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File: 7d8f2f823656d14⋯.jpg (176.6 KB, 600x740, 30:37, 1458394084944.jpg)

7ef701  No.148105

i work as a programmer and more and more i am coming to the conclusion that software developers are some of the most scummy pieces of shit in the western world.

try to appreciate how inconsistent and neurotic this is:

1. claim to be anti-tribal, abstract thinkers

2. draw arbitrary tribal lines along such bullshit as programming practices, tool usage, etc.

3. use their profession to claim a closer adherence to facts and scientific reasoning

4. cling to ideology more than any other group on the net, to the point where they even get ideological about (2)

people on here notice a pattern when antifa/doxxers/etc end up being part of the tribe, or end up being journalists, or end up working for academia. But these types are just as involved and i see it all the time.

what is it about these people that make them such susceptible vectors for zog. and even without zog, do you think they wouldn't be fucking up the west?

to be clear, i'm not talking about hacker and troll culture– i think that's a separate thing. they are just as autistic, but they have the spirits of actual engineers. The group i am talking about worked with zog to chase such people out. i dont think someone like a john draper or a woz fits into the same ethos as joey webdev who muses about his utopian government regimes on twitter while getting into rabid arguments about functional programming. I think the replacement of the engineer by such people is a major aspect of the silicon valley problem that we have yet to address.

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a28a60  No.148113

They have autism.

I am a former programmer, and now a leader in the euro startup scene. It's so easy to get to the top in tech when you have technical skills and don't have autism. You sort straight to the top with the slightest bit of EQ.

It's actually a great industry to be in for chads.

So yeah, nerds are nerds OP.

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7ef701  No.148116


i dont think its just autism, because the old guard was extremely autistic and as far as im concerned they are the ones who could help us the most.

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7ef701  No.148119

i think it has more to do with these people being prone to abstraction and abstract thought. its easy for smart people with a propensity for generalization to mentally contort themselves into stupid opinions.

when you look at the difference between the early computer scientists and the software developers of today, there is a pretty clear distinction between a group grounded in physical reality and a group who write code on top of opinions. they look down on details: "the computer will do that part for us, i just want to architect".

the neuroticism of the first group doesn't have the same type of negative side effect because they are grounded in details and testing against the real world. they were abstract *and* concrete thinkers.

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a28a60  No.148120


>because the old guard was extremely autistic

Yeah but times were different. Autists have no idea what is going on, they are easy to manipulate if you know how. They can't see you doing it.

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5b0252  No.148143

File: e7c2dd4e9a2a493⋯.jpg (74.63 KB, 750x559, 750:559, the_other_fat_man_at_the_c….jpg)

When you remove yourself from the soil, you remove yourself from nature/God. Then you remove yourself from your own physicality and start to see yourself as pure intellect.

Big mistake.

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83bfb4  No.148944

File: 9ccd9795a70f0fe⋯.jpg (187.43 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 9ccd9795a70f0fe3dcdbac737d….jpg)


What is the best skills to obtain to get a job without a degree quickly? I can't be what I am now for the rest of my life.

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7f3ccd  No.148990

File: 6a1bd0ad84e2583⋯.png (226.92 KB, 635x661, 635:661, 1503827999896.png)

Imagine claiming to be and feeling entitled to a salary for larping as an art teacher while feeling no compunction about marking up a student's drawing like this with a red ink pen. There ought to be laws against teachers.

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35c81f  No.149015


Nature works by trial and error, which is why it takes millions of years to design something.

At the mercy of nature you will die randomly like an animal.

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5b0252  No.149021


>At the mercy of nature you will die randomly like an animal.

We have always been at the mercy of nature, and we always will be. We rise up out of the soil and then after a brief period of activity, we return to it. Thus it can be truly said we will all die more or less randomly like every other animal that has ever lived. We must accept nature as our mother and attempt to live in harmony with her, never for one instant, succumbing to the temptation to arrogantly deny her central role in our lives.

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5b0252  No.149024


Traditionally a good art teacher clips a piece of semitransparent onionskin paper over the drawing to be corrected and then marks the corrections on that covering and not the drawing itself.

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5b0252  No.149025


You're going to hate me for saying this but golf courses are experiencing a severe shortage of workers right now. I did that for a couple years and it wasn't bad. If you can get onto a municipal union course your starting wages are a lot higher. Around here $23 an hour was union starting wage. Experienced guys get $27 an hour or so.

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35c81f  No.149033


>We have always been at the mercy of nature, and we always will be.

The question is to what extent. If you really want to pretend that technology has not elevated us above the animals, that we die just as randomly as they do, then you are simply full of shit.

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f41a4f  No.149035


He is a 'chad' (at least in his own mind) anon.

