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8f0992  No.137578[Last 50 Posts]

Since the ((French Revolution)), Christianity lost its last battle in the war against the secular powers. Only 200 years later, the sanctity of Family (Race), the sanctity of Life, the sanctity of Property, the sanctity of Children… is decaying rampantly as the new revolution, the communist revolution that is heavily inspired in the French one, is spreading. After 1400 years of Christian hegemony in Europe… How could that happen? What led ((Napoleon)) to dismantle the Holy Roman Empire, to undermine the power of the Pope, to create a state without religion?

Without the illustrated philosophies that defied God's value and putted it under the idolized intellectuals of the bourgeoisie/nobility, leading to despotism, absolutism and imperialism, there would not have been any French Revolution, and neither a communist one. But, for the illustration to not take place, firstly, the bourgeoisie/nobility should not have power over religion. What gave them power? The Reformation. First, the anglican schism in which the king/queen is considered the head of the Church, which led to parliamentarianism because of the conflict with the catholic royalists, that led to plutocracy because of the hegemony of the wealth parliamentarians, that with the illustrated philosophy led to the american revolution because of the fraternal individuality of success over collective tyranny, that led to ((real liberalism)), that led to ((real democracy)), that led to ((real demagogy)), that led to real degeneracy. Secondly, the religious wars of Germany that gave to the sovereigns of HRE the liberty to choose their own religion, which led to the decentralization of the HRE, which led to the decay of power of the Habsburg of Austria and Spain, which led to the hegemony of France, which led to even a greater spread of enlightenment ideals by French philosophers inspired by the more independent posture of the French nobility with the Church (France fought against the Catholic League even when it was Catholic). We could discuss what was before all of what, but the principal point is that, there is correlation between the decay of the Catholic Church and the increase of degeneracy. What gave the jew the right of citizenship? Secularism. The secular power is devilish, therefore, jewish. It is not a ((coincidence)) that the most secularist ideology, to a point in which is dogmatic and based on faith even when it is anti-religious, is that one created by the jew: Communism. The state should be abolished, and there only should be the Church.

To outbreed a superior race with an inferior race is a sin, because it devalues good, and only good comes from God, and what does not come from God, it’s sinful. The Spanish race mixed with the natives because the Spanish were the ones outbreeding. It was about racial hygiene, yet the work wasn’t finished because of the balkanization of the Spanish colonies. The Church is subverted, and now teaches what it never preached. The Pope preaches the outbreeding of Europeans, when breeding with Moors in Iberia was seen as sinful. The Church is being attacked from the inside. The Church failed because it wasn’t strong enough, but even in its failure, in its corruption, it has proved to be the most effective against Evil for over millennia thanks to the legacy of Rome. For that, I propose, that we do not abandon tradition, and follow truly what our ancestors would have done: Kill in His name those who are in the death row, those who can’t be saved and preach damnation for others. Those who can’t be forgiven because they offended the Holy Spirit by neglecting Truth even to children. God hates, even when He is love, because love and hate aren’t incompatible. We must love even our enemies, turn the other cheek and let them hurt ourselves as individuals, BUT NEVER LET THEM DAMAGE THE DIVINE LEGACY OF GOD, THE PERFECT GOOD OF OUR PEOPLE. To love is to hate justly, and we must hate while we love infinitely. Because we are the Church, and the Church goes with us. Ave Christus Rex, Ave Maria.

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ff840f  No.137586

File: 7ab4f24628e29d4⋯.pdf (282.75 KB, The_Nameless_War.pdf)

File: b4bd572ef381344⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 240.46 KB, 796x1024, 199:256, gettyimages_3247135_1024x1….jpg)

Archibald Maule Ramsay devoted an entire chapter to the French Revolution. I've read a lot on this event, mostly in French but this chapter from The Nameless War really captures the essence of the affair like nobody else dares to assert it.

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ff840f  No.137588

File: 32cbeb1bab18eb7⋯.jpg (106.68 KB, 969x663, 19:13, 22528bd9c17bdd9b87b0bfe218….jpg)


In 1794, Barras sided with the men who sought to overthrow Maximilien Robespierre's faction. The Thermidorian Reaction of 27 July 1794 made him rise to prominence. In the next year, when the Convention felt threatened by the malcontent National Guards of Paris, it appointed Barras to command the troops engaged in its defence. His nomination of Bonaparte led to the adoption of violent measures, ensuring the dispersion of royalists and other malcontents in the streets near the Tuileries Palace, remembered as the 13 Vendémiaire (5 October 1795). Subsequently, Barras became one of the five Directors who controlled the executive of the French Republic.

Owing to his intimate relations with Joséphine de Beauharnais, Barras helped to facilitate a marriage between her and Bonaparte. Some of his contemporaries alleged that this was the reason behind Barras' nomination of Bonaparte to the command of the army of Italy early in the year 1796. Bonaparte's success gave the Directory unprecedented stability, and when, in the summer of 1797, the royalist and surviving Girondist opposition again met the government with resistance, Bonaparte sent General Augereau, a Jacobin, to repress their movement in the Coup of 18 Fructidor (4 September 1797).

Downfall and later life

Barras was alleged to have dozens of mistresses and male lovers, the latter often having a dubious social standing. The corruption of his administration was extraordinary even for France.[5] Barras's alleged immorality in public and private life is often cited as a major contribution to the fall of the Directory, and the creation of the Consulate. In any case, Bonaparte met little resistance during his 18 Brumaire coup of November 1799. At the same time, Barras is seen as a supporter of the change, one left aside by the First Consul when the latter reshaped the government of France.

Since he had amassed a large fortune, Barras spent his later years in luxury. Napoleon had him confined to the Château de Grosbois (Barras's property), then exiled to Brussels and Rome, and ultimately, in 1810, interned in Montpellier; set free after the fall of the Empire, he died in Chaillot (nowadays in Paris), and was interred in Père Lachaise Cemetery. Although a partisan of the Second Restoration, Barras was kept in check during the reigns of Louis XVIII and Charles X (and his Memoirs were censored after his death).

Cartoon; Napoleon, a young officer peeking through curtains at Madame Talian and Napoleon's future wife Josephine dancing in the nude for Barras.

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ea97e2  No.137632


Catholic Monarchy is actual national Catholicism. Like in the Renaissance, people can choose to have that, but it has to come from the will of the people. Even the Pope acknowledged at time of the US founding that our Constitutional Republic was the next best thing. It could be possible to add Amendments that move the needle to Catholicism. It's a will of the people thing. They wanted Washington to be a king but he declined. He was raised on Jesuit Catholic book on how to be a gentleman. Thanksgiving was with a Catholic native american. Catholicism is more American than many realize and many sure do long for the magical kingdom, modeled after neuschwanstein.

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0e6d62  No.137649


Holy based anon, bless you.

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4eb72c  No.137809

File: 233dce40cafe699⋯.jpg (1.35 MB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, Bandera_Espa_ola_Reyes_Cat….jpg)


((Monarchy)) is actually what for centuries fought against religious powers. The only and unique example of National Catholicism is Franco's Spain, and, just when the ((king)) got to power after his dead, he jewed everything with demoncracy and leftism. Monarchs are infected with ((Freemasons)), and George Washington was a master freemason. USA is based on masonry, and just as every ((anglo)), it spreads the Jew over the world.

People should never choose about collective matters, because people aren't specialized. In Franco's Spain, there was a technocracy ruled by religious men of the Opus Dei, and thanks to that, the Spanish Miracle could happen. It is impossible to create a full theocracy in a world of statist juden-fremasons, because we must fight fire with fire, that's what national catholicism is about. Yet, a truly revolutionary theocracy must always aim for God, and to make Christ its only King and Ruler. AVE CHRISTUS REX

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ff840f  No.138002

File: 3af4a43a2065e71⋯.jpg (154.99 KB, 500x726, 250:363, Francois_Ravaillac.jpg)

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>Holy based anon, bless you.

Teh French monarchy was always more less opposed to the Papacy; it's not Freemasonry however, it's ultramontanism. Even Cardinals like Richelieu and Mazarin adopted this policy.

It's a natural nationalistic position to assume against what aspires to be a global power. A power capable of sending assassins to murder French kings moreover. It's naive to think that a papacy that fell under the rival Spanish Empire in Italy wouldn't stoop to any crime to further it's covert war against rival France.

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de4b4c  No.138013

File: 4966aac2602a689⋯.jpeg (804.14 KB, 1746x2894, 873:1447, gb.jpeg)

Reminder you could had made your own buddha from greece or rome, and not from fucking israel. You could even go call socrates that, but no you HAD to go for yeshu and become his slave. Reap what your ancestors initially sown.

I heard christians saying that without jews there would be no jesus or his apostles. This is laughable.

First i learned about correlation of polar star astrology in the Vedas that god whose "darkness haven't overtaken", and who is "unchangeable" (even though that's a lie and polar star does eventually unfix itself and changes to another) is simply an attempt of ancients to see stars as signs of theology (that's exactly what seven seers were doing). Next i know that Logos was stolen from Heraclitus, just like some other sayings in new testament tied to philosophers. Then i find about golden city of brahman that curiously similar to the one christians implied for heavens and "golden jerusalem" to be like. Then i find out about interaction of Alexander the Great and few greek philosophers with indian brahmanists and buddhists, which born greco-buddhist period. Even his sayings about left and right hand and being born again are found in upanishads, and all teachings one way or another inspired by indians. Then i find out that everything about Jesus relation with vine, virgin birth of Mary from God and him being pursued by Herod (Hera) is related to Dionysus cult.

There's probably much more, but this new testament of yours is not a good base for religious theocratic government. Make a new religion already. Those people initially destroyed your own culture, buried together with countless amount of european souls killed for doubting it. And they are still spreading it forcefully on others thinking they are doing good deed and aren't of this world when their hypocrisy is very much of this world. And protestants as well abused the power without searching further for the truth of it.

And even after all of this has been said, in relation to catholics, do you really want to be slave to that cuck of a pope too? Just like Quran always will have unerasable verses about killing infidels, and being a ticking time bomb for any violent islamic activity, so too Jesuse's self torture and self sacrifice is a ticking time bomb of submissive activity of christians at any future time.

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7cf20e  No.138016

File: ed130f3baa3ff77⋯.jpg (467.12 KB, 1920x1152, 5:3, Francois_I_Suleiman.jpg)



>Allied with protestants


The French were always gallicanist.

>It's a natural nationalistic position to assume against what aspires to be a global power

To a point of being allied with the Ottoman Empire? Kek. Thanks to that decentralization of Europe, now there is a new type of globalism, a Jewish one. The only way to oppose evil, it's by having more power than it, and they attacked the church for so long because it was the only Good that tried to be global. What it is truly nationalistic is fighting for the foundations of such nation, which are Roman Catholic Apostolic values. The Anglo, the French and the German only cared about ((themselves)), to a point in which they were able of selling their own souls to the ((devil)) so they could have some banal power. Now we are all cucked to the Jew, thanks to the eternal anglo, the eternal french and the eternal german. It's definitely Freemasonry.

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57dbcd  No.138017


>We must love even our enemies


>turn the other cheek and let them hurt ourselves as individuals

Absolutely not.

>and we must hate while we love infinitely

Literaly insanity. You can't love what you hate.

>Kill in His name


Protect the loved ones.

Kill the ones who you hate.

Anyone preaching love for the enemies of the white race is wrong. If God himself preaches this, God himself is wrong.

The world is for the white race only. All other subhuman races (jews included, of course) must be genocided.

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57dbcd  No.138021


Every single man who supports women must hang. All those men who treat women like equals turn out to be degenerates.

Also: in any conflict whatsoever, NEVER help the rich. They are the ones exploiting everyone else just to live in luxury while everyone struggle, fight and die for them.

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7cf20e  No.138023

File: af3f60b9bc68c31⋯.jpg (4.01 MB, 4096x2731, 4096:2731, Eag4OFpU8AEhv4y.jpg)



If you love your enemies, you'll have an stoic manner in which initial anger will not make you commit counterproductive actions. If you love them, you'll be more effective destroying them, because in love there is contemplation, and in contemplation there is knowledge. Being able of loving your enemies makes you more capable of knowing them. Loving your enemies will make you capable of being subversive without losing integrity. Love can be a weapon.

>Absolutely not.

Fighting for yourself, or the idea of you, makes you predictable and less efficient in the fight for Good. You must be capable letting them hurt you as an individual, because our collective is way more important. You are the less important, because you aren't truly you, you are your people. That's true devotion.

>Literaly insanity. You can't love what you hate.

You hate what you love. To hate there needs to be a premise in which you consider the danger a contrast of what should be. Hating isn't only a defensive response for the integrity of good, but the craving of such evil to be good. It's like seeing your brother hurting himself, and therefore hurting others. What makes you truly hate him it's that you would love that he wasn't evil. To despise in a non-personal manner, you would need an indifference for his humanity, a deep dehumanization, and that's not healthy neither for the individual nor the collective.

>Anyone preaching love for the enemies of the white race is wrong. If God himself preaches this, God himself is wrong.

God preaches the Perfect Good, and being the white race the best race, God should preach the best. But, when the best race fails, what does remain? The spiritual legacy of our ancestors. Almost all present whites are cucked, but almost all past whites aren't. To not despair in the present state of our collective, we must connect with the past state of it. And this is what our past racial collective preached: An infinite love, a just hate. It's the most healthy, because hate not contrasted with love leads to misery, and misery to inefficiency. Loving doesn't mean tolerating, that's a kike lie. Love is proactive, and those who love, should hate injustice.

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608d4a  No.138028


>mfw that looks exactly like the background of the cathedral in Umineko no Naku Koro Ni–in particular, chapter 5.

If that's a real cathedral in your pic. related, I wonder if Ryukishi based his cathedral on that one/rotoscoped that one.


Anyone have actual refutations towards the knowledge yielded in this post?

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5d8a5b  No.138038


>To a point of being allied with the Ottoman Empire? Kek

^This. Not only they deserve what they got but in contrast to most of their libshit useful idiot peers they brought it on themselves while fully consient if the consequences.

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7cf20e  No.138043



>Reminder you could had made your own buddha from greece or rome, and not from fucking israel.


After 300 years of enlighted philosophy, in a time of the best medical and alimentary conditions, in a time in which information and study is much more accessible, probably a time in which the IQ of the masses improved a lot, in a time of intelligence… and still, no one has got anything better. On the contrary, we are way worst in that cultural manner. You can't make it, it is revealed.

>Reap what your ancestors initially sown.

Exactly what I'm doing.

>I heard christians saying that without jews there would be no jesus or his apostles.

There always was a Jesus. The jews aren't, and never were, indispensable. On the contrary. After Christ's passion, the existence of jews is intolerable.

>Then i find out…

About everything else that you said, I tell you: Mythology is the divine echo of the Truth.

>There's probably much more, but this new testament of yours is not a good base for religious theocratic government. Make a new religion already.

It's not only the new testament, it is the old testament too. Legalism is based on the old testament, and without the old, the new doesn't make any sense, because the Law is what leads us to Christ with the justification of Faith. But, I will argue with you about It isn't a good base for a theocratic government.

What is the purpose of a religion? To ensure cultural norms that leads to a good relation between the individual and his collective so he develops in it and becomes a contributor. Religion has to be basic enough so a child understands it and can use it simply in his daily life, and deep enough so it can survive and adapt the intrinsic impulses of the individual and the collective over time. What are the basic norms of Christianity? A better question: Why are the basic norms of Christianity?

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7cf20e  No.138044



First, we must understand the basics of Faith. Faith is inevitable, we aren't fully objective beings, there are great leaps that we fulfill in our understanding. Which is the first and most essential thing an individual inevitably puts his faith on? His parents. We need to believe in our parents, or paternal figures. It's part of our development. God the father is the absolute, infinite and perfect parent. He is the superfamily, beyond the family, the family of families, so the development of the individual and the integrity of the family is protected over time by the dogmatic idea of His presence and His precepts. If the family fails, God will not. Therefore, God the Father shields the good development of the individual and his contribution in society.

But, why aren't we with our Father? He created us, we are part of His family, yet it seems like we are lost. The reason of it is because in our nature we desire knowledge independently of Him (The tree of Good and Evil in Genesis), Because of that, we abandoned God so we could know without Him. That's why we aren't with Him, and that's why we suffer, that's why we perish, because we are a consequence of our nature. Such idea incites responsibility in the individual, and a constant strive for perfection. It is like stoicism but virtue isn't the end,it is the means to the Father. (The fact that something incites you to ask yourself what is best it's by itself, very useful).

How do we reach to our Father? How can we be forgiven? A Father is just, and doesn't forgive unless we deserve it. How can we deserve it? With His Son. Christ is the perfect man, He is the first. It's like our big brother that wants us to rejoin the divine family. How can His Son makes us deserve it? Well, by paying Him for all of us. Just imagine that a God sacrifices itself for you. Of all the gods that wanted you to sacrifice, that wanted others to be sacrificed, He who is perfect, who was the one who least deserve it, does it for everyone who don't deserve it. Such a thought inspires great devotion, inspires reciprocity, which in a religion it is essential. The only thing we must do so such forgiveness affects us, because He gave us the choice of being forgiven if we wanted, is believing in Him, and make such believe alive in our actions. Through Him, we are reconciled with our Father, and truly, we all become brothers and sisters (The idea of divine fraternity it's really useful for social cohesion, but such divine fraternity has to be gained so it is just).

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7cf20e  No.138045



Then, after all of that, what is left? If we came from our Father, then everything did too? If we are corrupt for our bad use of our free will, everything else too? If there is a Perfect man, there must be a Perfect everything. Such thing is the Holy Spirit, which inspires the idea of essential perfect goods just as work, live and love. The Holy Spirit is like a pantheistic faith but not focused in the material but in the platonic essential perfection of it. With the Holy Spirit, we strive even more for perfection. The Holy Spirit comes from the Father and the Son, because everything good to occur depends of the premise of the creator of God, which is by himself, the Perfect Good. Therefore, The Father, and the Son, are one with the Holy Spirit, just as we can be one with the Son. That's God, a centralized idea of human perfection. The Trinity makes sense like the composition of our mind, body and soul. They are different, but united. Independent, but one.

All of this it's the basics of the Faith. It's truly useful, and it's usefulness makes it True. About the theocratical government, the catholic church has over millennia of experience. We could discuss it deeply, but it is better that you see it in history. All of this came from some desert Hebrews… It is revealed, not created.

>Those people initially destroyed your own culture, buried together with countless amount of european souls killed for doubting it. And they are still spreading it forcefully on others thinking they are doing good deed and aren't of this world when their hypocrisy is very much of this world.

The Romans did too, yet everything good we have is based on them. In culture, just as in nature, there is an evolutionary process. Our civilized ancestors were Romans, and Christians.

>And even after all of this has been said, in relation to catholics, do you really want to be slave to that cuck of a pope too?

I'm a slave of Christ, and such pope isn't representing Christ as he should. Therefore, I'm not. The Church is subverted, and cucked, as almost everything, since almost 200 years ago.

A Christian should always fight.


Sainte Chapelle from Paris

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07861b  No.138048

No one cares about the catholics because they are converting non-Whites. They are not a White religion nor do they have our interests at heart.

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7cf20e  No.138051


Converting non-whites isn't something bad unless such non-whites come to our homeland and outbreed us. They are a White religion, and were over millennia. There is a correlation between the protestant movement and the jews taking over Europe. If your strategy is creating a secular state that doesn't imposes religious acts, then the jew will eventually subvert such state. We see the jew in power since the secularization of the world, then, the only thing we can do is go back. The jew is not only racial, so it isn't only about genetic roots.

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ff840f  No.138077


And now the Church both protestant and catholic openly proclaim and take great measures to enforce the idea that Europeans have abandoned Christ while their simple minded niggers from Africa have embraced him so they're all too enthusiastic to replace us with them. Yeah your Christianity is so fine, so patriotic. Fuck them in their parasitic dead jew sorcerer on a stick worshipping asses.

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6069b4  No.138078


>Converting non-whites isn't something bad

Yes it is. Spending resources to "convert" shitskins to your kike religion so they can be in heaven with you when they die is 100% cuck retard mentality. You are a worthless traitor and cuck, you and every single catholic retard should be burned at the stake, just like you burned countless innocent europeans.

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ff840f  No.138080


And what is the Christian heaven? It's a pan opticon prison ruled over by a tyrannical bearded jew who will send to to a huge dungeon to be tortured with fire if you don't love him infinitely with all you heart. Now where have I heard of such behavior before? Oh, that's right, that's how megalomaniac sadistic psychopaths behave.

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6069b4  No.138085


>Since the ((French Revolution)), Christianity lost its last battle in the war against the secular powers

Yeah, because christianity is a weak religion, incompatible with the european psyche, which is why it only ruled as it was imposed on us. Stuff like the (((French Revolution))) and jewish takeover of all our institutions happened precisely because (((christianity))) had no appeal to anyone who was not a retarded zealot and thus there was a hole to be filled, which was swiftly filled with marxism (aka christianity 2.0.) and other jewish shit.

All jewish religions should be outlawed.


Christcucks are mentally ill. They descend from retards who believed in the inane ramblings of a bunch of kike missionaries and traitors who ratted out their fellow Europeans for practicing their indigenous faith.

They need to be culled from the gene-pool.

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c61418  No.138090

File: 257f1390bad0c46⋯.jpeg (1.05 MB, 2170x1444, 1085:722, edward_munch.jpeg)


Hell itself itsn't the worst metaphysical idea of christianity. The worst really is identity of the heaven. Hedon and Eden are same word for Hebrews, infinite heavens of pleasure cause stagnation of anything living, it goes against any possible natural law way worse than any hell would. Whatever you're going to do in golden walls of jerusalem won't give your soul any real meaning, especially under strict control. Psychopathy in rest of things are easily explainable, but its this selfish desire for infinite havens of pleasure and lack of fatigue which is a real crack in the nut because its invented by people with really pitiful desires.

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b7c914  No.138108


>And now the Church both protestant and catholic openly proclaim and take great measures to enforce the idea that Europeans have abandoned Christ while their simple minded niggers from Africa have embraced him so they're all too enthusiastic to replace us with them.

Kek you are the ones replacing the Church with niggers. Who started preaching the nigger? The French, the secular faggots like you. Now the church wants to be modern, therefore cucked, and preaches what the majority of you, atheists, preach: Nigger music, nigger politics, nigger art, nigger clothes, nigger food. No one in their entire history has demonstrated so much love for the nigger than the seculars. Now that everything is cucked after every government abandoned the church, you blame the church for it KEK. Fucking delusional faggot. The church is cucked, but at least it represents a time in which it wasn't. You were born a cuck, the Church was born as what romanized Europe.

>Fuck them in their parasitic dead jew sorcerer on a stick worshipping asses.

Died a jew by the hands of jews, resurrected a Christian by the hands of God. That's the one in the stick, faggot, and what He represented fought against the jew better than any political religion you have. Die in hell, faggot.


>Yes it is. Spending resources to "convert" shitskins to your kike religion so they can be in heaven with you when they die is 100% cuck retard mentality

Are you retarded? Peak nigger mentality I see. If we gave niggers a soul, if we give the basis of civilization, maybe they will not fucking flee their shithole and stop being used by the kike to destroy the white race.

>You are a worthless traitor and cuck, you and every single catholic retard should be burned at the stake, just like you burned countless innocent europeans.

Am I the cuck? The one who preaches for an institution that at least fought against the jew for centuries? The institution that fell and just after that everything got jewed? KEK. You are the worthless traitor, because you are, without knowing, part of what made the fucking jew into power in Europe, and therefore what is destroying our race. Innocent europeans you say? Those who in the protestant reformation started to kill and destabilize Europe just when the Muslims were at the gates? Who was innocent? YOU THINK YOU ARE INNOCENT? KEK. What do you represent, nigger? The white race? If we judged the white race for its present state, they deserved to be destroyed. What made our race great was our soul, which is by itself part of our race. To abandon what defined our race for over millennium, is to abandon our race. You are a white nigger, just as the majority of whites in the present.

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b7c914  No.138117


>And what is the Christian heaven? It's a pan opticon prison ruled over by a tyrannical bearded jew who will send to to a huge dungeon to be tortured with fire if you don't love him infinitely with all you heart. Now where have I heard of such behavior before? Oh, that's right, that's how megalomaniac sadistic psychopaths behave.

The Christian heaven is the immortalization of a truly good legacy. If you truly do good, you'll rejoin with God, which is the Perfect Good. The Christian hell is the immortalization of everything that isn't truly a good legacy. If you don't do good enough, you'll not be part of the Perfect Good. Simple. It's the cultural dogma of responsibility beyond life, and the consequences of actions in the infinite time. It's, by itself, anti-jewish, because the jew doesn't believe in the after life, only in this one, in which he has to try to obtain as much from the gentile. Your mentality is very jewish.


>Yeah, because christianity is a weak religion

What did your religion did? If it is weak, you must compare it with something else. Which one is stronger? Which one conquered more than half a continent, and explored the world? It was thanks to whites, and their religion. Faggot.

>incompatible with the european psyche, which is why it only ruled as it was imposed on us

KEK. Are you some form of liberal faggot? The masses get whatever it's imposed. Rome imposed their deities, their culture, their language. Everything is fucking imposed, directly or indirectly. Pagan or not pagan. Good or evil.

>because (((christianity))) had no appeal to anyone who was not a retarded zealot

80 years later, even in a secularized world, everyone European was a christian. It wasn't imposed, yet they wanted to stay with it. Kike culture didn't start to truly be destructive till the 60s. Incompatible you say? We are the most empathetic races. What religion is compatible? The nigger-tier religion of Odin, in which pillage, rape, slaving and dying with honor in battle were the greatest? The hedonistic greek religion that inspired in the romans a constant traitorous stance because the saw themselves as the most virtuous? Christianity is the most studied religion, the majority of scientists were christian. Truly, only retards believe kek. Faggot

> and thus there was a hole to be filled, which was swiftly filled with marxism (aka christianity 2.0.)



Spain did a crusade against communists in the civil war, thousands of them were killed (And the vatican backed the nationalists).What did your religion? Look, a christian can't be a marxist for a single rule: Do not steal. Private property is sacred, and those who harm private property, harm the individual, and that's a sin, a grave sin.

>Christcucks are mentally ill. They descend from retards who believed in the inane ramblings of a bunch of kike missionaries and traitors who ratted out their fellow Europeans for practicing their indigenous faith.

KEEEEK. Such fellow Europeans with their indigenous faith were the ones who accepted Christianity after the fall of Rome. Such people with their indigenous faith were the one raiding Christians and killing defenseless monks. That's why they were cucked by the Franks. You are such an hypocrite, because our fellow Europeans have died way more because of secular reasons and foreign religions than for christian problems. WWI? WWII? Truly religious. Almost all wars in which died Europeans? Yeah, very religious. Uncultured faggot.

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b7c914  No.138120

>infinite heavens of pleasure cause stagnation of anything living, it goes against any possible natural law way worse than any hell would. Whatever you're going to do in golden walls of jerusalem won't give your soul any real meaning, especially under strict control.

Don't you know that the souls in heaven pray for us? Even our ancestors who are in heaven, are watching us, hoping we go with them. There is meaning, because there is family. And family is the essential meaning, not your romantic view of the world of action and honor. FAMILY.

>but its this selfish desire for infinite havens of pleasure and lack of fatigue which is a real crack in the nut because its invented by people with really pitiful desires.

>selfish desire

Don't you know that you need to be truly generous to go to heaven? Kek. There isn't infinite pleasures, there is only one and True pleasure: Love. There is no banal pleasures in heaven, that's what the muslims believe.

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b7c914  No.138121

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f701e6  No.138127


>Who started preaching the nigger?


>secular faggots like you

Darwin thought of them as inferior and said they would soon be completely wiped out.

>Now the church wants to be modern

The church is by definition universalist and internationalist, so you better start accepting your nigger "brothers and sisters in christ" as your equal, you fucking cuck.

>The church is cucked, but at least it represents a time in which it wasn't

When? When the kikes founded it? When it massacred countless indigenous Europeans? Or when it sent thousands of young European men to spend their lives to cuck themselves for a bunch of worthless nigger tribes in the bumfuck of nowhere?

>If we gave niggers a soul, if we give the basis of civilization, maybe they will not fucking flee their shithole and stop being used by the kike to destroy the white race.

Absolutely fucking retarded. How do you even think that the niggers reached the 100fold of their historical population, you braindead faggot? It was the catholic faggots like you who allowed them to reproduce like flies instead of letting them rot in the jungle, and it is still catholic retards like you who continue to encourage them to breed like maggots by telling them not to use contraceptive methods. I hope you're joking, because this is beyond pathetic.

>part of what made the fucking jew into power in Europe

I didn't create edicts explicitly protecting the jews from mob vengeance against their exploitation, nor did I bar anyone else from competing against the jews in the world of finance, making most Europeans completely dependent upon the kikes. I didn't make the kikes become converso crypto-kikes by making them better at hiding, so much that in some places you can barely know who a jew is.

>Innocent europeans you say? Those who in the protestant reformation started to kill and destabilize Europe just when the Muslims were at the gates?

Yeah, all those women burned for "witchcraft" they were all agitators against Europe …

Besides, who created the protestants, you utter mongoloid? It was the catholics with all their corruption, despotism and hypocrisy. Cause and effect, you retard.

>If we judged the white race for its present state, they deserved to be destroyed

And so the christkike reveals himself, he doesn't see the white race as anything but a tool to further his sick agenda.

>To abandon what defined our race for over millennium

>Yes, goy, your race is only defined by a foreign religion that was imposed on you by force and only existed on your territory for about 1000 years.

Absolutely blue-pilled. Go worship your kike idol on your containment board, you (((abrahamite))) shill.





You are an etrogen-filled, flaming faggot.

KYS, this will be my last reply.

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ff840f  No.138130

File: 97d336ac9aae86e⋯.jpg (2.55 MB, 3200x2081, 3200:2081, Pieter_Bruegel_d_037.jpg)


> infinite heavens of pleasure cause stagnation of anything living, it goes against any possible natural law way worse than any hell would.

Het Luilekkerland (Dutch, "the lazy-luscious-land"[1]) — known in English as The Land of Cockaigne — is a 1567 oil painting by Pieter Bruegel the Elder (c. 1525–1569). In medieval times, Cockaigne was a mythical land of plenty, but Bruegel's depiction of Cockaigne and its residents is not meant to be a flattering one. He chooses rather a comic illustration of the spiritual emptiness believed to derive from gluttony and sloth, two of the seven deadly sins.[2

In the painting, a clerk, a peasant, and a soldier lie dozing on the ground underneath a table bound to a tree. The clerk's book, papers, ink and pen lie idle, as do the peasant's flail and the soldier's lance and gauntlet. A half-eaten egg in its shell runs between the peasant and the clerk. The table attached to the tree is laden with partly consumed food and drink. Behind the tree, a roasted fowl lays itself upon a silver platter, implying that it is ready to be eaten, and a roasted pig runs about with a carving knife already slipped under its skin. On the left, a knight emerges from a lean-to whose roof is covered in dishes of pie and pastry, with an open mouth, waiting for a roasted pigeon to fly in (the pigeon was accidentally removed during restoration work). On the right and behind the main action, a man clutching a spoon forces his way out of a large cloud of pudding, having eaten his way through it; he reaches for the bent branch of a tree in order to lower himself into Cockaigne. The fence enclosing the main scene behind the dozing trio is made of interwoven sausages. A partly eaten wheel of cheese and a bush (or tower) of loaves of bread are on the left and right of the scene, respectively.

Look at their faces; they're in hell already…the hell of sated desires.

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f701e6  No.138133


Please, don't bump this faggot shill thread. He's a shill from /christian/ who's only here to proselytize his niggerkike religion. If christtards were receptive to logical argumentation, they'd no longer be christians, but their brain is completely rotten from all the jewish crap they read.

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ff840f  No.138134


In heaven, Christ, it's absolute lord has a complete knowledge of all your thoughts deeds and words. You have no privacy, no secret place where you can have your own thoughts. Any deviancy from Christ/God's thoughts is a crime, a sin if you will, punishable by condemnation to the dungeon of the world where you will be tormented by fire and ice. Is this an admirable or desirable state of affairs? Can any adult seriously worship the creator of such a monstrous arrangement? Only a person born with the mind of a slave, a slave with no desire to escape his captivity, a slave who can't even imagine freedom would accept or even ardently desire such a state of affairs.

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f4d40d  No.138150




Are you retarded? Belgium had one of the only large catholic colonies in Europe, and it was seen as sinful to breed with niggers. THE FRENCH EXPORTED NIGGERS FROM ALGERIA BECAUSE THEY WERE SEEN AS EXOTIC. Spain was with Franco one of the last Catholic countries, and there was no niggers.

>Darwin thought of them as inferior and said they would soon be completely wiped out.

>wiped out

Niggers were in Africa for millenniums. They would never be extinct naturally. Only by force they would be.

