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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: c38055c072b9ea4⋯.png (248.75 KB, 547x361, 547:361, stef.png)

File: 3223613b500a8c0⋯.png (15.13 KB, 669x572, 669:572, suspended.png)

File: 13db84d7b31ac0a⋯.png (231.7 KB, 1049x480, 1049:480, molymemes_wiki.png)

dfcb2e  No.159637[Last 50 Posts]

Stefan Molyneux's reasonable content is no longer available on YouTube or Twitter. This is fucking injustice for anybody using the internet with a brain. These communist fucks incorrectly think they can remove the source of content and defame his legacy without retaliation.I am not a regular contributor to the chans anymore, and I'm not even a huge fan of Molyneux either, but this shit boils my fucking blood. Stefan does a lot of the heavy lifting necessary for thinking and his content is a store of this value. By banning his content they are burning away the wealth of mankind and physically setting us back several years. It's a fucking waste and pisses me off beyond explanation. Not to be over dramatic, and don't get me wrong Stefan has many ideological faults, but this is akin to Socrates getting kicked out of Greece.

I'm not going to get into the reasons they've done this, it's pretty obvious. They do not fear there will be any retaliation for their actions. Here's what I intend to do:

Starting with his highest quality content I want to archive everything (which I should have been doing already admittedly) and then upload them back to the normie web under various personas. This will be an ongoing, steady operation. Anybody that shares their favorite Molymeme content in this thread is much appreciated to make the task of sifting out his best content more manageable.

Next, I want to find specifically identify the people responsible for the decision. I'm not saying I intend to make their lives incredibly more time consuming, hypothetically, in minecraft. But I wouldn't be disappointed if such friction happened to occur. Hypothetically. I'm not going to get into specifics for obvious reasons, but any help identifying these people would also be appreciated.

Again, this is a long term, steady project, there is no rush.


If you are feeling bored, depressed, or demoralized, here is a job for you:

-help find links to Stefan Molyneux's best content

-help identify the specific individuals responsible for scrubbing him from YouTube and Twitter

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d6c028  No.159640


A lolberg and an actual jew with no original ideas? Molyneux is a cardboard cutout person.

Anyway, the internet is controlled by commies now; what are u gonna do about it?

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dfcb2e  No.159643


>what are u gonna do about it?

Starting with his highest quality content I want to archive everything (which I should have been doing already admittedly) and then upload them back to the normie web under various personas. This will be an ongoing, steady operation. Anybody that shares their favorite Molymeme content in this thread is much appreciated to make the task of sifting out his best content more manageable.

Next, I want to find specifically identify the people responsible for the decision. I'm not saying I intend to make their lives incredibly more time consuming, hypothetically, in minecraft. But I wouldn't be disappointed if such friction happened to occur. Hypothetically. I'm not going to get into specifics for obvious reasons, but any help identifying these people would also be appreciated.

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d6c028  No.159647


>spend hundreds of hours uploading a grifters videos just for google's hyper advanced ai video crawler to flag it and delete it

waste of time, honestly.

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dfcb2e  No.159649


Okay, you personally aren't going to be any help for this project. Thank you for your idiot perspective. Get out of the way. Or keep posting and display your idiocy. Your choice.

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d6c028  No.159650


>Thank you for your idiot perspective. Get out of the way. Or keep posting and display your idiocy. Your choice.

What I said is 100% true. You are going to waste hundreds of hours of your personal time to re-upload a grifters videos only for them to be deleted later.

>everyone please help me because i don't want to do all the work myself, it's too much so work for me pls, it'll be epic

Not your personal army. Most here dislike your cult leader anyway.

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dfcb2e  No.159653


Well aren't you just a little fucking Jew.

I am happy that you've decided to continue engaging me. I do not intend to argue with any of your perspectives because you do not intend to cooperate with the project. Instead I am only going to sling mud at you, you loser faggot. You have a tiny context.

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d6c028  No.159654


>Well aren't you just a little fucking Jew.

You don't like Jews but you want me to upload a Jews videos for you?

Tip top kek.

>I am happy that you've decided to continue engaging me. I do not intend to argue with any of your perspectives because you do not intend to cooperate with the project. Instead I am only going to sling mud at you, you loser faggot. You have a tiny context.

You aren't from 8chan or 4chan. We can tell by your writing. Fuck off Hasbara shill.

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dfcb2e  No.159657


Do you think any of the text you've assembled provides value whatsover?


Have you constructed your text to prevent action?


Which would a kike do?

Your posts speak for themselves. Keep engaging me you monkey. You have zero impulse control. You can't resist the little bit of dopamine you get with recognition.

I'll be back tomorrow to see what confabulation of words you try to spew to make believe you are a productive member of the community but it is very obvious what you are. You whiny bitch.

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d6c028  No.159658


>I hate kikes but please upload this literal kike's videos


>I'll be back tomorrow

Please don't.

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dfcb2e  No.159659

File: 846e5efa5bed93d⋯.png (345.79 KB, 677x802, 677:802, PLEASE_DONT.png)


>Please don't.