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a9be0b  No.149036

You just figured that out? Along with the wannabe ninja street trash.

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a9be0b  No.149038


Who gives a shit about cookie cutter Jew personality memes?

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f41a4f  No.149040


I don't. I find these business type 'chads' to be highly obnoxious parasites that manipulate others just like a kike. That is all I was saying.

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a9be0b  No.149043


I don't think that much about them.

I just go about my business and mind my own business. Because when you start involving yourself with the business of strangers, you start stepping on their lives like a fucking asshole.

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a9be0b  No.149046

Unless you're obviously a criminal. Then fuck you, go to jail, do not collect $200.

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f41a4f  No.149048


How is it 'involving yourself in their business' to hold an opinion of them? You feel that you are allowed to have opinions, right anon?

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a9be0b  No.149061


If all you do is hold opinions, you'll never be able to carry anything else.

Learn to clear your mind and leave the opinions for when they matter. When you need then, they will reappear for a reason.

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f41a4f  No.149066


You are definitely on the strange side, anon.

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5b0252  No.149093


Go work in a cancer hospital for a few years. We all die. We die of a variety of causes. Basically it's random, whether it's because of disease, accidents or homicides. We're not that elevated above the animals; we eat, we shit, we fuck, we procreate, we fight.

This is the problem with technology and learning; it gives you an immense vanity about who and what you are in the universe.

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a9be0b  No.149095


Quite the opposite.

I am normal.

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c1dae1  No.149109

File: c6215dab7bcdb32⋯.mp4 (585.12 KB, 854x480, 427:240, Dead_fags.mp4)


True. Death is a great and amazing thing.

Nothing makes me happier than the fact that evil people like the Rothschilds and other filthy jews, despite all their evil, pride, scheming and trickery will never cheat death. Even those who cheat the entire world will never cheat death.

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e521c7  No.149125


Any backstory on the video? I see the guy is laying in a kids room, wonder if it has anything to do with it

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f75772  No.149130


The video is in Portuguese (Brazil), and the shooter says the number of his faction "3" (from PCC). I would suppose that guy was a pedo or betrayed the faction.

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45fffa  No.149139


death is just the beginning of their suffering in a lake of fire, that pit of perpetual torment is the only place they are going to get after they die. Gods judgement is just and the justice is what they will get.

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990cb0  No.149166


>I would suppose that guy was a pedo

What a pleasant thought the some sort of marginal justice gets meted out somewhere on this planet.

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990cb0  No.149167


>I am normal.

If you only knew…

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b4f687  No.149170

File: f90b2f7687dd75f⋯.jpg (259.8 KB, 1100x1399, 1100:1399, _verman_moderna_sam_llet.jpg)


>We're not that elevated above the animals;

Yes, we are.

>This is the problem with technology and learning; it gives you an immense vanity about who and what you are in the universe.

Yes, and that is both sane and also very human. Many of the problems of modernity stem from an advanced misanthropy rooted in our objective view of reality. Think about it. Leftists hate themselves and humanity, because they see no beauty in the human figure or the human mind. Their whole mindset is based on an absurd decimation of the human to some primitive animal. I believe this to be some sort of collective insanity. I am of course not proposing that we reject science. Rather the opposite. Humans are taxonomically animals, but we are also higher beings with a destiny and a responsibility, as all thinkable beings that harbor an advanced intellect.

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990cb0  No.149177


>we are also higher beings with a destiny and a responsibility

I disagree. We are nothing but slaves here. But I am curious what exactly you think our destiny and responsibility might entail.

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b4f687  No.149181


>But I am curious what exactly you think our destiny and responsibility might entail.

Betterment, exploring the universe, intellectual pursuits, technological advancements, truth-seeking. Assuming no imminent end-of-the-world scenario, these are unstoppable forces and can thus be considered our collective destiny. We should keep in mind, that this destiny is supposedly not shared by any other creature on this planet. Therein lies the beauty in the human being.

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990cb0  No.149185


>Betterment, exploring the universe, intellectual pursuits, technological advancements, truth-seeking.

Ok, but you realize this was all destroyed by COVID, right? The function of the gene drive was to turn humans into jews. None of this is going to be possible or relevant in one years time.

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5b0252  No.149243

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You're delusional; our great intellectual triumphs are all harnessed to war, murder and sadism. Industrialism produced WWI and II, and the computer and materials science revolutions produced ICBMs and nuclear weapons that can eradicate whole cities, entire nations. What are we producing? squalor, favelas, huge rafts of plastic bottles that clog the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, fill entire mountain valleys with garbage. The masses whether enslaved or free are largely dipshits that just want to graze. In 15 years Africa will have cities of 83 million, like Lagos or Kinshasa. We're murderous rogues.

