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f88fc7  No.147782

My political theory is National Libertarianism—an idea that focuses on the libertarian ideal of a small government and virtually unlimited personal freedoms for citizens of a nation, as long as it doesn’t infringe on anyone else’s rights. However, the “National” part comes from the fact that, differently from the U.S. Libertarian Party, National Libertarianism focuses inwardly (Nationalism) rather than outwardly (Globalism), and outright rejects anarchy.

We believe in personal freedom, but we also believe in law and order. If you abuse your freedom and screw with someone else’s life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, we’ll throw your ass in jail. You want to smoke dope in the privacy of your own home? Have at it. But if you give dope to a 10 year-old who can’t make an informed choice, you’re a monster who’s going to a cage.

We believe in national self-sufficiency; the idea that a great nation should be able to provide and manufacture what it needs from its own resources. We believe that all of a nation’s citizens make up the body of the nation and have something to offer it; And we don’t believe in “Make America Great Again,” because we’re already the greatest nation the world has ever seen—we went from nothing to an empire in a human lifetime (1776–1848), and by 1944 we were the most powerful nation the world had ever seen. And have you ever wondered why most modern countries have a President as their head of state? Because we invented the concept in our Constitution 230 years ago.

No, we don’t need to Make America Great Again. Screw that and the person who came up with it and their divisive politics. We need to Make America Greater. And we’ve given that idea up, with the imposition of social democratic concepts during the 20th century and the concomitant race to mediocrity. A great nation doesn’t impose a $15/hour minimum wage because hard-working people who want to work can’t find a job that delivers a wage that can support their families. A great nation says “It is UNACCEPTABLE that in a nation as great and powerful as ours, that hardworking American citizens can’t find good jobs that justifiably EARN them a living wage!”

And one of the big reasons why this unacceptable thing has happened is because the United States of America got away from the Nationalism that made us the greatest nation on Earth. After we won World War II, through the efforts of our own fighting men and our own industry and technology that rearmed and fed our allies in Britain, France, Russia and China when they needed our help, we lost sight of America after the war. We’ve spent the last 72 years assuming responsibilities around the world that aren’t our concern, defending umpteen nations that don’t like or respect us, outsourcing jobs and industry to other nations with no tangible benefit to us, and piling up debt while eroding our own national consciousness.

The country that became an Empire in its first 72 years has been everyone else’s stooge for the last 72. NO MORE!

National Libertarianism. Liberty for all the citizens of our Republic, and a rebirth of our national consciousness—only greater than ever before, because no one who can call themselves an American is excluded, like was mistakenly done in the past. Free speech, free expression, the unfettered right to bear arms to defend your person and your Republic from tyranny, social deviants, and external enemies. The Constitution as it was intended, Federalism as it was intended, Justice as it was intended, and every adult who is willing to put in an honest day’s work should have the ability to earn an honest day’s pay, because the globalists can’t send their jobs 10,000 miles away anymore. (They can always send themselves 10,000 miles away, and find some other country to ruin.)

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640ab4  No.147792

"After we won World War II, through the efforts of our own fighting men and our own industry and technology that rearmed and fed our allies in Britain, France, Russia and China when they needed our help, we lost sight of America after the war. "

No dude. We got dragged into the war late by the deep state. And we won because we became the new host nation for the deep state.

China is the new host

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85576e  No.147794


Libertarianism suffers from the same problem of anarchism: removing or limiting the power of the state just creates a power vaccuum that will inevitably be filled by other organizations that will become the defacto government. If the state is unable to enforce its laws, gangs wlll create their own and enforce them. If the state can't censor speech, Google will do it for them. If the state can't go to war they just secretly arm "rebels" to do proxy wars for them. It's all just so silly and pointless.

Why would you ever want to limit the power of government anyway? If your people are in power, limiting the power of government just allows other groups to insinuate themselves and take it over. And if you're not in power, do you really trust your enemies to "respect" the boundaries you set?

This whole libertarianism thing is all about gullible people with no will to power who live their lives in perpetual fear of the government doing bad things to them, so they think "limiting the government" is a great political statement. It isn't. It's pointless and dumb and you should feel bad.

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024d12  No.147796


>We believe in national self-sufficiency; the idea that a great nation should be able to provide and manufacture what it needs from its own resources.

Then you aren't a libertarian. LIbertarianism is really low IQ stuff for the people it is intended to mentally trap. The guys running it top down certainly know what their doing, but man the brain dead morons to hook onto it are something else. Libertarianism is a mask for rent-seeking and arbitrage.

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1d5402  No.147803

Libertarianism is judaism.

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3ae25a  No.147888


Like all things, Libertarianism is not Jewish, Anarcho-Capitalism is Jewish.

Libertarianism is deeply rooted in European cultures from even as far back as Sparta.

They primary issue with Libertarianism is that it can be used to advocate for slavery in some conditions.

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1d5402  No.147899


Libertarianism is judaism. It was founded by jews, it is ideologically jewish, it does everything that jews want to atomize the goyim and destroy collectivist society. You failed. The issue is the foundation of the ideology.

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