Some advice for you who really don't know what to do and are looking to make a difference: Hand out whitepills like candy!
The shills and blackpillfags are trying their damnednest to bring you down, because fear is the mind killer, and it's the only real weapon they have left nowadays.
What the fuck do I do?
- find positive news that shows everything is gonna be alright, and spread them to normalfags and imageboarders alike. Your mom, your friends, let them know that we're gonna make it. keep up /hope/.
- Teach them to find fun things, rather than just dwell on whatever shit is going on.
- Kill blackpills with kindness. Compassion and letting them know that things can and will be better heals those who are hurting and that life is worth living. It is also absolutely anathema to the shills and jews, because it takes away the only weapon they have left and this pisses them off to no end.
- Remember, whitepills make redpills go down much easier. The truth hurts at times, but it also heals and liberates. Encouragement and kindness make the hurting stop, both in hand make people free of fear.
Beware and -be aware- of gaslightning tactics=
SJWs and jews alike thrive on power-trips, per their mental-gymnastics, they believe the illusion of power is just as good as real power.
It's very well possible that The Plandemic could be a gaslightning op- that they were pretending they did it on purpose when they too, were completely fucked by corona. With this in mind, I also wonder how many grand corporate conspiracies out there are in fact gaslightning operations that exist solely to keep people.
If you really want to understand the mindset of how these kinds of people operate, read up on narcissist survivor stories, abuse support sites, blogs on estranged parents forums, and Joe Navarro's book Dangerous Personalities. All are great resources on educating yourself on the nature of the beast itself.
Some whitepills for you guys
- Wuhan Flu was in absolutely nobody's plans. There is just too much chaos, too much money lost all around, and so much that went wrong from this to be a profitable decision from a jewish point of view.
- Any jews trying to put money into china are turbofucking themselves. If anyone tells you "the next seat of power will be china" Then amend it with "Their throne will be dirt, their subjects will be roaches, their wealth will be parted from them".
- The propaganda machine has become a farce, less and less normalfags are willing to watch the news due to how extreme both sides have become.
- The riots are happening not because the jews are strong, but because they're weak and panicking. The shills affirm this by trying their best to act like they're winning, but all they do is spew hot air and blackpills. A real victor doesn't gloat that he's winning before he's won, he lets an enemy know that he won, when he's won.
- The blackpill has zero basis in logic, it is based solely in despair. When facts are shown to prove the blackpillfags false, not only do they escalate, they straight up get angry.
- A spiritual hobby can work wonders on a mind that doesn't know what to do. The most important thing is that you don't need to pay for yoga classes to meditate, nor do you need a church to find god. Whomever you find to pray to is out there. Start with mythology of various cultures and go for who feels the coolest, I personally suggest sticking to either Abrahamic, Egyptian, Norse or Hindu pantheons. Mother Reitia says hi, too.
- If you're sexually ashamed of yourself, ashamed of your porn and are considering nofap, try cleaning your porn folder and habits instead. Eliminate porn that invokes slavery, abuse and demeaning the partner. In its place, look for wholesome porn that is happy, speaks of tender I-love-yous, trust, and even willing baby-making.
- You're gonna make it, it's been hard lately, but humanity has survived the cold war, 1984, 2000, and 2012. Who the fuck thought that 2020 would be more impacting than 1984, 2000 and 2012 combined? Besides, good-ol' 9/11's coming round, and 9/11 is the time when things and people change. I don't know what's gonna happen, but I do know it's gonna be interesting, maybe even good after all.
- Suffering is fleeting, death is the only constant, and death also precedes rebirth.