>The church is by definition universalist and internationalist, so you better start accepting your nigger "brothers and sisters in christ" as your equal, you fucking cuck.

>brothers and sisters in christ

>as your equal

A brother or a sister isn't an equal. They will have my respect, in their fucking country.

>When? When the kikes founded it? When it massacred countless indigenous Europeans?

When it civilized the Germans, when it protected roman values so they would endure even after it's fall, when it fought against the mongols that tried to invade Europe, when it fought against muslims that for centuries raided and tried to invade Europe, when it civilized Scandinavians barbarians, when it civilized the natives of America, when it spelled and persecuted jews, destroying their works… etc etc etc. It didn't massacred anyone, secular powers did in their endless warmongering.

>Or when it sent thousands of young European men to spend their lives to cuck themselves for a bunch of worthless nigger tribes in the bumfuck of nowhere?

If there is peace in niggerland, niggers will not flee. The reason niggers flee is because conflict and poverty caused by corruption. Easy.

>Absolutely fucking retarded. How do you even think that the niggers reached the 100fold of their historical population, you braindead faggot?

Since when catholics gave niggers billions of dollars in shit? The church doesn't have such power, faggot. Besides, the introduction of niggers into modern technology was principally made by the anglos and the French.

>It was the catholic faggots like you who allowed them to reproduce like flies instead of letting them rot in the jungle, and it is still catholic retards like you who continue to encourage them to breed like maggots by telling them not to use contraceptive methods. I hope you're joking, because this is beyond pathetic.

>allowed them

Who gave Africa independence? Catholics? Who gave them autonomy? Who allowed? Catholics? Are you retarded? And the massive breeding of niggers isn't inside the laws of marriage, the fathers abandon the family and keep breading. Contraceptive methods will never stop nigger nature.

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f4d40d  No.138151



>I didn't create edicts explicitly protecting the jews from mob vengeance against their exploitation

Secular power allowed jews to be in Europe. Cromwell did, Napoleon did, every fucking secular power does. Jews weren't protected, because jews were exiled until secular powers and protestants opened the gates for them.

>nor did I bar anyone else from competing against the jews in the world of finance, making most Europeans completely dependent upon the kikes

AMERICANS WERE BORN SECULARS AND ARE THE CENTER OF JEWS. They gave power to the Jew. London was the center of the Jew. The jew profits of a secular state, and you represent such secular nigger shit.

> I didn't make the kikes become converso crypto-kikes by making them better at hiding, so much that in some places you can barely know who a jew is.

Who opened the jew the gates of Europe? They are like a virus. If you don't open your borders to it, you don't get infected, but once you do, it is too late. Who opened the borders?

>Yeah, all those women burned for "witchcraft" they were all agitators against Europe …

The burn of witches was practiced by protestants, not Catholics. More women died for being suspected of witches than all the people who was sentenced death in the whole Inquisition. Search about it, nigger.

>Besides, who created the protestants, you utter mongoloid? It was the catholics with all their corruption, despotism and hypocrisy. Cause and effect, you retard.

KEK. Who created the protestants you say? Those who wanted to have more power over the Church, the nobility. The corruption, despotism and hypocrisy that was in the Catholic Church was not at all comparable with the corruption, despotism and hypocrisy of all the secular powers in history. The reformation wasn't justified, faggot.

>And so the christkike reveals himself, he doesn't see the white race as anything but a tool to further his sick agenda.

Are you retarded? The majority of those who are betraying his own race and accepting degeneracy are whites, therefore, only by judging that, we don't deserve shit. But as I said, we are not only the present, we have a past of greatness and decency, and we should strive to it. And that past is the Catholic Church, which is Roman, the basis of our civilization. We are getting what we deserve for abandoning what we had. We abandoned the Church, and all of this degeneracy started to happen, stupid white nigger.

>Yes, goy, your race is only defined by a foreign religion that was imposed on you by force and only existed on your territory for about 1000 years.

>Yes goy, your race is only defined by your biological being, not the culture you embraced and molded as your own and became the bases of your civilization. Go goy, abandon the Church, let the jew spread into your secular goverment

Germanic/Scandinavian tribes were whites, and they were nigger-tier. What civilized them? What civilized Europe? A foreign culture, the Latin Roman. Who civilized Germany? The Franks with their religion. Who civilized the Scandinavians? Catholics. Learn about it, white nigger.

>You are an etrogen-filled, flaming faggot.

>KYS, this will be my last reply.


>m-my l-last r-r-r-reply

KEK. Surely, the chans are made for keks. And your being surely makes me kek, cuck white nigger faggot.

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f4d40d  No.138157


>In heaven, Christ, it's absolute lord has a complete knowledge of all your thoughts deeds and words. You have no privacy, no secret place where you can have your own thoughts. Any deviancy from Christ/God's thoughts is a crime, a sin if you will, punishable by condemnation to the dungeon of the world where you will be tormented by fire and ice

Dear God, what a retard. First, if you don't want to be one with God, then you will not go to Heaven. There is no crime in Heaven.

>Is this an admirable or desirable state of affairs? Can any adult seriously worship the creator of such a monstrous arrangement?

To be one with perfection for eternity because of your good deeds in this world? To be one with your family? Pretty good it seems.

>Only a person born with the mind of a slave, a slave with no desire to escape his captivity, a slave who can't even imagine freedom would accept or even ardently desire such a state of affairs.

Kek what a romantic faggot. What freedom do you have in your pursue for banal honor? You that didn't even decided your name, neither the parents who were essential in your growth as an individual, and your genes, and your country and its history? Who are you more than a pile of shit slave of itself? The only freedom you have, it's the freedom to choose. You do good for those who gave you whatever good you have, or you don't. You do good for the legacy that defined you, or you don't. There is no other freedom. To be good, or to be bad. To contribute, to not contribute. To be a slave of good, or to be a slave of evil. You can decide who is your lord, your impulses and vanities, or your strive for perfection. That is true honor, or that is true damnation. To be one with good, or to be one with evil. To have devotion for your delirious idea of yourself, or to have devotion for the perfect idea of what you could be. Wake up, faggot.

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4d4d4d  No.138162


>spam only jews say


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ff840f  No.138164


>Dear God, what a retard. First, if you don't want to be one with God, then you will not go to Heaven. There is no crime in Heaven

But if I'm not independent from God, and I have not independent thought, no free will to disagree, then I no longer exist. I am effectively dead. And if my reward for a life of extreme sacrifice and heroic self denial and perhaps even misery is to be dead, to no longer exist as me then what is the point of being a Christian at all? Effectively I will cease to exist as a person if I don't believe and I will cease to exist if I do believe. There is no difference.

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ff840f  No.138167

>>To be one with perfection for eternity because of your good deeds in this world? To be one with your family? Pretty good it seems.

Two egregious theological errors are contained in this statement;

All familial ties, your marriage vanish in heaven and the afterlife. This is pretty much an established theological fact. And Christ himself said that you must cast off your parents, your wife and even your children if they don't have faith in him. Not exactly the proponent of family values or being a responsible parent, no?

And my understanding of "works" is that they have no validity in Christian doxology. Only faith counts. Now faith may lead you to perform good works but there are no brownie points with god for good works.

>>In Christianity good works do not save you. Faith does. But when you do your good works, they should not done to obtain a prize, they should be done because they are good to do. So faith and good works are two seperate issues.

>>As a Christian, the acts of good works is the desire of the Spirit. They are extentions of oneself and need not have ulterior motives.

>>But when good works are done with the purpose of obtaining an award, then the acts of charity ends up having no value in the spiritual realm.

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ff840f  No.138169


Lots of Christian monarchs and aristocrats allowed jews to operate in their domains. They were regarded as necessary for credit and also for quick cash for oriental luxuries and gambling debts in exchange for selling bad debtors off in slavery to the east. Venice's wealth at the height of its empire was based upon slavery. The Molo in Venice before the Doge's famous palace was the biggest slave auction in Europe.

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f4d40d  No.138173


This. What the faggot implied as heaven is no more than a part of Hell.


>But if I'm not independent from God, and I have not independent thought, no free will to disagree, then I no longer exist

God is perfection, everything good. By being dependent of God, you are independent of evil and corruption. You are one with God, you are one with perfection. You exist as only your perfect you, no more. If that is something bad, what's the point of your live? To be you with your imperfections? Faggot kike liberal bullshit.

>I am effectively dead

Ehem, if we judge it in a materialistic view, when you die, there is probably nothing else anon. Probably, not absolute. The thing about heaven is like the perfect good legacy that you will give to others, a strive for good beyond life in which you will live (as an immortalized legacy). Of course, if we base it in faith, there is much more.

>And if my reward for a life of extreme sacrifice and heroic self denial and perhaps even misery is to be dead, to no longer exist as me then what is the point of being a Christian at all?

Knowing that your loved ones will benefit from it. That's the true strive for perfection, to benefit your family, your brothers and sisters. Personal benefits aren't important, no one will enter heaven with that belief.

>Effectively I will cease to exist as a person if I don't believe and I will cease to exist if I do believe. There is no difference.

It will define your set of actions. A belief in eternal life will make you worry more about what you do, because it has eternal consequences. In heaven, you cease to exist in evil, and you exist in perfection (You could argue that such thing is non-existence, because you think that the duality defines the existence, but what is truly to exist is to strive for a greater existence, and that is heaven.)

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ff840f  No.138179


But if I'm "perfect" then I'm not me effectively. And that's not a materialistic assessment, that's a spiritual one.

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f4d40d  No.138184


>All familial ties, your marriage vanish in heaven and the afterlife

You'll be with your family, the family in Christ, the divine family. This are the true familial ties, and your marriage is still intact, because to who you are truly married is to God.

>And Christ himself said that you must cast off your parents, your wife and even your children if they don't have faith in him. Not exactly the proponent of family values or being a responsible parent, no?

Only in Christ there is family.

>And my understanding of "works" is that they have no validity in Christian doxology. Only faith counts. Now faith may lead you to perform good works but there are no brownie points with god for good works.

Faith by itself, is a work. But believing it's not enough, you have to submit everything to Christ, and the Law will be one with you, you will obey because you will be one with Him. That it's more than Faith, or if you want to call it like this, it is True Faith. Works don't justify your salvation, but neither does a banal faith. Faith and Works are one, dependent. Faith without work is dead. Works without faith it's futile, but it is a gift from God. To have Faith in works is blasphemy, to have Faith in your potential is not having Faith in God, True Faith is total Faith towards God, and such True Faith leads to real good Works that are in itself, one. Not more valuable than the other. So at the end, True Faith is what leads to salvation.

Are you a protestant?


If you aren't perfect in this life, you will not go to heaven. Maybe to purgatory. So, before going to heaven, you must be perfect by yourself in this life. You must become.

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f4d40d  No.138213


((Venice)). As I said, secular powers are devilish.

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162de9  No.138271


>Are you retarded? Belgium had one of the only large catholic colonies in Europe




All catholic countries who had large colonies in Africa and whose countries are presently filled with niggers.

>it was seen as sinful to breed with niggers

It was seen as disgusting, just like in any European country. You're just making up shit with that part about "sinfulness" (in an explicitly religious sense), or it's some obscure quote by some nobody.

>Spain was with Franco one of the last Catholic countries, and there was no niggers

Yeah, dumbfuck, because

>They will have my respect, in their fucking country.

Who cares about the 10 millionth delusional interpretation of christinsanity? And you're a dishonest kike for misconstruing the point : an universalist religion that demands you to offer your life to convert a bunch of niggers so they can share heaven with you is a perfect religion for cucks. It's unworthy of any self-respecting white man (nordic).

>When it civilized the Germans

Nothing to do with christianity. Civilization happened countless times without christianity. You're a retard.

>when it protected roman values

(((Roman values))). Italians are not white.

>it fought against the mongols that tried to invade Europe

European knights fought against it. The pope was busy diddling kids while European nobles would assemble troops to repel the mongols.

>when it civilized the natives of America

Yeah, when it created the greatest mongrel shithole on earth (South America).

>when it fought against muslims that for centuries raided and tried to invade Europe

You're absolutely full of shit. Look into Septimania, and how the first christian monarchs were actually half-jewish bastards who raided northern europe to sell pagans as slaves to the muslims.

>when it spelled and persecuted jews, destroying their works

You mean when they protected jews from the mob? Don't lie and try to ignore the post you're responding to, you clueless goof.

>It didn't massacred anyone

Nice re-writing of history, kike.

NONE of the legitimate achievements you claim being a result of christianity are either desirable or a result of particular christian dogma. You are utterly full of shit and DESPERATELY need to piggyback off Europeans to glorify your kike religion. You are a semitic parasite like the rest of them.

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162de9  No.138273


>Since when catholics gave niggers billions of dollars in shit?

Dunno, might want to look into all those catholic "charities" for once.

>Besides, the introduction of niggers into modern technology was principally made by the anglos and the French.

It was done by every colonial power (except southron mongrels like the moortuguese who are barely more capable than niggers), be it catholic or protestant. You're a kike for denying this.

>Who gave Africa independence?

All kinds of retards. Many catholics were among those. Doesn't matter. What matters is who made them breed the way they did. It was all justified thanks to the missionary zeal of the christfags : you yourself just talked about how you wanted to civilize the niggers, you dishonest little faggot. Again, protestant or catholic, doesn't matter, you're the same breed of kike-worshipping, universalist, nigger-loving faggots.

>And the massive breeding of niggers isn't inside the laws of marriage, the fathers abandon the family and keep breading. Contraceptive methods will never stop nigger nature.

You don't know shit. In Africa, there is a strong stigma against the use of condoms, thanks to christianity, which makes the situation worse. Now, with all the billions in aid by christian "charities", they've exploded in numbers.

>Secular power allowed jews to be in Europe. Cromwell did, Napoleon did

The catholics brought them into europe in the first place, long before there was a concept of secularism.

>Who opened the borders?


>The burn of witches was practiced by protestants, not Catholics.

It was practiced by both. Protestants are simply an even more zealous form of christianity.

>Who created the protestants you say? Those who wanted to have more power over the Church, the nobility.

More lies invented by catholic kikes. Most of the nobility opposed the reformation because they were in cahoots with the catholic church and their money-making, totalitarian schemes.

>But as I said, we are not only the present, we have a past of greatness and decency, and we should strive to it. And that past is the Catholic Church, which is Roman, the basis of our civilization.

As I said, you only value the white race as a tool for your retarded JEWISH religion. You are a sick kike.

>We abandoned the Church, and all of this degeneracy started to happen, stupid white nigger.

I've already explained this to you, retard. Yeah, after 1000 years of cucktianity, europeans were ready to adopt an even more insane form of jewish universalism : marxism.

>Germanic/Scandinavian tribes were whites, and they were nigger-tier.

They weren't. I'm not a civnat universalist cuck like you, so I care about biological race. And the white race evolved long before christianity even existed.

>Who civilized the Scandinavians?

Funny because scandinavians at the time had superior technology/workmanship compared to their christian cousins.

>cuck white nigger faggot

Says the kike-worshiping schizo.

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6c02a9  No.138298



>All catholic countries who had large colonies in Africa and whose countries are presently filled with niggers.


Fully secularized when it started to colonize Africa


Anglo puppets, disobeyed the Pope constantly.

The only one it's Belgium, which treated niggers as animals. The niggerification of Europe was principally pushed by the French, faggot.

>Yeah, dumbfuck, because

It wasn't thanks to falangist ideals.

>an universalist religion that demands you to offer your life to convert

Priesthood isn't demanded.

>so they can share heaven with you is a perfect religion for cucks. It's unworthy of any self-respecting white man (nordic).


Kek, I see the type of white nigger you are. Firstly, if there is a good nigger, which is improbable but possible, doesn't he deserve an opportunity? If so, he deserves heaven as anyone. You could argue that niggers are animals, but even with animals we should be merciful. The problem with niggers is that they aren't colonized, and they have autonomy. If we controlled them, there would not be any problem. And, their race could be washed a way with centuries of outbreeding. It's a better option than extermination. About the nordics. Which kind of white history do they have? What did they contribute as a whole? If you consider the viking religion as a true white religion, what does that religion contribute to such race? Raiding and dying in battle as the ultimate virtue? It is truly, nigger-tier, kek.

>Nothing to do with christianity. Civilization happened countless times without christianity

The Franks invaded germany with religious premises, and such invasion and the evangelization of the zone gave them civilization. The Carolingians were very devout, it wasn't about power. And, yes, civilization happened before Christianity, but as a religion should, Christianity protected such cultural bases of civilization over time pretty well.

>(((Roman values))). Italians are not white.

Pathetic. Everything you have is based on roman civilization, white nigger.

>European knights fought against it. The pope was busy diddling kids while European nobles would assemble troops to repel the mongols.

>European knights

Dear god… While there was an invasion of both mongols and muslims in Europe, in the time of the mongol invasion, the Holy Roman Empire (Germanic delusional shit) wanted to annex Italy. The most secular power of Europe, the Emperor, was more focused in that. And you tell me that the knights defended it? There was a crusade against the mongols, but didn't last much, because the Pope died. At the time of the mongol invasion, there where already 5 crusades. The Polish and Hungarians, devout Catholics, were the principal defense against the invasion.

>Yeah, when it created the greatest mongrel shithole on earth (South America).

New Spain had much better infrastructure and much more universities and cities that USA at the time. There was a process of racial hygiene, and Napoleon stopped it by invading Spain. After that, the mestizos became independent, and without whites (Spaniards are white, white nigger) they were lost.

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6c02a9  No.138299



>Look into Septimania, and how the first christian monarchs were actually half-jewish bastards who raided northern europe to sell pagans as slaves to the muslims.

In the times of an independent Septimania muslims didn't exist, retard. Truly it was that it was flooded by jews.

>You mean when they protected jews from the mob?

What mob dirty faggot? There were many mobs in history. The jew was prohibited to be in most of European countries, and if he was, it was with many restrictions.

>Nice re-writing of history, kike.

Who did Catholics massacre? Protestants? Some pagans? Some muslims? Thousands, maybe more. Compare the numbers with the massacre of Europeans done by secular powers, of any type. Fucking nothing in comparison.

>NONE of the legitimate achievements you claim being a result of christianity are either desirable or a result of particular christian dogma

>either desirable or a result of particular christian dogma

Are you retarded? Christian dogma was what defined almost all laws of European countries, therefore their actions. The Church had more and less power in different kingdoms, but still, it had enough to have a monopoly over legalism and education. Civilizing pagans is based on christian values, because the word of God should be sheared over the world. Protecting roman values is something that is backed by catholic values, because even tho in the present is not as common to think, back then Rome was seen as a part of the plan of God. Defending Europe against the mongols and the muslims it's defending Christianity, therefore, desirable by christian values. Persecuting jews is the most christian thing to do, because they killed Jesus. You are a white nigger retard who doesn't know shit.

>You are a semitic parasite like the rest of them.


We are don't descendants of sem, but of Christ, and Christ died a semite, but resurrected as a Christian. You are the one who thinks just as the jew wants you to kek.

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ff840f  No.138301


>If you aren't perfect in this life, you will not go to heaven. Maybe to purgatory. So, before going to heaven, you must be perfect by yourself in this life. You must become.

Post biblical verses that specifically and clearly state the existence of purgatory, heaven, hell. No, Gehenna is not Hell.

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ff840f  No.138316


>There is no crime in Heaven.

Who said anything about "crime"? I said you will not be allowed to deviate from Christ's thoughts you will not be allowed to have your own thoughts. You will thus no longer be you. Unless of course deviating from teh bearded jew's thoughts is itself the worst crime…which it appears to be. Your heaven is a pitiful shit show dreamed up by a pack of lice infested boy fucking desert goatherds.

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6c02a9  No.138318



>Dunno, might want to look into all those catholic "charities" for once.

There is more catholic charities in Europe and America than the rest of the continents.

>It was done by every colonial power

The colonization of Africa wasn't religious, faggot. It was fully about profit, about secular profit. Therefore, the ones who introduced technology to the Africans were the Anglos and the French, not a religion.

>All kinds of retards. Many catholics were among those

Which catholics? Not even the Portuguese were catholic, they were fully secularized at the time of independence. The church didn't have any power over it. Therefore, secular power did.

>D-d-d-doesn't m-m-m-m-matter

Surely, doesn't matter giving the nigg autonomy. Faggot.

>What matters is who made them breed the way they did

Who gave them autonomy and technology? Secular powers. Who permitted them to decide? Secular powers. Therefore, secular powers made them breed the way they did because they abandoned the power they had over them.

>thanks to the missionary zeal of the christfags : you yourself just talked about how you wanted to civilize the niggers

Civilize niggers by force, state-enforced civilization, without any territorial autonomy. Is that dishonest?

>In Africa, there is a strong stigma against the use of condoms, thanks to christianity, which makes the situation worse.

There should be a stigma of sex before marriage and outside marriage, and still the majority of niggs are from fatherless families kek. If they were catholic, there would be a man for every woman, not the savage nigger things they do. So, no.

>Now, with all the billions in aid by christian "charities"

Almost all charities in Africa aren't religious. Search about it.

>The catholics brought them into europe in the first place, long before there was a concept of secularism.

There was jews in Europe before Christ, in the Ancient Rome. What truly made the jew spread over Europe was when Rome destroyed Israel (I don't condemn it, it was justified). So, wrong.



>It was practiced by both. Protestants are simply an even more zealous form of christianity.

Wrong again, retard. Almost all witches were burned in Germany, under protestant soil. So, no. Yet, surely you would be called Baseeeed the fact that vikings killed Europeans because muh christcuckery. Hypocritical faggot.

>More lies invented by catholic kikes. Most of the nobility opposed the reformation because they were in cahoots with the catholic church and their money-making, totalitarian schemes.

Most of nobles you say? Like the French nobles, one of the most powerful? Like almost all of the HRE, one of the most powerful? Like the British? Even the ottomans joined in the religious wars of Germany kek. The most powerful joined with the protestant, so no, faggot, truly the contrary. The ones who gained much more power after the reformation were the nobles. It is of basic knowledge that the reformation was the base of absolutism and imperialism, therefore, totalitarianism. Retard.

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6c02a9  No.138319



>As I said, you only value the white race as a tool for your retarded JEWISH religion. You are a sick kike

The white is failing itself after it abandoned christianity, I say that we must go back so we don't fail ourselves more, and your response is that I use such race as a way to push a religion. What made Christianity great was the European race, do not misunderstand me, faggot. But race isn't everything, because even tho today there is still whites, the majority is a white nigger traitor. There needs to be something more, and that is Catholic Christianity.

>I've already explained this to you, retard. Yeah, after 1000 years of cucktianity, europeans were ready to adopt an even more insane form of jewish universalism : marxism.

>christianity isn't relevant in any political manner, degeneracy starts to kick in and everyone gets cucked

>itzz the cucktianityyy faulttttt

What a pathetic white nigger you are. Marxism is anti-christian, it always has been anti-christian. Marxists killed 1/3 of the clergy in Spain, anticlericarism is something really marxist, and you dear to say that marxism has something to do with Christianity? Marxism was based in the French Revolution, faggot. Marxism is jewish, and aims to destroy christianity. PRIVATE PROPERTY IS SACRED, THEREFORE, MARXISM IS ANTI-CHRISTIAN. YOU SHALL NOT STEAL.

>They weren't. I'm not a civnat universalist cuck like you, so I care about biological race.



Are you retarded? I don't strive for any form of liberalism. To be part of a nation you firstly must be part of its racial identity. I do care about biological race too, white nigger.

>And the white race evolved long before christianity even existed.

Do you mean the Romans? Those who had 40% of the population as slaves? Nah, you don't consider them whites. Then who was civilized? Before the romans, almost all Europeans were tribes. Do you mean the Greeks? If you don't see romans as whites, then the greeks surely aren't neither. Your whites were nigger-tier. Germany wasn't civilized before christianity, neither was Scandinavia.

>Funny because scandinavians at the time had superior technology/workmanship compared to their christian cousins.


Truly it makes me happy to know that such a pathetic faggot like you will burn for eternity.

>Says the kike-worshiping schizo.


>Says the one who is against what demonstrated to be the most effective and intolerable with jews for over millennia

You are not a jew, it would be less humiliating. You are a white nigger that in it's banal pursue to oppose the jew, end ups favoring them KEK.

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6c02a9  No.138324


>I said you will not be allowed to deviate from Christ's thoughts you will not be allowed to have your own thoughts. You will thus no longer be you

>Your heaven is a pitiful shit show dreamed up by a pack of lice infested boy fucking desert goatherds.

Read it again:

Kek what a romantic faggot. What freedom do you have in your pursue for banal honor? You that didn't even decided your name, neither the parents who were essential in your growth as an individual, and your genes, and your country and its history? Who are you more than a pile of shit slave of itself? The only freedom you have, it's the freedom to choose. You do good for those who gave you whatever good you have, or you don't. You do good for the legacy that defined you, or you don't. There is no other freedom. To be good, or to be bad. To contribute, to not contribute. To be a slave of good, or to be a slave of evil. You can decide who is your lord, your impulses and vanities, or your strive for perfection. That is true honor, or that is true damnation. To be one with good, or to be one with evil. To have devotion for your delirious idea of yourself, or to have devotion for the perfect idea of what you could be. Wake up, faggot.

Read it again, and again, until you realize the faggot you are. Don't be you, be good. If being you is being evil, don't be, and end yourself. You are worthless, nigger.

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6c02a9  No.138327


>Post biblical verses that specifically and clearly state the existence of purgatory, heaven, hell. No, Gehenna is not Hell.

>being this jewish

Read the Bible, if it doesn't burn your jewish skin, kike. Or google it if you want. It's so basic that it is tiring to say.

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ff840f  No.138338


I spent an entire month reading it from cover to cover old and new testaments (damn the epistles of Paul are shite) three times basicallly, since I read each chapter comparatively between the King James, the American Standard, and the New Oxford translations with Apocryphia. You guys are making these claims about hard core doxology that is at the foundations of your faith. Great. If it's there it's pretty damned obscure. Funny how you pick and choose too. Leviticus says that menstruating women must live outside the city limits when menstruating and not return until they've been examined by a religious authority (a rabbi I presume) to make sure there isn't he slightest residue of menstrual blood coming out of them.


That is God's law. You can't quibble or prevaricate your way around that. Menstruating women are unclean animals who can infect you with some disease or evil spirit apparently. This is a far more clear and direct dictum from God's own mouth than is any reference to Hell or Purgatory or Heaven.

You fuckers are lying right here on this thread. First if you die with god then you get to be with your family. Whoa not your real family though. Your wife, your mom your kids not THAT famblie. No Jesus is your famblie now. And you KNOW he loves you because if you disagree with him on any point, if you discover any anomaly or error in any of his thoughts then he will sentence you to torment by fire. Yeah that's some real family love there fuckers.

Eat shit and die with your religion. It's the mental construct of the tiny little imaginations of goat fucking lice infested buggerbeard desert nomads, a band of vile stinking lepers ejected by the Pharaoh to prevent them from infecting his healthy subjects.

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b0b517  No.138454


>I spent an entire month reading it from cover to cover old and new testaments

>Funny how you pick and choose too

>Leviticus says that menstruating women must live outside the city limits when menstruating and not return until they've been examined by a religious authority (a rabbi I presume) to make sure there isn't he slightest residue of menstrual blood coming out of them.

>Reduces the whole Leviticus, and even the whole Bible, into that

You didn't read shit, kike.

Leviticus 15:24

And if any man lies with her and her menstrual impurity comes upon him, he shall be unclean seven days, and every bed on which he lies shall be unclean.

Leviticus 15:19

When a woman has a discharge, and the discharge in her body is blood, she shall be in her menstrual impurity for seven days, and whoever touches her shall be unclean until the evening.

Blood is unhygienic, and transmits infections. Women align their periods, making others have it too. Back then, man fucked them even in their period. What Leviticus say it's that they are unclean, and should be careful, that's it, nigger. Nothing about live outside the city limits. Read the Bible, kike.


>jewish being degenerates

Fucking disgusting. Nothing about that is in the Bible. Jews should cease to exist.

>That is God's law. You can't quibble or prevaricate your way around that.

KEK. Are you retarded? I have seen kikes try much harder than that. A single verse, of a single book of the Bible, resumes the whole law of God. Sure, kike.

>Menstruating women are unclean animals who can infect you with some disease or evil spirit apparently.

Women are like animals, faggot. There wasn't the products there is today for woman hygiene, so they were pretty dirty in their periods. And, menstruating women surely do have some form of evil spirit in them on their period KEK.

>This is a far more clear and direct dictum from God's own mouth than is any reference to Hell or Purgatory or Heaven.

Try harder, kike.

>First if you die with god then you get to be with your family. Whoa not your real family though. Your wife, your mom your kids not THAT famblie. No Jesus is your famblie now.

If one of your family members preaches evil, it's still your family? Imagine that one of them is a communist. They are no longer human, neither have a soul. If your son is a faggot who likes fucking niggers, it's no longer your son, but a demon. The reason why kids today are weak faggots is because they parents consider them their kids no matter what they do. If you don't do good enough, you aren't family. Period, faggot.

>And you KNOW he loves you because if you disagree with him on any point, if you discover any anomaly or error in any of his thoughts then he will sentence you to torment by fire. Yeah that's some real family love there fuckers.

>sentence you

Kek, don't make God responsible of your own disgusting and worthless whining. You are the one who sentences yourself by being such a faggot. God doesn't want faggots like you in Heaven, and no one with some decency neither. Still, you have till you die to search for the good path, but a kike like you will never do.

>Eat shit and die with your religion. It's the mental construct of the tiny little imaginations of goat fucking lice infested buggerbeard desert nomads, a band of vile stinking lepers ejected by the Pharaoh to prevent them from infecting his healthy subjects.


>Healthy subjects

KEK. What a delusional faggot. Boil in hell, retard kike faggot.

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ff840f  No.138455


You're deliberately missing my point in a typically disingenuous manner once again;

The Bible is much clearer in laying out how menstrutating women are to be treated than it is about the geography as it were of Heaven Hell and Purgatory. These fundamental tenets of faith these promises of reward and threats of punishment are almost entirely left unsaid, and you know it well, liar.

As for women's discharge during menses, I'd love to see you sit down with a big panel of (((famous women's liberationists))) and real MD's and elucidate your theories on the disease producing qualities of a women's menstrual blood. That would be a laff riot asshole

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b0b517  No.138465

>You're deliberately missing my point in a typically disingenuous manner once again;


>disingenuous manner

What the fuck? Who is the one saying that the whole law of God and the whole bible reduces in what a bleeding cunt should do? And I'm the disingenuous.

>The Bible is much clearer in laying out how menstrutating women are to be treated than it is about the geography as it were of Heaven Hell and Purgatory

Okay faggot, if you insist.

John 14:2

My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?

(Heaven is unique for everyone, and so its path to it. Everyone has a plan for his salvation)

Colossians 3:2

Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.

(Strive for perfection, the perfection of God. Do not live for the material, but for the good it could be)

Matthew 6:19-20

Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.

(The true treasures are those done with good faith, those that are immortalized in the benefits you give to others)

1 John 3:2-3

Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when Christ appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is. All who have this hope in him purify themselves, just as he is pure.

(To enter heaven, you must strive perfection, Christ, and if your hope for it is genuine, He will guide you to such purification)

Matthew 19:21

Jesus answered, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”

(To be perfect, you need to not be, and to not be, you need to not have. You must give everything to such perfection to become one with Him)

Matthew 16:24

Then Jesus said to his disciples, "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.

(As I said above)

Matthew 5:18

For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.

Ephesians 2:15

by setting aside in his flesh the law with its commands and regulations. His purpose was to create in himself one new humanity out of the two, thus making peace,

(The Law is still present, but with Christ, it is accomplished by having True Faith in Him, because He makes you obey the Law. It is no longer about commandments, it is written in the heart of man)

Romans 10:10

For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.

Mark 16:16

Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.

Matthew 7:13-14

Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

(Few enter in Heaven, because the path is not easy)

James 2:26

26 For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.

I don't want to be more extensive. There is so much more. Hell is the consequence of not doing such things, damnation. About Purgatory:

1 Peter 4:6

19 After being made alive, he went and made proclamation to the imprisoned spirits—

2 Corinthians 5:10

10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad.

1 Corinthians 3:13

13 their work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each person’s work.

There is much more. If truly in your heart you seek for more answers, you'll find them. If not, you'll perish.

>elucidate your theories on the disease producing qualities of a women's menstrual blood

Back then, not now. Now women can have much more hygiene.

>That would be a laff riot asshole


Are you a roastie? Kek. Maybe you are in your menstruation, faggot.

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b0b517  No.138466

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ff840f  No.138486

>>My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?

That's pretty vague. It says nothing about a place removed from earth where there is eternal reward

>Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.

Once again, no promise there of eternal reward in a place called Heaven

>>Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.

A promise of heaven but what is the nature of this heaven? Where does it exist in the

>>Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when Christ appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is. All who have this hope in him purify themselves, just as he is pure.

Nothing there about heaven whatsoever. Merely a call for purification whatever that might mean.