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c53294  No.159660

File: f8bf7460e7236af⋯.webm (4.38 MB, 440x640, 11:16, molyneux_on_white_pride_w….webm)

File: 7b36c974d83f4a4⋯.gif (2.61 MB, 480x320, 3:2, Dancing_Dwayne_Auschwitz.gif)


I have all of his YT videos archived up until the date of his account termination, I'll start uploading tonight and reply to this thread.

Strictly the videos, no thumbnails / annotations or subtitles unfortunately.

Don't waste your precious energy on replying to demoralization shills, instead let their presence remind you of the amount of resources they spend every day to try and prevent you from spreading ideas that they find threatening.

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d6c028  No.159662

File: d94b66817ae1c66⋯.jpg (58.02 KB, 750x550, 15:11, you.jpg)


time to go back to where you came from

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08aaf0  No.159696


It's great that you fix sight on a single target and see it done and despite his repeated counter-signallings, his vids does have value giveth how much researchs he has put in a number of them.

You can try contacting the drama whore himself and ask him if he has saved his vids.

Archive.org/web/ was able to save the July 4th Robert Sterkeson video on bitchute, that might be worth investigating.

Also, once you done the upload efforts, make also QR codes linking to them.

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a64749  No.159746


Just turn their internet off or require age limits on site moderation would be a great start, 21 year old moderators? LOL

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a64749  No.159747

Oh, side note. Jordan Peterson and Molyneux historical documentation is excellent. I thoroughly enjoy their pieces on American History, and I highly insist that you find some of their documentaries on said subjects. Also, why would a communist website like YouTube take down Molyneux if he wasn’t advocating for the correct ideals, after all, it’s not his religion that defines him but his character and moral code. Cheers, think logically folks.

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c30923  No.159767




The actual history of Sen. McCarthy and the similarities to today.

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3cb644  No.159778

Why was Molyneux specifically targetted for removal?

I don't recall anything too controversial in any of his youtube videos.

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4dd5a6  No.159790


he's a racist cracker

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6c2feb  No.159803

Who? You mean that Jewish guy?

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652d73  No.159806


thanks useless shill. die now, die later, we’ll get you one way or another

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a01245  No.159808

What has he done for the white race? Nothing. What did he do when he was deplatformed? Nothing. Why should we care? We shouldn’t. We do nothing, either. Absolutely nothing in the face of our own genocide. Fuck your ecelebs.

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64d692  No.159829

File: 3b80d3bda12e829⋯.png (17.97 KB, 521x370, 521:370, Moneyjew_don_t_mock_the_Ho….png)

File: a147b89e15cff88⋯.png (41.78 KB, 633x348, 211:116, moneyjew_iran.png)

File: 3f4c384dde107d9⋯.jpg (28.4 KB, 703x503, 703:503, Moneyjew.jpg)

File: 216137f6df0371e⋯.mp4 (1.76 MB, 356x104, 89:26, GLR_How_McCarthy_Got_jew_d.mp4)

File: 9b236fdc3614374⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1000x1500, 2:3, no_good_jews.png)


What's up with all of these anti-Semitic, Holocaust denying shills? Don't these goyim know that the jews are their greatest allies?


>The actual history of Sen. McCarthy

So if I click that link, I'm going to hear about Bernard Baruch, the AJLAC, Roy Cohn, and David Schine, and all the related kikery?

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64d692  No.159830

File: 299f5acc0d768f4⋯.jpg (72.7 KB, 650x598, 25:23, Streetshitter_on_JFK_s_vie….jpg)


As a lolberg, you'd think he would have at least stood up for Anglin when the Daily Stormer was being hit so hard, strictly on free speech grounds, but he couldn't even do that.

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dfcb2e  No.159914


Good to know at least one backup exists. Good work. And thank you for for reminding me to keep a close eye on where I spend my energy. I will await your links.


Looking into the July 4th video. And good idea about QR codes.


Precisely. If he was worth their time to smear he's good enough by my standard. I will make a point to zero in on the historical videos. Jordan is still allowed on the normie net so I'll assume he can fend for himself for now.


This is a good one. Great suggestion. The State Department of USA has been compromised since 1945. This video assembles the story and specifically identifies individuals. They fucking hate being specifically identified. Are there videos or infographs, Stefan or otherwise, which brings this story to present day with the same detail? This is an important priority.


Makes ya wonder don't it?


We are all that's left of Western Civilization. We have no other luxury but to goto war with the army we've got. Stop whining and do your job. Take a fucking oath with me: I solemnly swear to carry out my duty to uphold and defend the philosophy of Western Civilization against all of its enemies. So help me God.


Healthy discussion and critique of his ideological faults is more productive than >>159808 in fact, this tradition is a major component of Western Civilization. No other tribes on Earth thoughtfully consider the contribution of a man takes the time and effort to organize thoughts. Other tribes can't do this, for whatever reason, and instead can only destroy the physical record of the thoughts in hopes that its ideas go away. This is exclusively either or. Either we act like Western Civilization or we do not qualify.

I'll be back tomorrow.

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a01245  No.159949


What oath? You’re not taking it. No one else will, either. The white species went extinct in 1945. It’s the last time any of us fought back.

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08aaf0  No.159982


It's not just as much specifics as the general picture, it still makes the goyim think about things a little too much. He thought enough counter-signaling ("Mussolini wuz a comiiiiie") would be enough to prevent that.



Ah s…, I meant the 2024 elections video, not the 4th July one.


