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f63acb  No.159499



Okay, so my cousin lives in Little Rock, AR. She's told me about the bus routes getting fucked with. I have no clue why she and my other family moved to that shithole state in the first place, but anyways. My cousin is a normie. I'm redpilled. She knows this and isn't really offput but when I start about Jews, my aunt gets like real nervous, due to being a cuck Christian. She's a MIGA boomer civnat who loves Trump, Q and also believes Jews can do no wrong and that they are chosen by God. I hate the fucks. Anyways, my cousin is mostly quiet but she tends to agree with my other points so I probably need to try to redpill her ASAP. Now, she told me about how she needs to go to the hospital often at UAMS, their biggest hospital there. This bus line had decided to review a decision to cut that hospital and several other areas full of poor Whites out of the new routes. She told me they have low ridership, according to these boards. They also want a line to some fucking weird mall in a rich part of Little Rock or whatever the fuck. She has been going to some meetings and doing these emails to them. I told her to drop it. I've even offered her a place to stay with me back in Maryland. That's not good enough. She wants to stay there. From what I know now, they want to make these changes effective on November 2nd. Now, I decided I'll bite so I did a little digging. Some balding kike is on the board of directors for the bus line and is also on the board of directors for this mall's new owners that they are trying to cut lines for. Some fucking guy named Larry or James Moses or whatever who is literally an unironic kike. This guy and some other kikels + shabbos goys are working to cut poor Whites from the buses. They are also deliberately doing this before the election to keep people from voting Republican. These are some leftist socialite faggots and cucks, fucking up bus routes to keep White people who are not left wing or rich from riding or voting so Shlomo gets his mall and mail in voters get to defraud the election in Arkansas for Joe Biden. This shit is bullshit and so I have decided to make a thread. I don't care if you faggots call me a glow, kiss my ass and fuck off to /leftypol/. I made this thread for the following reasons:

>Inform /pol/acks (or /pnd/fags) from Arkansas about how they will get fucked on November 2nd

>To request redpills in thread that are easy for my female cousin who is a normie to swallow because she's a MIGA cuck too but the conditioning appears to be breaking.

>Point out there is a corruption case going on because marxist heebs who own a mall are fucking up routes to get people to go spend money at their mall and no one has realized this shit, en masse.

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75b962  No.159505

Redpilling your cousin is going to be a slow and arduous process. Nobody becomes and antisemite overnight. Start with the easiest to swallow pills: don't say it's the jews, say it's the rich. Everybody distrusts rich people and it's very easy to convince someone that a rich person has to evil plan to fuck up their community for personal gain it happens all the time, after all. Before you bring that to her, comb over her local media with the coincidence detector


and take note of all jewish names and their position of influence. Build a long list of every person involved in this bus gentrification affair and how they connect to each other. Then, after you've gotten your cousin to accept that there is a plot by the rich to destroy the local community by cutting off access to basic services, whip out your list and show her the disproportionate representation of jewish names and how they all mysteriously occupy the positions of highest influence. She wont jump to the conclusion that it's a global jewish plot to create a mongrel slave race, but you cam at least convince her that maybe its simple nepotism where people in positions of power and hiring others of their family/race, the kind of things all races are guilty of. That's a great jumping off point for more redpills in the future.

For bonus points, you would use a statistical analysis test of the z-test or t-test variety to quantify mathematically just how overrepresented jews are in the affair


If you can show that it's statistically improbable for that many jews to get that much power through pure coincidence, that will go a long way to prove nepotism if nothing else. I dont know what timeline you're working on, but if this thread is still active in a few days im busy today and you can post your collection of names, both jewish and nonjewish, I would be willing to perform the analysis and tell you how likely it is for that % of jews to be in positions of power.

Also, is your cousin cute? You've fucked her, right? It's your duty to your race to impregnate her. Outside blood would just water down your family's genetics, after all

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f63acb  No.159568


Thanks anon, no, I have not and would not cross that line with her. I will tell her next time we talk that she should not trust the rich.

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3072d6  No.159574


>Redpilling your cousin is going to be a slow and arduous process

And a fucking waste of time. Imagine how much work you could do with your own hands, in the time it takes to "convert" one normie. I'd rather have 10 Kenosha Kids than 10,000 "redpilled" optics cucks

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f478ed  No.159783

File: 316b2381bcaf0d9⋯.gif (24.06 KB, 112x112, 1:1, kek.gif)


>I'd rather have 10 Kenosha Kids than 10,000 "redpilled" optics cucks

Spengler said it prophetically; with an army of 10,000 resolute men, he could conquer the world.

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f63acb  No.159874


Not sure if glow or siegeanon but you have a point. Optics are an obstacle.

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