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File: ead9967c796e9a1⋯.jpg (517.13 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, David_Hume.jpg)

5f7baa  No.159583

Welcome to the current year (hell?) where university buildings in Europe that were named in honour of native geniuses are renamed in honour of crackhead, drug addict, criminal pornstar niggers who died of drug overdoses! It isn't white replacement though – it's cultural progress.

>Edinburgh University has renamed the David Hume tower over the Scottish Enlightenment philosopher’s comments on race.

>It follows a petition from 2,000 students in the wake of the Black Lives Matter movement and protests over the killing of George Floyd.

>The decision, taken by the university’s Equality and Diversity Committee, will be temporary until a full review is completed.

>“The interim decision has been taken because of the sensitivities around asking students to use a building named after the 18th century philosopher whose comments on matters of race, though not uncommon at the time, rightly cause distress today,” the university said in a statement.

>From the start of this academic year the building will be known as 40 George Square.

>An online petition to rename the tower has so far gained 1,800 signatures.

>Founder Elizabeth Lund wrote: “Nobody is demanding we erase David Hume from history.

>“However, we should not be promoting a man who championed white supremacy. That is mutually exclusive with the goal of reducing the harm caused by racism at Edinburgh University to students of colour.

(Story: https://www.scotsman.com/education/edinburgh-university-renames-david-hume-tower-over-racist-comments-2970002)

This kind of stuff isn't going to stop. It's going to continue until the philosophy section of your local bookstore has replaced the greats with the illiterate scribblings of ghetto dindus and the concert hall blasts violent trap beats made by highly overstrung meth addicts.

Press "S" to spit.

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9b22cf  No.159587

>This kind of stuff isn't going to stop.

Oh well, I guess.

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0b9ac1  No.159588

Learn Polish or become a Mormon/Amish, broski. The West, especially Anglo countries, are too cucked to survive.

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4bdaca  No.159589

'Equality at its finest'

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5f7baa  No.159590

>>159588 checked

>Learn Polish or become a Mormon/Amish, broski. The West, especially Anglo countries, are too cucked to survive.

Russian Orthodox checking in.

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0b9ac1  No.159592


Maybe Ukrainian Orthodox.

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5f7baa  No.159594


>Ukrainian Orthodox.

>CIA backed.

Nah, thanks.

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0b9ac1  No.159596

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5f7baa  No.159602


>the Patriarchate of Constantinople developed close ties with US intelligence services. Moreover, the US security services have supervised the process of confirming new patriarchs




Cool meme arrow.

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ddc325  No.159610

I would be any amount of money that George Floyd would not be able to point to Edinburgh on a map.

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ddc325  No.159611


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ddc325  No.159613

Edinburgh is 92% white. Imagine virtue signalling this hard.

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5f7baa  No.159616


>I would be any amount of money that George Floyd would not be able to point to Edinburgh on a map.

Das in Cali, rite mane?

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2e2232  No.159620


A nigger actually "axed" me if London was in England, or England was in London. This was a university educated nog.

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9bc233  No.159629

You wont do shit about it pussy

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ec8457  No.159631

File: 0c0ac12bdbe236c⋯.jpg (7.53 KB, 245x250, 49:50, 0c0ac12bdbe236c9d8209c5bb1….jpg)


>the university’s Equality and Diversity Committee

How can you not notice when you have cancer?

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ad1f67  No.159633

File: 794029f6c7603c9⋯.png (21.35 KB, 635x64, 635:64, 1.png)


>Imagine virtue signalling this hard.

They're just trying to live in accordance with the morals of the truly enlightened (((Scottish))) thinkers.


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5f7baa  No.159634

File: 29e457ee3a95c5d⋯.jpg (42.6 KB, 503x581, 503:581, _you_.jpg)


Oh yeah?

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2e2232  No.159641


The best part is at the end of the article.

>Dr Felix Waldmann is a Fellow of Christ’s College, Cambridge. He was the David Hume Fellow at the University of Edinburgh in 2016.

I think his people call that Chutzpah.

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5f7baa  No.159670

File: a117022b4bc71a1⋯.jpg (39.12 KB, 501x373, 501:373, jog.jpg)


>Multiple police stations and detention centers turned into rubble, hours long compilations of right-yards being beat men half to death, multiple dead cracker pigs and so much more > your boi sneaking up on unarmed people

>Who are the real warriors here and who are the pussies

Not you or your bois, Tyrone.

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5f7baa  No.159674


lol. you boys are funny.

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b4bae6  No.159750

I called the university, they aren’t sending in connections to the Diversity and Equality group. I suggest someone dive down and get the Deans phone number as well as the Local Free Masons lodge number.

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b4bae6  No.159751

I asked her why they would replace the David Hume tower with a drug addict?

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b4bae6  No.159752

I think that we need to write better headlines “Previously esteemed university of Edinburgh believes in the virtues of a drug addict of the virtues of a Philosopher and student of its school” Or “Kroger is sucking that Globalist Cock while workers in America struggle for opportunity “

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49bd68  No.159763


>I called the university, they aren’t sending in connections to the Diversity and Equality group. I suggest someone dive down and get the Deans phone number as well as the Local Free Masons lodge number.

Good work, Anon.