Tried to archive it and the September 11th one but they don't start. Haven't tried youtube.

Bonus, Dindu Zone and Rhodesians Never Die by CatosSpeech.

https://archive.org/details/vidme-QkWP & https://archive.org/details/vidme-9RYL


Molyneux bitchute channel.

Created 3 years ago.

1652 videos

65875 subscribers


But Bitchute video resolutions are kinda poor. Is it the same when they are downloaded? Do they get only 640p? Haven't attempted yet.

Here is one reason I got interested in this thread, The Terrible Truth about Ireland 2040.


I suggest you go through and sort out the videos. Assemble the most important ones and by topics.

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59a5ed  No.159983


he doesnt shill for kikes or israel, he just has autism about muh free mahkeets and how the state is inherently ebil, even when its a party YOU want, somehow. he thinks governments are not capable of doing anything good which is like saying any group of people cannot do any good or do things you want. a state is natural.

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61ae0b  No.159984


> It’s the last time any of us fought back.

The amount of shilling seen on net tells us otherwise.

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a01245  No.159987


>whites do absolutely nothing, anywhere


Are you fucking stupid? My car isn’t broken, but I still get the oil changed and it winterized every year. It’s called MAINTENANCE.

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01202b  No.159989


The two ways to deal with a crime are to eliminate the means and to eliminate the motivation. Since eliminating motivations doesn't seems to work, all that is left is to do away with the means. The government is one of the greatest avenues by which jews and other corrupt individuals climb to the top of society and make life miserable for everyone else. It is a means that would be better off being done away with. At least at the national level. That kind of power attracts the scummiest of individuals and gives them basically no accountability. And even if 9/10 politicians have the best intentions LOL! you only need that one shitter to ruin everything, before you even account for how the other nine can't agree on crap together and will only pass compromises that will satisfy nobody.

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dfcb2e  No.160154

I am quite satisfied with progress on finding and organizing content so far. This will take some time

On to the second part of the operation.

How is YouTube organized?

Which staff were responsible for the decision?

Same for other platforms.

These are publicly traded businesses so I am going to start there.

From what I have gathered so far, it was a coordinated ban of many personalities across many platforms all within hours of each other:

>YouTube bans Stefan Molyneux, David Duke, Richard Spencer, and more for hate speech


>June 29, 2020

The catalyst may be as simple as fears of the election but I need to learn more.

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ac57dd  No.160167

Im not going to paddle for this kike. He obviously got banned because a few times he vaguely mentioned that the shit going on in the world might have to do with jewish influence. His content otherwise was ultra pc, assertive shit. Besides, this shit never spoke out when others got censored.

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08aaf0  No.160216


Another question should be, who else has similar interests regarding Youtube? Doesn't 8Kun have a Q board, that has some interest in researchs? TheDonald.Win, some anons might have looked up some things.

I found this one.. https://qanon.news/Archives/x/9892595 …through image searching this. https://i.4pcdn.org/pol/1500357113683.jpg

Wikileaks and the Veritas Project, could be a lead albeit they are likely more interested in what youtube does.

Do not forget that google searchs censors/alters results. There is DuckDuckgo.com and Yandex.ru, albeit you should have some info on Cyrillic handy when using it.



Likely unrelated but could be useful later.

You can also use archives to find out how much views, likes and dislikes specific videos had. How many subscribers and so on.

A matter of showing that he wasn't a nobody before his channel got shut down.


Yes and no.

Beside vids like what is happening in South Africa & the Irish 2040 plan being handy,

the trick is how the Molyneux case is made use of to harm/damage the Narrative of the System.

He is afraid of 1488ers but 1488ers aren't afraid of him and his sad BS. -)

Look up the list of his counter-signalling too, very similar in nature to others in the alt-lite/gatekeeper community (Jordan Peterson, Alex Jones, Paul Joseph Watson etc), showing it is not at all organic.

- "Dems are teh reel natzees! Mussolini wuz a marxeeest!"

- Support for the HK color revolution.

- Muh Uighur opresshun!

- Support for agitation in Iran a while back.

Libertarian conter-signalling.

- "Hoover wuz a big gubberint sosaleest!"

Counter-signalling talking points gets used over and over again.


Someone having a go at it.

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c00f95  No.160345

nigger fag test

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dfcb2e  No.160365

File: b28f437d281c511⋯.png (101.68 KB, 538x756, 269:378, Lucy_Calladine.png)

File: c33c9f26c51f11e⋯.png (468.33 KB, 1311x577, 1311:577, threat_landscape.png)

File: 3afbd8a12d243ac⋯.png (562.33 KB, 1311x582, 437:194, circumvention.png)

File: c99c6353f569acf⋯.png (485.28 KB, 1282x576, 641:288, extreme_far_right.png)

File: e8387fefcfe2e59⋯.png (434.83 KB, 1035x564, 345:188, telegram_lol.png)

I started by examining some earnings call transcripts and news around the same time as them.

Didn't find much.

Alphabet Q2 2020 Earnings Call


July 30, 2020

>We are also focused on election security efforts around the globe, whether it’s removingcoordinated foreign influence operations, preventing hacking and phishing attempts, orenforcing our political ad policies that require transparency and prohibit narrow microtargeting.


