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File: c1f1eb447e75b62⋯.jpg (28.52 KB, 800x450, 16:9, infinitechan.jpg)

ae802c  No.146195[Last 50 Posts]

I've been using 8chan since 2015. I remember when /hebe/ was still on here and all the Tor imageboards that were based off 8chan's infinity software. Now look at this place. It's slow as fuck, it's full of Zion Don shills, Qoomers, Christfags, etc. You no longer can make your own boards, most of the better users have fucked off to only god knows where, etc. Why did it have to be 8chan that got killed? Why not cuckchan? And I've noticed that even before this wensite died, it was already showing signs of being cucked as far back as March 2019 when Christchurch happened. There were tons of cuckchan rapefugees that were calling Tarrant a kike before the bodies were even cold, /r9k/ got flooded with Incel Tears users apparently (even cuckchan /r9k/ was better than this offshoot at that point), and so much cancer was being spread on this site. I miss the 8chan of 2015 - 17/18. The only advantage of 8kun over 8chan is that this version is Tor-friendly, but even then /pnd/ doesn't seem to work as of the last time I tried using it.

It seems the Jews have won their little digital war. Now social media has completely scrubbed us off of every platform, including YouTube, the only thing left are some small "alternative platforms" which have hardly any userbase and have basically become echo chambers (like Gab, Bitchute, Minds, etc.), 99% of web hosts will even refuse to host pro-white content, forcing us to move underground to Tor (like 8kun, neinchan, the Daily Stormer, etc.), and moving towards more secure instant messaging apps (like Telegram, Riot, Mumble, etc.). So it seems a lot has changed since 2017. I don't kno w. But it seems that there are no alternatives to cuckchan as of right npw, as most of them only h ave maybe 5 active users at best. I'm definitely not using cuckchan because that site is fucking compromised. Anyone?

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f26c50  No.146197


The internet is over, fren. The time to buy physical books and retreat into the castle is here. There is no war than can be won, save the battle for one's own sanity at the precipice.

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eba65f  No.146203

You're right, fellow anon. I think we should leave Palestine and just oven ourselves. The third temple will never be built and mossiach will never come. It's all just a bronze age fantasy created by liars and crooks. Perhaps we should just enter the ovens voluntarily, close the door and suffocate slowly in the cold.

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d1ebe6  No.146206


>The third temple will never be built and mossiach will never come.

I wouldn't be so sure.

The jews might find a way to get their temple built (Trump might help them) and then pawn off some schlomo as their "messiah" – a bunch of ignorant, dumb-fuck x-tians would believe Jesus has returned, not realizing that it's the fucking anti-christ.

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bd554c  No.146213


No, Israel is dead. It's a complete ghost town over here and we just got hit hard by the second wave of the disease. Everyone is dropping like flies. God is punishing us for the huge amount of crimes we have comitted against humanity. Soon there won't be a single Jew alive in the world. America is fed up all our allies in the region will drop us like a hot potato when America says no to them. We'll be surrounded by enemies, with no resources. We better make a suicide pact and die in order to avoid all the pain and torture. It's just over for us Jews.

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55a97e  No.146214

>It seems the Jews have won their little digital war.

No fren…they lost. They never really understood the situation, and I sure as fuck will not be the one to explain it to them. Now in their coming 'time of need' there will be no help for them (or for us due to their actions).

Garbage in; garbage out. This is all they 'purchased' for themselves; garbage is their future.

It is because they are not driven by merit and so merit was never required of them genetically. They were doomed from the beginning. All we have done was witness it played out over the last several thousand years.

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256cf6  No.146218


A lot of conservatives gave up social media after the purge altogether. Many are not coming back either. As for those still around? You'll find them in popular Zero Hedge or SHTFPlan comment sections, on Gab, Parlor, Bitchute too, and some on Minds. That's just the thing: most conservatives truly have become a silent majority after the great online purge. Some have given up the internet altogether and have moved to rural areas to homestead with their families too.

Meanwhile, the cuckservative politicians are now blaming TikTok for all their woes (an alternative) lol! Oh the horrific irony of it all.

