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File: 519fd51e553a39e⋯.jpg (177.89 KB, 666x1000, 333:500, MV5BMzU4Yjc5MjYtYWRjNy00OT….jpg)

613121  No.158479

>Artist Matt Furie, creator of the comic character Pepe the Frog, begins an uphill battle to take back his iconic cartoon image from those who used it for their own purposes.

I am 20 minutes in and curious as to what the shills, dipshits, and oldfags would elicit as an assessment of accuracy, a ferviously robust commentary, and succinct summation of refuting counter points in discussion regarding it's original co-opting intent, whether it has detrimental consequences, and if so can/should a memetic rebuttal be arranged?

This is an historical, an heroing, an' an hypnotically hypothetical hypostasis of hypocritical mene/memes to dank the rest of times hysterically with humility?

Last call, do you feel like banner-flag Muso is repetitiously reiterating the points stated above?


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613121  No.158480

Catch my typo niggers, bump

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8a641c  No.158487

It's a pack of ugly jews kvetching and thus almost unwatchable except for one good thing;


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549526  No.158490

File: 1d72318ff5825fc⋯.jpeg (123.01 KB, 1224x1200, 51:50, 20200905_175027.jpeg)


Matt can't have him back. He's ours, now. He doesn't even get the lips right.

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8a641c  No.158501

File: 86fa4f830f3fdf1⋯.jpg (10.26 KB, 245x206, 245:206, images.jpg)


Matt's pepe is a faggot and a wimp.

Our pepe is badass

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613121  No.158527



Why and how do/not these images mean the same thing?

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8a641c  No.158548

File: efed00b7cf3ebe1⋯.png (103.05 KB, 721x411, 721:411, pZrFxSO.png)

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8a641c  No.158550

File: 54d3275fb67e3f9⋯.jpg (7.45 KB, 275x183, 275:183, download.jpg)

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cfb934  No.158554

File: 5a42660711b8336⋯.png (484.42 KB, 753x942, 251:314, decentpeople.png)

File: a08f75ec4efddfd⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1400x1592, 175:199, coronavirus_doggy.png)

File: 5a59ff54df8367b⋯.jpg (285.37 KB, 1000x889, 1000:889, I_have_started_playing_it_….jpg)

File: 0a55512b419553f⋯.gif (1 MB, 80x80, 1:1, Chica_La_Char.gif)

File: 017529fca071ed1⋯.gif (1.54 MB, 600x452, 150:113, neitzsche_pantifa2.gif)

Matt who?

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6acccd  No.158586


gud mems

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70efb7  No.158593

File: f0dc5f8ac595e9d⋯.jpg (158.94 KB, 1000x857, 1000:857, .jpg)

Nobody owns a meme, you can't "take back" a meme.

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729e1e  No.158595


praise kek

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8a641c  No.158602

File: f0722022013370e⋯.jpg (7.31 KB, 218x232, 109:116, images.jpg)


The Toad—came—home!

There was panic in the parlours and howling in the halls,

There was crying in the cow-sheds and shrieking in the stalls,

When the Toad—came—home!

When the Toad—came—home!

There was smashing in of window and crashing in of door,

There was chivvying of weasels that fainted on the floor,

When the Toad—came—home!

Bang! go the drums!

The trumpeters are tooting and the soldiers are saluting,

And the cannon they are shooting and the motor-cars are hooting,

As the—Hero—comes!


And let each one of the crowd try and shout it very loud,

In honour of an animal of whom you're justly proud,

For it's Toad's—great—day!

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3d8bf1  No.158610


Why do you cuckchan faggots think we actually give a shit about your disgusting frog judaism?

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729e1e  No.158663

File: ab94b567687f9bc⋯.jpg (69.46 KB, 700x700, 1:1, nfB8nHU.jpg)



You sound upset, maybe this picture will help?

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79c5b7  No.158665

I don't know what Q has done to you boomers, but it has completely melted your brains.

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729e1e  No.158668


Why do you think that? What isn't to love about Pepe?

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3d8bf1  No.158669


>can’t answer the question

Isn’t that odd? You get called out on worshipping jewish numerology and spamming irrelevant bullshit for years and you can’t even answer a single question? We find that odd. Given that you’re not one of us, you see.

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ed81fb  No.158689


I wonder how much money he has earned from Kek posters giving him free advertising.

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f31834  No.158747


Probably not much considering until this movie came out nobody even knew who made Pepe or that he was indeed made at all. Most probably thought he was like Wojack that a random slav drew one day to express his feels. And he probably hasnt made much movie revenue because of the plandemic and just the boring subject matter of the film in general. Nobody wants to watch a documentary even without a chinese bioweapon running around

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f153d9  No.158766


How could someone be so arrogant as to think that they can own the market on drawings of frogs. Type "green frog cartoon" in image search: Is he going to sue all of those people? What a fucking joke.

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8a641c  No.158769

File: dac7d1281cb09aa⋯.jpg (6.47 KB, 147x150, 49:50, pepethefrog_1.jpg)

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c8efa6  No.158773

Orange man bad, Hillary good, in theaters 2020, election year

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7d8952  No.158785

File: d6d8b1bbf81dfd6⋯.png (159.11 KB, 640x371, 640:371, OJAWEGUIa19E0fNefpHBTiWjnp….png)


>matts weebo voice

>'sex parts'

>that feeling of normies seeing chan posts

>'um probaly when they put pepe on the internets saying.. kill jews'

>only 2 min in

I will partake of this morsel

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7d8952  No.158787

File: 59f8a47e850235a⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1002x1062, 167:177, Screen_Shot_2020_09_11_at_….png)


>'boys club is one of the funniest comics of the last 10 years'

try harder jew

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7d8952  No.158790

File: 814a9b787e1b170⋯.png (2.52 MB, 1684x1172, 421:293, Screen_Shot_2020_09_11_at_….png)

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7d8952  No.158798

File: 5396b4ea28945bd⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1060x1198, 530:599, Screen_Shot_2020_09_11_at_….png)

creature of nightmare

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731c2a  No.158811

File: 8db7f3934791835⋯.jpg (187.5 KB, 1124x1500, 281:375, rarepepe1.jpg)


Yeah that ship sailed a while back.