>>Jesus answered, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”

A vague promise again with no real description of heaven and it's nature and no mention of an eternal afterlife at all strictly speaking.

>>Then Jesus said to his disciples, "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.

Nothing there about heaven whatsoever.

>>For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.

This isn't a reference to heaven as an eternal abode for the virtuous, rather it's a reference to the firmament and the planet we're standing on.

>>by setting aside in his flesh the law with its commands and regulations. His purpose was to create in himself one new humanity out of the two, thus making peace,

No mention here of Heaven, Hell or Purgatory whatsoever.

>>For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.

Saved? how what where? Very very vague and again no mention of Heaven Hell or Purgatory

>>Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.

Saved? how what where? Very very vague and again no mention of Heaven Hell or Purgatory

>>Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

No mention of Heaven and it's nature or Purgatory or Hell. Very very vague

>>26 For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.

No mention of heaven there either

I don't want to be more extensive. There is so much more. Hell is the consequence of not doing such things, damnation. About Purgatory:

>>19 After being made alive, he went and made proclamation to the imprisoned spirits—

No mention of hell and Peter is a known liar; when questioned by the men who crucified Christ he denied knowing him.

>>10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad.

No mention of heaven or hell, just a vague threat of punishment and reward. Typical psychopath behavior.

>>13 their work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each person’s work.

No mention of heaven or hell, just vague stuff.

Look at all the stupid stories in the bible where the authors go into great detail about this or that; We read in very clear detail about Elisha getting teased over his shiny bald head by little boys so God in his infinite justice sends two bears to tear the little naughty boys to pieces. We read at length all the pornographic details of the lives of Aholla and Ahollibah, and the paintings on the walls of their brothel of officers with huge penises like jackasses. We know all this garbage of the cretinous tribe of jewish lepers and vagabond bandits, but nothing of the most important aspects of the eschatology of Christianity. And based on these very vague airy promises and threats we're supposed to distort our entire lives, tear down our entire society even in the hopes the promises of some filthy jews in the desert will benefit us.

You've got nothing. And your biblical scholarship is far worse than even mine (and it's not that great) so don't even bother trying to puff yourself up with pride on that account.

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064cf6  No.138502

I was baptised Roman Catholic but ever since my great grandmother died my family stopped going to church, I was debating whether or not to start going to church again but then I saw that the very church I was baptised in now has a Indian priest and 90% of the people attending the church are non-white.

Is being a Nationalist and a Catholic a contradiction? Is it wrong for wanting to be in a church of white people in a white community? I could find a whiter Catholic church but it's only a matter of time untill that too becomes infested.

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979f0d  No.138507

File: e45348a477ee231⋯.png (324.92 KB, 960x821, 960:821, ADL.png)

File: 8f7ffea95f368be⋯.jpg (762.55 KB, 800x1280, 5:8, Indra.jpg)


Buddha was a proto SJW, an upper class hipster who wanted to feel compassionate for subhumans. Whites should return to their old gods. All Abrahamists are spiritual Jews.

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3258c8  No.138518

File: afcd6b39e9941b5⋯.jpg (128.94 KB, 500x691, 500:691, abrahamic_religion_2.jpg)

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89cb69  No.138536


>That's pretty vague. It says nothing about a place removed from earth where there is eternal reward

>being this retarded

I don't know if you are trolling, or you really mean what you say. However, it's just simple logic. If the Father is beyond this earth, and there is room for you in His house, then, it says about a place removed from earth where there is eternal reward (Being the reward rejoining with your Father). Do you think that the reward is like what the muslims believe? Doing in heaven what you couldn't do in live? Thousands of virgins for you? KEK.

>Once again, no promise there of eternal reward in a place called Heaven

If there is things above earthy things, there is a reward above banal rewards. The worst of all is that you seem genuine about your conclusion. What a retard.

>A promise of heaven but what is the nature of this heaven? Where does it exist in the

Unique for everyone as I pointed before. I don't know where it exists, but it is beyond this existence.

>Nothing there about heaven whatsoever. Merely a call for purification whatever that might mean.

>when Christ appears

He appears when we die, and there is a judgment, and to pass such judgment, we must be like Him so we can pass the gates of Heaven. The promise of heaven is in other vesicles, like the one before this.

>A vague promise again with no real description of heaven and it's nature and no mention of an eternal afterlife at all strictly speaking.


Such verse is clearly saying that you must not hold into anything else than God, which is perfection, infinite perfection, therefore, being with Him is infinite and perfect. The logic is so basic, retard.

>Nothing there about heaven whatsoever.

Because such verse is not about heaven, white nigger. But about how to enter heaven.

>This isn't a reference to heaven as an eternal abode for the virtuous, rather it's a reference to the firmament and the planet we're standing on.

Did you read what I wrote below?

>No mention here of Heaven, Hell or Purgatory whatsoever.

Are you retarded?

>Saved? how what where? Very very vague and again no mention of Heaven Hell or Purgatory

>muuuh no mentiun of hevennn

C'mon, say it again, retard.

>No mention of heaven there either


>No mention of hell and Peter is a known liar; when questioned by the men who crucified Christ he denied knowing him.

Try harder, kike.

>No mention of heaven or hell, just a vague threat of punishment and reward. Typical psychopath behavior.

>typical psychopath behavior

>noooo you can't threat me if i do bad nooooo

What a massive cum swallowing faggot.

>No mention of heaven or hell, just vague stuff.

>just vague stuff

You have nigger IQ it seems. It mentions purgatory, faggot.

>Look at all the stupid stories in the bible where the authors go into great detail about this or that

The NT goes into great detail too, but you seem to keep ignoring it with muuuh nothing specific too vague. You are a nigger without abstract thought. About the rest, I don't know what the fuck did you read. Back your senseless anti-christian rant with verses, stupid faggot.

>You've got nothing. And your biblical scholarship is far worse than even mine (and it's not that great) so don't even bother trying to puff yourself up with pride on that account.

>biblical scholarship

What biblical scholarship you massive retard? You don't even know about the kingdom of heaven. I don't put myself up on anything, roastie, the Word of God does it by itself. What I got is what it is written, and it isn't even mine. Suck a great massive cook, white nigger faggot.

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89cb69  No.138539

File: f03dfe0ae1b4593⋯.jpg (276.17 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, Christ_Meditating_Ivan_Kra….jpg)


>I was debating whether or not to start going to church again but then I saw that the very church I was baptised in now has a Indian priest and 90% of the people attending the church are non-white.

I'm sorry to hear that brother. I have the luck of only having priests from my country in a white community. The Church is falling, but that doesn't mean we have to fall.

>Is being a Nationalist and a Catholic a contradiction? Is it wrong for wanting to be in a church of white people in a white community?

The Catholic Church has always been universalist, yet at the same time nationalistic. This new Church is subverted and cucked, but the Church has existed a long time before all of this. Almost all institution is being jewed, but at least this was the only one who fought against the jew for over millennium. Its the only and true legacy we have, and we must fight for it. It isn't at all wrong to want a church of white people in a white community, the wrong thing is to not want that.

>I could find a whiter Catholic church but it's only a matter of time untill that too becomes infested.

I have so much luck brother, I wish I could share it with you. You should try to find a white Catholic Church, and once you do, try to learn all you can about it so you can bring the church with you. If you can't, learn for yourself, and fight the war with the Church in your heart. You are not alone, Christ is with you, and I'll pray for you. Bless you

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979f0d  No.138579


>Is being a Nationalist and a Catholic a contradiction?

Catholic means universal, go figure. Christianity and any kind of nationalism or racial awareness are mutually exclusive. The only reason why so many nationalist movements used Christian themes was because the population was mostly poisoned by this Jewish meme and it would be impractical to try to redpill so many of them at once, rather, they tried to gradually reform Christianity into something else.

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ff92f1  No.138582


>1500 years of institutionalized anti-judaism by the Church

>The Church stops having power over countries

>Everything gets jewed and degeneracy such as the outbreeding of superior races happen


>look at this protoindoeuropean race of 4000 BC and his god who doesn't have to do almost anything with my race unless your are Slavic he is the true WHITE GOD THOR even tho Scandinavians aren't related with protoindoeuropeans but we wuzz aryans and shieeeet

>muuuh you worship a desert God race traitor!11!!

>muuuh better return to the God of pillage, human sacrifices and undeveloped barbarian shitholes

Christ died a semite, and resurrected as a Christian, because with His dead, He became the union of all peoples. Union, not mixture. I will tell you something that you could use against my argument, and It is that the Pope called Mary, the mother of God, the mixture of the world's races, which is an heretical belief. Truly, they do not fear Christians, because all christian institutions are subverted, as every other one. Yet, about only 60 years ago, it was the less subverted institution. And 250 years ago, it wasn't subverted at all. Truly, what they fear is White people, and ever since white people abandoned the Church, both the Church and white people are subverted. Finding something new should not be the strategy, but to reconquest what we lost.

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ff92f1  No.138584

File: 37314585743cfd4⋯.jpg (131.75 KB, 800x684, 200:171, 800px_SPA_2014_San_Lorenzo….jpg)


>Catholic means universal, go figure.

>implying that universal is synonym of equality or mixture

Cuck. The Church was over millennium in different nationalities. To be united doesn't mean we are without borders. We are different, and one. That's universal. Mixing things destroys the essentiality of such things, which is by itself, a platonic philosophy, therefore, Catholic.

>Christianity and any kind of nationalism or racial awareness are mutually exclusive

>Europeans and americans were racists and nationalistic all of its history before secularism and liberalism, being itself an argument of leftists cucks against white people

>being this retarded

>the only reason why so many nationalist movements used Christian themes was because the population was mostly poisoned by this Jewish meme and it would be impractical to try to redpill so many of them at once, rather, they tried to gradually reform Christianity into something else.

The Spanish Civil War. The Nationalists, which where racists and nationalistic and ultracatholics, were backed by the Vatican against communists. Not only that, Bishops from Spain established a Crusade against the communists, in which those who fought and died in the nationalistic side, were martyrs. This was only 85 years ago. In Franco's Spain, in which there was a theocratical technocracy, immigration was strongly regulated, and niggers were hated. In compassion with the rest of Europe at the time, it was the closest thing to an ethnostate.

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979f0d  No.138590


>institutionalized anti-judaism by the Church

Yeah, like they "punished" them by forbidding them to do any honest labor so they could get rich through usury. Most purges were done by regular people who got pissed off by rampant kikery, Church was just doing damage control by pretending to support them, otherwise, they would get rid of this semitic plague which served as a backdoor for Jews to take power over European societies for centuries.

>Everything gets jewed and degeneracy such as the outbreeding of superior races happen

This would have never happened if Christianity did not prepare the social climate for it. Subversion works in phases.

>muuuh better return to the God of pillage, human sacrifices and undeveloped barbarian shitholes

Oy vey, don't stop being a cuck and turn into some kind of barbarian anti-semite. Just because Europeans managed to develop IN SPITE of (((Christian))), proto-Marxist garbage, doesn't mean it wasn't antithetical to civilization. Nor that civilization has anything to do with slave morality.

>and resurrected as a Christian

So he was essentially a race traitor, as are those who follow him.

>because all christian institutions are subverted

They were subverted since the beginning, you just began to notice the long term effects. Christianity was a memetic weapon designed by the kikes to destroy and enslave non-Jews, and they had to attack it themselves so their own don't become its victims. Rabbi Jehoshua ben Josef was a subversive kike, that's why he got rightfully crucified by the Roman Empire.

>Finding something new should not be the strategy, but to reconquest what we lost.

Which are pre-Christian IE religions


>Mixing things destroys the essentiality of such things

Said no Christian theologian or pope, ever


>a platonic philosophy

wew. I guess that's why they burned everyone with such ideas at the stake


>established a Crusade against the communists

Two front organizations of international jewry fighting for power, false dichotomy. Did it have a racial component?

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f9f1cf  No.138596


> our Constitutional Republic was the next best thing.

Republics are cancer and the US's constitution is the most masonic things ever written.

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f9f1cf  No.138597



non-christians have subhumanly low iqs. You'll be put up against the wall like the other kike allies.

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ff840f  No.138601


No there's no logic in anything you say. It's like saying that science and Christianity can coexist. They can't. The fundamental assertion of Christians is that their Bible is the total undeniable irrefutable word of GOD. But the bible says in at least two places that the Sun orbits the Earth. Galileo almost got executed for disagreeing with that. The pope finally admitted that Galileo was OK after all just a few years ago. Mighty white of him. You have nothing. You think you're being reasonable and providing proof but you're not.

Let's look at the fundamental premise of Christianity. Christ is the great lawgiver. He comes with a new law, a new testament. Fine I'll bite, I have bitten several times in my life. Let's look at this new "law". Well first thing you do when you create a new law, or even a contract or any legal document is you establish your TERMS. A term is a word but it doesn't necessarily have the same meaning it has in Websters or the OED in 28 fasicles. Oh no, the term is defined right there in the legal document, it's all in that fine print. Where does Jesus the lawgiver lay out his terms for this important new law he's delivering and selling to us like a contract? This is what amazed me when I finally read the entire bible three times with three translations; he doesn't. In fact I plowed through the old testament holding my nose at the filthy vengeful, polygamous, barbaric vengeful jews but promising myself; just wait, there's the gospels coming, and then l'll really get into Jesus. Dostoyevsky was deeply moved by the Gospels, great. Then I got to the Gospels. THERE'S NO JESUS THERE. He has nothing. There's nothing. Some vague atrociously vapid apophthegms and that's pretty much it. And there's nothing worth mentioning to tell us exactly about the eschatology of heaven hell and purgatory. NOTHING. That's why there's an Everest mountain sized heap of theological commentary piled up in libraries around the world. All those theologians are trying to build an edifice of faith on a puff of wind, a mere fart by some guy in what James Joyce called the "grey ancient sunken cunt of the world" 2000 years ago. Yeah I believe there was such a jew. And he performed some miracles too. Apollonius of Rhodes I believe it was showed up and got famous about a hundred years later by going around the Mediterranean basin performing all the same miracles and then some. He's cursed by name in the Bible as "the Antichrist". The ancient world was full of con men going about milking the vast swarms of ignorant rubes.

You've got nothing my boy, NOTHING.

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f9f1cf  No.138603


>The fundamental assertion of Christians is that their Bible is the total undeniable irrefutable word of GOD.

Its not

>But the bible says in at least two places that the Sun orbits the Earth.

It doesn't

>almost got executed for disagreeing with that.

pope's aren't infallible

Maybe read up on a topic before you make yourself look like a retard.

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4ff925  No.138604


>It's like saying that science and Christianity can coexist. They can't.

Imagine being this jewish.

>But the bible says in at least two places that the Sun orbits the Earth.

lol no

>This is what amazed me when I finally read the entire bible three times with three translations; he doesn't.

Congrats on having never read the Bible.

>He's cursed by name in the Bible as "the Antichrist".

You really don't know anything, do you.

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ff840f  No.138605


Right, so you have nothing.

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f9f1cf  No.138606


bud you just got smacked down maybe take a break form the computer and get yourself together.

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4ff925  No.138607


>posts absolutely no evidence of his claims

>expects anyone to take him seriously when he's repeating the same lies jews have said for 1900 years

lol no

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ff92f1  No.138614


>blah blah blah done by regular people nothing christian about it


Learn basic history, faggot.

>This would have never happened if Christianity did not prepare the social climate for it. Subversion works in phases.

Dear lord what a delusional faggot. Christianity stops having power after 1800s, and then is all his fault for the subversion of Europe. What you say it's not only illogical, but not backed by anything objective.

>Oy vey, don't stop being a cuck and turn into some kind of barbarian anti-semite.

Better than being a barbaric anti-semite, it's a civilized systematic anti-semite (More fucking efficient). If at least you praised the Roman gods, at least I would understand you better. It would be as retarded.

>Just because Europeans managed to develop IN SPITE of (((Christian)))

The Roman civilization fell, and after that, what keep it alive even when it was almost destroyed? Catholic Christianity. What romanized the Germanic tribes? The Franks with their catholic faith. What fought against the invasion of muslims and mongols (defending our civilization)? Catholic powers with catholic premises. The Roman Civilization and Catholicism became one.

>proto-Marxist garbage


>Private property is sacred according to the Bible

What a retard.

>doesn't mean it wasn't antithetical to civilization. Nor that civilization has anything to do with slave morality.

>slave morality

KEK. The kike rhetoric of Nietzsche. Surely nobility had a much better morality. The Romans were a bunch of traitorous faggots who demised the Empire with a population of 40% of slavery before Christianity. Surely the idea of superman in this romantic dualist faggotist manner is way more efficient. The nobles in the Middle Ages were just like that, and killed each other like niggers. I'll repeat, you are nothing more that a slave of your own, and your freedom is no more than an illusion. Your only real freedom is your freedom to choose, to be a slave of good or a slave of bad. You didn't choose shit in your life, neither your biological nor your cultural background. Nothing. No more than a pile of shit. Choose your lord, a strive for perfection, or your banal impulses. Faggot.

>So he was essentially a race traitor, as are those who follow him.

A race traitor of the semite race, yes, because the semites are cursed and worship the Devil. Therefore, in your logic, an ally KEK. Because he was a traitor of the race that subverted the white race, therefore, an enemy of the semitic race. Wake up, white nigger.

>more conspiracies without anything to back such claims

So the jews knew about Constantine and the christianization of Rome? They knew that in 1800 years, christianity would fall and they would have the opportunity of pushing degeneracy to enslave gentiles. Sure. Delusional schizo.

>Which are pre-Christian IE religions

KEK. They are no longer yours, faggot. Such races were deluded, and no longer exist. You are not IE, there are no longer IE. We are descendants of them, but no more. Everything we have is thanks to Rome, not for IE civilizations. Rome adopted Christianity, therefore, the legacy of Rome. I know it hurts, white nigger, but it is the truth.

>Said no Christian theologian or pope, ever


imilarly, Muslims in medieval Europe were transformed from military enemies into non-humans. The renowned theologian, Bernard of Clairvaux, who co-wrote the Rule for the Order of the Templars, announced that the killing of a Muslim wasn’t actually homicide, but malicide—the extermination of incarnated evil, not the killing of a person TOP KEK HOLY BASED.

>wew. I guess that's why they burned everyone with such ideas at the stake

Neoplatonism influenced Catholicism, faggot. The Church never burned greek pagans nor roman pagans, because they ended up converting. So, no, faggot.

>Two front organizations of international jewry fighting for power, false dichotomy. Did it have a racial component?

>muuuh false dichotomyyy communist is the same even when christianity considers private property as something holy

How would it have a racial component if there was neither jews nor niggers in Spain? (One of the most clean countries in that manner, and the most catholic country in history) As I said to you, immigration was strongly regulated, it was almost like an ethnostate.

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ff92f1  No.138621



>No there's no logic in anything you say. It's like saying that science and Christianity can coexist. They can't

>65% of Nobel prices, given when Nobel prices weren't kike bullshit, are from Christians.

>Countless revolutionary scientists who where christian

Sure, retard.

>The fundamental assertion of Christians is that their Bible is the total undeniable irrefutable word of GOD


Learn basic history, faggot.

>But the bible says in at least two places that the Sun orbits the Earth.

Wrong, the Bible doesn't say something that specific. Only some shits about sunrises, and the power of God to stop the Sun.

>Galileo almost got executed for disagreeing with that.

Galileo almost got executed because he had no proof for his claims, because these were impossible to prove at the time, and insisted to a point in which insulted the Church. A faggot with no humility should have been executed.

>Y-y-y-you have n-n-n-nothing… Y-y-you thing y-y-you are reasonable but y-y-y-you ARE NOT, BAKA

What a massive nigger loving cum faggot you are KEK.

>Let's look at the fundamental premise of Christianity. Christ is the great lawgiver. He comes with a new law, a new testament.

New in the sense of renewed, not in the sense of the abolishment of the old law. The new law is accomplished with Faith, True Faith, in Him. because He is the incarnation of the Law, so the law is obeyed not in commandments but in Love, because Justice is Love, because God is both Justice and Love.

>Fine I'll bite, I have bitten several times in my life. Let's look at this new "law"

You seem hurt. I'm sorry for that.

>Well first thing you do when you create a new law, or even a contract or any legal document is you establish your TERMS.

There isn't really a new law, but a new way of accomplishing the law. A law written in the heart of man. The terms are the same with the old, but with some crucial exceptions and additions.

>Oh no, the term is defined right there in the legal document, it's all in that fine print. Where does Jesus the lawgiver lay out his terms for this important new law he's delivering and selling to us like a contract?

Believing in Him, with all your heart. That's the principal term.

>This is what amazed me when I finally read the entire bible three times with three translations; he doesn't.

Well, what amazes me is that even after reading the Bible three times, you don't know. The time I got initiated in the Faith, I knew without even reading the Bible. I didn't even completed it, and still, by only hearing some homilies and superficial investigation about verses, I knew. And after completing it my first time, I reaffirmed what I knew. Don't put your Faith in your knowledge, don't put your Faith in what you know. Believe.

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ff92f1  No.138647



>In fact I plowed through the old testament holding my nose at the filthy vengeful, polygamous, barbaric vengeful jews but promising myself; just wait, there's the gospels coming, and then l'll really get into Jesus

The Jew was the preparation for Christ. They were implacable so they could survive for the coming of the Messiah (As they did for 2.000 before Christ, which is a record), yet, once He came, they were so corrupted in the law that they couldn't accept Him. For that, they are cursed, and they should cease to exist. The problem with the Jew is that it is the most racist race to ever exist, to a point in which if there is a Jew, there is their nation with them. What Hitler understood is that the only way to destroy them is fighting fire with fire, being worst than them. So, to adopt their barbaric measures against them is surely, just and useful.

>Dostoyevsky was deeply moved by the Gospels, great. Then I got to the Gospels. THERE'S NO JESUS THERE.

Kek. You seek Him in His Word without being open to the Faith without knowing. That's what is making you not seeing Him.

>Some vague atrociously vapid apophthegms and that's pretty much it. And there's nothing worth mentioning to tell us exactly about the eschatology of heaven hell and purgatory. NOTHING.

You surely seem afraid of death kek. What do you want? An exact definition of the looks and paths to heaven, hell and purgatory? Only the death know exactly, and the grace of it is to believe without seeing. If you knew absolutely and exactly, would it be Faith? No. Judge it materialistically. The idea of Heaven and Hell, a place where you go if you do good or you go if you do bad (Simplistic way of saying) makes you responsible of the infinite consequences over time of your actions. Purgatory is for those who did enough good but still there is bad. That's it.

>All those theologians are trying to build an edifice of faith on a puff of wind, a mere fart by some guy in what James Joyce called the "grey ancient sunken cunt of the world" 2000 years ago

>((James Joyce))

The socialist and anarchist? Now I know you are a roastie. Look faggot, materialistically, probably there is nothing. Materialistically, probably you cease to exist after your death, yet, people need meaning. You need meaning. Why? Because we need to reproduce, to reproduce in a way beyond biologically, but spiritually, so we become immortal in our legacy. It's that simple. If there is such an extensive theological realm is because to ensure meaning over time, it must be deep to survive. Christ is the personification of such hope for immortal legacy, but not only that, He is the distinction between a good legacy and a bad legacy. And, what a ((coincidence)) that once we abandon Christ, the world starts to degenerate. There is no proof of His existence, and yet, this is what He says about it:

John 20:29

Jesus said unto him, “Thomas, because thou hast seen Me, thou hast believed. Blessed are they that have not seen and yet have believed.”

>The ancient world was full of con men going about milking the vast swarms of ignorant rubes.

Even if it is all a deceive, if it's useful for everyone, what's the problem? Truly, don't you deceive yourself constantly? Lies, in their intention of being truth, are better that it. Because truth is definitive, and lies are full of opportunities. And at the end, truly, what is true for a person? The opportunity of continuation, or the end of knowledge? At the end, what it is truly True, it's what is useful.

>You've got nothing my boy, NOTHING.

>my boy


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746bf0  No.138676

religions from the desert must be purged.

Scorpion does not belong in the forest.

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ff92f1  No.138689

File: 1622a96b4c9e045⋯.jpg (256.14 KB, 1200x1134, 200:189, VA23Oct10_096_crop.jpg)

File: 3546ec0183e21a4⋯.png (565.13 KB, 1200x1244, 300:311, 1200px_COA_Spain_under_Fra….png)

File: 6dfa5f8cdf335a8⋯.jpg (56.79 KB, 900x563, 900:563, 1525190365_eagle_of_the_th….jpg)


Christianity isn't represented by the scorpion, but by the Eagle. And the eagle reaches many places. You can purge the purger.

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ff92f1  No.138690



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ff840f  No.138694


Actually you're the one who's afraid of death. You're saying we must believe not because there's even a likelihood that Christ was God or that there's an afterlife, you're saying we must believe because we need to have a belief in the afterlife.

I've never felt that at all. It doesn't horrify me that I didn't exist before I was born, nor should it horrify me that I won't exist after I've lived my life to it's full natural span and then a little bit more maybe (because I'm a selfish pig and I'm enjoying myself immensely right now).

And yeah I want a precise set of terms laid out here given the outrageous claims of your cult. I'm not impressed with Christ intellectually. It's all too vague, to the point of being evasive .

Christians are making all these outlandish claims about the benefits of their religion but when called on it they don't actually have much to say. Christ himself is not a particularly impressive man.

I think Neitzsche said this if I can quote him from memory;

"It seems strange to me that God, wishing to impart his good word to all men for all time (the gospels), should chose to do so in the ancient Greek language, and, haven so chosen, should do it so badly".

Thucydides, Herodotus, and Homer wrote impeccable Greek. The authors of the New Testament were fucking hillbillies apparently judging from their poor grasp of its complexities. You'd think that having the angel of the Lord looking over their shoulders and guiding their hands they'd be able to do a better job of it than some disgraced Athenian general or some guy hanging out in a drinking house around 800BC strumming his lyre and reciting some old poems from memory.

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ff840f  No.138702

File: def3a2c8745bfb5⋯.jpg (342.3 KB, 1023x665, 1023:665, 3172870234_f467a4c4ae_b.jpg)

File: 077c77f187fa586⋯.jpg (478.83 KB, 1733x1500, 1733:1500, conscience.JPG)

>>Even if it is all a deceive, if it's useful for everyone, what's the problem? Truly, don't you deceive yourself constantly? Lies, in their intention of being truth, are better that it. Because truth is definitive, and lies are full of opportunities. And at the end, truly, what is true for a person? The opportunity of continuation, or the end of knowledge? At the end, what it is truly True, it's what is useful.

See I've got a big problem with this too because lying to yourself is a horrible thing to do it's the worst habit you can get into and is actually a very dangerous practices.

What does conscience mean?

Look at its etymology; it means essentially self knowledge. If you're lying to yourself you're in a delusional state. You don't have self knowledge. You don't have "conscience". You are living a lie, and even by your own lights we both know from our bible studies who the father of all lies is, don't we?

I think I've actually got a pretty strong sense of self knowledge, in fact most of my former friends complained of the harshness of my judgements even on myself. It's why I've been led by my own will to living what is for most people an extremely austere life, which has paid off in many ways in the long run.

Also in conclusion there's something else I find deeply offensive, repulsive even about the very imagery of Christianity. Christ is a pastor, we are his sheep.


Sheep are contemptible creatures. And what I ask you are sheep herded around for at the end of the day? Why do pastors go about their work shepherding their flocks?



I like what Mussolini said about that;

"Better to live one day as a lion than a thousand years as a sheep"

And he was right regardless of his painful end.

And this is a fascist board so I can say without any hesitation to you and all your ilk that I'd rather be hanging by my heels with Mussolini there than in your horrible nightmare pan opticon prison heaven with buggerbeard jew tyrant Jesus for eternity.

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0e18c5  No.138705


You and all other Christians… you sound so out of your mind. So silly. Christianity must fall. For all its horrors, the French Revolution also cleansed France off of this old illness. There is a lot of work to do to remove this monstrosity.


I hope you have spent your time wisely.

That in the many centuries hiding in fear.

You have already a new sacred blueprint.

A fresh take on Aryan, pagan spirituality.

Because the time has come.

This cycle ends now.


>The only way to oppose evil, it's by having more power than it, and they attacked the church for so long because it was the only Good that tried to be global

At best it was the "less worst". In fact a whitened, aryanized Islam might have been preferable to this incel & hippie demented sect.

Do you think we would still be there to talk about it if knights had really opted to love their enemies instead of dicing them through and thorough?

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ff92f1  No.138719


>Actually you're the one who's afraid of death

Who's not afraid of the end of existence? If you think that once death is imposed upon you, that you'll smile like some poetic and romantic faggot, you are wrong. You'll shit your pants, as everyone who has died.

>I've never felt that at all. It doesn't horrify me that I didn't exist before I was born, nor should it horrify me that I won't exist after I've lived my life to it's full natural span and then a little bit more maybe

>so brave

Roastie, I know that a woman doesn't care about anything more than her own cunt, but, surely, people with soul tend to care about what was before, and what will be, because we want to contribute, because what we are is a gift defined by the legacy of others, because we are in debt with life (God), and we, people with soul, want to give the best because of that.

>(because I'm a selfish pig and I'm enjoying myself immensely right now).

Here is the problem, fucking degenerate roastie. Such Hedonist nigger philosophy leads to the end of civilization. Weak faggot. Worthless subhuman.

>And yeah I want a precise set of terms laid out here given the outrageous claims of your cult. I'm not impressed with Christ intellectually. It's all too vague, to the point of being evasive .


>too vague

What a massive retard kek. You are the one making outrageous claims such as reducing the whole law of God into what a menstruated cunt like you should do. You are no more than a reductionist faggot who wants to feel the most famous religion as something way smaller and unintelligent in comparison with you. Because you are so intelligent kek. Want a medal, retard?

>Christians are making all these outlandish claims about the benefits of their religion but when called on it they don't actually have much to say

Do you read, nigger?




I told you about the human strive for reproduction in an spiritual manner in which he feels that is being immortalized in relevancy, and I told you how christianity does that. I told you much more, but a nigger like you keeps ignoring kek.

>Christ himself is not a particularly impressive man.

>lifts the sin of the world

A romantic faggot like you surely doesn't like being forgiven, because you are SPECIAL keeek. Beyond everything.

I recommend you to read:


>"It seems strange to me that God, wishing to impart his good word to all men for all time (the gospels), should chose to do so in the ancient Greek language, and, haven so chosen, should do it so badly".

Yet, so badly written and still had more relevancy that the philosophy of an modern faggot. And much more utility.

>Thucydides, Herodotus, and Homer wrote impeccable Greek. The authors of the New Testament were fucking hillbillies apparently judging from their poor grasp of its complexities

Yet, some desert hobos that didn't know shit had more relevancy and utility than the whole enlightenment philosophers (You actually created the bases of communist, and therefore, our present degeneracy). A Desert manual from 2000 years ago has more potential and utility in cultural manners than all of philosophers kek.

>You'd think that having the angel of the Lord looking over their shoulders and guiding their hands they'd be able to do a better job of it than some disgraced Athenian general or some guy hanging out in a drinking house around 800BC strumming his lyre and reciting some old poems from memory.

They did kek. What's the purpose of philosophy? A guide, a rational aid. Philosophy ended up created the most irrational things, look at the majority of modern philosophy, what a bunch of degenerates. A religion such as Christianity, with is irrational by its nature, and dogmatic in Faith, guided waaaay more people to at least some form of happiness and meaning in their lives that whatever pretentious pseudo-intellectual like you would say. Pathetic faggot kek.

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0e18c5  No.138725


>>lifts the sin of the world

>A romantic faggot like you surely doesn't like being forgiven, because you are SPECIAL keeek. Beyond everything.

That's one of the biggest and smelliest parts of the whole scam. Literally left to die by his father, supposedly for our sins as if we had any! and nothing is different anyway because while he may have prevented his father from holocausting us all, we're still stuck in having to join Jesus Kumbaya Christ to be saved… from our sins.

>>"It seems strange to me that God, wishing to impart his good word to all men for all time (the gospels), should chose to do so in the ancient Greek language, and, haven so chosen, should do it so badly".

>Yet, so badly written and still had more relevancy that the philosophy of an modern faggot. And much more utility.

It is only relevant to people like you. It's frankly a largely silly institution with no proof at all of what it promises.

>Yet, some desert hobos that didn't know shit had more relevancy and utility than the whole enlightenment philosophers

They had more "relevancy" for the same reason any bullshit anti-white crap typed by a Jew today is relevant because he can count on the worldwide Jewish mafia to publish and support him.

None of this embarrassing creed of yours would have gone anywhere if this (((Shaul))) didn't already have a group of Jewish fanatics in Rome, all too happy to do what they always do with their gold: subvert a host nation with poisonous ideologies.

Just deal with it. Your stupid church is going the way of the dodo, it's mostly recruiting niggers and getting money from old ladies. Its lies and doctored artifacts are all over the internet for all to see. Your faith is valueless and your soul is wasted.