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b4bae6  No.159992

I think the best idea is just send trillions of emails to every professor and advisor and every position and you could probably crash their computers if you got them to get into a forced load cycle; after they disable their call in line. Filing complaints over and over again on there is the first wave of minor inconvenience, eventually if it gets big enough it’ll pop on the news and we will embolden local people to stick up for their rights. However, let me explain to you the name of the two current political parties in that region that generally compete. The labor party and the National Party, those are the top two most competitive. There’s other parties, and they

kind of are more progressive or more conservative.

You would just need to get a group of people in the more centrist -> National side, with the support of what is thought to be “Prospective students” who then file complaints, the truth is that many of us could get into school there, we just choose not to apply, so it’s really a harmless and honest thing to do, as far as feeling worried about what the outcome would be . I think voicing your opinion is a representation of Free Speech. Anyway, cheers, to the guy who said “What are you gonna do pussy?”


1.File complaint as prospective student

2. Email bombardment/File complaint as prospective student

3. Galvanize local political parties who have news/media to highlight the movement. Argue in the name of education, or standard of current affairs of schools being to political.

4. Wait for the Dean to either fold or double down.

5. Checkmate

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b4bae6  No.159993



So, nice read. Makes you wonder a little bit. I don’t necessarily care how the schisms function in Churches because generally when they do happen the people in the churches or denominations that are in a separated schism usually develop a sense of an individual nation. This further exasperates the cultural differences between Ukraine and Russia, and at the same time allows for schisms that function for their communities better and with more autonomy. It’s like a giant company, splitting into 3 regional managers. You’re going to be able to do your job better with less micro managing at those types of levels because you know that area the best. However, as for the conservative opinions on it, lest I remind you that in the times of Martin Luther their was still witch burnings, and Inquisition. Yet he sparked a movement of faith that stands as a devout testament in the Christian Movement ‘Protestantism’

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0ee18e  No.160017

>This kind of stuff isn't going to stop

Well, sooner or later it will. This complete lack of reverence for intellectual giants of the past will be regarded as complete lunacy in the future, when the progressive mass-psychosis comes to its inevitable, violent end. But, we don't want it to end in 50 years. We want it to end now. That's where it becomes tricky.

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39ecd1  No.162905

File: 15e2aaf1c79eaef⋯.jpg (96.75 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, christmas_kek.jpg)

Wow, most influence man of a generation, replaced by black criminal thug.


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7a3b9f  No.162986

File: c53e79eab232a2a⋯.jpg (50.48 KB, 313x221, 313:221, man_appalled.jpg)



>Renamed in Honor of George Floyd

Don't they have criminals of their own in Scotland?

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7a3b9f  No.162987

File: d3f008682e79b48⋯.png (239.9 KB, 500x393, 500:393, cc6ff2667df70ab1b68cea7cae….png)


>I asked her why they would replace the David Hume tower with a drug addict?

He was an alcoholic. If memory serves, David Hume could out-consume Wilhelm Freidrich Hegel.

Please clap

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8c9dfa  No.162990



*sniff sniff snifffffffff* ahhhh mmmm the sweet stench of 4chan boomers

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1f345f  No.163310

they made a movie about Europe called "Idiocracy"

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42b86b  No.163372

Everything nigger will be destroyed in time and their time is running out.

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7d9601  No.163427

being unable to view historical figures in any light besides postmodernism really reflects badly on these 'scholars'

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055037  No.163429

File: ab38e30639b48bb⋯.jpg (88.19 KB, 620x518, 310:259, 1439671735768.jpg)


What about the great inventions that blacks gave us. Like peanut butter [citation needed] and mud huts?

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9b22cf  No.163431


Does it? None of them are killed. None of them are fired or imprisoned or punished in any way. They get paid to do this. Everyone worships and adores them. Your statement doesn’t hold true, operatively.

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63438e  No.163502


Play Enlightenment games, win Enlightenment prizes.

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86a9c7  No.175675

File: efaf4c3f51d44e3⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, David_Hume_White_Supremaci….png)


>“David Hume Tower” Renamed in Honor of George Floyd

Made pic related to honor this event.

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721d5a  No.183410


Clearly fake. Nobody except Americans refer to themselves as whites.

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d41ba1  No.183420

I know a guy who sells crack.

He just told me Edinburgh offered him an endowed chair.

So woke.

<But maybe he’s just using his own product.

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c33a96  No.183444


The skull mask is real though.

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2dfca2  No.183508

Hume was a niggerfaggot.

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aa1300  No.184017



I'd be surprised if he could find Great Britain.

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1b0b9d  No.184026


Gate Bittan? Aigh i dunno man i'm hoppin. i'm hoppinin please sur sur sur sur sur ughhhh don hurt me sur map da do didda bixnude.

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327f79  No.184058

File: e5a15f81bee82b0⋯.jpg (151.41 KB, 800x550, 16:11, 2_26_civil_2.jpg)


>Founder Elizabeth Lund wrote: “Nobody is demanding we erase David Hume from history.

That's how it always starts, and in 10 years they'll proudly exclaim "Yes, we're going to erase your history and there's nothing you can do about it!"

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1309d6  No.184086



>No one wants to take your firearms, so stop acting so irrationally. This is just to keep children safe in their schools.

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bbd0c7  No.184091


> in 10 years

You mean ten years ago.


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