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4ae9bc  No.150537

1. The commiecrats and communist China both hate Trump.

2. The commiecrats tried removing Trump from office via the debunked Russia collusion investigation which only proved that Hillary was the criminal conspirator. Strike one.

3. With the complete failure of the debunked Russia investigation, the commiecrats initiated an impeachment of Trump which was an even more embarrassing commiecrat failure. Strike two.

4. With nothing to lose now, the commiecrats conspired with Red China to create and loose upon the world a manmade weaponized virus that has killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people knowing it would tank Trump's masterpiece - the greatest economy in the world. Strike three.

There is nothing including mass murder that will stop the leftist commiecrats and ChiComs from furthering their agenda.

This is not rocket science nor a conspiracy theory. It is fact.

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baac13  No.150542

> 1. The commiecrats and communist China both hate Trump.

Political theater.

>2. The commiecrats tried removing Trump from office

Political theater.

>Strike one.

To what end?

>the commiecrats initiated an impeachment of Trump which was an even more embarrassing commiecrat failure.

No, that was part of the same thing. Also political theater.

>Strike two.

To what end?

>knowing it would tank Trump's masterpiece - the greatest economy in the world.

1. “His economy” was complete fucking shit. You know nothing about economics.

2. No, that’s not what happened.

>Strike three.

To what end.

>There is nothing including mass murder that will stop the leftist commiecrats and ChiComs from furthering their agenda.

Incorrect. If we mass execute them, that will stop their agenda.

>This is not rocket science nor a conspiracy theory. It is fact.

So what are you going to do about it, Q-LARPer? Nothing. Ever. At any time. For any reason. You’re simply going to worship jews and obey every single thing they say, welcoming in the subhuman species perpetuating your genocide. Get back to your containment board.

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d095ad  No.150556

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

There are shills here attacking Trump night and day. But even Ralph Nader said Trump did three important things we should be grateful for;

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d095ad  No.150557


See? You're one of those shills. Trump destroyed the TPP. That alone makes him worth supporting.

Fuck you and fuck Biden and fuck the democratic party.

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baac13  No.150584


>you’re a shill because I can’t answer your questions

You’re done. Fucking kill yourself, Qultist. This isn’t your board. Get out and never come back.


No one here worships your ZOG emperor. No one here supports Jew Party A or Jew Party B. We’re not falling for your jewish hoaxes. We don’t want your jew spam here.

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d095ad  No.150597


Your entire world view is fucked; I never liked Trump or is family going back to the late 70's and his Studio 54 days.

And I never liked the Q shit. Don't think much of that vague Nostradamus shit.

You haven't got much; just some shallow "Boomer Q Tard " slander. No mention of the policies at all.

Biden is 100% paid off by China through his son. Trump's got to win or we're fucked.

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d568c5  No.150601

File: e4b8965dc023412⋯.png (1.15 MB, 675x7706, 675:7706, International_Finance_s_An….png)

File: 9eb94344664a0ab⋯.png (879.42 KB, 812x2149, 116:307, JoshHowley_NewColdWar.png)

File: 9b98df4d837b977⋯.png (151.37 KB, 655x2200, 131:440, mefobillsunzamericavschina.png)

File: 9b2ed1feb448be6⋯.png (41.39 KB, 671x686, 671:686, mefobillsunzchina.png)

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e1e81c  No.150602

File: bd0a62c2bcd670d⋯.jpg (13.43 KB, 220x264, 5:6, 2100_communism_2_220w_tn.jpg)

since when is /pnd/ demonrat shilling board all i see are those of commie nature roaming around freely in this nplace. commies and moloch, baal worshipers find your own sandbox you do not belong here,.we do not support neither demonrats nor communism nor biden anywhere in this board, i dont know if leftypol exist but that is where you people belong or be free to migrate back to reddit

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baac13  No.150604


Everything you said is a fucking lie. Every single word. You are clinically insane. You are paid to post lies here. Get. The. Fuck. Out.