>A religion such as Christianity, with is irrational by its nature, and dogmatic in Faith, guided waaaay more people to at least some form of happiness and meaning in their lives that whatever pretentious pseudo-intellectual like you would say. Pathetic faggot kek.

I think our distant ancestors, who had never heard of this absurd idea of sin, were even happier before someone decided to force them to convert or die. I'm baffled how Christians are so up their knickers to defend a cult that is alien to their roots and certainly didn't grow naturally on the populations of Europe.

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ff92f1  No.138735


>See I've got a big problem with this too because lying to yourself is a horrible thing to do it's the worst habit you can get into and is actually a very dangerous practices.

To accept that you are in constant lie, is to tell the most profound truth. You are lying to yourself too, faggot. Are you a fully objective being? You may try to, but it isn't your purpose. You want to feel. You create a narrative that suits your existence in which you create connections and correlations with past experiences so you are able to compress them enough that they are useful, meaningful, and the most important of all, not harmful. You are in a constant state of adaptation, in which you adapt your own feelings and your own impulses into concepts and memories. You are a constant lie. You forget what you need to forget, you remember what you need to remember. You are manipulating yourself constantly. That's the true.

>Look at its etymology; it means essentially self knowledge. If you're lying to yourself you're in a delusional state. You don't have self knowledge. You don't have "conscience". You are living a lie

Humans are delusional by nature for the reason I told you above. The only conscience a person haves is in his own decisions, that's why the only freedom we have is the freedom to choose. To be, or not to be.

>and even by your own lights we both know from our bible studies who the father of all lies is, don't we?

Probably, yet, not an absolute statement. That's the thing about Faith, to believe without knowing.

>I think I've actually got a pretty strong sense of self knowledge

Yet you don't know that without knowing, you lie to yourself kek.

>an extremely austere life


>says that he is a selfish pig enjoying himself immensely

Sure, roastie.

>Christ is a pastor, we are his sheep.

Yes, do you know why? Because not matter whatever you do, you aren't the lord of your life. Do you know why? Because you end up benefiting others that rule over you, which can be good others, or bad others. Your lord is good, or your lord is evil. You aren't your own lord, because you aren't nothing. You are no more that a consequence, you didn't even decided your own name, neither your family which was crucial, nor your genes, nor your country… The only freedom you have is to choose who is your lord. You are a slave, you want it or not. And I already told you, and I love saying it again.

>"Better to live one day as a lion than a thousand years as a sheep"

Kek, no one in their entire lives has become a lion no much how they believed. They are still a pawn of greater things. A pawn of good, or a pawn of evil. A sheep of good, or a sheep of evil. Delusional faggot.

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ff92f1  No.138746


>That's one of the biggest and smelliest parts of the whole scam. Literally left to die by his father, supposedly for our sins as if we had any!

>as if we had any!

Roastie, you have, many. Everyone those. Do you know why? Because we humans have a tendency for evil (History backs my claim) Why do we do have a tendency for evil? Because we live in an hostile environment, and we are complex enough to relief our frustrations in other things that may not be hostile, making us impulse and cruel. We are sinful, and sinful means that we don't do good for others but only ourselves, which end ups being bad for ourselves because our true desire is to have healthy connections with others. We are contradictory.

>and nothing is different anyway because while he may have prevented his father from holocausting us all, we're still stuck in having to join Jesus Kumbaya Christ to be saved… from our sins.

It is. Christian values defined our culture, and such culture made us the most constant and successful. I already told you how.

>It is only relevant to people like you. It's frankly a largely silly institution with no proof at all of what it promises.

And people like me were almost all europeans who lived in the last 2000 years kek. Ow, maybe you are special and not like the rest, right? KEK. I proved to you that the belief of christian salvation by itself has objective benefits in the individual, so, there is no proof of the existence of God, but there is proof of the benefits of God.

>They had more "relevancy" for the same reason any bullshit anti-white crap typed by a Jew today is relevant because he can count on the worldwide Jewish mafia to publish and support him.

Anti-white crap of today isn't useful. Christianity was and is useful. As I said, it was both relevant and useful, and I told you why too. And, there is proof that Christian were always hated by jews. Yet, what proof do you have of jews benefiting christians? None, white nigger.

>None of this embarrassing creed of yours would have gone anywhere if this (((Shaul))) didn't already have a group of Jewish fanatics in Rome, all too happy to do what they always do with their gold: subvert a host nation with poisonous ideologies.

Do you even know how Rome converted to christianity?


Learn basic history, faggot.

>I think our distant ancestors, who had never heard of this absurd idea of sin, were even happier before someone decided to force them to convert or die.

True happiness isn't based on banal pleasures, but in a meaningful life of accomplishments, and the greater accomplishment of all is THE FAMILY. And, while our pagan ancestors cared more about tribal disputes, pillage and dying with honor in war, Christians cared about seeding their life, both in land and in their own women. So, I tell you, that you are wrong faggot. Not only our christian ancestors were happier, but also they contributed more to a collective purpose, and were much less violent. (Still, violent enough, not cucks)

>I'm baffled how Christians are so up their knickers to defend a cult that is alien to their roots and certainly didn't grow naturally on the populations of Europe.

>Rome became the center of such religion when Constantine conquered it even tho almost all the population of Rome was pagan by the time

>didn't grow naturally in Europe

KEK. Surely, pagans didn't imposed their culture and religion to other tribes… Neither did the Romans that stole the Greek gods and latinized by force whatever they conquered.

>muuuuh it didn't grow naturally don't impose it!11111!

Everything is imposed, white nigger. Even our pagan ancestors did it. That's the natural grow, and evolutionary process in which weaker religions die. You may argue that that's exactly what is happening right now to christianity, but there is a difference between letting something to die, and defending it but still failing. The same is happening with the white race.

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979f0d  No.138751

File: bca9a4da3617db2⋯.jpg (107.52 KB, 633x624, 211:208, Allegory.jpg)

Look how hard the delusional christkike struggles to defend his foul faith, how much he seethes at people trying to show him the truth, refusing to part with his degenerate ways. It's almost like observing an exorcism.

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ff92f1  No.138764


>the French Revolution also cleansed France off of this old illness

>christianity falls, degeneracy spreads

>muuuuh it was the christcuuuucks!!1!1 old illness!1!1

White nigger.

>ADEPTS! larping bullshit

>calls others out of their minds

>At best it was the "less worst"

Not only less worst, but the lesser worst there has been, faggot.

>In fact a whitened, aryanized Islam might have been preferable to this incel & hippie demented sect.


>enforced matrimony, making the women in her place, much higher fertility rates


>propagated through all of Europe and more than half of the world by force

>whitened, aryanized Islam

Such levels of retardation were never conceived kek. Islam is anti-science, whatever golden shit of age it had was because of what they stole. Islam attacked directly the white race, it tried to outbreed it and did in places like anatolia and parts of the middle east. You prefer something that as a long story of anti-european and anti-white sentiment rather something that as a long story of pro-european and pro-white sentiment. What a delusional faggot.

>Do you think we would still be there to talk about it if knights had really opted to love their enemies instead of dicing them through and thorough?

Loving your enemies isn't exclusive of killing them, because you must Love God above everything, and God is not only Love, but Justice, and killing is Just when an enemy tries to destroy what is Good in this world. Therefore, whatever cucked shit we have right now, wasn't there 80 years ago. Everything is subverted, just as Islam and even pagan faggots who praise Odin and despise racism kek. Everything is jewed, and the French Revolution gave rights to the jew, so I do not fucking know how could you say that it cleansed anything WHEN IT INFECTED EVERYTHING WITH FUCKING JEWS.



Not at all, roastie.


To what? To argument without being there any counterargument? You don't even respond.

>how much he seethes at people trying to show him the truth


Seethe harder, white nigger. You aren't showing any truth, because you aren't opposing anything I say with any type of counterargument.

>refusing to part with his degenerate ways. It's almost like observing an exorcism.

>degenerate ways

>praises a religion based on pillage, rape, slavery and dying in honor in battle between their own brothers of their religion without caring about seeding a good with their people

Truly, the vikings. Of all the pagans, the vikings. KEK.

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1b0fe1  No.138770


>Do you know why? Because we humans have a tendency for evil (History backs my claim)

Define "evil" please.

>We are sinful, and sinful means that we don't do good for others but only ourselves

Are you sure you want to enter this debate? Because either what you say is wrong since we clearly show signs of tenderness and help towards other people, or you could say that we only do so because it makes us feel good so it's selfish, because of this little chemical reward that fills us with happiness. And so, for your point to make sense in the context of case two, then you'd be wishing we had been creatures without a reward mechanism. Or perhaps is it this old topic about empathy…

You still make things too complicated. There has simply never been one single creature on this planet, not a single guru or priest to provide the evidence that even cruelty was a sin or bad. Not that I'd condone it, but essentially I'm perfectly fine with avoiding cruelty as it makes me feel bad and I don't need a magical unseen judging-rating system to rank me from bad to good in order to avoid doing twisted stuff to other people or creatures.

>It is. Christian values defined our culture, and such culture made us the most constant and successful. I already told you how

Why, hello. You're reading my first posts here, I'm a new anon.

Christian values are literally shit. All that is good in Christianity absolutely and totally predates it. The genuine Christian additions are all the retarded material like the Semitic lore and the asinine sort of commandments to be close to Jesus such as not resisting evil or loving your enemy or not looking at sexy girls, etc.

Religion for cucks.

>And people like me were almost all europeans who lived in the last 2000 years kek.

Is that English?

Do you even know that Christianity really became something in the fourth century? That even then, it still had room to grow and took many centuries to conquer central Europe and even later, Northern Europe, most of which through torture, coercion and money?

Are you proud of that?

> I proved to you that the belief of christian salvation by itself has objective benefits in the individual

I'm not the anon you replied to but I can obviously understand why people feeling happy about what would happen to their "soul" after death alleviates their griefs during their mortal time.

It's a clever trick because it essentially boils down to say "it will be perfectly good after" so you cannot beat that kind of promise, even if it's made of pure hot air.

Oddly enough our pagan ancestors had a grimmer approach to life yet that didn't prevent them from being fantastic conquerors and builders of civilizations.

The softness and depressive view on life established by Christianity is equally compensated by the insanely preposterous promise this same religion makes to its depressed sheeple.

>Do you even know how Rome converted to christianity?

Actually, yes, and Jews certainly had a hand in this.


>Learn basic history, faggot.

This teaches me literally nothing of value. Do you know anything about Fausta's demise?

>True happiness isn't based on banal pleasures

The Christian wishes are just as banal as any others. It's nothing more than longing for some super dope that keeps you happy 24/7. Literally like being in a coma, on life support, filled with predigested food and tubes to purge you of urine and feces, air pumped into your lungs, totally sedated and your mind full of hallucinogenic drugs. The life of a parasite worm. This is the grand promise.

>but in a meaningful life of accomplishments, and the greater accomplishment of all is THE FAMILY.

Okay, right, so you claim that only Christians are capable of a FAMILY? That Atheists aren't? That Pagans aren't and were not?

Don't you think that you are a little bit delusional here?

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1b0fe1  No.138771


>And, while our pagan ancestors cared more about tribal disputes, pillage and dying with honor in war,

Literally: what?

I mean, yes, some of them obviously thought highly of physical competition to the death and all the loot and fresh pussy afterwards, many also enjoyed arts and sacred sciences, all of which were taken by Christians.

For example, not a single Christian building, no matter how beautiful, compares in terms of complexity and minutia to the Great Pyramid.

>Christians cared about seeding their life

Pagans too and they didn't a dumb book to tell them to multiply like fucking rabbits.

> So, I tell you, that you are wrong faggot.

From the quality of your replies… not.

>Not only our christian ancestors were happier

Absolute unsubstantiated claim. I guess they were very happy during the Black Death, as they all suffocated inside their cramped churches for their (((saviour))) to help them.

>but also they contributed more to a collective purpose

Like… the Borg Collective?

>and were much less violent. (Still, violent enough, not cucks)

Is that a point? Violent but not violent but still violent.

Let me tell you, idiot. If our Christian forefathers had applied even a hundredth of the stupid sermons found littered all across the Bible, we'd all be already dead by now, Europe swarmed with people of colour.

So yes, we are actually fucking lucky that they quickly forgot all the bullshit said by the local priests as soon as they exited the church on sundays, and donned their armours to hack and slash through Moors, Mongols and Turks.

>KEK. Surely, pagans didn't imposed their culture and religion to other tribes…

Not much, and it was very natural as they were white cults, with similar gods or close enough when they were adopted. Do you get the difference, kamarad?

>Neither did the Romans that stole the Greek gods and latinized by force whatever they conquered.

Cults were close enough. Also, I have no problem with war. We all die one day. I'd rather die being great at something than wasting my time praying like a granny with brittle bones to be "saved" from my back pains and sin.

>Everything is imposed, white nigger.

No. As much as it may surprise you, there were many, many different cults and pantheons exactly at the same time, all over Europe.

Not to say that even if one tribe were to be subdued and somehow converted to a "new" pantheon of knowledge, discovery, adventure, fertility, beauty and war Gods, they were pretty much just swapping names and minor attributes in the end. Nor was there much forced conversion either as it took time for one creed to actually be adopted. More than anything, a really dominant and new creed was often seen to blend in and mix with the already established tenets of the defeated people. The cases of complete erasure are very few.

That, until the universal cult of Yahweh known as Christianity of course. More specifically Judeo-Christianity since there were isolated groups that had their own take on the whole Krist personna that was totally at odds with the peace-loving Semitic poison, but it got completely overshadowed in the end.

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7b4291  No.138778


>the French Revolution also cleansed France off of this old illness

I am not particularly fond of christcuckoldry but "egalite, liberte, fraternite" cuckold bullshit made me exclaim "Jesus fucking Christ!"

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1b0fe1  No.138781


>>the French Revolution also cleansed France off of this old illness

>>christianity falls, degeneracy spreads

>>muuuuh it was the christcuuuucks!!1!1 old illness!1!1

>White nigger.

Kvetching like a spastic is not an argument.

The FR clearly had an advantage as far as I'm concerned: Jews overreached and failed to see how they lost a major tool there. It's intriguing really, to see how France, that almost literally gave birth to the Roman Catholic Church as we're used to know it, could very well be where it literally dies for good. Alpha and Omega. Sweet irony.

>>ADEPTS! larping bullshit

>>calls others out of their minds

If it makes you feel good calling any reference to true Adepts some LARPing bs, be my guest. You're just out of your league.

>Not only less worst, but the lesser worst there has been, faggot.

Or the more of the lesserer worsened.

>Such levels of retardation were never conceived kek.

Yet an idea that was not unheard of in Nietzschean and National Socialist circles.

> Islam is anti-science

It is true that Christianity always respected people of science.

There seems to be something that escapes you in the concept of a whitened, aryanized Islam: science too would have been elevated from the depths of goat-fuckery.

> Islam attacked directly the white race

And Christianity didn't? The advantage of Islam here is that it is a virile religion, with a lot of esoterism in it that's not without merit. Obviously this is not what I'd want for Whites, but if we had had a choice, I'd have taken a whitened, aryanized Islam by far.

>You prefer something that as a long story of anti-european and anti-white sentiment rather something that as a long story of pro-european and pro-white sentiment. What a delusional faggot.

You should learn to read before typing.

>Loving your enemies isn't exclusive of killing them

Yes it is. Unless you're desperate (like Goebbels who knew what was coming for his family), you're going through some severe mental contortions to kill what you love.

>because you must Love God above everything

So (((God))) is the enemy.

>and God is not only Love, but Justice, and killing is Just when an enemy tries to destroy what is Good in this world.

Yeah… but here you're being dishonest because we're not talking about loving God, but loving the horde of savages who are about to cross the river to ransack your little town and rape your daughter before taking your son away and turn him into an eunuch.

>Therefore, whatever cucked shit we have right now, wasn't there 80 years ago.

It literally does not follow.

> Everything is subverted

Oh shit, we might be agreeing. Almost everything. Everything includes metaphysics, genius. AKA your faith is being drained by a parasite and you are disconnected from your true God(s). But the pure and clean source is still there. Dump this Yeshua rabbi, wander a bit with this void of faith you must experience, and then you'll see something better grow inside of you, freed from the parasite.

I understand it can be scary, this journey into the unknown. It is, truly. But you must do it.

>pagan faggots who praise Odin and despise racism kek

This is /pol/, not faggatru.

>Everything is jewed

No. Only the current Western World.

>and the French Revolution gave rights to the jew

Exact. Which should be enough to know who was behind it in large parts.

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1b0fe1  No.138785


Baby and water. Bad move on the Jews' part.

Good for us overall, ironically, despite the heavy price.

Unfortunately, quickly replaced by niggerism, as already observed at the end of the 19th century (yes, that early).

They are at the forefront of literally everything wrong about the Western World. Which means, logically, that these stupid frogs may very well be part of the beachhead that gets out of this Semitic quagmire first. I mean they have it all and in huge quantities: niggers, snackbars, dogeaters, kikes, faggots, freemasons, traitorous politicians, pedos, bansketers, race deniers, leftists-marxists-antifas, equality, feminism. That's darned hard to beat. I would not go as far as to bet on it, but it's a… providential possibility.

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ff92f1  No.138791



>Define "evil" please.

>Because we live in an hostile environment, and we are complex enough to relief our frustrations in other things that may not be hostile, making us impulse and cruel.

>True happiness isn't based on banal pleasures, but in a meaningful life of accomplishments, and the greater accomplishment of all is THE FAMILY.

>sinful means that we don't do good for others but only ourselves

Whatever isn't about what I said about family, it's evil. I already told you, learn to read nigger.

>Because either what you say is wrong since we clearly show signs of tenderness and help towards other people

KEK. Positivist bullshit that doesn't have any real value. We are individualistic to the extreme, in which the majority principally cares about pathological consumption to fulfill their senseless existence. Is there a sense of community, faggot? Where? Are we preaching family? What are you? Some liberal faggot that thing that everyone is good? Kike.

>you could say that we only do so because it makes us feel good so it's selfish

What the fuck? No. Principally, things as charity and helping others (Principally niggers) is done by roasties or cucks who seek for attention, and if they don't have it, they stop. Feeling good is natural.

>then you'd be wishing we had been creatures without a reward mechanism.

No, faggot.

>You still make things too complicated

Kek you are the one making claims about what I mean without actually reading simply. You are the one complicating, pseudointellectual faggot.

>There has simply never been one single creature on this planet, not a single guru or priest to provide the evidence that even cruelty was a sin or bad

>massive retardation

Justice can't be cruel, therefore, something that is reciprocal isn't cruel. But, there is plenty of examples in human nature in which there is unjustified cruelty. PLENTY. And such unjustified cruelty destroys, which is… BAD. (Destroying evil is just, therefore, not bad)

>I'm perfectly fine with avoiding cruelty as it makes me feel bad

Don't you know that the majority of humans in history didn't have a good or even decent live like you, faggot? Neither in today's society. Suffering has always and is very common, and the answer to such suffering is, in many cases, relieve of frustration against those who didn't have to do anything with such suffering. (The exact reason why communism exist)

>I don't need a magical unseen judging-rating system to rank me from bad to good in order to avoid doing twisted stuff to other people or creatures.

It isn't about need, but about security. It is better to shield morality in the supernatural and omniscient so it survives over time. Now, because such morality isn't shielded with such supernatural and omniscient aspects, shit like communism happens, in which something as basic like the divinity of private property is violated. It is a collective and cultural position, in which it helps the possible hurt individuals to not go into a path of evil.

>Why, hello. You're reading my first posts here, I'm a new anon.

Well, then I told it to others.

>Christian values are literally shit. All that is good in Christianity absolutely and totally predates it. The genuine Christian additions are all the retarded material like the Semitic lore and the asinine sort of commandments to be close to Jesus such as not resisting evil or loving your enemy or not looking at sexy girls, etc.

>Religion for cucks

I already responded to that.




Consider reading these posts about the uniqueness and originality of Christian values. To what you said, I add that loving your enemies is not exclusive of being just. Justice and love are one, therefore, you must love while you are just. God, in the bibles, hates. Therefore, hating isn't bad. So you understand, it will be like loving infinitely, and hating justly. What's the benefit of that? I wrote it in another post.


Consider reading it.

Not looking into sexy girls, or sexy men if you are a woman, promotes an enforced matrimony in which the man has the power. It promotes the development of an healthy family in which the future individuals develop. Which is good for the quality of children, and the quantity too, because sex is only for procreation. Such strategy is good for the collective, therefore the race.

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ff92f1  No.138803


>Is that English?

Yes, do you read it?

>Do you even know that Christianity really became something in the fourth century?

I said 2000 as an approximation, 1500-1100 years till it was the whole Europe.

>most of which through torture, coercion and money? Are you prod of that?

Tell me, how did the Romans established their deities, culture and civilization? Kisses? Or your pagans. Of course I'm proud of that, I'm not a cuck. You say that this is a religion for cucks but after that you whine about being imposed kek.

>I'm not the anon you replied to but I can obviously understand why people feeling happy about what would happen to their "soul" after death alleviates their griefs during their mortal time.

No. Christian salvation, Heaven, isn't easy to get. And damnation, it's pretty easy. It doesn't alleviates griefs, it makes you responsible of the infinite consequences of your actions over time (Legacy) Which, actually makes you worry a lot more. It connects the state of the individual (Actions) with the state of the collective (Eternal consequences), it is a balance, a meaningful one.

>It's a clever trick because it essentially boils down to say "it will be perfectly good after" so you cannot beat that kind of promise, even if it's made of pure hot air.

It will be perfectly good after, if. If not, it will be perfectly bad after. It isn't made of pure hot air, because the idea of perfect good after, heaven, is the idea of the reconciliation with our Father through the Son, like our big brother, so we rejoin the divine family. (In the posts I linked to you, I explained the relevancy of the Father and the Son in the human existence).

>didn't prevent them from being fantastic conquerors and builders of civilizations.

Yet their strive for personal honor above the collective good made Rome very unstable and with a massive population of slaves without property. The upper noble class didn't change much after christianization, but at least the Church was there in competition.

>The softness and depressive view on life established by Christianity is equally compensated by the insanely preposterous promise this same religion makes to its depressed sheeple.

>softness and deppresive

>an eternal fight against evil in which a stoic manner is the finality to Christ, the Perfect man.

To be soft with evil, is to sin. Don't you know the sin of omission? Depression is a sin too, or to be more accurate, the symptom of many types of sin like self compassion, ungratefulness, indifference… etc.

>Actually, yes, and Jews certainly had a hand in this.


>This teaches me literally nothing of value. Do you know anything about Fausta's demise?

It does. Constantine was a pagan that converted without any relation with the jews who conquered Rome and established christianity. Fausta's demise doesn't have anything to do with jews.

>It's nothing more than longing for some super dope that keeps you happy 24/7. Literally like being in a coma, on life support, filled with predigested food and tubes to purge you of urine and feces, air pumped into your lungs, totally sedated and your mind full of hallucinogenic drugs. The life of a parasite worm. This is the grand promise.

What you described is actually hell kek


In Heaven you have autonomy, but you don't suffer. Heaven is unique for everyone.

>Okay, right, so you claim that only Christians are capable of a FAMILY? That Atheists aren't? That Pagans aren't and were not?

To Christians, family is the objective. To atheists, it doesn't tend to be, and for pagans, it tends to be more about a live of experiences and honor. Christians prioritize family a lot more, which is very beneficial for the individual and the collective as I said. This is something that you can proof even in our cucked society.

>Don't you think that you are a little bit delusional here?

If there is not enforced marriage, there is no stability neither endurance in such marriage, therefore, not a good family because the marriage of the man and the woman is the nucleus of it. Atheists approve divorce and casual sex. Pagans tend to approve casual sex and open relations too. Therefore, christianity offers a better strategy for family.

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ff92f1  No.138821

File: 76bf67888913f98⋯.jpg (3.08 MB, 3000x2001, 1000:667, image.jpg)



>Literally: what?

Look, I thought you were other anon that was talking about celtic-like tribes or viking pagans, which where in their majority about what I said.

>many also enjoyed arts and sacred sciences

Like the Romans and the Greeks. And the continuation of the Romans, are the christians. Yes, Catholic christianity is a Roman legacy. (Which where, undoubtedly, the best pagans)

>all of which were taken by Christians.

Given, neither stolen nor taken. Rome established Christianity even when only 10-20% of the population of the Empire was christian. And after the fall of Rome, Catholicism was crucial in the survival and spread of roman civilization in the rest of Europe. So, Rome and Catholicism became one.

>For example, not a single Christian building, no matter how beautiful, compares in terms of complexity and minutia to the Great Pyramid.

Do you mean the Great Pyramid of Giza? What? You must be trolling kek. Don't you know about catholic churches and catholic art?

>Pagans too and they didn't a dumb book to tell them to multiply like fucking rabbits.

Yet having such dumb book made christians multiply like fucking rabbits much more than pagans, because the christian objective is family and sacrifice for good, and the pagan objective is honor and joy.

>From the quality of your replies… not.


>Absolute unsubstantiated claim

To you, happiness is the strive for a virtuous and honorific life of experience and joy. Freedom. Yet, true happiness in a rooted biological and human way, is seeing your new born child and ensuring his future with love and unity with a good wife. It is objective true, because happiness isn't relative, neither is true. Pagans aimed much more less for that, and much more to what you consider happiness.

>I guess they were very happy during the Black Death, as they all suffocated inside their cramped churches for their (((saviour))) to help them.

They weren't, just as any pagan in any pandemic in which neither any of their gods saved them. Christ died a jew, resurrected a Christian, faggot.

>Like… the Borg Collective?

>muuuh we must save the white raceee but nooo do not give yourself to the collective nooo strive for individual honor noooo

Like… the White Collective.

>Is that a point? Violent but not violent but still violent.

Kek, what a retard. Violent enough to defend yourself, not so violent that your only objective is to rob like a nigger without focusing in harvesting. (Like the nigger vikings did)

>Let me tell you, idiot


Roastie kek.

>If our Christian forefathers had applied even a hundredth of the stupid sermons found littered all across the Bible, we'd all be already dead by now, Europe swarmed with people of colour.

>literally the crusades were backed by biblical verses

>literally the Bible condemns race mixing

>literally the Bible calls for intolerance for evil

You don't know shit kek.

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ff92f1  No.138822



>So yes, we are actually fucking lucky that they quickly forgot all the bullshit said by the local priests as soon as they exited the church on sundays, and donned their armours to hack and slash through Moors, Mongols and Turks.

>doesn't know that priests were in such battles

>Not much, and it was very natural as they were white cults, with similar gods or close enough when they were adopted. Do you get the difference, kamarad?

>not much

It seems that you don't know how tribalism works. Once a stronger tribe defeats a weaker one, the Gods of the tribe that won are above the others Gods of the weaker tribe (Like a hierarchy), to a point in which, with time, end up forgotten. It was almost like a battle of Gods. Yet, I don't know how you can praise white homogeneity without a cultural and religious homogeneity kek. What do you want? Some multi-cultural, multi-religious shit? Are you a leftist liberal faggot or something?

>Cults were close enough

No they weren't kek.

>Also, I have no problem with war. We all die one day. I'd rather die being great at something than wasting my time praying like a granny with brittle bones to be "saved" from my back pains and sin.

The only thing that is great to die for is for family, not valhalla or some nigger shit.

>No. As much as it may surprise you, there were many, many different cults and pantheons exactly at the same time, all over Europe.

Okay, now it seems that you talk about Roman paganism. Well, to Rome, its God was Rome itself. There was absorption of cults and inclusion of Gods if they accepted the hegemony of Rome. It was very multi-cultural kek. But, all of that was irrelevant, because the glory of Rome was above all of that. It was a secular cult, an imperial cult. So, in that sense, it was imposed, and homogeneous in every territory of Rome. So, no.

>That, until the universal cult of Yahweh known as Christianity of course.

>implying Rome didn't had an universal cult of the Empire.

>More specifically Judeo-Christianity


>such oxymoron

>there were isolated groups that had their own take on the whole Krist personna that was totally at odds with the peace-loving Semitic poison, but it got completely overshadowed in the end.

>krist personna

>hey look how many gods what is your favorite let's choose whatever it suits you more!1!111

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7b4291  No.138833


>That Atheists aren't?

Mostly they aren't, same as all other brands of egalitarianism, "secularism" and marxism.

>a magical unseen judging-rating system to rank me from bad to good

Guess you must be euphoric on how enlightened and special you are about it since all succesful historical societies seemed to need it. The more secular a society becomes the more degeneracy you get and the less demographic growth you get. Even if it's a complete lie, religion in its traditional form, whether it is paganism, hinduism, buddhism or abrahamic cancer is an absolute necessity to social hygiene.


>Learn basic history, faggot.

That's like 4rth grade history classes in my country, what the fuck are you trying to prove?


Almost fully agreed except for shitting on positivism. Positivism and true empiricism are a priority target for (((western academics))). Anything that is trying to shit on the pursuit of an objective universally verifiable truth know there's always a kike behind.

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7b4291  No.138834

File: a6be451dd930d61⋯.jpg (37.43 KB, 1696x860, 424:215, KEK_CONSTELLATION.jpg)

File: 87f7e2f1e464c40⋯.jpg (258.53 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, KEK_star.jpg)

File: 28ed62d892d376c⋯.webm (2.77 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Kek_Manifest_on_Hillary_C….webm)

File: f5188ac64c6b953⋯.jpg (1.84 MB, 2148x3374, 1074:1687, kek26.jpg)

File: abde11fbcbde453⋯.png (728.65 KB, 636x899, 636:899, Kek_Anon_88.png)


Also checking my own doubledubs for Kek sends his message against fedora tipping through me.

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ff92f1  No.138851



The FR clearly had an advantage as far as I'm concerned: Jews overreached and failed to see how they lost a major tool there.

>lost major tool

So, your argument is the following. The Church was a tool of the jew (Even when it was very anti-semite). Then, the Church falls because of the FR (pro-semite), in which you say they overreached and failed to see that they lost a major tool (the anti-semite church), Like, you imply that the FR ended up not helping the jew even when it was pro-semite, and after their supposed tool is lost, they start to have power? It truly doesn't make any sense.

>It's intriguing really, to see how France, that almost literally gave birth to the Roman Catholic Church as we're used to know it, could very well be where it literally dies for good. Alpha and Omega.


Franks aren't french. It was the Carolingian Empire, and Charlemagne, who gave birth to the Papal State, not the Roman Catholic Church. The one who gave birth to the Roman Catholic Church was Constantine the Great.

>Sweet irony

I see, a pretentious faggot.

>If it makes you feel good calling any reference to true Adepts some LARPing bs, be my guest. You're just out of your league.

If it makes you feel good calling any reference to the historically anti-semite Catholic Church some christcuckery, be my guest. You're just out of your league.

>Or the more of the lesserer worsened.

Are you having a seizure?

>Yet an idea that was not unheard of in Nietzschean and National Socialist circles.

>Calling natsocs muslisms

Kek. What good did we gained from Nietzschean and National Socialist circles? The solidification of jewish power in Europe? Yes you might say that at least they fought, you that see fighting about a good legacy. What good legacy did WWII gave us? Israel? The death of millions of Europeans? The jewish false martyrdom? I'm a natcat, a Spanish Francoist, the last place in Europe in which without excessive bloodshell, there was something like an ethnostate, and economically flourished.

>There seems to be something that escapes you in the concept of a whitened, aryanized Islam: science too would have been elevated from the depths of goat-fuckery.

You don't seem to understand the nature of Islam. They enslaved Europeans for centuries. Wanting to have anything to do with such thing, even as aryanized or whitened, is an insult for the ancestors who fought against them, and suffered because of them.

>And Christianity didn't?

When? Killing some germanic pagans? The majority of them adopted it once they controlled Rome. By your logic, paganism attacked directly the white race, because vikings raided all of Europe, and had white slaves. Truly, to compare the islamic invasion, which was truly fucking barbaric, with the imposition of Christianity to pagans, shows your deep white niggerness. What a delusional retard.

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ff92f1  No.138852



>You should learn to read before typing.

And I read, and I still tell you that you would prefer something that represented an anti-european and anti-white sentiment, one of the most brutal, rather than something that as a long history of pro-european and pro-white sentiment. It is so pathetic kek.

>Yes it is. Unless you're desperate (like Goebbels who knew what was coming for his family), you're going through some severe mental contortions to kill what you love.

To consider someone your enemy is something personal, backed upon a yearning of good. You hate what you love, because to hate, there needs to be an idea of what good it could be with such enemy. To truly not love, not yearn any good with your opposition, you must dehumanize it totally, and that's not healthy, it goes against nature.


Consider reading what I said about loving your enemies in this post.

>So (((God))) is the enemy.

God is the platonic idea of perfection, the perfect Father, the Creator. Such strive for perfection is what defined our culture. God is anti-semite, because the semites betrayed God. They are a cursed people. This was the mentality catholics had almost all their history, except this recent cucked times.

