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3aa9bd  No.148075

Right now it is TBD if Biden will debate Trump. If they do have debates, I think they should be like 'Shoujiki Shougi' on AKBingo. Have the candidates each have a prepared list of accusations, and allow them to pick one and nail the other with it. Let the defender try to explain it away. Then maybe the pundits can editorialize. Then the other candidate has his turn. This continues onward throughout the debate.

Lie Detector would be a nice touch but unlikely to be implemented.

I'd prefer to have the candidates attack each other directly rather than some insipid CNN person deciding what questions to ask, and then leaking them to Biden's handlers.

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2cbff9  No.148078

Why care at all? It’s literally just jewish theater. They have identical political positions. They behave identically.

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7c839a  No.148096

I want Trump to quietly and slyly goad Biden into one of his anger fits so that he challenges Trump to a fight.

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3aa9bd  No.148125


Get him to talk about Cornpop.


Ok if they are the same, then Trump should be re-elected since he's president already & Biden is over-the-hill.

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7c839a  No.148145


>Get him to talk about Cornpop

Get him to call Trump "Cornpop"

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2cbff9  No.148148


Trump and Biden are virtually the same age and have identical political policies. It is irrelevant who wins.

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