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File: e78fbaedcf89dbf⋯.jpg (98.58 KB, 905x947, 905:947, 3070e3c9a6080bc0.jpg)

a8565d  No.150061

Just finished watching They Live, in the movie they talk about a frequency that puts who like a sleepy like signal, where can i learn more about this signal and how can i stop them from hacking my brain?

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baaaf5  No.150065


> They Live

Fun fact: the guy who made that movie said in an interview that it was really an allegory about jews.

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4f5477  No.150110

File: 97e0a72b5f8b041⋯.png (13.6 KB, 599x109, 599:109, 2020_08_10_19_58_30_John_C….png)


Did he?

That isn't what he said here.

Not that it matters what he thinks, It is very useful for explaining jewish control of the modern world even if that wasn't his intention when he made it.

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c441d1  No.150117


>that puts who like a sleepy like signal,

It's called netflix, twitter, cnn.

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4255d2  No.150122


>That isn't what he said here.

Read it with your special glasses on.

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e29493  No.150124


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930a5e  No.150140

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a8a80a  No.150143


I read that as ironic since it is so farcical as to be absurd.

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