>Yeah… but here you're being dishonest because we're not talking about loving God, but loving the horde of savages who are about to cross the river to ransack your little town and rape your daughter before taking your son away and turn him into an eunuch.

Even in such situation, love them, and do not despair. Love is a weapon. Love makes you implacable, because even when the worst happens, your aim is still for Love. And Love, is Justice. Love them, so you can think clearly, and be efficient. Love them, so you can lie telling the truth, to subvert them worse than a jew and kill them in the most relentless way. Love is the greatest weapon to destroy your enemies.

>It literally does not follow.

What does not follow? 80 years ago, the Church didn't preach such degeneracy. Only 80 years ago. The church is the thing with most experience, and the most recent in being good.

>Everything includes metaphysics

I'm not into esoteric shit. I don't believe in occultism.

>AKA your faith is being drained by a parasite and you are disconnected from your true God(s

Look, there is no proof of such realm. The thing about religions, if we judge them materialistically, is about the adaptation of the individual with his collective, and much more. It's about utility, and christian dogmas, bases and values are way more useful than many gods with their human-like stories. I already wrote about it in this thread.




>Dump this Yeshua rabbi, wander a bit with this void of faith you must experience, and then you'll see something better grow inside of you, freed from the parasite. I understand it can be scary, this journey into the unknown. It is, truly. But you must do it.

>But you must do it

Vade retro Satana

>This is /pol/, not faggatru.

I said it as an example of the subversion of everything, including paganism.

>No. Only the current Western World.

Is there anything more than the western world? Kek. Westernized countries are jewed too. China is obviously jewed too. So, it is.

>Exact. Which should be enough to know who was behind it in large parts.

Who? Not the Church, because it was an anticlerical movement. The ones who were behind it were enlighten philosophers, and jewish anglos.


>Good for us overall, ironically, despite the heavy price.


>France becomes a jew center in mainland Europe even tho Angloland was already jewed

>France becomes the port of niggerland in Algeria and start bring them into France because they see them as exotic

>good overall

>Unfortunately, quickly replaced by niggerism, as already observed at the end of the 19th century (yes, that early).

Because it wasn't fucking good overall, white nigger.

>They are at the forefront of literally everything wrong about the Western World.

>still preaches the FR

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ff92f1  No.138854


>shitting on positivism. Positivism and true empiricism are a priority target for (((western academics))). Anything that is trying to shit on the pursuit of an objective universally verifiable truth know there's always a kike behind.

With positivism I was referencing to psychological positivism, about only thinking good things like a child and ignoring anything bad, not philosophical positivism. True is not relative, but absolute, universal, and the way to prove it is with the scientific method and critical thinking. God is the absolute Truth (In faith), and the seek for such objective universally verifiable truth is pretty Catholic, because it is seeking for God.

Also, checked

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7b4291  No.138862

File: 3cdb2d31038727a⋯.jpg (224.91 KB, 858x1669, 858:1669, Kek_on_nerubian.jpg)

File: 70a3747a26e5a20⋯.jpg (70.38 KB, 540x371, 540:371, kekavalry.jpg)

File: cd4101f193360de⋯.png (125.16 KB, 1009x507, 1009:507, Ammit_teaches_pol_how_to_s….png)


Not anywhere near being convinced about absolute non-pragmatic moral paradigms, even less so metaphysical, supernatural, monotheistic and even less so (((Abrahamic))) ones, you leave me with no much ground for disagreement. To repeat myself, even though I personally view the whole religion thing as semi-artificial bullshit (semi- because its basis is a product of nature through natural selection) it's multple times over proven to be socially and to individuals' psyche not only beneficial but nearly necessary, while secularism invariably leads to ideological monstrosities like marxism, amoralism and ultimately societal collapse wether internal or by conquest, usually both.

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ff840f  No.139105

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ff840f  No.139106


>Kek, no one in their entire lives has become a lion no much how they believed

True, human beings are far far more ferocious and bloodthirsty than even the most savage lion could ever dream of being. What lion can rival the power of a B52 dropping 1500lb earthquake bombs that shatter the ear drums and pop the eyeballs of people 6 miles from the impact zone?

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ff840f  No.139127


While I'm not going to defend the Jacobins or the Bolsheviks or the Maoist imbeciles for one instant I must say that counterposing Christians to them isn't really very wise either. The 30 years war, La Guerre de Trente Ans was nothing if not a war of religion. It was responsible for the deaths of half the population of what is now Germany. I don't see that having the moral scaffolding of Christianity pounded into our heads has really done much for or against the human predilection for violence and bloodshed.

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b216ac  No.139376

File: 1162643e674c434⋯.jpg (22.13 KB, 490x288, 245:144, luke22_36.jpg)

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ff840f  No.139381

File: 565de48b1dee37f⋯.jpg (88.02 KB, 367x512, 367:512, unnamed.jpg)


What's the point of having a sword if you're not supposed to use it?

10 Then Simon Peter having a sword drew it, and smote the high priest's servant, and cut off his right ear. The servant's name was Malchus.

11 Then said Jesus unto Peter, Put up thy sword into the sheath: the cup which my Father hath given me, shall I not drink it?

— John 18:10–11

50 And one of them smote the servant of the high priest, and cut off his right ear.

51 And Jesus answered and said, Suffer ye thus far. And he touched his ear, and healed him.

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2cb2f2  No.139410


One day, anon. . . . one day…

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ac203f  No.139451


Jesus wasn't saying never use the sword, he told them to use the sword to make sure that prophecy was fulfilled, the jews and romans who came to arrest him were unwittingly fulfilling his work on earth.

Jesus was using non violence strategically, that strategy was to become a martyr and the lamb of God all at once so that he could redeem mankind.

This command of non violence was very specific to this situation and upon great reflection would only be a valid excuse for non violence were it to fulfill prophecy.

You can call it a shit strategy but Christendom has covered the entire globe.

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3a1e15  No.139493

File: 6f4a85125288c4d⋯.png (1.35 MB, 640x960, 2:3, wsan_1l.png)


I guess it isn't the same, but the purple muddle my mind.

OK, mods are officially fucking faggots, every god damn IP is fucking banned. Even for non-dost shit it's fucking 1-5 year bans. kys.

Also, how the fuck is bmp not a known file extension?

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ff840f  No.139495


I wish webp was included in there. All the pics in image search will soon be webp and it's a pain in the ass to have to convert them every time

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ff840f  No.139497

File: 02701e934978903⋯.jpg (56.06 KB, 697x396, 697:396, If_90ecbd_5960502.jpg)


>>Sell clothes to buy sword.

>>Don't use sword, senpai.

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6ed0d0  No.140051


>Jesus wasn't saying never use the sword, he told them to use the sword to make sure that prophecy was fulfilled, the jews and romans who came to arrest him were unwittingly fulfilling his work on earth.

Most convoluted prophecy/plan ever. A few rabbis arrange for the murder of another wandering rabbi by the hand of a Roman prefect. There go your sins!

He could have picked a sword and attacked these "sinful" Jews or something, to prove his point and show he was willing to fight and die to save the people of Earth because they failed to worship a local Jewish god. Come on this tale is so ridiculous.

>You can call it a shit strategy but Christendom has covered the entire globe.

We can safely assume that you suck at geography then. It has also managed to make the negro the equal of the white man, being obsessed about converting even the most primitive man one could ever find behind the remotest bush.

Good job!

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2e65be  No.140053



>implying this character existed

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6ed0d0  No.140054

the christard in this thread is insufferable to the highest level – probably the best part being where he goes on about "you love what you hate" and jumps through hoops to prove his 4d argument

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ff840f  No.140071


Not in his defense but in an attempt to explain why he, like so many, use this kind of perverse non logic in their lives; the (((media))) is full of this shit. I noticed it as early as 1968 with the old original Star Trek TV shows and that's why I never watched it. To this day I've noticed that Trekkies are borderline obese pretentious twats that aren't worth the time of day to talk to precisely because in their minds this is the kind of shit that passes for wisdom.

Women love this kind of shit too; I was working in this office and one day on a coffee break this stupid broad with a hot body and really blond blond non bleached hair was talking about going to this bar, and I mentioned to her that it was the drinking hole of really evil scum.

She gave me her best snooty look and replied;

"I believe that if you go someplace with goodness in your heart people will be good, and that if you go someplace with evil in your heart, people will be evil". Evidently she and her friends nodding in assent regarded this as a devastating put down for me. A couple weeks later she was complaining about going to some other nightclub on the weekend where big tit surly WOP broads and Sikh cunts went to party and they were bumping her and her girlfriends hard on the dance floor and throwing glasses of beer on their dresses. I replied; "you must have gone there with evil in your heart; if you'd gone there with goodness in your heart they would have been good".

How she glared at me; her friends were astounded. I might just as well have explained to her some abstruse principle on overloading variables in C++.

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ff840f  No.140143


Yoda wisdom.

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d7d624  No.140169

Catholicism condemns ideologies as we know them. They only came about because of the revolution. Even Napoleon said of idelogues LIKE YOU SEE on this board and on /Leftypol/ that they are misguided intellectuals. Oblivious of what they are doing. By nature idelogies seek to put men above God, not God above men, I.E creature over Creator, Creator over creature.


your friends at /Christian/

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d7d624  No.140170

File: a524f97a1b7783e⋯.jpg (14.08 KB, 301x167, 301:167, Lady_of_Las_lajas.jpg)


The majority of historian on both side agree he did exist. Whether he was divine or not…is another matter. But consider some miracles that have been done. Pic related, the image is a physical part of the rock itself. They have tested it

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d7d624  No.140173




The real truth of the world is THIS. It is FALLEN. it always has been. To make a utopia in this fallen world is like putting cosmetics on cow dung. We are entering a time of mass apostasy. One should consider a fact of tradition in traditional catholicism : there is no set era. Basically you go back to the turn of the 20th century, they would be asking to go back to the 19th, and then the 18th, basically to when Jesus was alive. But that was progressive for its time as He bucked the traditions of the Prieshood. In the Church we analyze scripture in 4 ways,: the literal (historical) and the spiritual: allegorical, the tropological (or moral), and the anagogical

IOW What does it mean for the Church, what does it mean for me, what does it mean for eternity

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dae05d  No.140189



I am a Third Positionist/Fascist myself, but I agree with you that fascism and Christianity cannot go hand in hand. Though i might ask, how can Christianity save us from our current situation. It seems to me that you reactionary Christians are weary about using state power. At least in a fascist state, Christians will have protections. Also, what are your thoughts on Evola?

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7b4291  No.140233

File: 4904e2cac1c3e82⋯.png (147.92 KB, 500x513, 500:513, Christians_and_Pagans_for_….png)

File: e3a7567e9dd7e4f⋯.png (491.2 KB, 691x503, 691:503, cns_pope_mass_refugees2_jp….png)


National socialism is not an ideology, is refined tribalism and our nature adapted into a modern technologically, culturally and philosophically advanced environment. Religion is also part of natural instict and psychological needs but Abrahamic kikery in specific isn't. Christianity might at some point in the distant past had been beneficial to European nations survival, prosperity and social hygiene but it has long been subverted into a stepstone for tolerating degeneracy. Religion is only welcome when it benefits one's people, not when it's directly harmful to them.

tl:dr: Crusades, (((Witch))) Hunt and Inquisition or GTFO this board.

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ff840f  No.140234

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Christopher Hitchens saw fascism in Europe in the 1930's as the secret political wing of the Roman Catholic Church

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878062  No.140367


an ideology that saves the people is good, it does not have to pretend being above God but it cna be about bringing people closer to survival and God at once


>But consider some miracles that have been done

you don't rebuild ears, you don't resurrect people and babies are not born out of virgins

it is very convenient that as none of these miracles can be reproduced, christians would argue that only the one guy who was capable of doing this died a long time ago and you have to believe (((hearsay)))

how long will we keep on with this childish charade?

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878062  No.140369


and he was a moron then because fascism was barely supported in Italy itself and stood fiercely against nazis

there is a cancer in Europe and it's called Vatican

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878062  No.140371


>The real truth of the world is THIS. It is FALLEN.

says who? a bunch of illiterate Roman kikes who wrote stuff many centuries ago?

stop selling your shit cult here thx - traditional catholicism is the one that spent centuries crushing pagans because they didn't believe in a kike in the sky and in his son a rabbi who pissed off people in a little known town no European would have any reason to give a shit about, Ierushalaim

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ff840f  No.140372

File: e2689c6983e291c⋯.jpg (22.15 KB, 320x252, 80:63, 6a00d8341e3a7753ef017d418c….jpg)

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878062  No.140373


>At least in a fascist state, Christians will have protections.

no? they will have the same protections as any other white person, because of race, not belief –

a fascist state that would protect a cult centered on a bunch of fabulating suicidal kikes would be a considerable failure through and thorough

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878062  No.140374


absolutely out of context, please learn history –

this was early on and only about calculations from which the church retracted –

we have many statements of the church that go against a support of nazi germany

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878062  No.140378


>Christianity might at some point in the distant past had been beneficial to European nations survival, prosperity and social hygiene but it has long been subverted into a stepstone for tolerating degeneracy


you get things wrong, it simply made its what Europeans were already doing, as they certainly did not wait for the insane cult of a rabbi to tell people how to behave, build wonders and stay clean

the greatest achievement of christianity is how it managed to make Europeans believe that our ancestors were inbred morons with no sense of honor, justice, virtue or any decent spirituality

truly sickening, people know so little about their own roots

it's even more despicable when you understand that the christians were for centuries nothing more but a bunch of antifas –

one could look into the destruction wrought by christian activists in and out of Rome even before the religion became the de facto official and obligatory imperial cult!

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407409  No.140391

File: 8291d57fb37718f⋯.jpeg (616.84 KB, 1754x1618, 877:809, mithras.jpeg)

File: d6de44fcbec1578⋯.png (32.09 KB, 703x256, 703:256, fiery_hell.png)


You know it would happen anyway.

Christ would happen without jews even existing because of Alexander going out and about.

Rome had a huge problem nobody talks about, it had a surge of bunch of cults contesting for power. Christians as we know today only one of the cults that "won" public opinion and crushed their Gnostic "brothers". Zoroastrians also tried to co-opt rome with Mithras. Greeks were trying to push Dionysus (whose legend partly influenced Christ, so they probably joined it), there was also cult of Apollo (patron god of Augustus) which influenced most of theology of Holy Spirit in christianity. And despite Plato saying "all Gods must be praised", it was not a popular opinion among the Greek/Roman Pagans. They were divisive and making favorites in their cult gods, and some were worshiped more than others and becoming more personal.

I do agree however Jesus was the worst case scenario in our history. It would be best if God was actually white man, and not a Semite tied to insidious YHWH, no matter what kind of morality was preached.

However there are few wildly acceptable things christianity gave "white" civilization:

1. Homophobia first and foremost, just like it wasn't a thing in China and Japan, where Indian Buddhism and Daoist thought were spreading, they were never influenced with idea of killing gays. Simply because religion never established thought similar to jewish laws or words of Apostle Paul.

2. Hate of jealousy of other religions, iconoclast against paganism and constant hate of each other for even daring to change doctrines, which caused wars between east and west, and Protestantism cancer, because jealous God of Israel condemned heretics same way he condemned the goyim (gentiles). If you haven't got it already the attitude a christian is supposed to have towards a heretic is implied to be same attitude jews have towards the goyim.

3. As in morality: Submissive attitude towards government, law being implied to be given from "god", even evil rulers, submissiveness towards enemies by those who seriously invest reading what morality Jesus taught and actually influenced modern thought of unspeakable words because Jesus said those who call others insane deserve a fiery hyena. Be happy you get crucified basically or die for him, and he serves as example of that social suicide submission and a symbol for it.

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ecda7e  No.140475

File: dc3b8a4d3681a9c⋯.jpeg (281.32 KB, 1024x689, 1024:689, 9FB36B04_F0E6_4201_95C1_D….jpeg)

This entire thread is dumb. it’s just based on “you’re a nigger lover” “no u”. It’s always like this, and it will always be like this because it’s a known wedge that the feds and shills use to destroy cohesion and fracture the movement. But then again, I guess it shows my own dumbassery that I’m even commenting on it. /pol/‘s Death was a good thing, because those who are truly awake don’t sit on their ass, they do something. Not larping as le based tradcath or le heathen odinist, but live a decent life, have white kids that they instill pride in race and nation into, and God willing, are able to have white grandchildren. Literally the only good threads rn are the no fap and the gun thread. If you can be a good person, get a family, be successful and defend your home, all without selling out, whatever God there might be will bless you.

TL;DR: Saged.

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6d0f2d  No.140490


Its all great until people start question if message of the God of Israel is as important as a race. And when God of Israel supersedes, a man says stupid shit like that god-fearing negro could marry his daughter. If you ever read Paul of Tarsus of Savitri Devi you would know what actual nationalists feel about it. As well as Friedrich Delitzsch notion of "Hebrew Bible was irredeemably "contaminated" by Babylonian influence and that only by eliminating the human Old Testament entirely could Christians finally believe in the true, Aryan message of the New Testament." Both can attest that nothing about it is perfect, even if people preach positive christianity its still a ticking time bomb.

I wouldn't put it past to at least form those two notions say that four gospels themselves aren't primordially bad for general outlook, but morality preached in them is terminally submissive. Even indian religion had notion of slayed person not actually being slayed and that a man has to perform his caste duty, so it is dishonorable not to kill if you're a soldier. But in this case we have extreme levels of universal morality, almost to jain levels of non-violence, except excluding animals because western man cannot actually survive without meat, those idiots allowed meat and wine exactly because they know it wouldn't survive with such new norms for Romans. It went retarded in the past breaking itself in contradiction with practicality of hypocrisy in order for european countries to actually do their pesky conquering duties, but heretic remains a heretic, and people with different believes will be hated under christianity, children will hate their superstitious boomer parents and constantly create conflict, even if this time without torches.

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ff840f  No.140491

File: 6a5250d82de2136⋯.jpg (13.98 KB, 304x202, 152:101, AR_305159960.jpg)

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ecda7e  No.140532

File: 710fadff6b76ec9⋯.jpeg (208.35 KB, 950x686, 475:343, 35EAE711_F517_41D8_A660_C….jpeg)


Your response is actually quite reasonable, but I remember that “Positive Christianity” was a sort of half baked attempt to wean people off Christianity and into the Religon of the Reich. It was never supposed to be a permanent thing, and most of the members seemed to be weak willed and nutty (iir most of them ended up getting jobs at the same liberal theology schools that destroyed what little good was in German Christianity anyways).

But what you said about Christianity being a corrosive timebomb of passivity is interesting, because Nietzsche said as much in Will to Power:

> If one wish to see an affirmative Aryan religion which is the product of a ruling class, one should read the law-book of Manu. (The deification of the feeling of power in the Brahmin: it is interesting to note that it originated in the warrior-caste, and was later transferred to the priests.)

If one wish to see an affirmative religion of the Semitic order, which is the product of the ruling class, one should read the Koran or the earlier portions of the Old Testament. (Mohammedanism, as a religion for men, has profound contempt for the sentimentality and prevarication of Christianity, … which, according to Mohammedans, is a woman's religion.)

If one wish to see a negative religion of the Semitic order, which is the product of the oppressed class, one should read the New Testament (which, according to Indian and Arian points of view, is a religion for the Chandala).

If one wish to see a negative Arian religion, which is the product of the ruling classes, one should study Buddhism.

It is quite in the nature of things that we have no Arian religion which is the product of the oppressed classes; for that would have been a contradiction: a race of masters is either paramount or else it goes to the dogs.

I’m not advocating for Islam at all, indeed it is best for us to find our own Modern spirituality, but notice how Islam was for years “just another funny sandnigger” Religon and then BAM the Islamic Revolution happens in Iran and like a switch the Jihad is on. Just like Nietzsche said, and what you said, a Religon founded by warriors will have a warrior’s spirit. And that’s why OP sucks dicks. No matter how many Charlemagnes and Francos that may come out of Catholicism, it will always be tiny little Francis of Assisi and Mother Theresa that the church will ask their laity to emulate. The book of Revelation may promise a bloodbath, but “don’t worry, Jesus is going to do it some time in the future, you just sit tight and be cute and gentle :)” The fact is, the ideal Religon for the white race would be something like Hinduism or perhaps a less inclusive Sikhism, but like I said before, niggers who go around saying “Christianity is the Religon of the white man” or “follow your ancestors path and forget the hippie kike” on here are just trying to stir up conflict and divide the movement. People are gonna choose what they choose, and if you attack them on it, you drive them away. What we should be doing is working with what we got, and fighting this battle together as much as possible. Pray, yes, but don’t expect that your prayers will be answered by some angels coming down and you just sitting back. God gave you the tools to fight, so fight. God gave you the tools to make white children, so make white children. God gave you knowledge, so use it. Live a life of a warrior-Saint, and you will be a warrior saint to those who know.

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0e6d62  No.140627


>Christians as we know today only one of the cults that "won" public opinion and crushed their Gnostic "brothers".

it does not raise your suspicious meter that of all the cults and religions, the one that was kept and managed to rise above others was the one that was heavily reworked to gather Hellenistic Jews and much of the Jewish literature? to push for radically challenging and offensive morals that would be found almost nowhere else in the major other pagan religions? or, in other words, how come did the jews manage to be so overrepresented? the same story repeated itself in Russia through bolshevism, with the red jews opposing their orthodox and exclusive jews –

the shekels had already found their way


there is no "phobia" and ancient Greeks and Scandinavians already had enough laws or customs against sodomites

>Hate of jealousy of other religions

i wonder if i read this wrongly, not sure what you mean here–

religious tensions largely or, possibly, only rose as different people were present in the same large city (Rome)

christianity is certainly not shy of lacking any tolerance towards other religions, the old testament literally has quotations about God's jealousy


there have been several attempts to dissociate the christ figure from the jewish messiah


>This entire thread is dumb. it’s just based on “you’re a nigger lover” “no u”. It’s always like this, and it will always be like this because it’s a known wedge that the feds and shills use to destroy cohesion and fracture the movement.

are u saying the nazis were feds too?

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0e6d62  No.140632


>Hebrew Bible was irredeemably "contaminated" by Babylonian influence and that only by eliminating the human Old Testament entirely could Christians finally believe in the true, Aryan message of the New Testament

this is incorrect! if anything it is the old testament that has the most aryanity in it and strikes closer to natural laws and truth, with the nt being a homospin

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0e6d62  No.140633


Imagine if Staline and Hitler had signed some kind of contract, on some sheet of paper. It would surely mean that Staline was a nazi.

www.theguardian.com/world/2020/mar/01/unsealing-vatican-archive-reveal-hitler-truth-pope-pius-xii – once you filter the shit about the holohoax, "Hitler's pope", the plight of Jews and such rubbish, here's what remains

>Although there is a lot of testimony showing that the church did protect Jews in Rome, when more than 1,000 were rounded up on 16 October 1943 and held for two days adjacent to the Vatican

>Mary Vincent, professor of modern European history at Sheffield University, said that much of the criticism of Pius Xll lacked nuance. “He was a careful, austere and quite unlikable man, trying to steer a path through almost impossible circumstances. He had clear views about what he saw as the threat of Soviet communism, and his view of Italian fascism was quite a bit softer.

pius XII: Italian fascism? a bit better than Soviet communism, but barely

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0e6d62  No.140634


>an encyclical of Pope Pius XI, issued during the Nazi era on 10 March 1937 (but bearing a date of Passion Sunday, 14 March). Written in German, not the usual Latin, it was smuggled into Germany for fear of censorship and was read from the pulpits of all German Catholic churches on one of the Church's busiest Sundays, Palm Sunday (21 March that year).

>Following the Nazi takeover, the Catholic Church hierarchy in Germany initially attempted to co-operate with the new government, but by 1937 had become highly disillusioned. A threatening, though initially mainly sporadic persecution of the Catholic Church followed the Nazi takeover. Hitler moved quickly to eliminate Political Catholicism. Two thousand functionaries of the Bavarian People's Party were rounded up by police in late June 1933, and that party, along with the national Catholic Centre Party, ceased to exist in early July. Vice Chancellor Franz von Papen meanwhile negotiated the Reichskonkordat Treaty with the Vatican, which prohibited clergy from participating in politics.

>The Reichskonkordat (English: Reich Concordat) was signed on 20 July 1933 between the Holy See and Germany. According to historian Pinchas Lapide, the Nazis saw the treaty as giving them moral legitimacy and prestige, whilst the Catholic Church sought to protect itself from persecution through a signed agreement.

>According to Guenter Lewy, a common view within Church circles at the time was that Nazism would not last long, and the favorable Concordat terms would outlive the current regime (the Concordat does remain in force today).

>Pius then affirmed the articles of faith that Nazi ideology was attacking. He stated that true belief in God could not be reconciled with race, people or state raised beyond their standard value to idolatrous levels.

idolatrous levels meaning some Whites actually being aware of the great importance of the blood in the quality of a people and its culture, but the church was cuking at full speed by saying that one could identify as of a given race, but it stopped there

>In Divini Redemptoris, he [Pius XI] condemned communism once again, while in Mit brennender Sorge he criticized racism in carefully measured words. As Peter Godman has pointed out, this was a political decision that ignored the immorality of Nazi racism as it had been discerned by in-house committees at the Vatican. … the encyclical stepped lightly around the issue of racism so as to keep the Concordat intact.

like racism = bad but the church was too afraid to say it openly and ruin the concordat

>Whoever identifies, by pantheistic confusion, God and the universe, by either lowering God to the dimensions of the world, or raising the world to the dimensions of God, is not a believer in God. Whoever follows that so-called pre-Christian Germanic conception of substituting a dark and impersonal destiny for the personal God, denies thereby the Wisdom and Providence of God.

burn ye pagans!

>Vidmar wrote that the encyclical condemned particularly the paganism of the national-socialist ideology, the myth of race and blood, and the fallacy of their conception of God. It warned Catholics that the growing Nazi ideology, which exalted one race over all others, was incompatible with Catholic Christianity.

monkey = white

>None but superficial minds could stumble into concepts of a national God, of a national religion;

not allowed to have a god of whites, yahweh shall rule them all

>Historian Garry Wills, in the context of Jews having traditionally been described as deicides, says that the encyclical affirms " 'Jesus received his human nature from a people who crucified him' – not some Jews, but the Jewish people" and that it was also Pius XI who had disbanded the Catholic organization "Friends of Israel" that had campaigned to have the charge of deicide dropped

you killed our jew, jews!

>Should any man dare, in sacrilegious disregard of the essential differences between God and His creature, between the God-man and the children of man, to place a mortal, were he the greatest of all times, by the side of, or over, or against, Christ, he would deserve to be called prophet of nothingness, to whom the terrifying words of Scripture would be applicable: "He that dwelleth in heaven shall laugh at them" (Psalms ii. 3)

you're not allowed to attribute godhood to a human like we did with this rabbi!

you also have to laugh at the church claiming to be defenders of the natural law, a disgusting hypocrisy if there is any!

you should read the entire page by yourselves, okay?

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0e6d62  No.140635


>Faulhaber was a major contributor to the only Papal encyclical ever written in German (in the hopes of having a greater impact on the offenders), Mit brennender Sorge.

>Faulhaber spent three nights working a draft which condemned the Nazi's idolization of race and state.

>The encyclical sought to undercut the Nazi's attempt to alter Christianity to support racism

>One historian praised Faulhaber as "one of the most fearless" German churchmen who in pastoral letters and sermons "denounced in no uncertain terms the treatment of Jews, the theories of German christians, and various actions of the Nazis" and that he noted the "debt of Christianity to the Jews".

>Rabbi David G. Dalin has described him as "a famous opponent of the Nazis".

>One historian of modern Germany described him as "the most articulate anti-Nazi in the Catholic hierarchy".

>Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, a noted American voice for the Jewish cause during the war, called Faulhaber "a true Christian prelate", saying he tried to protect Jews when he "had lifted his fearless voice".

>The German hierarchy was wary of the precariousness of deals with the government, Faulhaber observing, "With the concordat we are hanged, without the concordat we are hanged, drawn and quartered".

>He felt that "a pistol had been held to his head" and he was negotiating "with the devil himself."

and this is quite a pity since both sides were on nearly the same page, it seems, regarding bolshevism

>The Catholic Church opposed then, as now, sterilization. When the Nazis proposed introducing compulsory sterilization of people afflicted with certain diseases or disabilities in January 1934 he again protested.

babies should be allowed God's down syndrome gift

>It was typical policy of the Church to sign Concordats with the nations of Europe and the Church had signed dozens of treaties with all sorts of European nations in the decades prior. The Concordat also sought protection for Catholics when the influence of their traditional protector, the Centre Party, had waned (the party was established when Pius IX was Pope to defend Catholics during Chancellor Otto von Bismarck's anti-Catholic program, the Kulturkampf, but by the time of signing of the Concordat the party had lost influence and had been dissolved even before the signing)

>In 1949 the council of the Landesverband der Israelitischen Kultusgemeinde in Bayern (Regional Union of Israelitic [Jewish] Communities in Bavaria) thanked Faulhaber with the following words:

> As representatives of the Bavarian Jewish synagogues, we will never forget how you, honourable Mister Cardinal, in the years after 1933, with unseen courage, have defended the ethics of the Old Testament from your pulpits, and how you saved thousands of Jewish persons from terror and lethal violence.

>In "We Remember: A Reflection of the Shoah", a declaration issued by the Vatican in 1998, Faulhaber's Advent sermons of 1933 were praised for their rejection of "Nazi anti-Semitic propaganda"

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0e6d62  No.140639


>The fact is, the ideal Religon for the white race would be something like Hinduism or perhaps a less inclusive Sikhism, but like I said before, niggers who go around saying “Christianity is the Religon of the white man” or “follow your ancestors path and forget the hippie kike” on here are just trying to stir up conflict and divide the movement.

you made a fine post then this

what movement? fight for the race contains the words fight and race–

nothing in christianity encourages you to do so against other people, as christianity is a peace-bent cult of unity

it is christianity that brought division through subversion

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ff840f  No.140670

File: 56374c5e7abbc2d⋯.jpg (24.12 KB, 303x499, 303:499, 51U_lN0ZtbL_SX301_BO1_204_….jpg)


The other problem with Christianity, (and your post about the insidious nature of the jews reminded me of this) is that Catholics, and by extension the Protestants deliberately turned their backs on the east. They live in this imaginary world where Europe is a "continent" whereas in reality it's a peninsula on the continent of Asia. This is OK to a degree in the ancient world where travel is difficult but now it's disastrous. We don't understand the true links between Europe, say and China and India. Even if you read Marco Polo you don't understand it at all. Marco Polo didn't discover anything new. That trade route goes back at least 4000 years and even though it's not talked about it's my growing belief that the Jews were all over that shit more than anybody. They were managing it running it. This made them incredibly worldly, cosmopolitan as it were, while we sit there telling ourselves that being unworldly and static are somehow virtuous. That's another legacy of the Christian faith. This self crippling attitude puts us at an immense disadvantage to the gypses on steroids. We're rubes and they're the slickers.

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b88486  No.140744

File: 03ad0cad4332ae0⋯.png (585.19 KB, 568x771, 568:771, 958632B5_E2D6_4FCF_BBF5_D8….png)

(Previous posts were from cell data at work, am home now thus the different IP)


What I meant was that for better or for worse, most white ethnic nationalists and fascists are Christian or Pagan, and we need both working together for the common goal of destroying our enemies and making a world that is stable and in proper order. I’ve said before about the wedge, Christianity vs. Paganism is just going to weaken that cohesion. When white children are dying in the streets and the governments of the world are more kiked than ever, whether Jesus or Odin is the right god for us isn’t important. We can deal with that later. To also address >>140627, I don’t see how this really has to do with the German NS, but in their case, it was sort of the same deal. Rosenberg and Himmler on one side and Walter Grundmann and Bertram on the other, the spiritual influence of the Reich was pretty murky and uncertain, which is understandable due to the relative youth of their government and that anyone who could get on a higher up’s good side and remain patriotic to the Party being allowed a platform. What ultimately mattered for them was that they wanted to unite all German people under one empire, and to expand their power as far as they could.

I do agree, however, that Christianity does have at its core a weak, semetic kind of morality, but that’s part of its Jewish lineage. If you can stomach reading Josephus, you would know that the Pharisees and Saducees were always bickering and disagreeing who had the TRUE form of Yahweh dick sucking. And to be fair, had Nietzsche known that basically the entire Old Testament was a sham cooked up to make the Polytheistic Israelite subset of Canaanites into monotheists, it would have been obvious the whole semetic line is tainted. Ideally, as I started to imply, the faith of the future white race might be a return to Vedic/Indo-European polytheism and ancestor worship, or perhaps a monotheistic faith with an emphasis on the warrior and duty to family, but actually getting the average white person to actually follow it when Christianity and Consumeristic Atheism still has a vast majority of them serving the Jew is slim to none (especially when the average idea of a “white Hindu/pagan” is either a braindead Hare Krishna, a dumb ass fed wanting to shut white advocacy down, or a hedonistic hippie)

TL;DR: if you can somehow pull of making every single white person on the planet to follow a single religion, knock yourself out, but expect pushback and little turnout. Work with what you got.

