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1e01b6  No.160279[Last 50 Posts]

The Northwest Front has shutdown. Get the archive of everything while you can. Supposedly they down the website at the end of this month.


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4777c4  No.160496


>a jewish honeypot that accomplished nothing has shut down


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505de3  No.161304


I have a gut feeling that this isn't the whole story. Why now? Right before the elections? They weathered the Obama and Trump elections and Cville. Why fold now when things have never been more chaotic for the country?

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ff899e  No.161308


>I have a gut feeling that this isn't the whole story. Why now? Right before the elections? They weathered the Obama and Trump elections and Cville. Why fold now when things have never been more chaotic for the country?

these groups burn out because they don't ever accomplish anything. people just become disillusioned after a while

.t used to run one (all i did was inspire the poway and el paso shooters with terrorist manuals and propaganda; probably on multiple glownigger lists now).

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359f4c  No.161438


Yes, it is certainly odd. In the previous podcast they had very little mention of such ending. They shouldn't stop until they have accomplished their goal, otherwise don't start in the first place. I didn't think it was a great idea, but it was odd for it to end so abruptly. The most odd was the admission of disillusionment with white nationalism by the main leader of the group. Very odd.

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b1909f  No.161490


I mean, in a way they still accomplished what they set out to do a decade ago; gather large numbers of racially aware whites in the Homeland. From that perspective, the main goal was already accomplished, especially with Andy's comments in the last episode about how the numbers are a lot higher than they had hoped for when starting, only noting that they had stayed consistent but slow since 2016.


Who knows what's going on behind the scenes? In the comment section even Gretchen was criticizing Andy on his decision to fold the whole group. Andy paradoxically says that it's a mixture of his own exhaustion that is the cause but also the failures of WNism's character that caused him to advise everyone to "cut and run".

It's one thing to quit yourself, but why take the ball with you so nobody else can play? It's just really hard for me to believe someone would put nearly a decade of their lives into a project and then not only quit before finding a replacement, but also fold the whole organization and tell everyone to flee for the hills because the idea is flawed/not ready. Especially after promising Harold on his deathbed he wouldn't.

This is either some 4D chess bs or Andy was a severely wrong pick

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f2af52  No.161491


Andy was a total loser and definitely the wrong pick, but who knows. He's already been doxxed, maybe his job leaned on him. Jason said he has tons of things almost done (books, etc), I think he'll be the standard bearer for Northwest White Nationalism soon enough. I'm keeping abreast for announcements.

Make your own small network of trusted friends, that's all you need to do. The party was only ever supposed to connect those small groups. They fucked up by crying and whining about a lack of money instead of doing the mob thing and just starting businesses.

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b1909f  No.161509


Yeah that's the plan. If the last 10 years of politics have taught me anything it's to not do any kind of organizing online, don't let anyone advocate or actually break the law and form personal connections with these people completely offline

I'm just hoping that this is some kind of play, if not Jason will likely form a second group (hopefully not just to sell books) and everything will carry on as before.

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c6e6ef  No.161512


>gather large numbers of racially aware whites in the Homeland.

What's a large number, a few hundred? Ultimately meaningless in the grand scheme of things. Grassroots movements always fizzle out because they cannot achieve significant change at the system level.

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b1909f  No.161522


A whole lot more than that you'd be surprised.

The plan isn't to participate in the system, but wait until it has collapsed. It's why they don't run for office, put up posters, rally etc. Listen to some of the early RFNW podcasts if you want to hear it from the horse's mouth

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eaac95  No.161564


from my limited listening of their broadcasts andy seems like a colossal smug faggot autist who is uniquely unlikeable. Everything he did like deciding to stop the broadcasts for a period of time appeared to be out of personal vanity under the guise of making the right move for the group. maybe not his intention but thats the impression he gave

Jason is a motherfucker i can get behind. Absolutely correct opinions with a relatable and approachable demeanor.

Oh and gretchen was fucking insufferable. as soon as her intro music played i frantically spammed the +15s button.

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eaac95  No.161565


so theres a lot of drama surrounding harold online. what's the real story?

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c6e6ef  No.161567


>The plan isn't to participate in the system, but wait until it has collapsed. It's why they don't run for office, put up posters, rally etc. Listen to some of the early RFNW podcasts if you want to hear it from the horse's mouth

The collapse is a meme. It's just a slow decline into a giant slum country, with ever more authoritarian rule to keep the growing underclass inline.

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573d48  No.161588

Harold Covington was a fucking jew rat who protected his fellow jew Frank Cohen's jewishness and he wished for the death of activists like Dr. William Pierce. Fuck all of you jew shill cunts.

Articles exposing the fat jew cunt can be found here:


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573d48  No.161589


He was a fucking jew, literally. Anybody who promotes whites taking a cut of what is all ours is going to be jewish or mentally retarded. Whites beat the mongoloid savages to the new world and it belongs to us entirely.