Alphabet Q1 2018 Earnings Call


>Even as we invest in new experiences, we stay very focused on making sure that YouTuberemains a safe platform with great content. We are aggressively combating content thatviolates our strict policies, through a combination of user and machine flags. Over 6 millionvideos removed in Q4 were first flagged by our machine systems, and over 75% of thosevideos were removed before receiving a single view. We also changed our monetizationrequirements to better identify creators who contribute positively to the community, and drivemore ad revenue to them.

April 23, 2018


YouTube Is Assembling New Teams To Spot Inappropriate Content Early


>Following a series of scandals and advertiser boycotts, YouTube is taking a more proactive approach to hateful and offensive content.

January 19, 2018


YouTube’s exec discusses “Intelligence Desk” to target emerging conspiracy theories


>“This is a team of professionals who actually try to look kind of just over the horizon if you will in terms of where a conspiracy might be coming from, where misinformation might be coming from, so that we can do our best to sort of stay ahead of something that might be emerging before it becomes a challenge on our platform.”

>According to previous reports on the Intelligence Desk, it uses a combination of “Google data, user reports, social media trends, and third-party consultants to detect inappropriate content early, and either remove it or prevent advertiser messaging from appearing near it.”

April 27, 2020


I wonder what the "third party consultants" are?

Started checking Youtube's official blogs.

Found much better information.

How YouTube supports elections



>In 2018, we formed an Intelligence Desk to detect new trends surrounding inappropriate content and problematic behaviors, and to make sure our teams are prepared to address them before they become a larger issue. For example, in 2018, as a result of the Intelligence Desk’s work to detect the evolving online tactics and impending statements of terrorist organizations, we shared 100,000 digital fingerprints (also known as hashes) of terror content to the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism’s hash-sharing database.

>To combat foreign and domestic coordinated influence operations looking to interfere in electoral processes, we coordinate closely with Google’s Threat Analysis Group (TAG) to identify bad actors and terminate their channels and accounts. Through TAG, we work with other technology companies to share intelligence and best practices, and share threat information with law enforcement.


Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter and YouTube Announce Formation of the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism


>We already partner with organizations such as the Center for Strategic and International Studies, Anti-Defamation League and Global Network Initiative to identify how best to counter extremism and online hate, while respecting freedom of expression and privacy.

>Counterspeech: Each of us already has robust counterspeech initiatives in place (e.g., YouTube’s Creators for Change, Jigsaw’s Redirect Method, Facebook’s P2P and OCCI, Microsoft’s partnership with the Institute for Strategic Dialogue for counter-narratives on Bing, Twitter’s global NGO training program). The forum we have established allows us to learn from and contribute to one another’s counterspeech efforts, and discuss how to further empower and train civil society organizations and individuals who may be engaged in similar work and support ongoing efforts such as the Civil society empowerment project (CSEP).



I wonder what Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism GIFCT is all about…

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dfcb2e  No.160367

File: b19499cc31ad77a⋯.png (39.77 KB, 1386x526, 693:263, Lucy_s_Experience.png)

File: 588493879a99af1⋯.png (124.74 KB, 746x742, 373:371, surprise_surprise.png)

File: fb09454ec117d55⋯.png (84.76 KB, 917x722, 917:722, third_party_consultants.png)

File: b33982fd9f7b73a⋯.png (70.31 KB, 511x472, 511:472, Nick_Pickles.png)

Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism



This was a fascinating viewing experience:

GIFCT 2020 Multi-Stakeholder Forum

July 23, 2020

Part I: recorded replay


>Christ Church

>Gab, Parlor, mainstreaming "far-right" conspiracy theories

>Daily Stormer

>"we can not look at this from a Western perspective" -Farah Pandith of CFR

>Australian Far Right

>Sovereign Citizens

>Deplatforming as an effective method to prevent the spread of information.


>dark places of the internet

>extreme far right prefers Telegram (lol)

The program of the event



List of "Panel" and "Working Group" for the GIFCT "Multi-Stakeholder Forum":

Brad Smith, President, Microsoft

Courtney Gregoire, Chief Digital Safety Officer, Microsoft, and Chairof theOperating Board, GIFCT

Nicholas Rasmussen, Executive Director, GIFCT

Bjørn Ihler, Chair of the GIFCT Independent Advisory Committee

Dr. Shiraz Maher, Global Network on Extremism and Technology (GNET)

Farah Pandith, Adjunct Senior Fellow, Council on Foreign Relations

Lydia Khalil, Research Fellow, Lowy Institute

Hamish Hansford, First Assistant Secretary, Department of Home Affairs, Australian Government

Adam Hadley, Director, Tech Against Terrorism

Dina Hussein, Facebook, Academic and Practical Research

Lucy Calladine, Google and YouTube, Content-Sharing Algorithms, Processes, and Positive Interventions

Jacqueline Beauchere, Microsoft, Crisis Response

Nick Pickles, Twitter, Legal Approaches

Adam Hadley,Tech Against Terrorism, Technical Approaches

Dr. Erin Saltman, Facebook, Transparency

evelyn douek, Harvard Law School, Academia

Tobias Wippich, German Bundeskriminalamt, Law Enforcement

dia kayyali, WITNESS, Civil Society

Who is Lucy Calladine I wonder???