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ff840f  No.140747


> Work with what you got.

I agree; fussing over some imaginary construct that you cling to, just so you can have some sort of formal structure to build a moral framework on, moreover a moral framework that will be tossed aside into the garbage by the overwhelming majority the instant there is some pressing economic need, war emergency or even lustful object of desire is a huge waste of time and energy. There is a certain real world level of sanitation, of sanity that we crave for that is far more important. Is it important that niggers abandon animism for Catholicism or Presbyterianism? Not really, not if they're not intelligent enough to understand that it's far more important for them to build a workable sewer system at least at the level of say the Roman Empire's technology.

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a0cdbb  No.140906


then it is time for an aryan revolution of global proportions, of a unity and organization as aware of the rest of the world as it is extremely protective of its core, genetically, culturally AND territorially, with a greater objective to prepare man for a life among the stars, both physically and metaphysically –

and let's try not to cuck like the atlanteans did, it would be much preferable… after all, who would be so fond of giant waves, uh?

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a0cdbb  No.140910


>I’ve said before about the wedge, Christianity vs. Paganism is just going to weaken that cohesion.

perhaps, but then in the future we will have to part ways or wage a war of purification to finish off christianity once and for all or crush it under such taxes that it will be a nominal effort for old christians to finally make the jump into the new age

>When white children are dying in the streets and the governments of the world are more kiked than ever, whether Jesus or Odin is the right god for us isn’t important

on the contra', it is

this is not even (((jesus))) who matters here but the possibly purified christ element and what has been made of it: in pagan lore the typically feminine attributes are handled by godesses and they still were found to be quite ruthless no matter what, but in christianity we have a man who acts as the worst leftist woman ever, a semitic buddhist, of convenient tales fit for the crass rabble

this is not to say that there was not an affliction of some kind that hit most religions around 600~500 bc, evidenced by those stories of gods birthing out of virgins reeks of hardcore feminism–

but you think we would do our kids any good by shoving more of those terrible "christianisms" into their heads? it's but a temporary state this allowance, this tolerance of christians, because they live in a world of duplicity and there, who would want to live with such people, have them as allies? they who must lie to themselves, who are torn apart between racial and divine instincts on the one side, and a porridge of deleterious principles they can't shake off on the other? a religion that condemns this world, this nature, this creation and its laws, wishing for a paradigm for the weak and meek to be kings in: because here, right now, expands without a doubt a world where competition is at the core of everything and survival the most important objective before all–

this is where we fight, learn, explore, feel, destroy and create; a place to accrue fame and wisdom

what to decide between a path of rejection and cowardice wherein pride is a crime, and the one where God's Plan is actually revealed in all its glory?

>Cattle die, kindred die,

>Every man is mortal:

>But I know one thing that never dies,

>The glory of the great dead

wherein everyone must strive to become a hero of his own kind, of his own epic saga, or at least find a great and good master to serve so as to accrue a form of karmic boon from any merits said master would gain throughout his life, according to one's own abilities and purpose in life; no one is meant to be a warrior, there is no shame in this either, there is room for builders, poets, explorers, cooks, etc.–

what is the point of existence if it is to be eternally passive junkie, being served a daily shot of bliss 24/7? why would God even bother creating such entities to begin with? where is the fun there? the usefulness?

so shall we side with the religion that takes us into a routine of submission? telling us not to resist evil, to show the other cheek and accept being beaten like a dog, not seeking prodigious vengeance, loving one's enemies?

>Where you recognize evil, speak out against it

>And give no truces to your enemies

truth being said, i've already heard enough talks about christians who so are but only in name, including priests sticking with the routine because it gives them a purpose and a clear objective even if it does not fill them with grace at all

love is just as sacred as hatred, and each must be given in good measure to those who deserve one or the other: there is no room in my heart for those who seek the death of my people and the destruction of my culture

>It is not constructive to hate those of other races, or even those of mixed races.

>But a separation must be maintained for the survival of one’s own race.

>One must, however, hate with a pure and perfect hatred those of one’s own race

>who commit treason against one’s own kind and against the nations of one’s own kind.

>One must hate with perfect hatred all those People or practices which destroy one’s People,

>one’s culture, or the racial exclusiveness of one’s territorial imperative.

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65d0e2  No.140953

File: eeecc5ea5951345⋯.jpeg (134.87 KB, 600x855, 40:57, BD1CCEDC_BA6A_472D_87EA_E….jpeg)

File: faa1f0fc82e8557⋯.jpeg (111.66 KB, 480x640, 3:4, C954820A_EDF0_4BDF_AC9C_D….jpeg)


Couldn’t have said it better myself. Let’s give our children the best possible Physical, Mental and I Spiritual education possible

> COURAGE comes out of the grace of the Lord, it needs generations of learning and struggle. Meanwhile you must start with the first step, the cleansing of the mind and the cultivation of virtue. Even if you do not start with that step, at least do not laugh at those who do and discourage them. Do at least this muchThen, do not depend upon others for doing your work like attending to your personal wants. Do it yourself that is real freedom.

—Atharva Veda

> Those who educate children well are more to be honored than they who produce them; for these only gave them life, those the art of living well. -Aristotle

> Education and class time should be scheduled so that a boy’s free time is used to strengthen his body. During these years, he has no right to loaf around or make a nuisance of himself in the streets and movies houses. After his day’s other work, he must strengthen his young body like steel so that when life puts him to the test, it will not find him too delicate. It is the responsibility of those educating youth to prepare their bodies and not just pour knowledge or so-called wisdom in their heads. This system must also sweep away the impression that the responsibility of training one’s own body should be left to the individual. There can be no such thing as allowing the freedom of choice to sin against posterity and therefore against the race.

Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf (Ford Translation PDF) Pg 165

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13adcc  No.141530

File: 8f22d1ffcabdf43⋯.jpg (169.03 KB, 959x1275, 959:1275, church_and_greed.JPG)

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b32cd2  No.141548

File: f30fcbfd93b6242⋯.jpeg (62.02 KB, 385x680, 77:136, PVPMOD_348CVPQqd_jpg_smal….jpeg)

Nantes Cathedral, or the Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul of Nantes (French: Cathédrale Saint-Pierre-et-Saint-Paul de Nantes), is a Roman Catholic church located in Nantes, Pays de la Loire, France. The cathedral is in the Gothic architectural tradition. Construction of the church began in 1434, on the site of a Romanesque cathedral, and took 457 years to finish, finally reaching completion in 1891.

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25864f  No.142417


As if the church wasn't about greed either, despite all their claims to the contrary. It's like communists, their elites are always rolling in silk and gold but the rabble are told to prey on their knees and give all they have for the treasures in the heaven. KEK

We could also take a look at Rome when Christianity was on the rise. The city was going down faster than a landwhale targeting a bag of doritos three hundred feet below.

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598de8  No.142420


>The city was going down faster than a landwhale targeting a bag of doritos three hundred feet below

was going down faster than a landwhale targeting a Doritos crumb on my taint.

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b5318f  No.142844


>The thirty year war was nothing if not a war of religion

>France, one of the most powerful countries at the time, and catholic, sided with the protestants.

>The ottomans, muslims, supported the protestants

>The Russian Tsardom, orthodox, supported the protestants

>religious war

>The war became less about religion and more of a continuation of the France–Habsburg rivalry for European political pre-eminence and a Habsburg attempt to rebuild the imperial authority in Germany


>It was responsible for the deaths of half the population of what is now Germany

The estimates put it in 20%. If you understand something about the Holy Roman Empire, you must know that the Emperor was the principal secular power of Catholicism, which was til the arrival of the Habsburg in a power struggle with the Pope.

>I don't see that having the moral scaffolding of Christianity pounded into our heads has really done much for or against the human predilection for violence and bloodshed.

Tell me just a single conflict caused principally by theocratical powers in which there has been more deaths in comparison with other secular wars. The biggest one would be the French Wars of Religion, 8 wars to be precise, in which died 3 million. Yet, such wars were more like a civil war than a religious one, because there was a dynastic struggle between catholic nobles and Calvinist ones.


>True, human beings are far far more ferocious and bloodthirsty than even the most savage lion could ever dream of being

>being such a romantic edgy faggot




>He could have picked a sword and attacked these "sinful" Jews or something, to prove his point and show he was willing to fight and die to save the people of Earth because they failed to worship a local Jewish god.

>implying that the jew can be exterminated

They are like rats. They will always exist because they come from the Devil. To destroy them you need to make people conscious about them, and collectively reject them. Christ was the founder of anti-semitism, and with His sacrifice, the rejection for the jew spread into Europe.

>b-but the Romans killed jews before

>The Jews in the diaspora were generally accepted into the Roman Empire, but with the rise of Christianity, restrictions grew.


The jew was never persecuted for being a jew, but more for not accepting the supremacy of Rome with its revolts.

>It has also managed to make the negro the equal of the white man, being obsessed about converting even the most primitive man one could ever find behind the remotest bush.

Nigger worship is a secular invention, faggot.

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13adcc  No.142845


>being such a romantic edgy faggot

We can wipe out lions at our leisure. We can wipe out the entire planet. Lions can run down some crippled wildebeasts and eat them. Nothing particularly edgy about that observation.

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13adcc  No.142847

File: ec3b684cab3c9a5⋯.jpg (220.73 KB, 803x700, 803:700, jesus_washing_peter_s_feet….jpg)


>. Christ was the founder of anti-semitism, and with His sacrifice, the rejection for the jew spread into Europe.

Christ is a jew. We are to worship a dead jew. We are to await construction of the 3rd temple in Jerusalem so your self styled jew messiah can return and then we can either live in his comfy pan opticon prison or burn in agony. Fuck off.

And everybody and and should wash their own fucking feet. What a disgusting and pointless display of ostentatious self abnegation this is. It reminds me of the Sunday school nun that told us of St. Francis of Asissi plucking the scab off a leper and eating it to show the leper he wasn't disgusted by him; I got in trouble for drawing a cartoon of Saint Francis with a bag of chips in my school book with the label "St. Francis' Crispy Leper Scabs".

Fuck off.

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13adcc  No.142848

File: b6422b17534b4e2⋯.jpg (20.15 KB, 360x240, 3:2, leper_colony_4.jpg)

>>1) Francis Meets a Leper

>>Like most of his contemporaries, Francis felt a disdain for lepers and avoided them at all costs. One day, before his conversion, Francis was riding his horse alone in the countryside. As he moved along the road, he caught sight of a leper walking toward him. Francis’ instinct was to turn back or move off to the side to avoid contact with the poor wretch. But Francis instead rode directly toward this man with parts of his face and hands eaten away by this dreaded disease.

>>Francis dismounted his horse, and warmly embraced and kissed the leper tenderly on his lips. In his Testament, Francis writes, “When I was in sin, the sight of lepers nauseated me beyond measure; but then God himself led me into their company, and I had pity on them. When I had once become acquainted with them, what had previously nauseated me became a source of physical consolation for me. After that I did not wait long before leaving the world.” Francis eventually came to realize that he had actually embraced none other than his Lord, Jesus Christ.

Yeah, no. Fuck off.

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b5318f  No.142855


>muuuh so insufferable

>not a single counter-argument about anything I said

Drink a massive load, faggot.

>probably the best part being where he goes on about "you love what you hate"

Hate is emotionally and empathetically driven, it is based on the recognition of the other as an equal in a humane sense. Detestation, on the other hand, dehumanizes the other to a point in which is no more than an opposing force that you have to eliminate. Hate does reflect some type of disappointment, therefore, a desire for difference in the other person. If you sincerely judge it, hate is based in love for the better. Love for the better in that person, and yourself. Our nature is not about engaging in violence to eliminate, but to socialize. Hate is the socialization with danger.


Roastie, there is a difference between the moral relativism that you talked about and the fact that hate is not evil, but a part of good, a beneficial and necessary part of our nature. The Evil doesn't hate, the Evil preys. The only thing that Evil hates is Good. Whatever is in the middle for his hate for Good, is no more than insignificant shit. Thinking that hating is contrary to love is actually what makes us not being able of knowing what is Evil. God hates, yet He is love. There is no contradiction in God.


>Catholicism condemns ideologies as we know them

>They only came about because of the revolution. Even Napoleon said of idelogues LIKE YOU SEE on this board and on /Leftypol/ that they are misguided intellectuals. Oblivious of what they are doing. By nature idelogies seek to put men above God, not God above men, I.E creature over Creator, Creator over creature.

I agree completely.


I'm OP, and I don't know if you are talking about me. National Catholicism is not fascist, but authoritarian. It is a counter-revolution in which through the identity of the nation there is a consolidation of tradition.

>It is condemned. Fascism is MODERNISM WHETHER you want to admit it or not

I talked about theocracy, which is absolutely not modernism. Liberalism is MODERNISM too, you want to admit it or not. Democracy is MODERNISM too, you want to admit it or not. National Catholicism is like a monarchic theocracy but without the dynastic aspect of it because there is no more dynasties. It is actually the most traditional thing. The Vatican is an absolute theocratic monarchy, and National Catholicism mimics such government in a national context. That's it, nothing modern nor post-modern about it.


It is very simple: God is above everything, therefore His Law it is too. We stopped following Him, and we are dying culturally. That's it.


The should not be any state, only the Church. And the Church is authoritarian, not totalitarian like a fascist regime of corporatism. Truly, the Church is the real Third Position: Between collectivism and individualism, the most harmonic.


The Church tolerated degeneracy because the Church became secularized when it lost is autonomy and hegemony over the secular powers, which happened principally in the French Revolution. Catholicism can be beyond the church, because those who truly are loyal to the Lord are the ones who carry His Church.


>how it managed to make Europeans believe that our ancestors were inbred morons with no sense of honor, justice, virtue or any decent spirituality

Which ancestors? The Roman Empire with almost half of its population as slaves, praised pederasty and homosexuality? The nigger-tier germanic barbarians? The vikings who only knew to raid and steel like a nigger but when confronted in real battles got fucked? Tell me, faggot.

>one could look into the destruction wrought by christian activists in and out of Rome even before the religion became the de facto official and obligatory imperial cult!

>muuuh christianity destroyed the Roman Empire

>nooo don't look to the eastern roman empire which was much more christian and endured till 1453 nooo

>nooo it was greek the true roman empire was the western one but it did fall for the christians even tho it wasn't as christianized and their corrupt leaders were principally hellenic

Kek, you delusional pagans.


>It would be best if God was actually white man, and not a Semite tied to insidious YHWH, no matter what kind of morality was preached.

Died a semite, resurrected as the Union of all peoples, not mixture, which is heretical to believe. Christians aren't semites, because we aren't descendants of Sem, but of Christ, because He is the New divine linage. YHWH is not jewish, He transcends them. Such name refers more to the Devil than to God, because it is Hebrew, part of the synagogue of Satan.

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13adcc  No.142857


Aren't there some lepers for you to kiss right about now, or maybe some nigger refugees feet to wash or something?

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c1b7a3  No.142864


>Not larping as le based tradcath or le heathen odinist, but live a decent life, have white kids that they instill pride in race and nation into, and God willing, are able to have white grandchildren. Literally the only good threads rn are the no fap and the gun thread. If you can be a good person, get a family, be successful and defend your home, all without selling out, whatever God there might be will bless you.

>nooo you must go for your own do not try to strive for a collective family that connects your biological one through religion and ensures its quality with a good community

>nooo ignore the fact that your own child will probably be part of the same degeneracy even if you try to avoid it because it is almost impossible to separate them from it because the state robs you authority over your child to a point in which you can't physically punish them without being sued by your own children and you can't freely educate them you must give them ((their)) education

Kek, individualists like you are the ones who destroy the cohesion of the movement. At least le heathen odinist praises some form of collectivism, but le responsible individual is way worst.






>This made them incredibly worldly, cosmopolitan as it were, while we sit there telling ourselves that being unworldly and static are somehow virtuous

>yet Europe fucks the rest of the world

>hat's another legacy of the Christian faith. This self crippling attitude puts us at an immense disadvantage to the gypses on steroids. We're rubes and they're the slickers.

>self crippling

In contemplation, there is knowledge, and in knowledge, there is technology. While the rest of the world aimed for a pantheistic and multi-cultural deity, the Christians did for perfection.

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c1b7a3  No.142865


>but in christianity we have a man who acts as the worst leftist woman ever, a semitic buddhist, of convenient tales fit for the crass rabble

>implying that leftist women know something about sacrificing for your own

>implying that a buddhist has some form of ambition

A God that doesn't tells His followers to make a sacrifice for Him, but rather He sacrifices for them while with His power He resurrects and writes the Law in the hearts of man through Faith and devotion. When justice isn't mandatory, but loving, it becomes more effective in the individual, because he will not try to avoid it, but rather will act willingly. If you knew the Law, which is brutal against Evil, you wouldn't say that Christ is a semitic buddhist.

>who are torn apart between racial and divine instincts on the one side

Dear faggot, whatever is good comes from God. Mixing an inferior race with a superior race to outbreed the superior race is something bad, therefore, against God. This was a common knowledge before modernism. There was a notion of the race in the christian Europe.

>a religion that condemns this world, this nature, this creation and its laws, wishing for a paradigm for the weak and meek to be kings in: because here, right now, expands without a doubt a world where competition is at the core of everything and survival the most important objective before all

>ignoring that kings were seen as God's chosen by the clergy and the populace as inferior

>ignoring that the Church is and always has been hierarchical, never tried to make peasants kings

>ignoring that the Creation is Divine by Christian standards because it comes from God


>what to decide between a path of rejection and cowardice wherein pride is a crime, and the one where God's Plan is actually revealed in all its glory?

Pride for yourself is a crime, because you are no more than a faggot. You must feel pride for the perfection that you can be, which is Christ. And, there is glory in God's plan, because He always win.

>The glory of the great dead

The difference between pagan glory and christian glory is that legacy is seen more as what you let for others once you are gone in the christian view and legacy is seen as a good way of dying with power and strength. Christians want to die old so they gave everything they can for their loved ones, Pagans want to die young so they live at the maximum in all of their banal glory. Romantic faggotry kek.

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c1b7a3  No.142867

File: 1ad9515bba96b76⋯.jpg (80.85 KB, 736x576, 23:18, 1592324110643.jpg)


>wherein everyone must strive to become a hero of his own kind, of his own epic saga, or at least find a great and good master to serve so as to accrue a form of karmic boon from any merits said master would gain throughout his life, according to one's own abilities and purpose in life; no one is meant to be a warrior, there is no shame in this either, there is room for builders, poets, explorers, cooks, etc.–

>implying that whatever you are is enough

Inflating your ego doesn't makes you virtuous, it makes you childish. There can't be virtue in oneself, there is only virtue in the good you give.

>what is the point of existence if it is to be eternally passive junkie, being served a daily shot of bliss 24/7? why would God even bother creating such entities to begin with? where is the fun there? the usefulness?

>implying that Christians are such hedonists

We already talked about Heaven in this thread. No, that's not Heaven, but Hell, the Hell of Eternal Satiety. In Heaven, we are One with God, which means that we are a part of the plan in the material world. We are with family, and everyone has an unique room in Father's house. Try harder, faggot.

>so shall we side with the religion that takes us into a routine of submission? telling us not to resist evil, to show the other cheek and accept being beaten like a dog, not seeking prodigious vengeance, loving one's enemies?

If you submit yourself to God, you submit yourself to Good, and that is contrary to not resisting Evil. Tolerance is not a Christian virtue, because, maybe you don't know but, you can sin in omission. You should show the other cheek not because you should not fight for Good, but because you should not fight FOR YOURSELF. The only prodigious vengeance you must strive for is the revenge for those who are against God, Perfect Good. The Jew is the principal enemy of God, therefore, we must search for revenge against them not because of our own interests but for the interests of God. That's devotion. Loving one's enemies isn't contrary to destroy them, because love can be a weapon.

>Where you recognize evil, speak out against it

>And give no truces to your enemies

That's actually Biblical to do.

>love is just as sacred as hatred, and each must be given in good measure to those who deserve one or the other

Exactly, but love must always be infinite. God hates, and He is Sacred, yet He is Love. God hates justly, and loves infinitely. There is no contradiction between the two.

>One must hate with perfect hatred

If the Evil is perfect, then the Hate should be infinite and perfect too. Because sometimes, a just hate is infinite. Yet, almost no human is pure Evil. Maybe jews.

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598de8  No.142874


>—Atharva Veda

We are not 'asian' anon. If you want to become 'asian' you can go fuck off to asia.

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c1b7a3  No.142885


>Nothing particularly edgy about that observation.

>heeey look we can destroy shit awesomeeee dudeee lmao!!!

Sure. We are better than lions at destruction, yet we are still sheep. The lion at least is free to not know and to be pure instinct. We will never be like a lion in that sense, no matter how much you inflate your own ego, edgelord.






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13adcc  No.142889


I've been around sheep, I'm no sheep. You don't know me you pompous ass. Typical arrogant Christian who thinks because he read some snippets of the bible that he's the great judge of the apocalypse. And you're no Christian. You called me a roastie, a totally obscene porn industry based insult against women. I'm a 67 year old man you turd. You're doing a very shitty job defending your ostensible faith, so badly in fact that I can't help but conclude you're nothing more than a very tiresome troll.

Fuck off troll.

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677d9d  No.142911


>I've been around sheep, I'm no sheep. You don't know me you pompous ass.

You are kek. You aren't the lord of your life, because your mere existence is just a consequence that whatever you are didn't define. You didn't choose your family, nor your culture, nor your country, nor your genes, not even your name. The only thing we can choose is who is our lord: Good or Evil. God, or the Devil. Winner, or the Loser. That's it.

>Typical arrogant Christian who thinks because he read some snippets of the bible that he's the great judge of the apocalypse

Who the fuck talked about the apocalypse?

>And you're no Christian. You called me a roastie, a totally obscene porn industry based insult against women

>being this much of a roastie

Calling women whores when they are whores is very Christian. If your cunt has been used outside marriage, that's what you are, roastie.

>I'm a 67 year old man you turd

>still a roastie

>You're doing a very shitty job defending your ostensible faith, so badly in fact that I can't help but conclude you're nothing more than a very tiresome troll.


>still no one counters my points

Fuck off roastie.

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b01878  No.145111


>>implying that the jew can be exterminated

There is no such implication in the post you quote, shit head.

There is no point calling for the possession of swords if you're not going to use them against your greatest enemy. You Christians have a considerable logical defect in that area, with the whole idea of not hurting the evil enemy.

>They are like rats. They will always exist because they come from the Devil. To destroy them you need to make people conscious about them, and collectively reject them.

Which is easier done learning about Bolshevik Russia, Weimar Germany or what is going on right now, than reading a Bible where the Jews are actually barely attacked.

You're also a total dunce because this bible of yours was assembled much much later and you have no proof that this rabbi Yeshua ever said anything like the book claims.

>Christ was the founder of anti-semitism

No. He was attacking Jews who didn't love the retarded hobo lifestyle. There is not a single line against Semites in the entirety of the bible.

>and with His sacrifice, the rejection for the jew spread into Europe.

Keep telling you that. The Jew was so "rejected" that he actually burrowed himself comfy into about all courts of Europe for two millennia. What an epic rejection!

>The jew was never persecuted for being a jew, but more for not accepting the supremacy of Rome with its revolts.

Pot kettle black.

Christianity "persecuted" Jews because they would not convert. Period.

Why would Aryans give two shits about a Jew-Jew turning into a Christian-Jew?

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b01878  No.145123


>Nigger worship is a secular invention, faggot.

That line does not even make fucking sense.

It cannot be secular since it was a divine mandate the Catholic church, and now almost all shades of Christianity, make a most important mission.

It's a universal religion hellbent on converting all humanoid creatures on this planet, utterly incapable of recognizing the difference of races, of racial souls and the obvious different divine destinies for these different races, all of them reflecting different divine principles.


>I got in trouble for drawing a cartoon of Saint Francis with a bag of chips in my school book with the label "St. Francis' Crispy Leper Scabs".

Should be redone for a fresh meme m8.


>Hate is emotionally and empathetically driven, it is based on the recognition of the other as an equal in a humane sense. Detestation, on the other hand, dehumanizes the other to a point in which is no more than an opposing force that you have to eliminate. Hate does reflect some type of disappointment, therefore, a desire for difference in the other person. If you sincerely judge it, hate is based in love for the better. Love for the better in that person, and yourself. Our nature is not about engaging in violence to eliminate, but to socialize. Hate is the socialization with danger.

Hey look, local retard xtian goes at it again, with more inter-dimensional thinking.

> If you sincerely judge it, hate is based in love for the better. Love for the better in that person, and yourself.

Read that shit, that they put in his head. It's insane. Who would even call that logic? it's complete made up non-logic that he tries to pass as deep wisdom. It's utterly pathetic.

One can and should hate traitors and have absolutely no wish to see them become better or improve. One hates them period and that is enough to consider the necessity of their extermination. Well, in a way they will become better on the same principle that a good communist is a dead communist. :)


>I agree completely.

No surprise here. His post is absolutely shredded by sound logic. Yet you like it.

>We stopped following Him, and we are dying culturally. That's it.

>worship YHWH NOW


>Which ancestors? The Roman Empire with almost half of its population as slaves, praised pederasty and homosexuality?

There we go, with the chutzpah. Look people, our ancestors were utterly decadent!

>The Roman Empire with almost half of its population as slaves

lol (not to say that slavery was abolished very late, despite the very pious and christian hearts of our people)

>praised pederasty and homosexuality?

And this has certainly been totally curtailed in the Cathol— wait.

>The nigger-tier germanic barbarians?

Who certainly had a blood of greater purity than that of your own parents.

Dismissing Germans by saying they're niggers. The best argument ever.

>The vikings who only knew to raid and steel like a nigger but when confronted in real battles got fucked? Tell me, faggot.

You could actually start by reading a lot more about viking raids. I guess you're still butthurt over Lidinsfarne.

>one could look into the destruction wrought by christian activists in and out of Rome even before the religion became the de facto official and obligatory imperial cult!

>>muuuh christianity destroyed the Roman Empire

>>nooo don't look to the eastern roman empire which was much more christian and endured till 1453 nooo

>>nooo it was greek the true roman empire was the western one but it did fall for the christians even tho it wasn't as christianized and their corrupt leaders were principally hellenic

>Kek, you delusional pagans.

At this point your entire line of defense is to violently assault your keyboard to produce some kind of nonsensical tales with a dash of revisionism.

I'm not even willing to go pick the quotes about the orders to destroy pagan temples.

>Died a semite, resurrected as the Union of all peoples, not mixture, which is heretical to believe.

>Union of all peoples

What kind of shit is that?

This genetic sludge you describe here is exactly what we're slated for by kikes: extermination of all races through a big mixing. Glad to see that your kike who died on a stick was just a very early Kalergi bro.

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b01878  No.145128






Holy fuck, your best defense here is to go quote wikipedia, which is notoriously known to make sure to keep Christians subservient by exaggerating the extent of extent of so-called Christian antisemitism when in large parts it was furor from people who had enough about the Jews' ways, including usury, well poisoning and ritual murder.

Above all, your wikishit link does not even begin to debunk the facts about Faulhaber and the Mit Brennender Sorge, you lying rat.

>In contemplation, there is knowledge, and in knowledge, there is technology.

What a retard. As if pagan Aryans waited for rabbi Yeshua to become smart and capable at technology.

This again demonstrates how much you Christians are stuck in alternative reality wherein there was nothing before Christianity.

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dd8115  No.145159


>>implying that leftist women know something about sacrificing for your own

They surely know a lot about sharing their own wealth with niggers and loving their enemy though.

>>implying that a buddhist has some form of ambition

Neither more nor less than a Christian. You have too high an appreciation of yourself. Where's the humility, the meekness?

>A God that doesn't tells His followers to make a sacrifice for Him, but rather He sacrifices for them while with His power He resurrects and writes the Law in the hearts of man through Faith and devotion.

A few words on this:

"The Christians demand literal belief that the motive force of the entire universe turned itself into a mortal man, in order to have itself killed by mortal men, in order to keep itself from killing mortal men in the eternal torment of hell."

>Dear faggot, whatever is good comes from God

Dear faggot, everything comes from God. Good and Evil are relative to what suits one's needs, extending as far as to the needs of a people.

>Mixing an inferior race with a superior race to outbreed the superior race is something bad, therefore, against God.

There is no notion of "superior race" in Christian theology. You do what Christian people typically did for ages: take noble Aryan truisms and claim them for Christianity when the latter is not legitimate in doing so.

There is not a single criterion in Christianity that would allow you to rank races and therefore posit that mixing a superior one with an inferior one would be akin to sin.

>This was a common knowledge before modernism.

Common knowledge =/= Christianity.

>There was a notion of the race in the christian Europe.

That certainly did not owe anything to Christianity since this religion totally sidetracks the topic besides merely stating equality of races before Jesus by denying the differences.

The very idea that one could find an argument in favor of racial supremacy from the bible is absolutely laughable!

>>a religion that condemns this world, this nature, this creation and its laws, wishing for a paradigm for the weak and meek to be kings in: because here, right now, expands without a doubt a world where competition is at the core of everything and survival the most important objective before all

>>ignoring that kings were seen as God's chosen by the clergy and the populace as inferior

By 'your' clergy, fuck face.

>>ignoring that the Church is and always has been hierarchical, never tried to make peasants kings

I am not ignoring this or even trying to since it has nothing to with my point about the Christian cosmological view.

>>ignoring that the Creation is Divine by Christian standards because it comes from God

No, it was made by a divine being. Creation was not considered being of divine essence as it did not proceed from within God's own substance, but outside of it. Somehow, the origin is divine and that's about it. It is a basic tenet that Christianity shares with its Abrahamic cousins, that the world is profane and corruptible, that evil can manifest in and on it, which alone proves that the entirety of the world cannot be divine since such anti-virtues could not be possible in what is divine, i.e., in what is immediately related to God. This is why you need theosis and the world will not follow you, as you leave it behind because it is gross.

Please look into the basis of theological dualism.

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fe9532  No.145162


>There is no such implication in the post you quote, shit head.

There is. If Jesus tried to eliminate Jews by lethal force in His perfect humanity, He would have failed. The best strategy was creating a new divine legacy with His death, actively illegitimizing them. You can't eliminate the Jews, you can't exterminate them, they will always be there just as there is a Devil. The only way to truly oppose them is by a collective rejection.

>There is no point calling for the possession of swords if you're not going to use them against your greatest enemy. You Christians have a considerable logical defect in that area, with the whole idea of not hurting the evil enemy.

Where did I said that we should not kill jews? I said that in Jesus' purpose and divine plan, He shouldn't, but we should. After Christ's death, they had an opportunity to repent from their cursed nature, and they didn't. The existence of the Jew is an insult to God.

>Which is easier done learning about Bolshevik Russia, Weimar Germany or what is going on right now, than reading a Bible where the Jews are actually barely attacked.

>The jews killed Christ

>barely attacked

Even if you didn't knew about Bolshevik Russia or Weimar Germany, like the majority of people, only by knowing that the figure head of your religion was killed by jews should be enough to reject them. A christian who doesn't reject jews isn't a christian, because he is sinning deeply in omission against a great evil. That's how worked back then, that's how the majority of Europe was anti-semite. Compact and simple.

>You're also a total dunce because this bible of yours was assembled much much later and you have no proof that this rabbi Yeshua ever said anything like the book claims.

>muuuh no proof

We are talking about a religion, retard. If you didn't know, religions are based on Faith. and if you have Faith in God, you have in His Word too. Blessed those who didn't see, but believed. John 20:29. If you quote some of your pagan shit, surely you have no proof of it neither.

>No. He was attacking Jews who didn't love the retarded hobo lifestyle. There is not a single line against Semites in the entirety of the bible.

I know thy works and tribulation and poverty (but thou art rich), and I know the blasphemy of them that say they are Jews and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan. Revelation 2:9

>Keep telling you that. The Jew was so "rejected" that he actually burrowed himself comfy into about all courts of Europe for two millennia. What an epic rejection!


Kek, keep telling yourself that, white nigger. Who lifted the expulsion of Jews in powerful countries like England, France, and Spain? The secular powers kek. Cromwell, Napoleon. We Catholics have a much greater story of persecution and hate against the jews than any of you cucks would never dream to have.

>Christianity "persecuted" Jews because they would not convert. Period.

Wrong. The hate for the Jew was religious. Catholics didn't hated pagans as much as they hated Jews, it wasn't about being heathens, it was about those who directly attacked Christ, which are the jews. There are many examples of jews being massacred for being jews in Catholic Europe kek. Pagans had more opportunities in conversion than jews.

>Why would Aryans give two shits about a Jew-Jew turning into a Christian-Jew?


Who? And, again, Judeo-christian is an oxymoron. Christ lived as a semite, but with His dead and resurrection, He became above His own past race. He was a race-traitor of the semite race, therefore, the principal enemy of the semite.