1. Voting does nothing. Elections are political theater

2. Both parties vote identically on all issues. All policies remain exactly the same no matter who is in power.

3. Donald Trump publicly supports white genocide.

4. No one here supports your ZOG emperor.

5. It’s the jews. Not the Vatican, not the City of London, not Wall Street, not the Chinese, not the Russians, not the Trilateral Commission, not the Bilderbergers, not the IMF, not the reptilians, not the “deep state,” IT’S THE FUCKING JEWS. NAME THE GODDAMN JEW OR LEAVE.

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d095ad  No.150616


Look I know it's the jews. That's why we're here. But seriously, the jews hate Trump because he's going against their plans to deindustrialize the USA.

If Trump is what the jews want why have they been shrieking against him for 4 years?

Why have they staged all these riots?

Vote Trump like your life depends upon it, because it does. Trump didn't give the jews their war in Syria and yeah I know the US has some troops there but its nothing like what Hillary would have given us. The Neocons wanted a BIG war in Ukraine and in Syria and Trump didn't give it to them. Those are facts. Voting does make a difference, up to a point.

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baac13  No.150627


>jews hate the best shabbos goy since LBJ

No. Literally every single thing that Trump has done has been for jews. What the fuck has Trump done to reindustrialize? FUCKING. NOTHING. We’re still wholly dependent on the third world for manufacturing. Even fucking Mexico stays better off in NAFTA2: It’s Just NAFTA With a Different Name.


Because they were going to do that anyway. Because that’s how they operate. You might remember the riots during King Nigger’s tenure? It’s entirely unrelated to Trump. They’d be doing this as casus belli for their communist reforms no matter which puppet was in the White House.


No, see, we can’t be convinced to do things that don’t matter. We’re not supporting Jew Party A over Jew Party B. It literally does not matter at all. Trump has publicly disavowed white nationalism and openly supported white genocide. Our lives depend on NOT voting.

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d095ad  No.150631


Well if none of it matters then what do you care? Aside from perhaps some nihilistic suicide mission on some impregnable objective like the Federal Reserve you've really got nothing to offer.

Trump knocked off the TPP. Even Ralph Nader grants him that but then you're probably going to say Nader is a vile puppet of the Rothschilds and everything he says is actually the opposite of what his true intentions are. All that stuff about Not Safe at Any Speed is really a cover for his child sex smuggling ring where wealthy jew speed freaks can fuck children safely.

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baac13  No.150639


To keep others from falling for your jewish tricks. Why can’t you give a single fucking explanation for why you support the continuation of the ZOG?

>trump did thing I already was proven wrong about

Don’t care. Literally fuck off to any other website. Voting does absolutely nothing. No policies change for the better. No laws are repealed. No one is ever deported. No one is ever criminally charged. Your ZOG emperor is exactly the same as anyone else.

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d095ad  No.150657


>>Voting does nothing

Vote for communist lunatics that want to do away with the police so the jews and niggers can kick off their slaughter of whites

Vote for some bourgeois pig who will put them all in prison…

Fuck you. Trump landslide.

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d568c5  No.150660


>Vote for communist lunatics that want to do away with the police so the jews and niggers can kick off their slaughter of whites

The police are enforcers of White genocide. They uphold the system that genocides you. What you don't want is to actually fight back in real life, in real space, with your real self. You want the illusion for the White working class while your rake-offs continue.

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baac13  No.150662


>psychotic jewish brainwashed puppet can’t do anything but repeat his talking points

Yes yes, go away. Any other website on the entire Internet. Not here. You’re not welcome. Fucking kill yourself. Trump has publicly stated he will never arrest anyone.

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d095ad  No.150694

File: 9d74eb3077c1c42⋯.jpg (120.35 KB, 500x655, 100:131, 1597293947301.jpg)

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d095ad  No.151702

File: b91f1c73b130d41⋯.jpg (69.77 KB, 1535x777, 1535:777, soros.JPG)

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d095ad  No.151705

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d095ad  No.151707

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Is Trump going to win New York?