Lucy Calladine

Lucy Calladine

Google and YouTube

Content-Sharing Algorithms, Processes, and Positive Interventions

Deputy Director for Online Policy in UK Home Office

Hired on Google/Youtube January 2020

This seems like the person.

Need to learn more about her.


Further investigation needed:

-Lucy Calladine

-Intelligence Desk (Youtube)


-Redirect Method (Jigsaw)

-P2P and OCCI (Facebook)

-Institute for Strategic Dialogue for Counter-Narratives (Microsoft)

-Civil Society Empowerment Project (CSEP)


I would rather not get the Qtards involved in this yet. The retard contingency.

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a64749  No.160435


The problem with these is that they’re centralizing their efforts to respond or de-escalate things. The sad part is that in cohesion with the government, they’re becoming this whole new layer of spying that I personally think is more terrifying than some Terrorist groups. While, I haven’t experienced any in person. In reality the War in Iraq deaths are almost the same in comparison with some of our cities over the past 10-20 years. I think that is a serious problem, yet the way we have chosen to fix it is with this secret oversight. I just feel that with this power comes great responsibility, and I am worried that can be used nefariously against the people.

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dfcb2e  No.160590

Intelligence Desk is a dead end so far but I want to learn more about it. I can't find any information on it more than a January 2018 press release for it. All I can gather is that it is a 24/7 team that can identify breaking news worldwide in minutes and has authority and power to stop topics or videos from trending or spreading using all of Google's high tech tools to do it. But there is no transparency of who is on the team or from which context they make their decisions. (((though it's pretty obvious to anyone paying attention)))

Shouldn't a team with this much power be held accountable? Who are they? I found a few job postings from a few months ago maybe I should apply lol

The "Counterspeech" programs are less concerning. They are merely targeted advertising in a package that makes them seem like they are combating extremism.

It's becoming apparent, however, that these "multi-stockholder" organizations are the ones brainstorming HOW to eliminate White content and prevent it from spreading. It's all biased towards addressing "far-right" extremism and never mentions far left extremism. This much is obvious from the results of their actions but is much more insulting to hear discussed openly. This information is elucidating.

Nonetheless I must continue to make higher and higher definition models of the YouTube/Twitter power structure because at the end of the day I intend to uncover which specific individuals said "Molymeme has to go, shut it down."

Can anyone point me in a direction of an infograph or documentary which specifically names names and procedures in openly Bolshevic organizations in the past? I seem to recall William Pierce videos about the Frankfurt school which I can't locate, and I assume there are similar. I'm hoping there is enough life on 8kun, although it's seemingly to be just a giant honeypot of paralyzing demoralization. Get your blood moving you depressed faggots.

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0ff517  No.160629


It’s just the usual players. They’re trying to stabilize a strong arm and informations and content spreading. Just make an API that’s on Github that conveniently disables these programs innocuously and repeatedly.

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7ccbbc  No.160645

I unintentionally slid this thread bumping a few others.

This board is slow and compared to 4 years ago depressing, the upshot is long studious dig threads can still snowball. I appreciate the research effort people are doing here, have a bump

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d0ba39  No.160684


Stefan Molyneux is not a jew, shut the fuck up you blithering retard. You've done FUCKING NOTHING with your life compared to him. He's actually contributed net value to whites, whereas you have only taken. Please kill yourself.

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7e969c  No.160688


>He's actually contributed net value to whites

No, he hasn't. He is a Finkel-think vector. The damage he causes, like Tucker Carlson, is immense.

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c507b7  No.160719


He's admitted to being jewish on multiple occasions.

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f4e9fa  No.162003

File: 5cca2d78476ce0d⋯.gif (287.88 KB, 340x173, 340:173, jokerblast.gif)

Stop using (((mainstream))) media.

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a2f585  No.162005

File: 43080c1c25d6282⋯.mp4 (842.59 KB, 818x480, 409:240, Stefan_Molyneux_talks_abou….mp4)


He's just an entertainer, a talking head just like that kermit fucker who was ridding out the disillusion masses of people looking for a father figure.

>video related to Stefan Molyneux

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31b622  No.162010


I'll contribute bro, but just know that this guy was in decline. He was good, like free college education professor good. But did start to loose his bite.. as the punches came. I'll assist.

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31b622  No.162011



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7ea967  No.162015

File: 7e95709788f6d07⋯.png (129.97 KB, 442x353, 442:353, 3106227b940f8ec8c051f52973….png)


Yep I agree with you. He's not interesting anymore, so nothing really lost. But still it goes to show you that (((they))) are winning, they control the internet.

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31b622  No.162025


Not necessarily. We just need to effect change little by little. One at the time, go to school, start your business. Have kids, get involved in politics. Get in to positions of power. Let your people in. f

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7ea967  No.162034


Yeah I agree with you that it works like that. Nepotism goes a llllllllooooooonnnnnnngggggggg way. All Americans learn this the second they try to look for a job in their teens.

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31b622  No.162040

File: e566b85b9bed8a1⋯.webm (3.99 MB, 224x400, 14:25, steph_moly1.webm)


here you go fren.. I lost other files. I'll try to fetch

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31b622  No.162043

File: 9d3ff24cfb191c0⋯.webm (2.74 MB, 640x360, 16:9, insane_clownjam.webm)

good night frenz.. enjoy jam (unrelated to thread, just good faith)

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cf7aed  No.162048

I like the guy tbh,…

,..even if he is a fuckin leaf.