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48d067  No.146225


>it was already showing signs of being cucked as far back as March 2019

Shows how /pol/ centric your view of this website is, this sites biggest showing of becoming cucked was in late 2015 when jim took over and nuked every board he didn't like and banned every user who disagreed with him doing it. That was when most of the good users left including the vast majority of the BOs and mods that in many cases were never replaced because nobody wanted to do jims dirty work for him. /pol/ largely remained unchanged and proceeded to become the largest board by 2016 simply because the people on it never cared what 8chan was supposed to be to begin with until it personally effected them when cloudflare took it down and they were forced into this cucked version of /pol/ where I'm actually allowed to say this. Now its the Qboomers that don't care what 8chan was supposed to be and are the largest board, I guess we'll see how long it takes until it catches up to them.

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2cd3cf  No.146231


>Why did it have to be 8chan that got killed? Why not cuckchan?

>I'm definitely not using cuckchan because that site is fucking compromised

Seems like you answered your own question.

I've always been a believer that people will end up filling a new community if a good one arises. The problem is that there isn't a good place to go right now. All the tiny imageboards named after 8ch/4ch and other similarly sized imageboards among those that pop up every month and get shilled without context are obviously suspicious as fuck. 8moe is ran by a nigger who literally works with the feds, and funded by that lying kike faggot who ruined 8chan's /v/. 9chan is full of cuckchan refugees and kiwifarm normalfags and assorted "cp is free speech" type pedos, and now owned by some unknown group of people who haven't communicated with the userbase at all. Webring is already under the jew's radar and every time a good website gets set up it ends up shoah'd within weeks, or couple months at best. And none of this is even considering the fact that most imageboards use that shitty javascript software that makes using the website annoying.

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11c8e3  No.146236

File: 96a44855f52eb18⋯.jpg (32.79 KB, 600x315, 40:21, 96a44855f52eb180cd47266253….jpg)

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fac5e8  No.146237


Bitchute is cucked too. Did you honestly think they would ever leave us alone? Any Christian Identity videos get scrubbed from search results. Kikes are effectively gainstalking and brainwashing a whole race, the White race. It's a miraculous feat they could never have pulled off without the help of Satan.

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55a97e  No.146239


Fuck that…Satan is not on their side. Satan is their adversary. Wtf is 'christian identity' and doesn't understand that 'Satan' is the adversary of the jews? Satan's fucking name means 'the adversary' or 'the accuser' (meaning THEIR accuser).

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722916  No.146240


Bitchute's search results ALWAYS sucked. That's been the case since it was founded. Look up anything, I mean anything you know should be on there and chances are nothing related shows. As for the comment censorship fiasco, Bitchute is building an alternative to Disqus (Disqus was the third party Bitchute relied on for comments and Disqus back-stabbed Bitchute users by censoring anything "politically incorrect"). By far Bitchute remains the best alternative and unless you post CP, porn or gore, you can still upload pretty much anything you want there.

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5bf35b  No.146244

File: 556c715c46209fd⋯.gif (1.66 MB, 320x240, 4:3, 556c715c46209fd1c81a659f3a….gif)


This isn't 5 or 10 years ago, third worlds are overtaking western countries over internet user-ship. India, South America and SE Asia are all increasing Exponentially on the web. You think these shitskins care about our views? These people want to keep people that are on this site silent and it doesn't help the fact that English is the lingua franca of the world wide web. I'd say we just living burrowed time on the web.

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ae802c  No.146248


Pretty much this. Our best bet is Tor, Telegram, Riot and Mumble. Only a handful of web hosts won't kike a website that espouses the views expressed on here. Other than that, we could even work on building a new alternative to the internet altogether, kinda similar to BBS/Usenet/Fidonet/whatever but is a lot more secure and can't easily be DOS'd by simply scripting constant calls from open asterix boxes. Something that you would have no other reason to use other than you're a political dissident and is not connected to the internet, which might get noticed by undesirables.

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ff96de  No.146249


>I'd say we just living burrowed time on the web

Yep, I have been thinking the same for many years too. Might as well make multiple backups of anything you desire to save from the web (for most here that would be books, tutorials, info, memes, movies and music). Don't let it all slip away, there is still plenty of content on torrent and p2p networks to grab and backup.

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ae802c  No.146250


Personally, I think we should just move to BBS anyways, not only because it's an antidote to the zoomer poison that has infected the internet and something nobody born after the 80s / early 90 will remember but also because it wasn't kiked from the very beginning.