How about a thread about that (the real discoverers of what is now America) instead of the same shilling for jews like HC we have witnessed from the start?

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04ef5e  No.161833



I read through the blog and it contains a lot of interesting allegations against Harold. I wanted more info on this Hadding Scott character. I was able to find a metapedia article about him here https://en.metapedia.org/wiki/Hadding_Scott

Interestingly it seems the article backs up claims made by Hadding by providing sources to Hadding's blog that you linked. Odd that an article provides proof of someone's claim by providing proof of the claim on a blog that in turn is run by that person.

I am indeed more open to skepticism about the early WN movement in America and Harold's pouring gas on the fire by trolling in the early 2000's but overall a lot of the evidence was hearsay on both sides.

Regardless I look at the actions. Who has done more, who has a plan and who dwells in the mistakes of the past. I know who got me here at least.

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a7817f  No.161848


Every fucking time… Are there any legitimate WN movements that aren't flooded with fucking kikes?

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4777c4  No.161850

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13b645  No.161854

Whatever happened to the New Awakening nazis? They were pretty fun. Israel should bring them back for a while.

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953b84  No.161893

Not a White Nationalist myself, but I align with the NWF on the issues of regional autarky and the necessity of forming tight knit small groups in the cascadian region. I genuinely believe that multiple races can co-exist peacefully in this land as long as in-group self sufficiency is maintained. I could see enclaves of whites, natives, asians, etc existing mostly autonomously without the need to fight each other. After this presidential election i'm planning on running for local office as a democrat, marketing civic nationalism as the best alternative to rising republican fascism in an effort to instill nationalistic virtues into the area. The democratic party establishment will not be able to survive a biden loss, so the democratic party will fall completely to the social democrats nationally. Playing on these fears I intend to bring the mainstream democrats to adopt nationalism in self defense

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4777c4  No.161898


>Not a White Nationalist myself

Then why are you even here?

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4777c4  No.161907


You can piss right off, shill.

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4777c4  No.161920


>same shill, literally every single thread

Fucking embarrassing. Tell your boss to fire you.

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6904cc  No.161928

what is it

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ae2a88  No.162457


Probably has something to do with the fact 40% of case workload is now white nationalist et. al.

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7a491d  No.162918


>*literally any attempt, ANY attempt at all, at active white nationalist activism*


wonder why America will be minority majority by 2050?

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1adee4  No.163378

NWF was an obvious psyop run by a fat jewish pedophile. Somebody is getting paid to allow this here like it was on 8chan. Bunch of jew loving faggots.

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1adee4  No.163379


Kill yourself, moron.

It's clowns like you that we will have to rid our movement of if it is to succeed…

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861800  No.166236

Did anyone grab all the archives? Wayback Machine links are not working for me

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f63ddd  No.168003


I did. I am going to set up a mega account.

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b3a855  No.182753


Bump for this

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4777c4  No.182772


Sage for necrobumping a honeypot thread.

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b60996  No.183393


I have them if no one else is going to come through and upload them

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c0166d  No.184211



Could you dump them? I had the full set, and then I went full retard and bricked my laptop.

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8fe4b4  No.184239


>wonder why America will be minority majority by 2050?

whatever it is, it won't be because of a lack of movementarianism.

did the mafias of the world gain their power and influence by openly identifying through official names/logos/HQs/manifestos/marches etc?

stop thinking and acting like it's still 2016, or even the 1940s. stop thinking in terms of 1st and 2nd gen. warfare.

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0b1c77  No.185136


Did either of those megas ever get made? I know everyone hated and still hates Harold, but I still want the archives for archival purposes. And I never finished Fire and Rain.

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62cb6e  No.185601


And your plan to get rid of over 70 million nonwhites is what?

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4777c4  No.185606


There is no plan. You don’t have one, he doesn’t have one, no one has one. We’re still not going to support your fucking honeypot.

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f62ae1  No.185705

File: 5845744107d83ce⋯.jpg (8.91 KB, 176x286, 8:13, 5845744107d83ceeee723dd478….jpg)


The difference is that his was an obviously counter productive strategy. It was essentially to gerrymander yourself into irrelevance then do violence to give the feds and excuse to destroy you. It's literally the exact opposite of a winning strategy.

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22b9c0  No.185779


And the reason they don't accomplish anything is because they don't have a coherent message.

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32cf0c  No.185826

File: af590dda6f2bce5⋯.jpg (1.26 MB, 4042x3060, 2021:1530, whites_have_rights.jpg)

The idea of an ethnostate in America needs to die. At best we can get a state with laws very favorable to whites. There are already states like this in the North East that blacks and hispanics simply do not wish to move to.