We tisk tisksavage

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7d8952  No.158822

File: 8a9a3f24beb23cc⋯.png (1.87 MB, 1296x1190, 648:595, Screen_Shot_2020_09_11_at_….png)


surely we can get people better than this on our own documentary

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7d8952  No.158825

File: 8eadfba440018ba⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1494x838, 747:419, Screen_Shot_2020_09_11_at_….png)

can someone change the heart to a black sun

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eb64ae  No.158827

File: 35e1c56400d6fcc⋯.png (772.04 KB, 640x587, 640:587, o6h3g0398ig41.png)


Im way ahead of you

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eb64ae  No.158828

File: be1b73f692dcf6e⋯.png (1016.43 KB, 1494x838, 747:419, 8eadfba440018ba2007cb9f397….png)

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7d8952  No.158848

File: 80c6ec0a5ec2ffc⋯.png (2.82 MB, 2100x1236, 175:103, Screen_Shot_2020_09_11_at_….png)



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e7f220  No.158922


>that hair cut and color

>writing a book called the meme machine


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932b10  No.158945

File: 10a74bc6d4ea76b⋯.webm (15.54 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Furie.webm)

This is my favorite part.

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69994f  No.158977

File: c5e082f91575f58⋯.png (59.16 KB, 233x250, 233:250, Hello.png)


They steal everything we make. You just have to know that. They own media, therefore they can rewrite history at will, but only in the minds of the FUCKING BELL CURVE.

But only in the minds of the FUCKING BELL CURVE, is it stolen. So who cares. The truth never changes.

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e4f2ff  No.158981


Do you write like that normally or is that intentional?

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7cb61f  No.159042

File: f134813f7c46a17⋯.webm (211.97 KB, 286x360, 143:180, frog_gregorian_pepe.webm)

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b5d139  No.159052


What I learned from this film: California is faggot central.

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4ff558  No.159060


The thing is based pepe isn't the same as his faggy comic then things like parody laws. You can't own a art style and he didn't even create the look there is European childrens book from the 1920s with the same style.

Disney ripped off Dreamworks 3d style.

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7cb61f  No.159156

File: 8798e0f524a5f08⋯.jpg (19.73 KB, 390x356, 195:178, concernedpintsize.jpg)


>What I learned from this film: California is faggot central.

You needed a film about Pepe made in CY+5 to tell you that?

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4a0f4f  No.159167

File: b8a913774089b75⋯.jpg (98 KB, 992x806, 16:13, pepe_takes_up_the_cause_by….jpg)



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33187a  No.159267

File: 0612ebdf5c21e79⋯.jpg (13.1 KB, 310x310, 1:1, DXCejW5XcAAPgUc.jpg)


behold, he who do not belong here speaks

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b5d139  No.159275


>What I learned from this film: California is faggot central.

>You needed a film about Pepe made in CY+5 to tell you that?

Yes. Never been there, it's hard to imagine how bad things really are. I mean you hear rumors, but there are no soyboys where I live so it's kind of confronting to see.

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d0b86e  No.159706


Fucking priceless the faggot has to use his calculator watch to multiply 3000 by 15 to get the total of $45k

If anyone deserved to lose such a tidy little sum….

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ca664b  No.160353


Yes, but surely you've heard of its reputation?

By the way, I'm a fucking leaf and every Mexican I've encountered here has been nice. Not very bright, but nice. And then we went to Anaheim with the kids, and I finally figured out where all the spic-hate around here comes from. The ones I see are usually educated Mexicans who were doing alright for themselves and got a job transfer to Leafistan. Whereas the fucking subhuman monkeys who pushed their way past us onto the Disneyland tram should have been shot. To say nothing of our trip to Walmart, where I wouldn't have been surprise to see their wild fucking children swinging from the rafters by their tails.

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664a25  No.160356


It's far too late, Pepe is now literally a god: http://vjmpublishing.nz/?p=21634

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04a1e6  No.160498

thank you for the video link, have a bump

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04a1e6  No.160641

File: 509d3b40bc35b62⋯.png (259.14 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 1564334339952.png)

so I watched this last night. Born in 1985 and was heavy online from like age 15 onwards. It was a throwback

the bodybuidling forums was pretty hilarious. That ttime around 2005-2007 was the most vital, original, free time. Fuck this movie (despite its occasional faggotry) brought me back.

The shabbos goy who wrote https://medium.com/@DaleBeran/4chan-the-skeleton-key-to-the-rise-of-trump-624e7cb798cb was hilariously faggoty, and every Jew they had on was so cartoonishly jewish they couldn't really offend or annoy, it's like they had no option but to personify what they are being accused of. The smarter one (bald manlet journo forgot his name) realized this fully and was visibly mad about it.

tl;dr this is a tryhard movie with an agenda but the agenda honestly isn't in-your-face enough to stop it from being entertaining and a half decent nostalgia trip. If you're in your 30s and were online in your 20s you def will get something out of it.

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d02ca4  No.160643


God damm he looks like a serial killer

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403c7f  No.166667

Where can I watch the movie without running proprietary javascript?

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