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e5589b  No.146255

File: 425578dd8cff382⋯.jpg (123.72 KB, 600x613, 600:613, two_nonlegs.jpg)

File: 3bea27c298ee675⋯.jpg (288.53 KB, 1488x1488, 1:1, kirt_s_beachball.jpg)

File: 03ea1af0453d042⋯.jpg (85.38 KB, 593x466, 593:466, fattie_nofriends.jpg)

File: 97f575e9fba19b5⋯.jpg (598.3 KB, 1364x2048, 341:512, kommie_kripple_kike.jpg)

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da90cb  No.146260


I know this guy who escaped from Czechoslovakia when it was behind the iron curtain. He came here with nothing, not speaking English or anything. Within 4 years he had a good union job, and was driving a 67 vette fastback. I talked to him the other day;

Him: "You know who I like? I like Bernie Sanders!"

Me; "Bernie is a communist jew".

Him; "NO".

Me; "you ran away from the communists left family and friends to come here where it's free, and now you want a communist ruler here?".

Him; "WHAT? WHAT?"

Me; "you ran away from the communists left family and friends to come here where it's free, and now you want a communist ruler here?".

Him; "WHAT? WHAT?"

Me; "you ran away from the communists left family and friends to come here where it's free, and now you want a communist ruler here?".

Him; "WHAT? WHAT?"

Me; "you ran away from the communists left family and friends to come here where it's free, and now you want a communist ruler here?".

Him; "WHAT? WHAT?"

Me; "you ran away from the communists left family and friends to come here where it's free, and now you want a communist ruler here?".

Him; "WHAT? WHAT?"

Me; "you ran away from the communists left family and friends to come here where it's free, and now you want a communist ruler here?".

I phoned him last week not realizing…as soon as he heard my voice he went into a spluttering incoherent rage. It wouldn't stop. He should have stayed in Czechoslovakia. I've known the fool since oh 1977. Used to train with him…he was a very powerful olympic lifter behind the Iron Curtain. He's an idiot. He has learned nothing from life.

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5bf35b  No.146262

File: 5c104729342b0b9⋯.png (164.42 KB, 370x438, 185:219, 5c104729342b0b9b3cba7b8fc2….png)


I have a similar story, my family moved from Serbia partly because they were Hungarian minorities. My dad calls spics based because they are more hardworking then whites but doesn't see the irony that my future generation of kids are gonna be in minority.

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3f16e5  No.146266

Someone on 4/pol/ pointed out that this site was back up and that's what brought me here.

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bd554c  No.146270


Return from whence you came, creature.

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5d10cd  No.146272


I made a thread here in pnd pointing out that 4chan has rangebanned posting from a #1 US isp. The thread was deleted. Conclusion?Kikes control both, a lot is inciming. You need to learn Teeline shorthand. It's our only uncensorable means of communicating, past about October. The basic idea is that the shorthand system has dozens of ways to vary words, and at least 100 other ways to make it hard on AI. Sort of like captcha, only much harder for AI to crack. Anyway, basically 100% of registrars, hosting, etc etc is controlled by the kikes. This will become more and more obvious as time goes on.

Basically, it you can't learn Teeline shorthand, become a homosexual communist, because that's going to be your only means to survival.

There is an easily available pdf by Ann Dix called "Teeline FAST". It's all you need to get started.

The basic plan is this, we learn Teeline shorthand, enough of us. Then, we ruse normies into spreading memes that have Teeline info embedded, so basically they "amplify" our messages, like radio waves, or like trains carrying graffiti. Call it "Operation Mollusk"

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5d10cd  No.146273


Interesting. You are able to use 4chan? My MAJOR isp is rangebanned, fascinating.

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5d10cd  No.146274


Fuck off, glow nig.

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5d10cd  No.146275


I'm very serious about this, cunt, I hope you are raped by a pack of niggers.

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9cd75a  No.146276

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8fd1b4  No.146277


Your dad admires slaves? There is nothing about slaves that needs to be admired. The only thing worth admiring is Western European civilization.

