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File: c728447051cec1e⋯.png (181.75 KB, 1024x526, 512:263, Winchester.png)

ed81ab  No.151181

We need to do this with IOTBW. Meme war II

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b64346  No.151187

There is no phase two. This is not a thread.

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1022d7  No.151188


Piss off semite.

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1728fd  No.151272


Is that news coverage islamaphobic or misogynist?

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1a8b7d  No.151307

File: f56bc47d94dc83d⋯.png (8.56 KB, 643x741, 643:741, VOTE_TRUMP.png)


>There is no phase two. This is not a thread.

There is no leader or director of any of these operations, they're purely grassroots and individuals can take whatever actions they wish to take. That's why it's so damn beautiful, no one can stop it.

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b64346  No.151317


>no one can stop it

Which is why all the IOTBW posters mysteriously disappeared and were never replaced. Or were vandalized and were never replaced. And the campaign just ended without anyone even pretending to put in any effort to maintain it until it broke their spirits, right?


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1a8b7d  No.151324


>Which is why all the IOTBW posters mysteriously disappeared and were never replaced. Or were vandalized and were never replaced. And the campaign just ended without anyone even pretending to put in any effort to maintain it until it broke their spirits, right?

People are free to do as they wish, they can put up flyers if they wish, no one can stop them. The problem is people are just fucking lazy and don't want to do anything IRL.


Who do you recommend I vote for instead? Biden and his negress VP?

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b64346  No.151325


>brainwashed neocon white genocide supporter instantly collapses upon having his jewish narrative questioned

>cannot fathom the existence of anything outside what jews have told him exists

>literally incapable of processing the concept of there being more than a false dichotomy to any ideological position



I reiterate my “go fuck yourself” and add “get the fuck off of our board, because we don’t support your ZOG emperor here in any fashion.”


This is your home. AT LEAST I can compliment you on comprehending that yes, whites are too lazy to ever do anything about our own genocide.

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1a8b7d  No.151331


>I reiterate my “go fuck yourself” and add “get the fuck off of our board, because we don’t support your ZOG emperor here in any fashion.”

Is Biden any less ZOG than Trump?

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8e4e9c  No.151498

File: 7106ee2aef9684a⋯.jpg (4.1 KB, 190x250, 19:25, It_s_okay_to_be_White_12.jpg)

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8e4e9c  No.151499

File: 5d9248ef7938fa2⋯.jpg (49.12 KB, 390x488, 195:244, It_s_okay_to_be_White.jpg)

File: b960f73097b5ef5⋯.jpg (44.17 KB, 296x445, 296:445, its_okay_to_be_white_5.jpg)

File: efa64431e11cbf5⋯.jpg (818.5 KB, 2456x3300, 614:825, its_okay_to_be_white_8.jpg)

File: 11047beb3fe9c52⋯.jpg (809.5 KB, 1447x1600, 1447:1600, It_s_okay_to_be_White_6.jpg)

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8e4e9c  No.151500

File: 977a9d29b67cf8f⋯.jpg (1.15 MB, 1917x2000, 1917:2000, It_s_okay_to_be_White_11.jpg)

File: 5cdf6b0b704c391⋯.jpg (1.79 MB, 1866x2000, 933:1000, It_s_okay_to_be_White_.jpg)

File: 76cee2be6dd40a0⋯.jpg (240.76 KB, 501x620, 501:620, White_lives_Matter_4.jpg)

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1728fd  No.151591


> Bob Ross

> Fred Rogers

who's holding the gator?

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984a40  No.151593


Steve Irwin, you uncultured swine.

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