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dfcb2e  No.167418

Who at Twitter decides to lock the account of the White House Press Secretary?

Who decides to have an outage to suppress the flow of information?

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ed251f  No.167421


Still we need a platform for soft redpills.

Did he have a backup in bitchute?

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8336fe  No.167445


time to get a real job, you fucking jew.

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a01245  No.167449


>what if jews do anything they want

What about it? No one will ever do anything about it. Literally no one will stop it. You already know the answer to your question. Why did you even bother asking? Whites will never do anything.

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866b4a  No.167532


You're trying way too hard, neanderkike nigger.

It is so much fun watching you pathetic parasites squirm now that you know what the future holds for you, and with today's tech, there isn't a single crack on the surface of this entire planet where you will be able to hide your fucking nose, you pedo sodomite.

We will find you, faggot.

We are coming.

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a01245  No.167535


>no argument

>no refutation

>no evidence whatsoever

To reiterate: No one will ever do anything about it. Literally no one will stop it. You already know the answer to your question. Why did you even bother asking? Whites will never do anything.

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595790  No.167701


>This is fucking injustice

He got exactly what he deserved. Anyone with a brain saw him becoming a victim of cancel culture inevitably. If he didn't prepare for that eventuality, if he didn't have a plan to exploit it and profit from it, then that's his own fault. This is a guy who advocated all sorts of cucky shit just to keep hold of that golden teat on jewtoob. If he's fucked now I feel nothing over it.

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4c13b4  No.167704


>>no argument

>>no refutation

>>no evidence whatsoever

>thinking someone needs to provide evidence to prove a negative.

Trying too hard to fit in as a Molyneux "no argument" fag

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a01245  No.167719


I don’t give a shit about the OP or the topic of the thread. I made a statement, you screamed like a bitch because it’s true and it hurt your feelings, I demanded proof that you had evidence I was wrong, you refused to give any evidence. We’re done here. No one will do anything about it. Literally no one will stop it. It’s fact; you know it’s fact; get over it or fuck off the board.

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33b840  No.168197

I'm sad AmRen got deleted as well.

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a01245  No.168203


You’re sad about contop that bans you if you name the jew, refusing to name it themselves? Why?

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044c8a  No.168298

File: f2965dd745192ad⋯.png (226.58 KB, 478x354, 239:177, Amren_kike.png)


Now how will we ever see all the classics featuring Rabbi Schiller? A true h'White warrior!

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57318f  No.169712


Race and IQ probably.

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30c4d1  No.169715

File: b9197e967d5b88e⋯.jpg (41.75 KB, 425x521, 425:521, kekberg.jpg)

>a jew gets silenced by a bunch of jews and then he whines like a jew

Why should I care?

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42fb8c  No.170318

I really used to like to watch him and I appreciated his philosophy! D:

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8160cb  No.170324


I admit youtube is very antisemitic.


You idiots only help this system. Even most basic bitch conservative v-bloggers get removed but /pnd/ goes "haha he was a jew take that" not weighting down how significant it is that even a normalfag values are not welcome anymore.

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c98e3d  No.170340


>You idiots only help this system.

By not giving a fuck when a paid jewish shill is deplatformed by his own masters, how does that help the system?

>Even most basic bitch conservative v-bloggers get removed


>not weighting down

Or maybe we are, but you’re just too stupid to understand why we behave the way we do.

>how significant it is that even a normalfag values are not welcome anymore.

It’s not significant. There is nothing “normal” about supporting zionism, neoconservatism, civic nationalism, faggotry, egalitarianism, feminism, or any of the other things you’re trying to claim are “normal” to us after a century of jewish rule. We don’t give a shit about your false dichotomy, or of your jewish conception of reality. That’s what you don’t understand.

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fe5dcd  No.170348


Imagine being this retarded. Not even the OP lmao. I bet you are but a basement dweller.

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6c2feb  No.170349

File: 6e224d86c0c0e6e⋯.jpg (31.15 KB, 567x565, 567:565, 1470332469248_0.jpg)


Imagine supporting a kike like Stefan Molyjew. You also didn't present an argument.

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098312  No.170391


Amen. This is 100% true. This is the only way to cut the jews knees off is to make government or rulership punishable by death. If that was done, then anyone who would even try could be murdered legally and ‘to the victor goes the spoils’ ie their entire holdings and assets would be transferred to whomever murdered them for their illegal activities. Yes, it would be a free for all in the beginning but it would resolve the ‘problem of the the jew’ forever incapacitating their ability to accrue power with their nigger DNA and their wretched decision making ability and general disgusting ignobility (due to nigger blood).

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049c2f  No.170414



Spectacular argument. Way to go, champ.

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4b13e7  No.170558


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b785ba  No.170579


i liked the guy.

was sad when they took him off everything. it was a swift hitjob.

honestly dont miss him now.

hadnt though about it until i saw this thread.