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5d10cd  No.146280



BBS are more vulnerable than Internet solutions (phone co's can detect modems & just kill the connections, w/o disrupting much (if it kills old ppl on heart equipment, who cares?)). But, while I work through ideas (eg. Onionshare could be made to work like a BBS (but unblockable) with a fork of it for that purpose), we must learn Teeline shorthand:

>Can't be detected by AI

>If AI is made to read it, it will mostly fail due to the way Teeline works (it's like captcha, but much better)

>If AI is made to handle all basic variations, it can be overcome by simple changes to the rules of Teeline, without explanation (ie, you'll pick up on it yourself, what's happening will be obvious, and fun)

>There are other ways of hiding Teeline shorthand. Because each word produces an "outline", you can make a shadow of a Teeline word. Or make the outline out of random household objects.

>Teeline shorthand is easier to learn than all other popular forms of shorthand. It actually has no real weaknesses, unless you plan on practicing/using Teeline for 8 hours/day. Then learn Pitman. But Pitman, Greg, are poor for the Internet, because they make it hard to white out URL's, because they are phonetic (for speed).

>worst case scenario, you learn Teeline, nobody joins us, but you'll be able to write notes super fast

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5d10cd  No.146281


I admire the ones that ran away.

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2afb74  No.146299


I admire the ones that died because it was the only way they could possibly make the world a better place.

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55a97e  No.146310


Do you admire apes that ran away too? The difference between us and the subhumans is that they are 'tool users' and we are tool makers. It is the difference between animals and humans.

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cbb09b  No.146315

Yes there is a PEAK how many people we can awake and save, even the ones that are on the fence may fall back in line when the globalists do a big enoug hoax for them to buy into, so yeah, the train may be leaving for many many people, when it's impossible to awake more people then don't waste your time, focus on yourself and survival for SHTF, that's how it goes.

There's no question even without the globalists, the lifestyles of so many people are totally destructive and they will get sick and ill one way or another and things will crumble.

Focus on quality people who are going to be of great value for SHTF such as ranching and farming and they know how to be their-own-expert at many things, radio communication, electronics, computers (archive data), but just having a computer in a town full of key data can be a good way to wake people up later post SHTF, books, stored material, etc,

But the truth info shouldn't be some kind of a propaganda piece, forget your white power or whatever group you have your wildest dreams should be, forget the optimal vision, that idea can come later and those who agree would join but let's not be arrogant, like the kurds are, communist Kurds in Syria are so arrogant they keep flipping alliances just so they can get the whole hand even tho at risk of being annihilated by both Daesh and Turkey they still want to be the fucking wiseguys, what a bunch of losers, if they were humble they got at least some kind of a piece of land for themselfs or special zone within Syria but no they want to be assholes, when you are fighting for survival you just want things to calm down and stabilize first, not go straight to the optimal idea, so stupid, this is what I'm afraid that many on these chans will not relly optimally operate under SHTF, I know there's sharks everywhere but I think being neutral with a lot of others who aren't a direct thread makes more sense then trying to become angry mobs that sweep over cities and steal food and resources, it'll just make you the enemy along with the globalists then.

J making others around you neutral to not attack you is a freaking good start, the truth material should be raw so everyone can analyze and get conclusion on their own, if it's made like an advertisment it'll feel fake anyway, I wouldn't believe it either.

Time change sometimes it's good to focus on mass awakening sometimes not, sometimes different ways have to be used over others, it's normal fluctuations, with peaks and lows.

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86ad0c  No.146316

File: 397f634041bfdee⋯.jpeg (43.37 KB, 400x400, 1:1, DszL2JyWsAEgApL.jpeg)

Basically the election happened

It opened the flood gate to normalfags and reddit

also add to that that /pol/ couldn't stop fellating to zognald and keep doing damage control for him

also tons of anons kept getting banned because "muh shareblue" a lot of anons started leave this shitboard after that

also this place is cucked AF I mean just look at it

the fact that people keep calling this place/pnd/ instead of /pol/ should show you that

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8a386b  No.146331


Savages are better than cucks.

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8a386b  No.146333


Like you're going to learn Teeline shorthand. So you're a cuck.

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6a786c  No.146335


>also add to that that /pol/ couldn't stop fellating to zognald and keep doing damage control for him

>also add to that imkikey permanently range banned every single user and deleted every single post that didn’t actively fellate Trump, because he was paid to do so

Fixed that for you.