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d095ad  No.151710

File: ac376104a7adfaf⋯.jpg (1.43 MB, 2950x3300, 59:66, cover_convert.jpg)

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baac13  No.151713


No, see, this isn’t your website. It’s not your board, either. You have a containment board for your jew spam.


Do not post your jew spam off of that board.

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baac13  No.151714



He said it in 2016, too. He got 25% of the vote. Literally nothing is “in play” because he has done absolutely nothing to stop any election fraud at any level, arrested no one, followed no laws, and broken every single campaign promise he made to his white voter base (read: his entire voter base). Elections are jewish theater. It’s a hoax. The same policies happen always. They all vote the same way.

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d095ad  No.151787


>No, see, this isn’t your website. It’s not your board, either.

True but it's not yours either so fuck you.

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baac13  No.151789


Check the board images. Check the meta thread’s OP. This is our home, civic nationalist. Get the fuck out.

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d095ad  No.151796

File: b4b2cc18fa48ec5⋯.jpg (304.18 KB, 1080x1586, 540:793, 1597584075671.jpg)


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d095ad  No.151797


I'm more racist than you Mohammed.

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baac13  No.151798


>you’re a dune coon because you don’t support the ZOG emperor

You have a containment board for your jew spam.


Do not post your jew spam off of that board.

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baac13  No.151799


>voting matters

Yes, paid shill. We know your narrative. We don’t care.

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d095ad  No.151802


So when you kicking off your private boog? We're waiting.

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06ae47  No.151807



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210323  No.151826

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>not even hiding the fact that you're a boomer

I'd take COG over ZOG. No chink ever called me "goy".

Also, embed related. Biden and Trump serve the same masters,

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baac13  No.151842


>buzzwords only jewish shills say

Yep, okay, you’re done. Voting does nothing. Elections are meaningless. This isn’t reddit. You can’t fool people here.

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d095ad  No.151944


>>elections are meaningless

said the jew.

Trump; keep out the chinks and niggers


Yeah, no, vote Trump

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baac13  No.151949


>I don’t have an argument or explanation for my beliefs

>I can’t explain why I am saying things that only paid jewish shills say

>vote for Jew Party A

>otherwise Jew Party B wins

>ignore that they vote identically

>ignore that they do the same thing no matter who is in power

>ignore that literally nothing changes

>ignore that I don’t have a fucking argument






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baac13  No.151950



>ZOG emperor

>wants to keep out nonwhites

Nowhere has this ever been the case. Never has this been true. He has imported more nonwhites than King Nigger. He has deported fewer nonwhites than King Nigger. YOU FELL FOR IT, YOU FUCKING YID.

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d095ad  No.151983


Antifa; voting is pointless. Trump is shit

Yuo; voting is pointless. Trump is shit.

Hmmm…and you're calling me the jew, jew. What a funny little jew monkey you are. Hurry up and die of AIDS soon, mkay?

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d095ad  No.151998

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ce3a6b  No.152030


>decreased legal immigration even before the chinkflu https://archive.vn/9zrFP

>banned chinks back in january

>immigration moratorium

>h1b suspension

>renewed immigration shutdown after no budget allocated to uscis https://archive.vn/J4A36

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baac13  No.152063

File: 5db20a629407249⋯.jpeg (2.48 MB, 5000x4748, 1250:1187, 2A63EF7C_0055_4BC6_BE57_1….jpeg)

File: 91176f4f494f5dd⋯.jpeg (487.71 KB, 1456x1881, 1456:1881, E0D217A3_F4DB_480D_99BB_7….jpeg)

File: 161fc4db1d455b0⋯.jpeg (379.16 KB, 1456x1666, 104:119, 3C35B8A5_E2C3_4991_B924_A….jpeg)


>decreased legal

Sorry, no. Your ZOG emperor has accelerated white genocide. More nonwhites imported than deported. Zero mass deportations. Zero arrests of officials violating the law. Zero illegal settlement enforcement. Oh, except in Israel. There he openly acknowledges the “legality” of their illegal settlements.

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