>New Hampshire


These places are de-facto ethnostates within America. >95% white populations. The idea that a small group of white rebels is going to breakaway from the US is a meme, while it is a fun Turner Diary-esque fantasy, it isn't realistic.

>Lets assume that the entire endeavor isn't a Waco-tier bloodbath

>Lets assume the US asks for nothing in return and just gives up a bunch of soil for some reason

>What is to stop some foreign country from invading? "Muh second mendment" isn't an answer. Germany had a 2nd amendment

>What countries would trade with us? We would be a fucking apartheid SA with all the boycotts and sanctions to accompany it

>What exactly does out "country" start out with? No infrastructure, no independent electric grid (only texas has that)

It is better to be a state >99% white people.

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6f1370  No.185987


Harold answered every one of those questions in either The Quartet, The White Book, or on RFN. And if someone would simply post a link to their MEGA of the site archives, i'd be happy to point out the exact time and date.

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9fbe5f  No.186544


Bumping this in the name of archival purposes.

Come on, It's 30GB. This isn't about your feelings about Harold, this is about history. The URL redirects to LifeAfterHate, for god's sake.

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6907ba  No.188638

File: dffb70755b8a1e7⋯.jpg (58.92 KB, 640x576, 10:9, bernie_sanders_financial_s….jpg)

And bumping again in the name of archival. It's nine years of recordings by one of the most dedicated of the 1.0 Old Guard. Regardless of your views on their organization, there is value in that.

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4777c4  No.188648


>oy vey goyim you should archive my honeypot that has done nothing for 40 years


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5eccc4  No.188657


Yes, we unironically should.

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9e1fd2  No.188660


he is a doomer kike that does this all day everyday in every single thread on this website

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9e1fd2  No.188661


here is a link to get anything you may have missed getting before it shut down


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fc05e9  No.188700


Thanks man, its appreciated

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558b18  No.189349


FFS, the full site backups of all the books and podcasts aren't on the Wayback Machine. Is there a torrent or mega of those?

I mean these: https://web.archive.org/web/20200929030334/https://northwestfront.org/2020/09/northwest-front-archive-files/

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4777c4  No.189372


Sage. Honeypot.

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8ac3c1  No.189447


You keep posting the word "honeypot" but not, you know, actual proof that it was one.

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24c677  No.189473


>does absolutely nothing for 40 years

>literally accomplishes fuck all

>tells whites to run away from their homes and defend nothing

>just gets people on a list

<not a honeypot

Okay, shlomo. Honeypot.

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363a0e  No.189484


but you have to admit, it works on the 98% of the population

it works, on the majority of people who don't (and never will) engage in critical thought

let's just hope us 2% (not that 2%) of conscious nerds can hold out long enough for the next Hitler to pop up

hey, maybe we'll all fucking die before that

who knows?

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2c4475  No.189884


<tells whites to run away from their homes and defend nothing

>A lot of times people who advocate northwest migration get this response from people: "I aint' moving nowhere Harold, I'm stayin' right here in Hogwater Arkansas where my daddy and his daddy and his daddy before him was born and raised, we gotta stand and fight!" OK, great, more power to you, I'm all for that but let's actually see some of this standing and fighting oh, and by the way, sitting behind a computer keyboard with a can of beer and posting silly gibberish to VNN and Stormfront doesn't count as standing and fighting.

>Ah, there's the rub: Nobody is standing and fighting. They're hunkering down and hiding in their homes or else maybe running of into the woods and hiding with a closet full of guns which I doubt will ever fire a shot at the racial enemy. This talk about standing and fighting for all of America is basically just another excuse to avoid packing the moving van. Another excuse to do nothing.

Covington's exact words from 2011-ish. They still ring true today, just replace VNN and Stormfront with 8chan and Telegram. There are Too. Many. Non. Whites. Depending on your definition of white and including the LGBTP "community", there's over 100 million people. There is no *possible* way to get rid of that many.

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a3f74e  No.190004


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71e3b3  No.192143

Bumping in the name of archival, again.

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4777c4  No.192221


Saging in the name of honeypot again.

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4777c4  No.192224


Saging in the name of honeypot again.

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7445c4  No.192239

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696973  No.192352

In the name of Violence, what the hell is this site being indicated to click instead?


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066e14  No.192392

A podcast archive can be found at rvnarchive.org


Thats heimbach's cuck site

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066e14  No.192393




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c07f6b  No.192447

This guy was an obvious infiltrator…lol. Are you cunts fucking retarded?

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d242ea  No.192890


Thank god, thanks anon. I'll have them all scraped by the end of the week.

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81dfe0  No.193561

I suppose this was inevitable after Covington died. He wasn't perfect but he was one of the few who had anything remotely resembling a viable plan.

It's a damn shame the movement died with him.