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8a386b  No.146339


That wasn't what was happening, I was there. pol was anti-Trump well before the deplatforming.

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8a386b  No.146340

Also, there are zero politicians in the world who are anti-kike, mostly because Mossad kills anyone who opposes them.

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844f45  No.146343


>because Mossad kills anyone who opposes them

that does put a damper on enthusiasm

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d9a92b  No.146346



White people always win.

You always lose.

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8a386b  No.146348


Right, so they permit a lot. But they can censor anything at anytime. And, they are humans, thus vulnerable to pressure. It's not a system assured free from censorship. ie where censorship is impossible.

>impossible to censor:

>impossible to prevent posting

>impossible to prevent viewing/following/searching-for

>impossible to stalk the mere viewer (ie the political/cancel-culture machines cannot censor)

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8a386b  No.146349


israel has street brawls rn

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8a386b  No.146354

File: b7c528ae8eaefaa⋯.jpg (49.26 KB, 400x250, 8:5, Untitled_6_7_400x250.jpg)

>israel rn

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7ef786  No.146381

File: d875da028922576⋯.jpg (20.96 KB, 1028x757, 1028:757, blacksun.jpg)


It goes far beyond that. The board continued to be active long after kikey. It was the mid term elections demotivating everyone follow by Tarrant and the fallout that killed the board. Kikey was just part of it. That being said, there is still tons of other shit out there and other communities these days. The chans are just kind of past their peak, except 4chan which has absorbed all others. Just branch out and find new places on the web to find /ourguys/

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e799d7  No.146386

File: 9476e3c4ba9f9c3⋯.jpg (47.77 KB, 521x522, 521:522, 1595867784796.jpg)


This anon is partially right. Things are coming to a head, and too quickly. Time's over for muh funny memes and /i/nsurrections, time to read down on your philosophy and combat arms skills. But it's not a retreat into your own castle, it's to better yourself so you can serve well with like-minded men. Don't isolate yourself, but preserve yourself, so when the time comes you can best serve your people.

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da90cb  No.146391


Also once you know the facts it gets boring to keep hearing the facts over and over again. I'll stop and join a 911 thread just to bring back little known facts for the kids that were born after 911 but basically there's not a lot of new info there and after a while even outrageous events become boring old shit. Ditto for the Kennedy assassination.

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8749d0  No.146394


I agree we jews need to just commit suicide infact we should encourage suicide among fellow jews so they don't suffer.

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bb7db5  No.146428



They changed the name to "Element." Fuck rioters

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844f45  No.146502


the mutt state.

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844f45  No.146503


It wasn't tarrant that killed the board anon. It was our enemies who killed the board.

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844f45  No.146504




You are high as fuck if you think (((DJT))) the jew with jewish offspring being in control of the (((Fed Res))) is a 'good' thing.

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f26c50  No.146505

File: 75d5bad73c00e8f⋯.jpg (193.27 KB, 962x1725, 962:1725, 4661F37400000578_5086495_i….jpg)


TRUST MNUCHIN YOU FUCKING BIGOT. He's married to a literal fucking succubus. Why would he mislead us?

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5bf35b  No.146507

File: cf19b6f57af4609⋯.gif (213.08 KB, 296x296, 1:1, e6109e32a9ac1a8f2496d7fba7….gif)


> I'll stop and join a 911 thread just to bring back little known facts for the kids that were born after 911

I think these threads are good as there will always be new people (4channer, redditor refugees, or just gen zers that stumbled here) coming here lurking or posting, they might not know the truth. Hell >>145353 is full of cuckchanners, if I remembered correctly 4/pol/ banned Deutsch or any foreign language posting

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438f33  No.146509

File: e191cfa5b9cd708⋯.png (935.79 KB, 644x644, 1:1, where_do_you_think_we_are.png)


>Soleimani the king of terrorism got Drone'd, and yes he's also in on that ISIS thing

Stopped reading there.

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6a786c  No.146510


>that wasn’t

It was, though. We’re talking about the 2015-18 timeframe here. That imkikey was removed at the tail end of that doesn’t change the permanent damage it caused to the userbase.

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438f33  No.146511




There was a steady decline in genuine redpilling content since 2014. Problem is that more and more zoomers and centristcattle are awakening every passing day by being victimized by (((SJW institutions))) beyond every socially functional point seems like kikes recently panicked and rushed White Genocide a bit too much in anticipation of switching hosts for their parasitism to China and someone should be around to throw a redpill at them.