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5b0252  No.149245

File: 339a1929f290bee⋯.jpg (107.14 KB, 429x600, 143:200, death_and_the_miser_from_t….jpg)

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5b0252  No.149246

File: 1803ce84ec113a4⋯.jpg (299.23 KB, 808x1192, 101:149, ad51c2420941d8a2d767e08686….jpg)

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5b0252  No.149247

File: 2cd4d22fc12447d⋯.jpg (118.27 KB, 522x572, 261:286, 81a9rP15CxL_AC_SX522_.jpg)

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0d6552  No.149248


>implying jews have souls

Nope. The lake of fire thing is reserved only for their goyslave traitors, the reason kikes are so consciously evil is because they do not have a soul that would allow them free will to act against their evil nature and even if they somehow had a caricature of free will, like a non-deterministic algorithm AI, they'd still choose evil simply because there's no eternal torment in their post-life non-existence.


Be careful of transhumanism; for a real person making a copy of his sapience and personality might be inconsequential to the faith of his eternal soul but to a soulless kike automaton it's indinstinguishable from immortality.

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0d6552  No.149251

File: 34a29c5389e4739⋯.jpg (104.99 KB, 875x960, 175:192, man_as_a_rising_beast.jpg)

File: d646865a3b45840⋯.jpeg (102.01 KB, 800x600, 4:3, gc108.jpeg)




Please show us in this anatomically correct globe where did the big bad anthropogenic global warming touch you.

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990cb0  No.149252


Bastard touched me on my taint

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4ce7c2  No.149513


Not joking. I am normal, the rest of you are the crazy people.


There is literally no such thing as Hell or Heaven in the original Bible. Not joking. They didn't exist until the Catholic Church invented them.

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07d830  No.149541


I would have turned into that type of programmer if I never found competitive programming, which is more math oriented.

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990cb0  No.149551


>There is literally no such thing as Hell or Heaven in the original Bible. Not joking. They didn't exist until the Catholic Church invented them.

Well, this is totally true.

Not so sure about this:

>I am normal, the rest of you are the crazy people.

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1aa15d  No.149574


If there is one thing that a Jew understands innately, it is the role of middlemen and the power they can wield. In today's world computers are an increasingly ever-present "middleman", damn near everything is done via computer: finances, record keeping, information gathering, propaganda, ect. An industry dominated by racially aware white programmers is the Jew's worst nightmare because they could tear down the kike's financial and propaganda structures quite literally overnight.

This is why the tech industry is their special focus, why they take great pains to staff companies with the worst kind of pseudo-intellectual midwits possible. People who can do a passible job keeping the databases running and keep jewgle afloat but who will never think to bite the hand that feeds and buy into every stupid idealogical fad they peddle. Even then the white useful idiots still scare them to the point where they shove trannies, feminists, and minorities onto the industry and try to break up any blocks of white males wherever they can find them. The Jew isn't tech savvy on his own to maintain his new technologically based financially empire without help and it makes him deeply afraid.

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24c4ef  No.155033

Not all programmers.


I'm a programmer but don't use node/javascript for my job, so I am a bit of a newbie to that stuff, but was dabbling in maybe creating a game w/javascript.

Noticed as I was looking for toolchain to use, that webpack/jquery seems pozzed and BLM-o-phile and run by a 'collective' but browserify/gulp/cash doesn't look openly pozzed, and just feels better.

I started writing something with the jquery stuff (basically started project with twine/twee and found them cumbersome and constraining and why not use node directly since at this point the twine stuff isn't giving me anything for the added complexity/mystery/overhead) and then I came across an incompatibility bug between browserify for jqueryui, so start looking at the 'webpack collective', but then said fuck it I like browserify so far…

So I rewrite what I had written to use non-pozzed browserify/cash/gulp tech, and it was like 1/2 the lines of code.

IF there's pozzed/non-pozzed techsplit, I'm know what tools I'll choose to use.

Never used to pay attention thinking tech wasn't ideological, but apparently it is.

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eb0fa2  No.155080


try Opal

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8e44c3  No.155109

No that's only the USA. There are more autistic personality types in IT than elsewhere but that is it.

Are you working for a big ZOG corporation that hires psychopaths that pretend they can code? Because it is hard to measure performance in programming the consequence is that programming fields are sometimes magnets for failed people.

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5c2ff8  No.155126


Your reading comprehension is shit; I never mentioned global warming. That doesn't mean that the huge masses of humanity on the planet haven't had a catastrophic effect on the planet in other ways. Global warming is 99.99999% the result of solar activity.

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5c2ff8  No.155127


>>There is literally no such thing as Hell or Heaven in the original Bible. Not joking. They didn't exist until the Catholic Church invented them.

Please report to this thread and put Jeebus boi in his place. Thx.


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