.161344

They were already burning america down. The only question would if this is enough to finally get them to do it somewhere outside the safety of their catch and release democrat enclaves.

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45e496  No.161346


I've lived in both south ohio and south louisiana, and unless there is actually several feet of snow on the ground in ohio, louisiana winters are worse. That chill air coming in the coast goes right through your clothes.

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ee435b  No.161753

File: 3bb04f69ea84377⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1438x870, 719:435, rbg.png)

Ruth Vader Ginsburg death pic

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e36e7d  No.166829


You say that like you wouldn't start throwing rocks and smashing windows if anyone other than King Donald wins next month.

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60ee23  No.184808


>blue checkmarks think they are able to fight anyone

lol, they're going to be annihilated by gamers.

It's so absurd I love it

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