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3377d4  No.146551


This is the global warming guy that got deleted from the FAG thread, and the retard that got deleted from the "alternative /pol/" thread.


>"cp is free speech" pedos

I hate them. There were too many of them up till the second exodus when 8chan went down.


Eh ok. Though I'll have to use a mouse to write and that can make legibility an issue. Maybe I'll get a tablet dunno.




You need to critically go after all the big lies. I just got done (with some other anons) destroying a global warming cuck (as mentioned in the beginning of this post).

Interacting with people on these relatively "safe" topics will result in people exercising their critical thinking capabilities. They will develop these faculties and be angry about being lied to. This will uplift their mind, as they can now sift through the "signals" they are drowning in and gain some clarity.

We need to raise the intellectual capital of America and Europe. Once people are smart and emotionally ready we can move onto more potent red pills. Arguing with retards only demonstrates how retarded your opponent is to others listening/ reading. Sometimes the retard recognizes how retarded they are. Often people will only admit to this in private though, so you may have 'won' whether it seems so or not. Any somewhat capable individuals listening in will learn about critical thinking and argumentation by your example. When enough people grow, they are identified by the half-retards by their leadership, and by the full-retards by the influence they exert on others.

In 10 years, if enough people dedicate themselves, we can see some very conservative changes our way. The alternative: things go the wrong way, and things get worse.


>fellating zognald

This is exactly why we went to shit. And cloudshit happened later on when we were weakened.


We will, for all of humanity's timeline, need to repeat the same shit every year in order to teach the young and old that are ignorant. We will always have to teach about history, culture, classics, canon knowledge, adrenochrome, satanic pedo child sacrifice political figures, and that muhammad akbar'd. It is our burden.

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6d7244  No.146579


The site was incredibly active. I was there and know it well, you can't gaslight there. Also, imkikey became quite anti-trump, those posts were beginning to become very common. Sort of like with drudge. And why are you saging? You demonstrate by that you have a hatred of white people, jew.

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6d7244  No.146580



Legibility with the mouse is fine, but most people have tablets ie phones with touch screens. Those are literally tablets, how did anyone miss this? I must appeal to myself as authority here, I can read mouse Teeline. It's easy, again, this is why Teeline is amazing, actually, it wasn't designed for this. Learn a little bit and you'll see how amazing it is.

Intuition about Teeline proves quite poor. It's like if you had told people in the 80's that everyone would carry a piece of glass in their pockets to commulicate on they would have considered you an idiot. Teeline is amazing. It's the future.

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36512e  No.146606


2020 oldfag here. Been posting since June when r/the_donald got banned. Just want to say that I completely agree with you. All these threads are months old and it is pathetic. It is quite depressing what happened to the internet in general.

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6a786c  No.146633


>you’re a jew because you exposed imkikey, the biggest jew in site history

Until the day he was forcibly removed, imkikey gave out permanent bans across 65,536 IP addresses at once if anyone so much as questioned Trump. No one, anywhere, at any time, for any reason, would ever say anything you’re saying about imkikey unless you ARE him or knew nothing about him.

Who the hell do you think you’re fooling.

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9e0a2c  No.146636

I don't even know what's going on in this thread,


Put me in the screencap anyway.

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e71b5b  No.146637

File: c3b608184c7073b⋯.jpeg (375.19 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 3A49D997_BC69_4E09_81E6_A….jpeg)

Hold out here frens. Just hold the bunker with fellows and we can make 8kun great too!

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e5589b  No.146678

File: 822625f52924d23⋯.jpg (126.94 KB, 1000x662, 500:331, Hot_Wheels.jpg)

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844f45  No.146709


You should move to LA so that you can have both. PS they aren't 'savages' they are protohumans; A different species than we are. They don't belong in our nation.

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844f45  No.146710


the production of wealth belongs in the hands of the people who create it…not PARASITES and not the FUCKING GOVERNMENT

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6a786c  No.146716


Okay. What are you going to do about it?

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6d7244  No.146718


Trump isn't a jew, though. He is cucked on kikes, and his daughter married a kike.