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da6670  No.175409

File: 1e0deefb4e03149⋯.jpg (381.43 KB, 872x867, 872:867, hmm.jpg)

Stefan Molyneux doesn't engage with people from the Alternative Right, who have shed Libertarianism. He wants to gatekeep people in this libertarian bubble. He doesn't want to engage with these other ideas. I was honestly quite shocked what weird excuses he uses to not debate certain people. This proves that he really wants to gatekeep.

He was making a lot of progress, but sometime shortly before getting banned, he was backpedaling hard and returned to his libertarian, ancap shell. That's when I realized he was compromised, wanted to keep his paypig farm going and didn't want to be part of actual solutions, but just use his brain and his thoughts to make money.

I also dislike how strangely enough he feels comfortable enough to shit on women though. One video a female bodybuilder, who went to the gym a lot called in and he berated her for the completly natural female desire to have a masculine, strong man.

The man she was with didn't meet the base requirement. He was an effeminate Nerd. The thought of having sex with him was physically revolting to her. He even came in his pants just from kissing once. Super akward and pathetic.

But because she listens to Stefan's show and because her sorta boyfriend is also deep into philosophy they can both confuse her mind "WHY AM I NOT ATTRACTED TO HIM! ITS RUINING ME".

Because they can trick your mind, but not your nature. The basic requirement for her is to be an actually masculine man. Now philosophy and a deeper emotional connection is nice to have, after you have the basics. But they do not replace the basics.

So he is fine with pandering to the Incel crowd, but actual third positionist values no?

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3dbdfd  No.175427


>hadnt though about it until i saw this thread.

Same. I mean too bad he got assblasted, but his content is simply too boring for me.

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b96b9f  No.176633

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cffcf1  No.177093

File: 0078dae283920a3⋯.jpg (67.29 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 9849189.jpg)

Good. Stefan Molyneux getting banned and Trump letting his supporters get banned is the reason Trump lost the election.

Trump would hold entire rallies in front of white people telling them how great he is for blacks and latinos.

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5c9ef1  No.177226

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d28124  No.177239

Youtube needs to change their policy. Instead of just taking a video down it needs to say THIS VIDEO HAS BEEN REMOVED BY (USER NAME)

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8ca189  No.177312

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c29efd  No.177370


>known for his conspiracy theories

>white supremacist

What the fuck, do these faggots really?

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bfa029  No.177428

File: eb7b1662459cca0⋯.webm (2.55 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Molymeme_conversing_with_….webm)

He might not be right about a lot of stuff especially religion, politics, culture and history (or acting so he doesn't seem "radical" and doesn't spook the normies) but he got me to study more on eugenics and he's still fighting for the right cause

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bfa029  No.177443


Note that when I said he got me to study more on eugenics I didn't mean he was right I think he is completely wrong. he's taking a moral stand on the issue (which is respectable).

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b49510  No.178438

molymeme did nothing wrong.

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d2f351  No.178462


This webm is gold.

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41e088  No.178759


His content is available at https://lbry.com/


Coincidentally, just today I had archived his video "The Truth About The Fall of Rome: Modern Parallels (2016)" from bitchute.

Thanks for the heads up though. I will download rest of his content too.

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cedee8  No.178811

File: e9d105db66e33ff⋯.webm (804.83 KB, 360x360, 1:1, 1581453232734.webm)

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fed0b9  No.178858


There are a lot of his videos there. All of the videos above are on race.

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fed0b9  No.178861


By a lot I mean relatively few with regards to his total set.

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51940f  No.179199

Another shill

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11eb2b  No.180303

File: ac8963b006e2740⋯.png (91.1 KB, 443x490, 443:490, women_suicide.png)

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e9b023  No.180367

File: 2808c576c697565⋯.jpg (32.55 KB, 350x350, 1:1, hg.jpg)


Peter Molyneux?!?! What a piece of shit, I'll fucking rape him.

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c5bf73  No.183319

File: 6a11f44665fd703⋯.jpg (42.07 KB, 512x512, 1:1, beauty.jpg)


you are alright góy, I'll let you merry my beautiful daughter (picture related), for a price of course

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e0c9f4  No.183370


Fable was fun though.

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d3fa35  No.184006

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cecfe2  No.184515


Molymeme has done more for this movement than you ever will. He has exposed the kikes on more than one occasion and has always been a pro-white nationalist. He said ONE time he had a distant Jewish relative and who knows if it was even true.

Before people started turning on the kikes the last few years they have always been seen as some poor victims yet strong and resilient for overcoming their poor oppression. Lots of people have used this image for political purposes and this is nothing new in the way of self promotion. It is no different than claiming/identifying with some distant Native American ancestry that is highly common in the Americas.

Fuck off back to cuckchan with your nigger tier bait trolls

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cecfe2  No.184516


you all know he has a fucking website right? FFS can you fucking idiots even use jewgle to do 5 minutes of research (including OP).

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026e88  No.184522

File: acccd22362cffa1⋯.jpg (33.49 KB, 375x250, 3:2, 1426281246731.jpg)


There's literally a webm in this thread where he states that his mother is Jewish. That's not a distant relative. On the contrary, that means he's Jewish

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d198ca  No.195163


hes on video saying statistics about race/IQ and its cited as heressy by the establishment so they throw him under the bus

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24adc8  No.195518


> This is fucking injustice for anybody using the internet with a brain

molyjew doesn't have a brain. he's intellectually retarded and he needs to kill himself

> Starting with his highest quality content I want to archive everything

there's not much to archive. molyjew was so fucking retarded that he didn't even make backups of all of the videos he uploaded to youtube. he seriously thought they'd be up online forever and jewgle would host his shit for free for eternity.

