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1480d9  No.159601


Wow this nigger even said it. This black guy who is probably paid by a jew says the most realistic shit, it's weird so I can tell he's being paid. Still, wouldn't it be crazy when white people realize the issue is rich whites living in all white neighborhoods? That's where all the mudsharks come from too.

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dd93b7  No.159605


>rich whites living in all white neighborhoods? That's where all the mudsharks come from too.

yeah, nah.

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1480d9  No.159623


What don't you believe?

1) We know all the liberals that care about marxists/progressive virtues are from nice cooshy lives. Suburbanites are the prime suspects in anti-americanisms because ghettos they're too drugged up or stupid to care.

2) I am right here in the middle of PA and all the 8/10s and up are always with a nigger. That's the fashionable thing to do. The niggers getting ham planets is a total myth. Hell I even saw out of state plates (jersey) when I was getting gas and it was some gorgeous white blonde girl with a killer body and yes nigger man.

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dd93b7  No.159627


I live in Australia. Here, it's a lower class phenomenon. Solid middle-class girls would get shamed for dating a jogger so they don't do it. When I do see a white girl with a jogger, there's always something off with them (fat, underclass, working-class, etc.). It's probably a different story in burgerland but you guys don't live in a normal society any more (sorry but it's true).

>I am right here in the middle of PA and all the 8/10s and up are always with a nigger. That's the fashionable thing to do. The niggers getting ham planets is a total myth. Hell I even saw out of state plates (jersey) when I was getting gas and it was some gorgeous white blonde girl with a killer body and yes nigger man.

I don't doubt that. But you live in a second-world, nigger worshiping, communist country that is falling apart at the seams.

If it makes you feel any better, most white men here are dating hot Asian women.

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de56ce  No.159632

How many of those kids were "white"?

They all seem to be jews to me.

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54e9d1  No.159944


Lol, I NeVER See that. Maybe your definition of 8/10 is skewed because 90% of the white women I see with black guys are either plastic surgery dog shit whores who can’t do a physics problem. Or they’re fucking GIaNT fat bitches. To say a 4/10 is an 8/10 means you literally haven’t seen enough bitches for your answer to be useful. LOL, also, white women dating black guys should be prepared for an abusive relationship. Look at black on white crimes as M-> Female abuse. It’s unbelievable.

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7e95b3  No.159945


I think you might have fallen victim to the jewish programming, so you think any woman with an ape is a catch. Whenever I see it, the woman couldn’t squeeze through a Lane Bryant entrance.

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7e95b3  No.159946


(Those are the ones outdoors. The drug addict ones, which include methheads, stay indoors.)

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