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bea822  No.145167


It has now officially been ruled arson, and a Rwandan refugee has confessed to the crime. Watch the catholic cucks plead for a light sentence.

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7dddca  No.145191


>That line does not even make fucking sense.

Who brought niggers to their nations? Who considered them as exotic and rare in degenerates arts? Who praised them in victim hood? The only Catholic colonies (France doesn't count) in Africa was the Belgian Congo and Portugal, and you surely know what happened there to them. Race-mixing with a nigger was seen as sinful.

>It cannot be secular since it was a divine mandate the Catholic church, and now almost all shades of Christianity, make a most important mission.

The worship of niggers? It is secular. To worship someone that isn't God or is related to God is heresy.

>It's a universal religion hellbent on converting all humanoid creatures on this planet, utterly incapable of recognizing the difference of races


''This theory dates back to the Babylonian Talmud, which states, "the descendants of Ham are cursed by being black, and [it] depicts Ham as a sinful man and his progeny as degenerates." KEK. The concept of different races was more present in the religious Europe than in the secular Europe. What a massive ignorant faggot you are.

>of racial souls and the obvious different divine destinies for these different races, all of them reflecting different divine principles.

>such esoteric bullshit

There is a family legacy, for those of your ancestors who did good and try to help you in Heaven so you can do good too, so you can be with them. However, thinking that there is a racial soul is retarded. If we judged a soul only by race, then, by present standards, being white is the worst fucking shit, because there isn't a bigger traitor of his own people than today's whites. About the divine destiny of races, there is no destiny. You decide your future, and your race decides its own future.

>with more inter-dimensional thinking.

I know that a low-iq faggot like you can't into deep analysis of the human social nature.

>Read that shit, that they put in his head.

Almost no modern christian thinks the same way. So, no, it wasn't put in my head.

>It's insane. Who would even call that logic? it's complete made up non-logic that he tries to pass as deep wisdom. It's utterly pathetic.

Deep wisdom? No, but as the truth. Hate is emotional, faggot, and in emotion there is recognition. In detestation, there is pure and cold impulse for destruction, which isn't hate.

>One can and should hate traitors and have absolutely no wish to see them become better or improve.

The mere definition of a traitor is someone who abandoned something good, someone who should be good but isn't. There is recognition in that. To become better or improve would be that they no longer are traitors, but companions. That they fight with you. In your hate for them there is a recognition of the good they should be, and that's isn't something bad, it shows that in hate there is love. Those who love must hate, because if you didn't love good, you wouldn't hate evil. Simple as.

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7dddca  No.145193


>One hates them period and that is enough to consider the necessity of their extermination

Look, that's no more than simple immature frustration. Hate isn't a guide, but the tip of the sword. Considering the necessity of their extermination is based on the love of good, not in hate. Hate without a contrast in love is counterproductive, unnatural and inefficient.

>Well, in a way they will become better on the same principle that a good communist is a dead communist

They will, because once dead, at least they stop insulting good. That is way more honorable than living such a degenerate life, even if they don't know. I agree with you in that.

>>worship YHWH NOW


That's Satan, because it is hebrew.

>There we go, with the chutzpah. Look people, our ancestors were utterly decadent!

They were until Catholic Christianity. Any proof against it?

>lol (not to say that slavery was abolished very late, despite the very pious and christian hearts of our people)

It was abolished when it could be abolished.


>And this has certainly been totally curtailed in the Cathol— wait.

Yes, it was. Any proof against it?

>Who certainly had a blood of greater purity than that of your own parents.

We could talk about the germanic people and their purity, surely, kek. Yet, I tell you that my parents, Spanish, and my country, Spain, represented way more good to Europe and the World than all the shit caused by the G*rms.

>Dismissing Germans by saying they're niggers. The best argument ever.

They are. What good did the Germans? Destroying Western Rome? Creating the Holy Roman Empire in which jews were protected under the Emperor who had a power struggle against the Pope, dividing Europe? Creating Protestantism, dividing Europe even more and creating the foundations to secularism? Creating marxism? Initiating WW1? Freeing Lenin? Initiating WWII, destroying every sense of nationalism in the future, giving jews the perfect martyrdom so they create Israel thanks to the ((Anglos))? How many millions died for nothing? What legacy did the G*rms gave us? Jewish hell. Ave Roma, Ave Christus Rex, Ave Maria.

>You could actually start by reading a lot more about viking raids. I guess you're still butthurt over Lidinsfarne.

What there is to read? Raids like niggers, fleeing without engaging in real battles, and when doing so, losing in the majority of it. They ended up converting because it was more profitable kek.

>I'm not even willing to go pick the quotes about the orders to destroy pagan temples.

And implying that such thing caused the destruction of Rome is truly, nonsensical. You are the one who just to fit your anti-christian narrative is creating a revision of the causes of the Fall of Rome, which wasn't christian related, faggot.

>This genetic sludge you describe here is exactly what we're slated for by kikes: extermination of all races through a big mixing.

>literally I say not mixture after that

Can you read, faggot? A big mixing goes against the essentialist idea of perfection, and if you believe in such essentialist concept as God, you must believe in a perfect race too. As I said, it is an Union, not a mixture, which is heretical.

>Glad to see that your kike who died on a stick was just a very early Kalergi bro.

Sure, ignore what I said kek.

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9e09f7  No.145235


>Being proud of yourself makes your life better. It brings confidence, power, women and more time to do even greater things, from painting to meditating about god.

>implying that great things are the ones that are good for you

Great things are funded in sacrifice, not pleasure. Great things may make your life worst, yet it is worth it. A woman, not women, is the basis of a family, and in a stable family there is a legacy of good for the collective because of the good children that you will raise and be there once you die, therefore, a great thing. Only a good legacy can be a great thing, and a good legacy almost never is based on pleasure, but work and sacrifice. The fact that you don't see it proves me how pride is not only retarded, but very kike-related with the modern narrative of acceptance and tolerance kek.

>Little boys naturally strive for the great heroes, the conquerors, explorers

Surely, and that's great. The best way for archiving that is teaching children that to fulfill your objectives, you most only be proud of Good as an independent thing, and not aim for self-pride because it will eventually make you focus in lust and satisfaction rather than glory. Work and sacrifice.

>not for the meek monks, unless they're brainwashed into a life of Christian meekness.

There was a time in which being a monk was useful and interesting. In the current times, there needs to be a proactive attitude to defend good.

>You are. You aspire to an eternal life of love, bliss, peace, etc.

I aspire for a good legacy, and to live in such legacy. Therefore, I do not aspire to an eternal life of love, bliss or peace, but of justice. The just is that those that truly do good, have a recompense, and that recompense is the eternal life of Heaven according to my works.

Romans 2:6-8

6 God “will repay each person according to what they have done.” 7 To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honor and immortality, he will give eternal life. 8 But for those who are self-seeking and who reject the truth and follow evil, there will be wrath and anger.

>That's not the Christian final plan you dunce.

Revelation 6:9-10

''9 When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God and the testimony they had maintained 10 They called out in a loud voice, “How long, Sovereign Lord, holy and true, until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?”

It is. In Heaven, we are part of everything that happens, even we intercede for our family members. We want good to happen, and we will never truly be satiated until everyone is good.

>You do look for eternal satiety. No more pain, no more death, no more fear

Eternal justice. If it isn't just for me to be satiated, I will not. If it is just that I have pain, I will. If it is just that I die, I will. But fear? If I have fear, I don't have faith, therefore, it is just that I fear because it is my fault.

>This is what all Christians aspire to.

Christian aspiration isn't self-seeking.

>Pure love and happiness in a world that would work according to laws literally at odds with what we're used to

I know that people like you are against pure love and happiness, and romanticize the idea of dualism and human struggle in some form of childish self-motivation kek. Whatever you experience isn't important, faggot. The goal is above everything, including yourself.

>This is just gibberish. You Christians love to use such ways of speaking so they deliberately remain vague enough for you to quickly resume your silly dance with your other foot would you start to lose balance with the former one.

>doesn't understand that Heaven is unique for everyone according to his works

It isn't that hard, nigger.

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9e09f7  No.145236


>Your "father house" sounds more like a hassidic bath house full of incestuous practices.

Truly reflects what your father did to you, faggot.


>this glorification of rebellion

>yaaass gurl freedom be yourself do not let everyone to tell you what to do yaaaas


>My God doesn't ask submission of me. That's good for slaves.


No matter how much you try, you are still a slave of such massive retardation kek. Try to think a little deeply about the conditions of your freedom, nigger. Not matter how much you try, you aren't your own lord, something else is. Say Hi to Satan for me.

>As for evil, I'm equally sure that it won't fade away just because I chant the name of Jesus as proof of my will to become a gud boi.

Faith, without works, is dead. James 2:26

>In the real world, you'll get yourself laughed at and killed. The best way to defeat any form of evil, including that kind that comes to rape your wife and daughters, is to either flee it or fight it. But Jesus won't help you much here

The only form to oppose Evil is with a force equal or greater. Jesus will only help if you deserve it, and that's very rare. The one who must help Jesus is us. That's the basic christian value, do good for good, not for yourself, because you are in debt with good. That's it. Such mindset makes you more efficient, therefore, enables you to be better at such situations. Work and sacrifice.

>why we pagans keep things simple: see evil, wack evil.

Evil is way more deep and complex than that. Smashing like a nigger savage does nothing kek.

>I must admit, I see Christianity as evil too.


>The fucking acrobatics you have to go through to make honorable statements which are in fact totally ridiculous at face value!

Acrobatics? I am being very straight forward. Tolerance isn't a Christian value, you must not tolerate Evil, and Catholics have a great history opposing Evil.

>Not resisting evil and loving your enemy is literally cowardice and treason. It's sin worthy of a painful death.

I agree. Christ doesn't say that we must tolerate evil, but rather He says that we must let evil hurt us, because we should not defend ourselves as individuals, we should defend good as an absolute. Fighting for yourself isn't Christian. Fighting for your family, for the collective good, is Christian. Do you understand the difference? It is very simple. Loving your enemies isn't contradictory with destroying them, because as I said, it can be a weapon.

>In other words, you should accept humiliation as long as you can cuddle your little figurine of Jesus on a stick at night, under your bed sheets.

Humiliate yourself, but never let anyone humiliate good. It's about pure devotion, not about self-seeking bullshit. Good is above you, faggot.

>There is nothing wrong fighting for oneself. It does not exclude fighting for greater principles or other people too

It is related but not fundamentally consequential. You can be, and surely are in the majority of the time, someone who is benefiting evil with is incompetence. It is very common. Fighting for you is, in the majority of scenarios, fighting for evil. Don't you ever think how weak you are and how you are incapable of defending good? You are even capable of pushing it without knowing only because it benefits you, just as everyone does. People think in short-term benefits because they seek for themselves as a constant present, not as a greater good which is related to the infinite future. There is an evil nature in everyone of us, and the current state of our people is a proof.

>Damn I just wish I could see Christians like you being eaten alive in an arena once. I'd pay a fortune for this.

I would love to eat you myself, infidel pig. Chopped, prepared and cooked. The no consumable pulled into the trash, forgotten. At least parts of you, principally quadriceps and other muscle tissues, maybe the kidney and the liver depending of your lifestyle, would be purified in my digestion. But always, always with my infinite love as God loves.

>What about no?


>Besides, my definition of perfect good includes alcohol, music and lusty, young good looking white women.

Surely, proving my point in everything kek. Fucking degenerate.

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9e09f7  No.145239


>Holy fuck, your best defense here is to go quote wikipedia, which is notoriously known to make sure to keep Christians subservient by exaggerating the extent of extent of so-called Christian antisemitism when in large parts it was furor from people who had enough about the Jews' ways, including usury, well poisoning and ritual murder.

>noooo i don't like the source it must be wrong

Post a counter-source then. In what do you base your claims?

>Above all, your wikishit link does not even begin to debunk the facts about Faulhaber and the Mit Brennender Sorge, you lying rat.

Faulhaber was a based traditionalist and monarchist, and the Church opposed Germany because it was obviously going to explode into senseless misery, as it happened. You nazicucks don't seem to understand that what destroyed any hope for human dignity, race realism and traditional values wasn't the defeat of Hitler, but Hitler himself. If Germany didn't do shit, and the URSS tried something against Europe, there would have been an union, an authoritarian and traditionalist union, against the commies. The nazi faggots ended up spreading Jewry even more, consolidating shit like liberalism and communism. If Hitler didn't fucking exist, maybe today we would still have a Fascist Italy, an authoritarian Spain, and many more countries with a pride for its people, its nation, its tradition and therefore its values.

>What a retard. As if pagan Aryans waited for rabbi Yeshua to become smart and capable at technology.


>muuuh my ancestors

>doesn't know that the majority of descendants of Indo-European Aryans are slavs.

Who? Kek. If at least you said the Romans. Platonic thought existed before Christ, sure, I didn't say that Yeshua or Rabbi invented it. I said that Christianity promotes it. It promotes contemplation, which is the basis of knowledge. The technological advantages after His arrival surely aren't coincidental. 2000 BC, shit. 0 BC, shit. 2000 AD, massive advantage. Even a retard like you can see it kek.

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a1bf5a  No.145249


>This does not even begin to prove that Nature is seen as divine in essence and existence within Christianity.

Nature by itself isn't divine in essence, but there is a Divine Nature, which means that there is a perfection of our Nature. There is a perfection of everything, yet, almost anything is perfect. But, the Creation is much more nearer to the Divine than we are, because the Creation summits to God and His Will, and we don't. Therefore, a crime against the Creation, even when it isn't divine, it's a great sin. By crime I mean unjustified use of it or unjust abuse.

>Most of Christianity posits that the world is corrupt

No, we are corrupt.We as a world of people are corrupt, not His Creation. By Christian standards, imperfection isn't synonymous of corruption. There isn't a disdain for the material in Christianity like much of the Buddhist based religions. The body is as important as the soul.

>This could not happen if it was part of God, which is the requirement for it to be divine (what could be divine that is not of God's substance and can therefore be divine without Him? it is not logical in a Christian perspective)

Well, not really: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panentheism#Christianity (Orthodox part)


God is the substance and essence of the Creation itself, because He is Perfection, and everything comes from Him even if it isn't Him.

>Otherwise it means you have two clearly distinct divine beings, which is also not going to work in Christian theology.

God is the Perfection of Nature, therefore, understanding Nature in its imperfection may led to the Perfection of it, God. It is still One.

>Pagans were not stupid enough to think that it was a sin to be proud of your achievements, be they in craftsmanship, in war or in spirituality, or simply in raising a healthy and sound family. You're so disgusting.

If you work for pride, your work will reflect your own pride. If you work for good, your work will reflect good. There is a difference with true sacrifice, and self-interested work. It's pretty obvious which one is more efficient, hedonist.

>Literally what?

As I said, you are no more than a faggot. Nothing more. What ever good you may have relation with, it isn't in you, but outside and between you. That's it, faggot.

>So now there is actually allowed pride. For some reason it doesn't sound very Christian to be proud of uniting with Christ.

No, you must be proud of Christ, which is who you would be in His union with you, not in the union itself. Learn to read.

>But above other things, in less Semitic and self-deprecating approaches to "Christism", there wasn't a Christ as one entity to unite with, but many Christs

An entity with many entities, because when people are truly one in Christ, they are a unique Christ, a part of His body.

>and on the other hand the early and more pagan/Aryan notion of quality in each individual.

Which was? Tell me. Which was the quality they praised? Egocentric honor and glory? Epic and cool experiences in battle? A life of joy? Wow, great qualities sure. The only good quality there is, is the good you give, and such good is based on sacrifice. In Christianity, sacrifice for good is the ultimate virtue, as Christ did.

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a1bf5a  No.145250


>Your Christian pride is nothing like true pride, it's just a matter of praying to a made up Jewish and failed-messianic entity.

>mine is the true one yours is made up even when there is no proof of anything and the pure basis of religion is Faith

The only way we can discuss the validity of a religious belief is through its utility. First, whatever religion you praise, which probably is no more a forgotten and confused conglomerate rest of ancient beliefs, failed against Christianity. If we judge it purely about force, Christianity had much more. So, yours failed a long time ago. Secondly, the only pride is to Christ, so, the Christian himself has no pride and should not have, it should only be to Christ.

>It's literally a complete hacking of the original idea to make people subservient to a dead rabbi made martyr so you can weep all day.

Prove that. Where is the original idea? The idea of sacrifice for good about everything else. Truly, which pagan religion of yours had it? The one who is weeping and coping is you, and your failed self-projecting religion. Massive cope kek.

>You could literally be at odds with your entire family, nay, people, yet still be a good Christian as long as you'd allow Jesus into your heart.

Faith without works is death. If you don't form a family and give good to those who deserve it, you aren't a Christian.

>It's also not hard to let things to others once you're gone because each Christian is ordered to reject material wealth, which will surely make you a fine tramp and that's about it.

Avarice and wealth without inversion is rejected, not material wealth kek. Were does it say it? The bible condemns possession as a whole, yet, works and richness is pointed as important. The Ark of the Covenant of Moses was made of tons of gold according to the Bible, and hierarchical powers are seen as legitimate in many books, like in Romans. If Christ was against the rich, He would have come to abolish the law, which He didn't.

>False. Christians want to live forever and that's a very personal wish. You merely sugar coat this.

If it is self-seeking, it isn't Christian. Therefore, no, it is about devotion, something that you may not understand and call it sugar coat.

>Literally living like a lion and being incredible is "banal"

It doesn't benefit anyone kek.

>yet the Christian life is certainly the less impressive of all,

Modest and simple. Have children and raise them if you are a woman, provide and protect them if you are a man. For your nation, for your community, for your race. Once we derived from it, degeneracy started to flow. We derived so much that now we are in a point in which thinking like this is revolutionary kek.

>as in perfection it is that of a recluse monk who rejects the world and who dies without his teeth.

An ascetic life was useful back then, but now it isn't. Context is important to a christian, and usefulness.

>Romantism is the backbone of many European cultures.

>European cultures are from late 18th century

You wish, romantic faggot. Go, be a lion and roar to niggers. At least you would be a good dog kek.

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a1bf5a  No.145255


>The Christian too.

Are you Mohammed? A roach probably.

>I'd love to see you on a battlefield, facing vicious Arabs, observing how far your splendid rhetoric would take you. Another thing I'd gladly pay for.

Of course you would, roach. I know that a muslim can't have deep thought, but I will try. Love isn't synonym of acceptance nor tolerance, but of relevancy. You can kill those you love. I know that it may hurt in your weak heart, but yeah, love is a strength. Not the hippie love, that's bullshit. The love of Good, of the essence that maintains us, all of us. God. Love makes you think clearly, and calmly, which gives you advantage. Fear is the principal enemy of a warrior, and love, which is Faith based, expels fear, because fear is antithetical to love, not hate. If you truly don't fear, you will be much more effective, and if you are, killing moors will end up being easier. But with love of course, and a just hate.

>No homo, because you shall not resist evil. Don't you remember?

You shall not resist evil for yourself, but for God.

>Not resisting evil means not resisting evil. It does not mean doing something completely unrelated and then boring your opposition through meaningless sophomore and parables so as to pretend gaining the upper hand in dialectics when your head is actually rolling on the floor.

Kek, it's actually pretty simple. What a nigger iq you must have to not understand it and seeing it as a bunch of dialectics. The Old Testament isn't abolished, the Law isn't abolish, just renewed in Christ. You must deny yourself, you should not fight for yourself, but for God according to the law which is an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. Justice is Love, and Love is Justice. That's it. Nowhere in the Bible it says that the Law is abolished, it just says that it is renewed in Faith in Christ, written in the heart of men, no more based on commandments but in Love. I don't expect a nigger like you to understand, but I love talking about it kek.

>Don't say exactly, you moron, when there is certainly nothing in my sentence that implied love had to be infinite

You said that hate is as sacred as love, and that's what the Exactly' is about. Yet, look, what is next? A b u t ''. A new word for you, roach.

>You're the only retard here ready to infinitely love your enemies.

And destroy them with just hate.

>Treason of race and destruction of kin and culture is very close to perfect evil

I agree.

>Luckily my own belief gives ample room to the importance of race and the superiority of mine over that of a nigger or jew.

Biologically is obvious and was obvious for over millennium. The cursed jew is a Catholic christian invention, the cursed nigger is based on the curse of Ham by Noah.

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a1bf5a  No.145268


>No, he would have set a virile example. He would have been as good as the honorable Frei Korps who died martyrs against the commies in Germany.

Are you even German? I'm Spanish, and many Catholic Christians died in a crusade against communists in the Civil War too. They are martyrs, and I love them for the good they gave me ensuring my country's values and prosperity. Yet, I don't idolize them. The Frei Korps were honorable, but I can't say the same about national socialists. What good legacy did they gave germans? Destruction, misery, separation. The world is cucked after WWII. You may argue that they tried, but I say that with such a disaster, it was better to not try and play for the long rung.

>But instead your godlet went whining on and on and just got his ass handed to him and so his friends had to come up with a silly story about hos he was awesome in… being pinned to some log.


Such godlet fueled anti-semitism like no one before.

>I don't care about your semitic fable.

Christ isn't semitic, I reminder you, faggot.

>Where will this "collective rejection" of yours take you as you refuse to use weapons? Words are cheap. Blade and bullets, they kill.

When did I say that I refuse to use weapons? The only thing I said is that it is impossible to fully destroy them, that they are like rats and need a collective rejection. Full destruction is impossible, because the jew can be anywhere, and can be everyone. The jews were massacred by the christians numerous times in Europe, of course that I accept to use weapons, like my ancestors did.

>You shall not resist evil.

Again, I already said it. Resist evil not for you, but for God. If Christianity was as you say, faggot, it would not have the violent past it has. There is a sin of omission by catholic teaching, which can be of great evil, therefore, not resisting evil can be as promoting it. Simple as.

>You shall love your enemy.

Again, not incompatible with destroying them.

>So you should do things he told you you shouldn't do.

Matthew 5:17

Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.

Matthew 10:34

Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.

The Law is very clear against those who do evil: Death. Christ said that when Moses wrote, he wrote about Him, therefore, Christ's law is Moses law but not in commandment, but in Faith and Love in Him. Tell me, what thing I do that He said I shouldn't do?

>Well then if you don't need to do what Jesus told you to do

When did I said that? Jesus' purpose wasn't killing as many jews as He could, but illegitimatizing them as a whole. The cross we all should carry isn't the same for everyone, yet it has the same path, Christ. He himself says that the Law is still there, and many christcucks may say the contrary, but it is something that the Church always preached. The Law is in force, and that means we should destroy evil with force.

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a1bf5a  No.145269


>Romans killed Yeshua. Jews simply decided they preferred so side with a rabblerouser who defended their interests rather than with a suicidal jarhead.

>actually defending the jews

KEK. In your pursue in rejecting Christ, you come to a point that you would defend the jew. Look, the Romans didn't do shit. Pontius Pilate didn't want to kill Christ, but the Pharisees insisted with the threat of revolting. He washed his hands out of it, Christ blood is in the Jewish hands, not in Romans hands. You are even legitimizing jewish interests in a warlord kek. Shalom, kike.

>imagine that Jews could actually kill your God

Killed, and resurrected in all His glory after lifting all the sin of the world and trembling the whole Hell with His triumphant arrival gifting the just in the Limbo with a place in Heaven. His mortal form gave birth to his fulfilled being, the Son of God, perfect human, perfect divinity in one. So, no, they didn't killed Him.



>Perhaps but honesty commands that I find more virtue in Bar Abbas than in that carpenter's clown boy.

It says a lot of who you are, kike.

>As I said, it's untrue. Part of the antisemitism had nothing to do with deicide and more with the disgusting jewish behavior.

Kek, don't you see that their disgusting behaviour is because of their religion, retard? It isn't separated.

>Your Christian antisemitism is absolutely pointless to Aryans because a Jew is absolved if he converts.

>We care about genetics, you religion doesn't.

>implying that jews are always about genetics

There isn't a clear jewish race, faggot. There are hungarian jews, polish jews, russian jews, jews of all types, even nigger jews kek. Don't you see that to hunt them, you need much more than genetics? There isn't a clear genetic code in the jew. Christians always cared about race, and the proof I already gave it to you. And, what the fuck are you even talking about? Did ancient aryans know about genetics? Who the fuck is we? Are you slavic or something? What descendant of an indo-european are you? What a delusional sad nigger. We wuz aryanz and shieeet KEK.

>1. it's pagan, thus closer to our roots than your (((tales))). So I have more reasons to think they're true.

Which roots? Nigger-type roots? Faggot, if at least you were roman pagan or greek pagan... I would understand. We all had roots of retarded niggerish with many types of pagan religions, always changing for another of a stronger tribe. The only way to find truth in a religion is in its utility, not in identity.

>2. I never pretended that these words were ever spoken for real. I recognize that religions are the invention of men.

I didn't say that religious are invention of men. It's the most probable, yet, It's not an absolute statement from my part.

>I could equally cite excerpts from the old testament too, not all of it is worth the oven you know, despite the obvious semitic corruption

The Old testament is a valid as the New.

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a1bf5a  No.145275


>What makes you think I should care that a Jew who accused other Jews of not being Jews? It is ridiculous.

You claimed that there isn't any single line against Semites, and there is. I don't care about what you care, faggot.

>And that's not about Semites, is it now?

How it isn't? Those who call themselves Jews, aren't Jews, because the dynasty of Sem ended in Christ with His Dead. Those who still are Semitic, are traitors of Christ, therefore, the synagogue of Satan.

>I think you have forgotten that you were supposed to prove that Christian powers did it

What the fuck are you saying? I'm proving my claim, that the ones who lifted the expulsion of Jews from those countries were secular powers guided with people as Cromwell and Napoleon.

>not secular ones on merely ethical, social or economical grounds.


Dear God, what a massive cum swallowing faggot. Are you such a cuck of secularism that you even defend how it benefited the jew and the spread of their cancer?

>That's what I said. Learn to read.

No, faggot, You said that it was because they didn't convert, like a typical heathen. The hate for the Jew was religious, purely religious, not because they didn't want to convert but because they were jews.

>Yes, because they behaved as Jews, with all this implies. The deicide was just the sometimes very inconvenient religious veneer cast by Christianity being the de facto religion in these lands; sometimes the church protected the Jews against the outraged people.

Because of the destruction of property and public unrest and chaos. In the only place that the jew was truly protected was in the Holy Roman Empire, and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. (The HRE had the Emperor, a secular power, as the maximum religious representative. The Polish Kings used the jews economically, which was opposed by the Roman Catholic Church.)

>Christians are dishonest. If you had been honest, you would have never allowed Jews in Europe. There would have never been expulsions because they would have never been there at all.

>You let evil in.

Learn basic history, faggot.


Following the 1st-century Great Revolt and the 2nd-century Bar Kokhba revolt, the destruction of Judea exerted a decisive influence upon the dispersion of the Jewish people throughout the world, as the center of worship shifted from the Temple to Rabbinic authority.

Some Jews were sold as slaves or transported as captives after the fall of Judea, others joined the existing diaspora, while still others remained in Judea and began work on the Jerusalem Talmud. The Jews in the diaspora were generally accepted into the Roman Empire, but with the rise of Christianity, restrictions grew.


>So what?

So, it proves my point in that the jew was not seen as a simple heathen, as someone to convert, but someone who you hated for religious reasons as an inherent enemy of it.

>Maybe you could lurk two more centuries, nah?

I'm not much into slavic ancient history kek.

>You better substantiate that now.

If He is the perfect man, why should He be of one race? He should be the Race. Once He fulfilled His mortal life, it is logical that He became above everything else with His death and resurrection. Christ is the new divine dynasty of God, the union of all peoples, NOT MIXTURE. That's why Christians aren't semite, because they don't descend from Sem, but from Christ.

>A race traitor is a race traitor. I don't like race traitors, no matter who they are or whence they come from.

The ultimate enemy of the Jew, and you don't care? He destroyed their divinity. A race traitor of our enemy surely must be relevant.

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a1bf5a  No.145280


>They surely know a lot about sharing their own wealth with niggers and loving their enemy though.

Which isn't sacrificing for your own people, but for Israel. Love without a just hate is a false love.

>Neither more nor less than a Christian. You have too high an appreciation of yourself. Where's the humility, the meekness?

Much more than a Buddhist, because the ambition of a Christian is Christ and, there is no too high appreciation for Christ, because for Him is the only pride that passes through me.

>"The Christians demand literal belief that the motive force of the entire universe turned itself into a mortal man, in order to have itself killed by mortal men, in order to keep itself from killing mortal men in the eternal torment of hell."

God The Father is not the same as God the Son, even if they are one in the Holy Spirit. It would be: The Perfect man turned itself into a mortal man in order to have itself killed by mortal men while paying for the sins of everyone in order to keep God the Father from killing mortal men in the eternal torment of hell.

>Dear faggot, everything comes from God. Good and Evil are relative to what suits one's needs, extending as far as to the needs of a people.

>Good and Evil are relative

>what suits one's needs

And I am the one brainwashed in Jewish tales? Kek what a world. Good is independent because it preexisted before us as sentient beings. Evil too. Therefore, these aren't relative, but absolute. Good truly suits one's needs, and of his people, and Evil tries to make you feel like it does way better than Good, when objectively, it doesn't. Do you understand, goyim of the jew? Moral relativism is jewish shit.

>There is no notion of "superior race" in Christian theology

There is no scientifical notion in Christian theology, because it is fucking theology, nigger. There is a theological notion of essentialism and perfection that comes from neoplatonism in which there must be a perfect everything, which would be the Divine Nature, the Holy Spirit. If there was a Perfect man, there must be a perfect race. Simple logic.

>You do what Christian people typically did for ages: take noble Aryan truisms and claim them for Christianity when the latter is not legitimate in doing so.

Any proof of such claim, nigger?

>There is not a single criterion in Christianity that would allow you to rank races and therefore posit that mixing a superior one with an inferior one would be akin to sin.



''This theory dates back to the Babylonian Talmud, which states, "the descendants of Ham are cursed by being black, and [it] depicts Ham as a sinful man and his progeny as degenerates." There is, kike.

>Common knowledge =/= Christianity.

Cope harder faggot kek.

>That certainly did not owe anything to Christianity since this religion totally sidetracks the topic besides merely stating equality of races before Jesus by denying the differences.

Kek, read what I wrote you above, faggot. Yet, roman pagans were multicultural, multiracial and had plenty of race-mixing. Racialism flourished in Europe principally in christian societies.

>The very idea that one could find an argument in favor of racial supremacy from the bible is absolutely laughable!

The Curse of Ham.

>By 'your' clergy, fuck face.

Yes, disproving your point about wishing for a paradigm for the weak and meek to be kings in, because kings had power thanks to such religion, not weak and meek.

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a1bf5a  No.145281


>I am not ignoring this or even trying to since it has nothing to with my point about the Christian cosmological view.

It does. If there is such a thing as a hierarchical power, and the legitimization of authority and superiority of those who did better, therefore, there wasn't any type of wishing for a paradigm for the weak and meek to be kings in. The laws of competition are respected in christianity. The only thing that is not is tyranny.

>No, it was made by a divine being. Creation was not considered being of divine essence as it did not proceed from within God's own substance

God is omnipresent in a way that he is able to interact with his creation however he chooses, and is the very essence of his creation. Basic theological view of omnipresence- It proceeds from within God's own substance.

>that the world is profane and corruptible, that evil can manifest in and on it, which alone proves that the entirety of the world cannot be divine since such anti-virtues could not be possible in what is divine

We as a world of people can't be divine unless we summit to Him, and yes, surely Evil manifests in and on it. We are the ones who are profane and corruptible. The Creation isn't, it is a gift that comes from Him. The fact that such Creation isn't perfect doesn't mean it is corrupt, because the Creation summits to God. What makes us corrupt is not our imperfection but our rebellion. In Christian standards, imperfection isn't synonym of corruption.

>This is why you need theosis and the world will not follow you, as you leave it behind because it is gross.

Wrong. Read:

Matthew 15:10-20

10 Jesus called the crowd to him and said, “Listen and understand. 11 What goes into someone’s mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what defiles them.”

12 Then the disciples came to him and asked, “Do you know that the Pharisees were offended when they heard this?”

13 He replied, “Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be pulled up by the roots. 14 Leave them; they are blind guides.[a] If the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit.”

15 Peter said, “Explain the parable to us.”

16 “Are you still so dull?” Jesus asked them. 17 “Don’t you see that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and then out of the body? 18 But the things that come out of a person’s mouth come from the heart, and these defile them. 19 For out of the heart come evil thoughts—murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander. 20 These are what defile a person; but eating with unwashed hands does not defile them.”

>Please look into the basis of theological dualism.

Please read the Bible kek. Theologically, there isn't a rejection for the material like Buddhism and its many branches. The body is as important as the soul. There isn't a duality between the spiritual and the material, but between human corruption and human redemption.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20

19 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;

20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.

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223546  No.145330


>Please look into the basis of theological dualism.

