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My greatest dream is a world without jews

File: 872c71723001ab1⋯.jpg (4.08 KB, 150x150, 1:1, index.jpg)

cf965d  No.150523

I know this sounds like glownigger shit but hear me out. I've been collecting dox on large and small jewish activists on instagram and twitter. They are incredibly easy to find dox on. When I say incredibly easy, I mean, takes about an hour or two to find full address, name, phone number type info on these fucking idiots. That isn't my issue. My issue is publishing the dox. Do lads have any good information on how I should go about dropping the addresses and personal info of 25+ instagram and twitter accounts?

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9cd556  No.150524

Doxbin.org is still up. What is wrong with that?

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b35a1a  No.150528

It honestly doesn’t matter, does it? It’s illegal for you to post that information, and no one is going to do anything with it. What, you think right wing death squads are real? None of these people are ever going to be punished in any way for their actions, anon.

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2b6abc  No.150623


Unless they are doxing 13 year olds nobody will do anything, best to just send pizzas yourself.

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1cd62d  No.150700


> It’s illegal for you to post that information,

No it's not. What country are you in? Perfectly legal to post someone's info so long as it isn't credit card/bank account numbers.

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aff6e7  No.150701

File: 158e5a1f9b807b4⋯.gif (81.74 KB, 208x494, 8:19, emperor_pepe.gif)


>My issue is publishing the dox.

Don't be stupid.

Play the cards when they matter most.

Dox means nothing to small fry, but some small fry get big.

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340964  No.150726

File: 7b29b7f492bd44c⋯.jpg (45.66 KB, 600x529, 600:529, pierce.jpg)


godspeed anon.

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28180e  No.150735


No, it isn't. It's a felony to do so for political reasons, and it opens you up for litigation. Distrubuting their information for harassment sake is a felony, and considered a hate crime.

So is labeling someone as a professional sex or entertainer without a license, just to harass or force compliance with political agendas. Guess which ones of these is a 20 year mandatory sentence?

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742da7  No.150913


>I've been collecting dox

>personal info of 25+


>takes about an hour or two to find full

Are you fucking kidding me? I have more than 2500 and it takes only a few minutes.

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b35a1a  No.150920


Not if it’s not publicly known information it isn’t.

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26cc91  No.150939


Show me one article of someone getting arrested / sentenced for exposing someone's phone number / address.

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934c2d  No.168590


Why not here?

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6a98b3  No.168628

So what exactly will you accomplish in doxing a random jew activist group.I think as one guy already mention right wing death squads aren't real

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a83b2b  No.168636

Make them in images?

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