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3ce5d6  No.148001

From Mein Kampf

The völkisch principle does not admit that one race is equal to another, but by recognising that they are different, separates mankind into races of superior and inferior quality.

On the basis of this recognition it feels bound, in conformity with the Eternal Will that dominates the universe, to postulate the victory of the better and stronger and the subordination of the inferior and weaker thus subscribing to Nature's fundamental aristocratic principle and it believes that this law holds good even down to the last individual organism.

From Mein Kampf

On this planet of ours human culture and civilisation are indissolubly bound up with the presence of the Aryan. If he were to be exterminated or become extinct, then the dark shroud of a new barbaric era would enfold the earth.

To undermine the existence of human culture by exterminating its custodians would be an execrable crime in the eyes of those who subscribe to the völkisch Weltanschauung.

Whoever dares to raise his hand against the highest image of God, sins against the bountiful Creator of this marvel and contributes to the expulsion from Paradise.

Hence the völkisch Weltanschauung is in profound accord with Nature's most sacred will, because it restores the free play of the forces which, through reciprocal education, will produce a higher type, until finally the best portion of mankind will possess the earth and will be free to work in spheres which lie not only within, but without the limits of that earth.

We all feel that in the distant future man may be faced with problems which can be solved only by a superior race of human beings, which is master over all the other peoples and has at its disposal the means and resources of the whole world.

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3ce5d6  No.148003

File: e81fb1fb9f3dcd6⋯.webm (6.77 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, video.webm)

File: afe9e95bc05b9cc⋯.pdf (2.24 MB, The_Programme_of_the_NSDAP….pdf)

File: 361d24edd70e86e⋯.pdf (2.43 MB, Mein_Kampf_Adolf_Hitler_st….pdf)

File: f1f73d9ddde1d69⋯.pdf (1.39 MB, The_Myth_of_the_20th_Centu….pdf)

kosher shills are aiming to prevent you from accomplishing your objective via distraction - for example, look at all the frivolous bullshit in the /pnd/ catalog and on tv and reddit and twitter

From Mein Kampf

In every case where there are exigencies or tasks that seem impossible to deal with successfully, public opinion must be concentrated on the one problem, under the conviction that the solution of this problem alone is a matter of life or death.

Only in this way can public interest be aroused to such a pitch as will urge people to combine in a great voluntary effort and achieve important results.

This fundamental truth applies also to the individual, provided he is desirous of attaining some great end. He must always concentrate his efforts on one definitely limited stage of his progress which has to be completed before the next step be attempted.

Those who do not endeavour to realise their aims step by step, and who do not concentrate their energy on reaching the individual stages, will never attain the final objective.

At some stage or other they will falter and fail. This systematic way of approaching an objective is an art in itself and always calls for the expenditure of every ounce of energy in order to conquer step after step of the road.

Therefore, the most essential preliminary condition necessary for an attack on such a difficult stage of the human road is that the authorities should succeed in convincing the masses that the immediate objective which is now being fought for is the only one that deserves to be considered and the only one on which everything depends.

The broad masses are never able to see clearly the whole stretch of the road lying in front of them, without becoming tired and thus losing faith in their ability to complete the task.

To a certain extent they will keep the objective in mind, but they are only able to survey the whole road in small stages, as in the case of the traveller who knows where his journey is going to end, but who masters the endless stretch far better by attacking it in stages. Only in this way can he keep up his determination and reach the final objective.

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758231  No.148006

Nope fuck that, niggers suck.

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8629d0  No.148039


Nice post idiot

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cb31f0  No.148050


You suck Nigger. Deal with it.

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70a2bc  No.148063



What is your actual argument? What concerns you with this? Where the fuck does the objective fact that nigs are absolutely terrible pieces of shit connect to this thread?

You are like a walking incarnation of the concept of the Dünning-Kruger effect. Seriously, can you explain yourself?

You seem pitiful and disgustingly idiotic. Sadly, this kind of inferiority is all too common in the modern masses…

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f8e449  No.148082

File: 2ac4d01b5fd01af⋯.jpg (123.73 KB, 622x882, 311:441, darwin_quote_elvolution_of….jpg)


The actual argument centers around genetic diversity and the niggers inability to be civilized due to their status as protohumans. You keep wanting to take something that has no capacity or value in the world and try and force it to become human. It would be better to take our resources and invest them in something (our own children) that has both potential and value. No one in their right mind would waste resources or time on niggers because their behavior and 'diversity' (that prevents them from ever achieving civilization) is hardwired into their genetics. Anon



is correct and highly succinct. Niggers totally suck and they are a total waste of resources, time and energy. Since we have been over this 1,000 times already the only one who doesn't know this is you anon. We already understand that niggers (and part niggers) need extermination because they are worthless and their lives don't matter at all.

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8629d0  No.148106


Running damage control? Fool.

Better stray off topic to beat a dead horse just puff yourself with your farts.

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70a2bc  No.148141


Yes, nigs are not good nor are they domesticable. This is true, but pointless, irrelevant, and completely off-topic. Also no one stated they were for domesticating or civilizing them. You are a shill who is trying to direct attention away from the topic of this thread.

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