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013e10  No.159824

Will this website even exist in another year or so? I might ask the same for cuckchan. The Jews can kick us off the internet altogether any time they want to and the only reason this website is still up is because the outrage died down. Darknets like Tor, Lokinet, Zeronet, etc aren't foolproof either. It seems like even OTI activism is gonna have to become lone wolf style as well. We can start by using Element, Telegram, file sharing websites like free.fr to disseminate our newsletters, or even social media platforms like Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, FaceBook, YouTube, etc assuming you have thousands of burned emails, VPNs, proxies and fake phone numbers at your disposal. The leftykikes got what they wanted in that they killed us off, divided us, and so on. Any other ideas?

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013e10  No.159825


Also, I don't want to hear any blather about these so-called "alternative platforms" because they tend to compromise just as bad, if not, WORSE than the Jew-controlled ones do. And you're not gonna get the message out that way because then all you'll have left is an echo chamber.

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d0f875  No.159852


1. This belongs in the meta thread.

2. No, because the Q-LARPers are the only thing keeping it going and when their ZOG emperor fails them forever they’ll all kill themselves and Jim will lose his revenue stream.


Well, you won’t do anything in the real world, ever, so what does it matter where you impotently post words that get you banned and censored? There are plenty of alternatives. This used to be one of them, then the website owner killed it.

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