Another very important thing to point out about Christianity is that, the Body of Christ is the one that saves, it is the one that has been sacrificed, therefore, it is Sacred. There isn't a rejection for the material, neither for the body. There isn't even a destruction of the ego, but rather a deconstruction of it so it can aim for Perfection, being reconstructed by the presence of a divinity beyond yourself through True Faith, God. By Christian standards, you can't abandon your own ego, you can't stop being you, your present continuous and your free will is a gift from God, not something that you can reject. You can reject yourself as a Beginning and as an End, because God must be your Principle and your Finality, yet what is in the middle, the course of it, it's fully yours. In reality, the rejection of one self is more a part of the becoming of a true self, because it is the embracing of the original source of oneself, the Father. Therefore, there isn't any type of duality between the body and the soul, the material and the spiritual. Rather, the same Bible says that without the body, the soul is death, just as Faith is death without works.

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1f25a4  No.145349

File: 5d8ba67aa105612⋯.jpeg (65.09 KB, 1024x759, 1024:759, 78C06CFC_9A37_4436_8D45_1….jpeg)



Why the fuck would you capitalize that? Objective truth exists but is ultimately meaningless because (with the exception of what can be deduced by formal logic) no one knows it but God. Assertion of truth is used by people who aren't even convinced of their own arguments as a cope. What matters is whether something is intrinsically good not true. You're right on everything else though, which is why it annoys me that you would used this cope instead of having faith in your beliefs.

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7f7071  No.145357

File: d7d428cb8de0d5d⋯.jpeg (61.72 KB, 246x375, 82:125, orpheos_bakkikos.jpeg)


>Mythology is the divine echo of the Truth.

No you see, let me tell you something.

1. Jesus is a myth. Made up text. Not an ever existing person.

2. This "myth" is based on Orphic "reformed" cult of Dionysus. Something taken from platonists, something from socrates, something from stoics too to perfect lifestyle choice for people believing this myth. Especially with new development in philosophy there was a desire for new religion fitting in new philosophical developments.

3. Main goal of Christian cult was to make hebrew bible and greek philosophy appealing to roman crowd, through new dionysus-like preacher, who was really hard to sell to crowd who knew their whole life who dionysus was unless Christians destroy their whole culture and competing cults of mithras and dionysus, so it can be forgotten, which they eventually did and kept everyone under fear.

All religions, big or small, preach of right way of practicing philosophy, which is about overcoming human condition. Socrates claimed that, Lao-Tzu and Confucious wanted that, Buddha was more a philosopher rather than crypto-deity and so on. Point being philosophers got shit scared for other people that they don't follow their teachings they will turn into fish or go to hell, and that means their loved ones, their close ones, their friends. People don't listen to their babble, but they think their babble is truth from above. So they made religions, a crypto-philosophy that can force itself on anybody, in order to bring "less intelligent" people who don't do philosophy on same level of intelligence that philosophers have. More or less either because they didn't actually trust deities or forces that above them to actually grant intelligence on their own, or because they wanted to pave "path" or "way", easily accessible to people in "dark age", which they actually meant "people who are too stupid for philosophy", common men. It can be seen more clearly in buddhism where they talk more openly about stuff like vajrayana or mahayana, but in case of the west all esoteric cryptic and philosophic stuff about getting rid of desires or overcoming human condition is hidden behind layers of guilt and fear which pretty much keep manifesting same desires and all is pointless behind millions of people giving in to emotions in blind worship of myths. And judaism was a nationalist religion, specifically written by jewish rabbis to keep jews like a herd close to each other in feeling of being "god's chosen people" and make them perfectly safe guarded from being destroyed.

I do not claim people haven't saw supernatural things, or deities weren't around here, its just copycats like Christ are useless for people with higher intelligence who can look stuff up whenever they please, and so dissatisfied they become atheist, and Christianity produces reverse effect and i think heavily contributed to modern atheistic though and even communism.

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242bb8  No.145377


>Why the fuck would you capitalize that?

Truth belongs to God, because He is the Truth. There is no other Truth than Him. If I said truth, it would be any truth regarding some argument, not the absolute Truth which is Him.

>Objective truth exists but is ultimately meaningless because (with the exception of what can be deduced by formal logic) no one knows it but God.

Objective truth comes from God, because He created everything, and He is the essence of such creation, therefore being the absolute Truth. Objective truth isn't meaningless, because it leads to God, Truth as an absolute, and because He is the meaning, it can't be meaningless if it leads to Him.

>Assertion of truth is used by people who aren't even convinced of their own arguments as a cope

Assertion of truth is the base of Faith. I do not have Faith in my arguments, because critical thinking can't be dogmatic. In the only thing I am convinced is in Him, because to Him should be all Faith.

>What matters is whether something is intrinsically good not true.

If it isn't good, it isn't Truth, because it doesn't come from Him, because only good comes from Him, and only He is Truth. Theologically, only good can be part of Truth as the original perfect essence of everything because of the fact that everything derives from a more essential and perfect plane in which everything is self-fulfilling (Divine Nature), but because of the existence of free will, everything had the opportunity to decay (Principally us).

>What matters is whether something is intrinsically good not true. You're right on everything else though, which is why it annoys me that you would used this cope instead of having faith in your beliefs.

I don't have faith in concepts, only in God.

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242bb8  No.145431


>1. Jesus is a myth. Made up text. Not an ever existing person.

Probably, just as every other religion. Yet:

John 20:29

Then Jesus told him, "Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed."

>This "myth" is based on Orphic "reformed" cult of Dionysus


>Cult of Dionysus

What the fuck are you talking about? Christianity would be purely Orphic. The cult of Dionysus and Orphism are completely antithetical. One is ascetic and preaches salvation, the other is purely hedonistic and based on primitive impulses seen as an expression of freedom. Yet, there is no proof for your claims. (You know, even when it is rhetorically probable because of the Hellenic influence in ancient Israel, there is no proof of literally being the base of Christianity.)

>Something taken from platonists, something from socrates, something from stoics too to perfect lifestyle choice for people believing this myth. Especially with new development in philosophy there was a desire for new religion fitting in new philosophical developments.

Kek, you are actually endorsing Christianity.

>Main goal of Christian cult was to make hebrew bible and greek philosophy appealing to roman crowd, through new dionysus-like preacher



Just because He turned water into wine doesn't make Him dionysus-like. Christ would be purely Orphic.

>who was really hard to sell to crowd who knew their whole life who dionysus was unless Christians destroy their whole culture and competing cults of mithras and dionysus, so it can be forgotten, which they eventually did and kept everyone under fear.

Christianity principally spread in the Hellenic sphere of the Roman Empire, and they didn't do it by destroying other cults until Christianity was recognized as the official state religion, so, no, it didn't spread by force, neither it destroyed greek culture (Philosophy is the basis of theological catholicism, as you said) Yet, your narrative is truly of a cuck kek. Every single religion has been overthrown by other religion who was stronger, and that's exactly what happened to the pagan false idols. Surely, you wouldn't care if a pagan tribe did the same with other gods as always happened over millennium, you massive hypocrite. The weak should fear the strong, and your gods were cucked by Christ. Cope.

>All religions, big or small, preach of right way of practicing philosophy, which is about overcoming human condition

>doesn't understand the difference between religion and philosophy

One is dogmatic, the other isn't.

>Socrates claimed that, Lao-Tzu and Confucious wanted that

Lao-Tzu was like a prophet for Taoists, the same with Confucious with Confucianism. Socrates is the only of those you named who is purely philosophical.

>Buddha was more a philosopher rather than crypto-deity and so on

>nooo buddism isn't a religion nooo

KEK. Buddha is a fucking deity you modern cuck, as there are many others in that Asian religion. Go suck a chink dick, faggot.

>So they made religions, a crypto-philosophy that can force itself on anybody, in order to bring "less intelligent" people who don't do philosophy on same level of intelligence that philosophers have

Basically, the utility of religion. Yet, it is not about intelligence, but about time. Not everyone has such a time to think in this things. People way more intelligent by biological standards don't know shit about philosophy because they are focused in their profession. Religion compacts it, and makes it accessible.

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242bb8  No.145433


>More or less either because they didn't actually trust deities or forces that above them to actually grant intelligence on their own

Not in the case of Christianity. In the Bible, the principal responsible of evangelizing are the ones who got the Truth revealed to them. the Apostles. That's the thing about the apostolic succession in the Church, those in it must try everything they can so they give people the . God helps indirectly, without imposing it.

>or because they wanted to pave "path" or "way", easily accessible to people in "dark age", which they actually meant "people who are too stupid for philosophy", common men.

Including our today's people, including oneself.

>It can be seen more clearly in buddhism where they talk more openly about stuff like vajrayana or mahayana,

Do you want me to tell you the superiority of Christianity in comparison with Buddhism?

>but in case of the west all esoteric cryptic and philosophic stuff about getting rid of desires or overcoming human condition

>implying that Buddhism isn't esoteric, when it actually is based in the occult

>implying that Buddhism doesn't preaches the same as whatever esoteric shit you are referring to

>is hidden behind layers of guilt and fear which pretty much keep manifesting same desires and all is pointless behind millions of people giving in to emotions in blind worship of myths

What the fuck are you even talking about? Christianity isn't esoteric, nor is based on guilt or fear, faggot. Faith is antithetical to fear. Guilt, or auto compassion, is sinful (Culpability is totally different). And the blind worship is the fucking basis of Faith, faggot. Buddhists praise their shit with blind worship, with Faith. Every fucking religion is based on Faith. What a massive brainlet you are.

>And judaism was a nationalist religion, specifically written by jewish rabbis to keep jews like a herd close to each other in feeling of being "god's chosen people" and make them perfectly safe guarded from being destroyed.

Yes, at it ended with Christ.

>its just copycats like Christ are useless for people with higher intelligence who can look stuff up whenever they please

>higher intelligence


>and so dissatisfied they become atheist

>and Christianity produces reverse effect and i think heavily contributed to modern atheistic though

>noooo it's all christianity's fault not the secular powers not the enlightenment not the french revolution even when it was antithetical to it and even when the Church fought against it

Whatever you think is irrelevant, nigger. History speaks for itself.

>and even communism.

>communism is totally anticlerical, fully secularized, and violently atheist yet it is caused by Christianity!!1!!1

>what? what about the commandment of not stealing? rabbi tales!1!11

>what? the Church fought against communism in the Spanish Civil war declaring it a crusade? controlled opposition!!!111!!

What a delusional faggot. It is truly pathetic that people like you consider themselves of higher intelligence, when in reality you are way stupider than the common retard. This opposition to tradition is what caused all the degeneracy we are suffering right now, but no, better have Buddhism which is praised by modern lefty faggots as a no-religion when in reality it is.

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242bb8  No.145438


so they give people the Word of God*

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f99293  No.145457


If God is the only Truth (in which case I'm willing to capitalize it) then nothing else can be true including concepts like you mentioned. And I agree with you on this, but I disagree with your definition of faith. If faith is just assertion of truth then faith in anything but God is just a lie since nothing is true but Him. And just asserting God is true isn't enough to know His will. Faith is the ability to accurately follow and process a chain of formal logic. It is through this we can know God's will. But I'm not too worried. You seem pretty smart, much smarter than cuckchan.

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242bb8  No.145481


>If faith is just assertion of truth then faith in anything but God is just a lie since nothing is true but Him


>And just asserting God is true isn't enough to know His will

His revelation is enough, and in His Word, He says that Faith is the principal way to Him, therefore, Truth. If you truly in heart desire to be with God, He will guide you to Him if you keep such desire in that profound Faith. The rest will be His Will, and your knowledge will be whatever He wants it to be, therefore, your knowledge will be His Will. To truly in heart desire Him you need to truly in heart despise yourself, everyone and everything else, which is a work. Faith by itself is a work. A superficial belief of God, a Faith which isn't a work, is death.

>Faith is the ability to accurately follow and process a chain of formal logic

Yes, because there are gaps in such logical chains, and to keep them, you need Faith as the fuel for the impulse of intuition in the abstract subconscious process. Yet, such Faith should not be in logic, neither in the chain of concepts and arguments, but in Him, because He is the fountain of Faith itself. He is the Principle of Faith, and He is the Finality of Faith. Truly, Faith is one more of His gifts.

>It is through this we can know God's will

His Word is all of the Will He wants us to know. We should not strive to knowing His Will, we should strive to Him. Him and only Him. What made us rebel against Him was exactly that, the strive for knowledge independently of Him (The Tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil in Genesis).

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d08adc  No.145493

File: 39a70a05c8fedc1⋯.png (272.24 KB, 584x880, 73:110, Cap.png)

File: 02011fc31e3a25c⋯.pdf (3.49 MB, The_Dionysian_Gospel_The_F….pdf)

File: df6ecc55796db11⋯.pdf (1.67 MB, The_Jesus_Mysteries_Was_th….pdf)

File: 81221ee7501847d⋯.pdf (1.75 MB, The_myth_of_paganism_Nonnu….pdf)


>Just because He turned water into wine doesn't make Him dionysus-like.

Easier to give you full reading material on this, than explain each thing one by one.

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f99293  No.145501


You sound like a younger version of me. Eventually, you'll figure out the Word of God is Logos not scripture.

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242bb8  No.145503


>Easier to give you full reading material on this

Easier to you, faggot. In such a debate, you should use what you know from your sources to counter my own arguments. Anyway, I will talk about the part of the page of your image. The fact that there are similarities doesn't affirm that Christ is based on Dionysus, which is ridiculous if you knew about such greek god. Christ would be Orphic-based, almost entirely Orphic-based, and that would be assuming He is based on something. You can't prove any of that, just like I can't prove God's existence. It's all speculative rhetoric, not objective proof. Religion and philosophy aren't the same. One is dogmatic, the other isn't, that's it. You can be a Buddhist and dogmatically disapprove Christ, and we could discuss about the objective utility of Buddhist dogma and Christian dogma while discussing which is better, but what we can't do is assume some precarious bullshit only to fulfill a narrative.

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242bb8  No.145506


I didn't say that His Word was scripture. That would be saying that the Law is based on commandments, not in Christ. He writes His Word in our hearts through Faith, because He is the Word, He is the Law, the Verb that became flesh. His Word is pretty clear about that.

John 1:14

14 The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.

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14c73a  No.145550

I will try to condense this as much as possible because, your dishonesty aside, this is getting absurdly long and I'm not even sure it's worth it. You're a desperate Christian, coping hard in your attempt to defend what is blatantly corrupt or just plain silly. Your methods of argumentation speak loudly about this level of failure you have reached. Take note:

The point I made and which was absolutely clear was how Christianity regards the world as more or less non-divine and expandable.

Yet your reply >>145330 is a whole paragraph about the human body hosts a soul that is of elevated nature although not exactly with God something something. Nothing to do with the world per se.

You bicker on about every single line I write too thus considerably multiplying the useful size of this exchange. In many of your points we can clearly see the literal disdain you have for pagans, and will do anything you can to protect a faith tainted by a completely alien lore and logic. It does not take a genius to see how it stands in stark contrast with the morals and virtue dear to our older ancestors and their ancient beliefs, and this has been pointed out by many, many smart men before we even were born. So your defense mechanism is to come up with more Christian pilpul so as to dress as virile and virtuous what is plainly written as abhorrent to a true Aryan mind.

>>"The Christians demand literal belief that the motive force of the entire universe turned itself into a mortal man, in order to have itself killed by mortal men, in order to keep itself from killing mortal men in the eternal torment of hell."

>God The Father is not the same as God the Son, even if they are one in the Holy Spirit. It would be: The Perfect man turned itself into a mortal man in order to have itself killed by mortal men while paying for the sins of everyone in order to keep God the Father from killing mortal men in the eternal torment of hell.

You are literally incapable of reading correctly. You think the person who wrote that didn't know about your Trinity? The sentence doesn't even deny its possibility. The author spoke about the motive force of the entire universe, aka the Deus that is Father, Spirit and Son, which anyone with a whiff of religious culture will easily recognize as a Hindu concept. But I wouldn't hold my hopes too high with you, seeing how you see anything pre-Christian as niggerish, decadent, sick, stupid, ignorant, etc.

> Good is independent because it preexisted before us as sentient beings. Evil too.

No one is denying that as concepts, they must exist, like many other things, before being applied to a palatable creation. The question is what they actually mean and are, and how they manifest into the world, where suddenly what is good for your people is bad for the other one that will be starving to death because you will not share your riches. Your deranged cult of cowardice and fragility that managed to expand across an entire falling empire throughout centuries, by a totally non-natural way, is just part of the end of a cycle. It's filth in noble robes.

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14c73a  No.145554

>Matthew 15:10-20

>10 Jesus called the crowd to him and said, “Listen and understand. 11 What goes into someone’s mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what defiles them.”

>12 Then the disciples came to him and asked, “Do you know that the Pharisees were offended when they heard this?”

>13 He replied, “Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be pulled up by the roots. 14 Leave them; they are blind guides.[a] If the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit.”

>15 Peter said, “Explain the parable to us.”

>16 “Are you still so dull?” Jesus asked them. 17 “Don’t you see that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and then out of the body? 18 But the things that come out of a person’s mouth come from the heart, and these defile them. 19 For out of the heart come evil thoughts—murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander. 20 These are what defile a person; but eating with unwashed hands does not defile them.”

The version you present here is literally a wholesale gagging order. Not even once it attempts to say that some good things could also come out of the heart and the mouth. The author of this text cannot escape talking in absolutes and ends making a stupid point that is supposed to be wise but simply reads as shut up forever.

"Murder defiles you". AKA the several centuries old meme "if you kill them, they win."

But again, what do I know? Do not resist evil and love your enemies.

Oh and by the way, see that part about slander? You should really reconsider toning it down, Christian, or you'll be the roastie. :P

It's obvious that you're on a purely pavlovian mode here, you must reply even if what you type is abysmally stupid. Luckily for me, I have no obligation to convince you, I think most people can see the insanity of your entire position.

The good news is that what was (((achieved))) one way can be reverted the other way round. Thankfully, many Whites are leaving this dying cult, going through atheism, agnosticism or looking for better alternatives.

It is quite a real comfort to know that the German Reich saw through this and knew that it was time to move on. The fact that its core was returning to a deist/pagan worldview always fills me with joy.

Finally, your repetitive abuse of the roastie and faggot slandering to enrich about two sentences out of three in your posts could likely tell a lot your mental sanity and mores, something you might want to talk about with someone you can trust. That you'd be projecting hard while trying to deal with complex family problems would not even surprise me. Hence your overcompensation on being the most zealous Christian you can ever be.

What is certain is that you are headed for a severe spiritual burnout.

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14c73a  No.145565


>assuming He is based on something. You can't prove any of that

It's just easier to be in full denial even if the abnormal amount of similarities about him with other beings or gods, or even his twelve apostles, etc., raise all sorts of red flags. But noooo, he's unique and genuine, don't worry.

What to think of a "god" who once thought the Jews to be the best people ever!

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14c73a  No.145566

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d6ac79  No.145723


>your dishonesty aside

I wish I could say the same about you, faggot. Your retardation is very genuine. Surely, I'm not honest with you, because you are no more than a pig. I'm honest with Him, and those with Him.

>You're a desperate Christian, coping hard in your attempt to defend what is blatantly corrupt or just plain silly.

Kek. Do you truly think that I need to defend something to you? I didn't start this post to defend, but to attack. To attack delusional infidels like you. I can't be desperate in what I started, neither when the principal basis of my will is Faith in Him. That's what a soulless nigger like you will never understand, a faggot who cucks his faith to anything that may make him feel special.

>Your methods of argumentation speak loudly about this level of failure you have reached.

>t. massive cope

>The point I made and which was absolutely clear was how Christianity regards the world as more or less non-divine and expandable.

And my counter-point says that even when the material isn't essentially divine, God is the perfect essence of the material and the Creation is not seen as corrupt in Christianity just because it is imperfect.

>is a whole paragraph about the human body hosts a soul that is of elevated nature

Where the fuck did I say that? The body and the soul are equal in regards of their nature, just as Christ's body and soul was both equally perfect and divine.

>although not exactly with God something something

It can be with God through Faith, and that process isn't letting the corruptible world behind, because it isn't the world, the Creation, the one who is corruptible, but us.

>Nothing to do with the world per se.

Yes it does you massive faggot kek. The material is not corrupt just because it is imperfect and divine. The Creation comes from God's essence, even if it isn't God essence, and because the Creation summits to Him, and unjustly using it is a great sin.

>You bicker on about every single line I write too thus considerably multiplying the useful size of this exchange

If there wasn't something to dispute, I wouldn't. Too much for you, brainlet?

>In many of your points we can clearly see the literal disdain you have for pagans

And the sky is blue. I see that you feel the same about Christianity, therefore, it is just that I do the same. Cope harder.

>and will do anything you can to protect a faith

It doesn't need protection.

>by a completely alien lore and logic.

>implying that yours isn't alien lore, if not totally corrupted by the fact that such religions ended up forgotten, manipulated and defeated by others stronger, just like Christianity

Ayyy lmao

>It does not take a genius to see how it stands in stark contrast with the morals and virtue dear to our older ancestors and their ancient beliefs

Obviously. Your morals and virtue stand for a romantic struggle of the individual as he strives for egocentric honor and glory, and my morals and virtue stand for a christian struggle of the individual as he strives for good sacrificing himself for a collective and utilitarian benefit of his legacy. (My values represent the Family, yours represent individual glory)

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d6ac79  No.145724


>and this has been pointed out by many, many smart men before we even were born

And what I say has been pointed out by many, many more smart men before those where born. For what you stand for is no more than a modern and romantic view of the world kek.

>what is plainly written as abhorrent to a true Aryan mind.

>we wuz aryanz and shieeeet

Are you slavic?

>You are literally incapable of reading correctly. You think the person who wrote that didn't know about your Trinity?

By how he wrote that, surely he didn't know much. It isn't that God Father became a mortal man so He stopped himself of killing others, but God the Son is the one who did it. Literally, brainlet.

>The author spoke about the motive force of the entire universe

The motive force of the entire universe, as you said, is divided in three divine persons but it is one united by the Holy Spirit. Therefore, an independent part of God stopped another independent part of God with his sacrifice, the Son stopped the Father in destroying the world with His Blood and Flesh, paying for all of our sins so these can be forgotten if we want to. So, again, whoever wrote that, he was wrong.

>which anyone with a whiff of religious culture will easily recognize as a Hindu concept

>implying that someone with some decency would care about a shithole religion of India

>But I wouldn't hold my hopes too high with you, seeing how you see anything pre-Christian as niggerish, decadent, sick, stupid, ignorant, etc

Wrong. Rome is pre-Christian, and I see it as the base of our civilization. Ancient Greece is pre-Christian, and I see it as the base of our thought. Christianity is based both on Greek philosophy and Roman civilization as the compendium of both in one cultural legacy that represents the best of both. If you were an hellenic pagan or a roman pagan, that would make sense, but no. You talk about hindu shit, buddist shit, norse shit and other shit were they lived like savages. Everything that isn't Roman or Greek is niggerish, decadent, sick, stupid, ignorant, etc. Christianity is both Roman and Greek.

>The question is what they actually mean and are, and how they manifest into the world, where suddenly what is good for your people is bad for the other one that will be starving to death because you will not share your riches

What a cuck you are. Do you know who is good and who is bad? The strong is good, the weak is bad. Who was stronger than your shithole religions? Christianity. Who is stronger than anything? God. That's it, cuck.

>Your deranged cult of cowardice and fragility

>gets cucked by a supposed cult of cowardice and fragility

Cope harder, cuck.

>expand across an entire falling empire throughout centuries, by a totally non-natural way

Wrong. Constantine invaded Rome in the name of God, and he won. Once he made Christianity as the official religion, only 10-20% of the population was Christian. Paganism fairly lost, get over it, cuck.

>is just part of the end of a cycle

>Europe flourished under Christianity, and once Christianity was being abandoned, we are decaying rampantly culturally, but it is all of Christianity's fault

Cope harder, loser retard.

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d6ac79  No.145756


>Not even once it attempts to say that some good things could also come out of the heart and the mouth.

It doesn't try to say that, nigger. It clearly says that we are the ones who corrupt ourselves, not the world. It is not the world which is corrupt, but ourselves. We don't leave it behind, what we leave behind is the worst of ourselves which is gross. We are gross, not the world.

>The author of this text cannot escape talking in absolutes and ends making a stupid point that is supposed to be wise but simply reads as shut up forever.

>it is bad because I say so

What a massive faggot you are kek. The point is wise and simple, which is that we are corrupt, not the world. It is our fault, not the world's fault. I know that a cuck with his depressive victimhood can't see such thing. What a sad existence kek.

>"Murder defiles you". AKA the several centuries old meme "if you kill them, they win."

It isn't murder if you defend good, and surely, killing people like you isn't murder.

>But again, what do I know? Do not resist evil and love your enemies.

>ignoring that Christianity has a long history of resisting evil and violence

Say that to the thousand of cucked pagans who are rotting in hell kek. All of them death by the holy hand of the Church. Cope harder, cuck. Loving your enemies isn't contrary to destroying them, and as I said numerous times in this post, you shall not resist evil for yourself, but for God. The Bible is clear about the Law.

>Oh and by the way, see that part about slander? You should really reconsider toning it down, Christian

Slander? I'm saying the truth, cuck.

>or you'll be the roastie. :P


>calls me roastie when he expresses like one

Projecting much, cuck.

>It's obvious that you're on a purely pavlovian mode here

I'm not the one who wants to be a lion and roar to niggers kek.

>you must reply even if what you type is abysmally stupid.

>it is abysmally stupid believe meee even when I do not have any counter-argument against it I don't like when you respond!1!1!1 leave me be the one who is right!!!!11!

Cope harder, cuck.

>Luckily for me, I have no obligation to convince you, I think most people can see the insanity of your entire position.

>uses literally roastie counter-arguments by trying to push some form of lamb-group shame when he is the one who argues that Christianity has a slave morality

KEK. Hypocrite roastie

>Thankfully, many Whites are leaving this dying cult, going through atheism, agnosticism or looking for better alternatives.

>the majority are becoming communists, socialists, anarchists, conservative-cucks, and liberals who ignore the necessity of force but yaaaas no christianity am I right gaizzzz???

I know that for a roastie like you, such traitorous behavior is something to be proud of.

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d6ac79  No.145759


>It is quite a real comfort to know that the German Reich saw through this and knew that it was time to move on. The fact that its core was returning to a deist/pagan worldview always fills me with joy.

>in its short existence, creates the perfect martyrdom for jews, floods half of Europe with communism, destroys millions of lifes without any sense, creates the perfect narrative against any type of nationalism, creates the perfect narrative against any type of racial realism

Oy vey, surely everything got better thanks to the nazi-cucks.

>Finally, your repetitive abuse of the roastie and faggot slandering to enrich about two sentences out of three in your posts could likely tell a lot your mental sanity and mores, something you might want to talk about with someone you can trust.

>noooo please do not say bad words in the chanzz plsss surely you have mental problems!11!

Roastie, if you don't like the truth of your roastie-like expressions, it is not my problem. If you weren't a faggot, you would not be as affected and would move on or maybe respond with the same coin, but no, you elaborated more about your cope than about any other argument kek.

>That you'd be projecting hard

Who is the one using roastie-like expression and arguments? Who is the one being such a faggot that you create a whole victim narrative about your dead religion? You are a faggot and a roastie based on what you say, which can't be a projection because it is based on your own expressions.

>while trying to deal with complex family problems would not even surprise me

>being this much of a woman

> Hence your overcompensation on being the most zealous Christian you can ever be.


Who is desperately hugging himself to an ancient religion with no relevancy whatsoever and self-projecting it as some form of individual identity? Me? Surely, what would make me overcompensate something about myself would be embracing something that makes me feel special and that idealizes myself, and that's something that your pagan shit does. Being Christian doesn't make me special, all of the contrary, neither idealizes myself, it humiliates me, justly. How can a religion about not self-seeking overcompensate something about myself? Rather, it does the contrary.

>What is certain is that you are headed for a severe spiritual burnout.

Thanks for caring, roastie. You talk like a woman, focusing so much on the other's state as a form of manipulation. I do not care about your spiritual state neither care about knowing what will be your future. I only know that whatever will be, it will be just.

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d6ac79  No.145770


>It's just easier to be in full denial even if the abnormal amount of similarities about him with other beings or gods

>full denial

>abnormal amount of similarities

Do you read, nigger? I said that Christ would be entirely Orphic based, not Dionysian. Yet, similarities doesn't confirm it as an absolute proof, or absolute enough, faggot.

>or even his twelve apostles, etc., raise all sorts of red flags.

>implying that there is no similarities between almost every god

>But noooo, he's unique and genuine, don't worry.

Are you retarded? I don't have the proof of that as you don't have proof of the contrary. As I said, it is all based on Faith. Religion is dogmatic. Maybe Christ was invented, maybe not. Just as any fucking god in this world. Yet, the thing about religion is that you have Faith. Maybe Buddha was invented and based on other gods, maybe he existed and all of it is real. The thing about religious narrative is that you can only discuss about its utility and value, not about its veracity, because it is based on faith. Don't you understand, nigger?

>What to think of a "god" who once thought the Jews to be the best people ever!

They weren't the best people, they were chosen because of His plan. The Bible itself says horrible things about the Jews kek.

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4a0f22  No.154805

File: 5110360def49d10⋯.jpeg (89.92 KB, 617x768, 617:768, _Ste_phane_Bern_destructe….jpeg)

France Frères, ce putain de juif.

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f7f3d4  No.154861

Looks like our little christcuck will argue like a woman to the bitter end ("you give a woman the last word and that still isn't enough". Sean Connery. He intends to drown us in an ocean of words. Will somebody please dispatch him to his ardently desired eternal reward (in minecraft) so we can have some peace and quiet from this prolix dipshit?

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74099e  No.154979


>the thread is dead

>you whine a month later about how much this thread causes you disrupt

>still you bump it with a sage

>you claim that I want to have the last word

>still you post to have the last word

>you claim that I argue like a woman

>still you talk about us, trying to secure yourself in a collective identity as a woman would do

>you claim that I want to drown people in words

>yet the pagan counter-arguments are linking entire books


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f7f3d4  No.155017


Paganism? who said anything about paganism? kek

Fuck off.

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f7f3d4  No.155018

File: 0e5e0eda8d45052⋯.jpg (10.41 KB, 400x400, 1:1, EuWH24uk_400x400.jpg)

There it is; it's yours. Take it.

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0523a0  No.155027


>I am a paid jewish shill

Why are you posting here at all?

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f7f3d4  No.155163


>>being against worshipping a dead rabbi on a stick proves I'm a jew shill.

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f378c9  No.155799



what is that?

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f7f3d4  No.155810


Ultra = beyond

Montaine = mountain

Beyond the mountains (the Alps) the French king is independent from the Papacy's temporal powers.. It's a policy they've followed for a long time. The FRench king choses his bishops and cardinals.

A term used to denote integral and active Catholicism, because it recognizes as its spiritual head the pope, who, for the greater part of Europe, is a dweller beyond the mountains (ultra montes), that is, beyond the Alps. The term "ultramontane", indeed, is relative: from the Roman, or Italian, point of view, the French, the Germans, and all the other peoples north of the Alps are ultramontanes, and technical ecclesiastical language actually applies the word in precisely this sense. In the Middle Ages, when a non-Italian pope was elected he was said to be a papa ultramontano. In this sense the word occurs very frequently in documents of the thirteenth century; after the migration to Avignon, however, it dropped out of the language of the Curia.

In a very different sense, the word once more came into use after the Protestant Reformation, which was, among other things, a triumph of that ecclesiastical particularism, based on political principles, which was formulated in the maxim: Cujus regio, ejus religio. Among the Catholic governments and peoples there gradually developed an analogous tendency to regard the papacy as a foreign power; Gallicanism and all forms of French and German regalism affected to look upon the Holy See as an alien power because it was beyond the Alpine boundaries of both the French kingdom and the German empire. This name of Ultramontane the Gallicans applied to the supporters of the Roman doctrineswhether that of the monarchical character of the pope in the government of the Church or of the infallible pontifical magisteriuminasmuch as the latter were supposed to renounce "Gallican liberties" in favour of the head of the Church who resided ultra montes. This use of the word was not altogether novel; as early as the time of Gregory VII the opponents of Henry IV in Germany had been called Ultramontanes (ultramontani). In both cases the term was intended to be opprobrious, or at least to convey the imputation of a failing in attachment to the Ultramontane's own prince, or his country, or his national Church.

Catholic Encyclopedia

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74099e  No.156095


Ultramontane, refering to ultramontarism.


Ultramontanism is a clerical political conception within the Catholic Church that places strong emphasis on the prerogatives and powers of the Pope.

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0523a0  No.156105


>I continue to say things only paid jewish shills have ever said, even after being called out

Why are you posting here at all?

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f7f3d4  No.156180


>Why are you posting here at all?

Because ultimately the jew poison of Christianity is responsible for the vast influx of shitskins and other scum into Europe and N. America. There are other places for Christcucks to gather. Not here.

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