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File: 34c5cabc2546120⋯.png (593.64 KB, 655x800, 131:160, world_today.png)

aa503e  No.147341

Made a red pill video for normies. Mixed a little bit of the matrix with Game of thrones scenes. To wake people up from the false reality of everything be relatively calm, when in reality life is a warzone of psychological attack and degeneracy.

Will upload the video file in the next post.

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aa503e  No.147347

File: aa3b45e1437ba6f⋯.mp4 (12.78 MB, 640x360, 16:9, spirit_world.mp4)

Here's the video

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8f6ba7  No.147363


Your video has a negro in it - the negro is even teaching something to a white man.

Also these are all references to jew hollywood creations. I'd rather lead people back to non kiked culture.

But thanks for making OC. I appreciate the effort. 1.5/10 for content 8/10 for effort.

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f85c1a  No.147365


OP video might be a good way to try to deprogram the normies, showing some blacks so they can relax in their mind. Opening their senses to the reality.

As soon as anything that goes against their indoctrination shows, their defense systems in their ego activates. This way indeed it might be possible to bypass the ego system the jews put in place which keeps them in a docile state.

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