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File: 8590ad0334b2d41⋯.jpeg (23.58 KB, 640x336, 40:21, drake.jpeg)

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cc167f  No.146983


Its the hip hop way of replacing Jesus and insulting him. They want a black anti-Christ. The Marxist want to implement a state religion with Black victims of police brutality to be the new saints of their Marxist church. Its the way of erasing religion and replacing it subversively.


Remember, Drake is one of the Chosenite tribe.

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c2e335  No.146986


All chosenites are niggers anon. Look at their DNA. Look at their matrilineal culture. Look at their cannibalistic (eating human flesh and blood) religion. Jew are niggers anon.

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f6f960  No.147004

File: 2519a95c5413182⋯.jpeg (70.57 KB, 663x1025, 663:1025, 4dc4c7a91b0ca8230ff4640b8….jpeg)


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