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6c1d5b  No.152147

I just found this video of Don Black's (the guy who runs Stormfront) son denouncing white supremacy:


When asked what made him change his mind, he oddly didn't say arguments, but community (environment). I knew this for a long time, but I finally found it merited to make a thread on /pol/ about it. That political conviction doesn't depend on arguments or logic, I noticed when looking at people of high intellectual capacity. For example the Germans Hilbert and Teichmuller. Hilbert had Jewish colleagues and friends, and consequently denounced Hitler's policies towards the Jews. Teichmuller on the other hand didn't, and he supported them, he even asked Hitler to volunteer for fighting on the Eastern Front, which Hitler granted. This is where he died, RIP hero.

Likewise with the Jews, Neumann and Grothendieck. Neumann grew up in a rich banking family, and was fiercely pro-capitalism, Grothendieck grew up among leftists and was a leftist, two seemingly opposed world views, even though both were Jewish and highly intelligent. Another case to mention here is Bobby Fischer, who lived in social isolation and sought the pure unadulterated truth, which he found and thusly became an anti-semite.

I had a case in my life happen to me recently. I met a girl last year who came from a leftist environment, yet she was smart and we fell in love. She went back to her home country, we started a long-term relationship and we argued back and forth about politics where I debunked all her leftist arguments, regarding liberalism, Christianity, Jews, multiculturalism, multiracialism and islam. In the end she said to me "I am unable to counter any of your arguments, but I don't want to be like you". If she took the redpill she would've lost her entire social circle, and that ultimately wasn't worth it for her, not even for the truth, and eventually we broke up because of it.

All of this goes to show one thing, that political conviction is chiefly informed by environment, for the simple reason of human selfishness. People adopt the political stance that will get them along in life, and cope with the cognitive dissonance later. People are perfectly capable of holding contradictory beliefs, if they never bother to resolve them.

Consequently, we can convince only those people, who think they stand to gain from our policy. People who have close non-white friends, like our unfortunate Derek Black in the video, or God-forbid even have a non-white spouse, will be unconvinced or even oppose us. This is also the reason why rural communities are more right-wing than urban ones.

What this means for us practically, is that if we want to win, we need to invest equally into discouraging people from counterproductive environments (cities, non-white social circles, liberal colleges), as into arguments, because even the best arguments can only convince those who are ready to receive it.

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c70768  No.152154


>non-white friends

Question for burgers: How do you prevent your kids from associating with blacks? It's quite easy for me where I live in Europe, because thank god I see a brown person perhaps once a week. I just tell my sons never to talk to brown people, and if they talk to him to walk away or pretend not to speak English (browns never try and speak our local language).

This has been a workable policy. There are no browns in my life or my kids'. None at their school, none at sport or extra-curricular activities etc.

How do you burgers set policies for your kids? Presumably you can't simply say "never talk to a black" because they will meet them too often for this to be practical.

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98ab0d  No.152171


There are plenty of white only areas here too, you just need to leave the cities and suburbs and find some nice rural area to escape from all the madness. In fact America is prob the best country to escape the horde since its large as hell. Middle America is pretty white and "conservative"

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c70768  No.152175


>There are plenty of white only areas here too,

So basically if you don't want your kids to talk to niggers - leave the city? I guess that makes perfect sense. People are reluctant to move though even if it's clearly in their best interest. I guess I wondered if people have some kind of nigger avoidance hacks (like make your kids play hockey).

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98ab0d  No.152178


Honestly based on my personal experince growing up in suburban America, there is no avoiding non-whites unless you flee. They are in every insitiution and are favored by everyone here. Even white sports like hockey aren't strictly white in suburbs. My personal plan is to abandon this shitty place and move to the backwoods, and I suggest other whites do the same.

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c70768  No.152180


> My personal plan is to abandon this shitty place and move to the backwoods, and I suggest other whites do the same.

In your own state, or move interstate?

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6c1d5b  No.152217


>When asked what made him change his mind, he oddly didn't say arguments, but community (environment).

Notice how the scheming Jew understands this intuitively. Instead of bullying Derek Black and making him quit college but keep his views, they befriended him and make him renounce them. In a though college environment with a social pecking order (everybody wants to be with the cool kids and fuck the hot chicks), Derek who was getting condemned by his entire college needed every friend he could get. Of course, if he had the mental fortitude, which 18y/o don't possess, he would've understood that the game is rigged and would've just quit.


I am a Christian I want to add, and the girl was baptized Christian too, but atheist. I convinced her of the significance of our the ancestor's religion, and the deep roots of Christianity within European nations.

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