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24adc8  No.195521


> kike exposing kikes

> movement

what was the movement exactly? the movement of intellectual bankrupt kikes? cope harder, rabbi.

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d96ad4  No.195677


I don't even understand what their complaint about this guy was.

He's basically the boomer motorcycle dad.

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a5e90b  No.195678

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b6d10e  No.195701

File: 559c1d1fe71a7ef⋯.pdf (1.51 MB, Judicial_Inc_Backup_The_Is….pdf)

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b6d10e  No.195705


It's sad to think that even a bloviating blustering buffoon like Alex Jones in the early 2000's had better you tube videos that Molyneux did.

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54df2f  No.195869


>The first great site to be banished from the web was Judicial Inc. Man, I loved that site.

You must be an ancient fag like I am, the problem I had with JI was there always seemed to be one glaring error in every article he posted. Sometimes it was so blatant I assumed it had to be intentional. There was always speculation as to who actually was behind the website. I assumed it was the "skunk" who posted tons of comments on another forum that was taken down which was Liberty Forum.

Liberty Forum really kicked ass and there is some archives of it.


Here is a more complete snapshot of what Judicial looked like. You can see what his actual pages looked like with pictures

You can also add Incog man to the list his site has been scrubbed in the last couple years, I thought that he was bullet proof but his domain names have somehow been taken down.

I can add a bunch to this list but sadly more than a few have died and with it all their online endeavors as well.

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e99cae  No.195887


I agree Kudos to the person who was able to pay attention to him long enough to find something they did not like. Shows determination / patience.

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afb17a  No.195898


You will never be a woman

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b6d10e  No.196153


Judicial Inc never pretended to be authoritative. It was gutter journalism, yellow kid shit and it was funny as fuck. Thanks for the links.

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e8c13e  No.196161

File: 644c6aa69c85501⋯.jpg (27.19 KB, 600x695, 120:139, 1610004039008.jpg)

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bc0514  No.208983

File: 66712e2d59ea825⋯.jpg (68.08 KB, 1032x479, 1032:479, ig.jpg)

WpC albFmPQStjYy hdvBeSvnI Zndmh GePyjFrgVYjw ZuHEQndlHHV Euizph aaVmrI LFqufxxewVlK EbjxLVgu aRN

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479580  No.209022

File: 931257253787eac⋯.jpg (47.46 KB, 464x487, 464:487, kIXnlqHaT.jpg)

WHqsRP kfkHE YTbjjXRuIGv KRyHg HAWxuYR cpn KcPfRVhfuOm

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94e950  No.209170

File: 450e0eb62740480⋯.jpg (37.14 KB, 320x517, 320:517, fnWbgF.jpg)

FRRd LXpbkv NvJAjbpAhKBB fjWtYD

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9578fa  No.209206

File: 7cfd1a4f2abee7b⋯.jpg (55.24 KB, 488x560, 61:70, LdyolKU.jpg)

OdeTXQcZJ cFWhyL MFEClGJl hcfDgFZppg

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f320e5  No.210811

File: 885b60f8f7ba065⋯.jpg (43.94 KB, 340x596, 85:149, iOeh.jpg)

EDMQ piLkd HxmFQt xAleaDFE

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e4fd88  No.211412

File: e47d72068c090a2⋯.jpg (80.58 KB, 1116x570, 186:95, uUnJZj.jpg)

ijfcZF TpKna EDWQh wkBFu HEFnnx WGowaC RkX RyBWGPu PKKXhZvhZkt tMAqAsFqZxI kMQK ruYVPKaqn fzaKNhrHkdiY FFQEIOa

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7bc33b  No.211433

File: 303a7364ed934f6⋯.jpg (84.08 KB, 1071x640, 1071:640, ZsRu.jpg)

ian kLly ZVpUMqNXV rfS vQorXwnIlkT kKChvMcKQKoJ opS IlwyRScr DKecnKDlO gecWfgMWt YlxWzMV envyjN

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f29ad3  No.212957

File: 72855f6bdf27527⋯.jpg (84.43 KB, 1135x595, 227:119, WrPFaPG.jpg)

DCdHPb RwhhfLVriDT MrRBR ylrLkdGnebo KRbOHTh RzTmoa yiSbfz wNqmKpdt rtz wFwjggsY grmVfCXq Ouqef eYQm XiCPu qto KZD WIyYDCvKLd maHMZzTDU

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0c5f12  No.213297

File: 84288411a65f88c⋯.jpg (48.63 KB, 445x517, 445:517, FpqjjoyAA.jpg)

FrakAaxoelkO UuvbzrLu AKNNkEH yMPLOPpy sZIj fBFOXYck

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dea8d5  No.213966

File: 8ea75a3f45fdc28⋯.jpg (43.53 KB, 445x450, 89:90, AfiJSyFT.jpg)

BJekqf jHBXXLnld JMXHINlt EVu CHbrIXJ umsF rbv hFFPnSQHnx amCKo PlrRrL

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