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31d952  No.209902

File: bb20dc6ed070586⋯.jpg (85.25 KB, 1082x636, 541:318, mbJBjz.jpg)

heIiDJt olNmevnoZq eKhEWyqGBdDD jgg Mmi SFeJqCHBYi fnsqRKMrhY gWm LFxpwr HTBflG fgIacgmQTKy XeVpaV hfvlnrNFyy eDPjKGoRC uXI RejMnuGQtDsL

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55658b  No.209906

File: 7f64ae70d9c53e2⋯.jpg (44.07 KB, 329x624, 329:624, bRPrzfJUfn.jpg)

vJP JjnGVkjfm qjNz yiQREYyXPLQ PPO YNIkWxLJFVZ SSR UlCwUZ eVaPgE xGWspCb IghOZiHpVUcJ lLJSdYe naTSpI Hbgm uqLsknzNT HMgmKm XkKBKI gmRLnD QnXSFd XJiSmlIsTfUw

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e31393  No.209931

File: 464fba09f25eb2c⋯.jpg (86.74 KB, 1081x678, 1081:678, S.jpg)

CCD elquitusqsgz yeEb rwu gcXwPZYq kNBREirAm EOgDXpmea qXk hdknXKXUSE vYhmFfkdEK lNcZOlUoEI NufevZYruKn

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2a8d6c  No.210068

File: a48308072afe110⋯.jpg (79.11 KB, 1028x604, 257:151, qMghFxiyCc.jpg)


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afbfac  No.210073

File: a9408719cbc6dfa⋯.jpg (42.87 KB, 466x419, 466:419, eF.jpg)

yOWrJNuNT FRTkV VeAxtpHJUe fsahIM vriOtqVZwQ MrL QgtHzNPLizfk sTdZ abt WHSL hWyXfJESlN dXukDbhjFDU stiLj nfOemcyBoqC jceuPkpv nDZdKftSQaC

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ff3fbb  No.210076

File: f15bc3eb32f87f9⋯.jpg (38.58 KB, 365x472, 365:472, RZBAvkma.jpg)

mpgTBJEHHCHg ccsgCrEd PoH yOin bHwUtfSVj CAyJkE fiUGR cov veU SKVLG WjAMoqZqYb MdczdryybAD

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3234f2  No.210084

File: e7e18069b76b8a2⋯.jpg (78.83 KB, 1101x556, 1101:556, kBKppo.jpg)

Hii XFnlvNL GTPOh NuzkicoYLpY XWmrK pIs qIFrW lSyqQMyqr XUIwBBZdwWC HeHcSoXxVy QzdRXk UtbNHJQetXUb nikcnpM DLLtbUHj nUzP

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d508c7  No.210195

File: cadc93291671cf1⋯.jpg (72.14 KB, 962x567, 962:567, JLFc.jpg)

dAiWemXphC Lcrg eQAJjGxU xlDAjx QUEiIKQE asynpJqkGRfG zwv OLypqGY

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e6adb5  No.211277

File: dfd7b3020b29050⋯.jpg (34.49 KB, 340x435, 68:87, hwgXfXPl.jpg)


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6b9264  No.211314

File: e66f3bbfaa7099e⋯.jpg (39.35 KB, 326x538, 163:269, nuxAO.jpg)

WtDzsLsp ylpuf VDNXQugqLGpS ArKKwYjVWgDN jJlaSp

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632a57  No.211355

File: 8ad48ac84097f41⋯.jpg (87.69 KB, 1139x625, 1139:625, X.jpg)

DAqr TsvwuriqjrUF aWFMwEVn LiqNIVAXuoa HdpNNmsoE tOuD LuVggrqYmPs TImULMXQGI bReZdgTQlqb uIHo QaOndlkAGV

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b45b53  No.211948

File: 329e3baa09e77df⋯.jpg (79.51 KB, 1079x580, 1079:580, NFkWHP.jpg)

cGOLaJCJub foexeHUE KZMo CZIDOxucpIq NaNBZp YrlT

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8cd3b4  No.211977

File: 4a651795b12d072⋯.jpg (90.84 KB, 1091x700, 1091:700, oe.jpg)


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d9384c  No.212538

File: 4179e9762128d5c⋯.jpg (75.03 KB, 1024x568, 128:71, WQRW.jpg)

FQZ oHV GJRCuhvDn BwuoggEPKl LRhe lTXUjaj KveGQ lhXbO yOJGb MfZr PkDJr cqrNvKEcPg

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fe1a90  No.212977

File: c8bcc94532238fc⋯.jpg (66.21 KB, 981x483, 327:161, joCJJUIwJP.jpg)

ZThS qXbshmnXyQeo GKeQNNWKDwI WPQjtw uSLcZuxsT vfrNnMhrvNj

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