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6d7244  No.146719


Kill Xi Jinping.

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6a786c  No.146732


That won’t do anything about the problem you’re discussing whatsoever. But call us when you do it. You won’t.

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6d7244  No.146736


First of all, you're the one who is going to behead Xi Jinping. Secondly, of course it will change the situation completely. Surely you can see how WWIII would shake things up.

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6d7244  No.146742

I'm so glad that Xi Jinping's dead!!!

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6a786c  No.146743


>you’re the one


>it will change




Shitpost somewhere else.

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2f3a13  No.146746

What’s cuckchan for you ?

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6d7244  No.146749


Why wouldn't killing Xi Jinping start WW III?

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6d7244  No.146751

Xi-supporting anons are the strangest.

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6d7244  No.146752

I'm on a mission from God to kill Xi Jinping.

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d4b269  No.146763


Only the devil would give you that mission.

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6d7244  No.146765


I was instructed to do so by the Yellow Emperor himself.

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6d7244  No.146766


Can I get your cellphone number? Two reasons. One, so I can cure yellow fever by impregnating you, two, so I can kill Xi Jinping, shooting him from your balcony.

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6d7244  No.146768


I want to jizz in your vagina, can you read English, ching chong?

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6d7244  No.146770


My dream is to fuck you doggie style, on your balcony, with my 50 cal on your back. I know it's not practical, but we can work something out like a special helmet. I wanna jizz right when the bullet explodes Xi Jinping's skull.

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e1ead6  No.146774

most old timer channers worth their salt came to understand the only true way for change to occur is to let the niggers run rampant killing cops, It'll be the only true way to get to the jews, this Homeland Security bullshit is a dystopian future we all expected. Let the niggers destroy society, cops stand in the way of any real change, Once the niggers have truly revealed themselves to the masses, it'll be open season on jews everywhere.

I am letting the societal boil postulate,

Why even comment on it anymore in a chan format, their fate is sealed, it is only a matter of time.

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a5322c  No.146885

File: 4ef2f6670b91e56⋯.jpg (7.25 KB, 480x360, 4:3, download_1_.jpg)


Why not make our own internet, and make sure there is no illegal information exchange (stolen data, pedo stuff, etc).

There is a thread: >>>141022

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63f40b  No.146890


>no illegal information exchange

>illegal information

Failed idea from the onset if you'd carry on with that shit.

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28cb23  No.146901


No one wants your pedo shit on their site.

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04a1c5  No.146905


Information cannot be illegal.

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63f40b  No.146908


No one wants your neo-nazi shit on their site either, learn your place.

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ae802c  No.146913


That sounds boring. If it's truly a secure, censorship-free place then I think pedos and other criminals will use it. I was thinking about creating marianas Web, which is a place deeper than the Deep Web itself. It's faster than Tor so you can host livestreams on it. I was thinking about perhaps someone creating MW as some kind of serious LARP.

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6a786c  No.146917


Piss off, yid. You blew it. No one’s going to support you.

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75ebd4  No.146921

It all started with constant Trump threads and "le meme magic" fags. LARPers flooded the board thinking that their autistic shitposts about Hillary being a child-eating demon was part of an eternal spiritual war. Then the retards believed Q was real and it all spiraled into a cesspool. Any ideas or topics worth discussing were drowned out by retards spamming SHADILAY and "but I'm Qanon and I say…"

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6a786c  No.146923


I’m honestly astonished that imkikey banned Q-LARP. He banned anyone who didn’t suck Trump’s dick, but he also banned Q-LARP. I’ll never understand that.

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28cb23  No.146965


Q Larp has changed hands a couple times. Remember that anonymity comes with a price…not knowing your leaders means that you are open to anything.

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28cb23  No.146966


So hilarious that you are willing to point out how different we are…let the public decide what they want…your pedokike deviance or traditional morals and values (aka 'nazi' shit).

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4e27c8  No.147006

Nanochan on Tor is good.

Kelvinchan on I2p is good.

Half the times I can't post on 8kun because so many tor exit nodes are blocked.

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1322bc  No.147014

File: c37b8e601293665⋯.jpg (64.65 KB, 540x541, 540:541, slay_the_demon.jpg)


Show us where the rabbi touched you.

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28cb23  No.147019


Don't be afraid anon. Come, give us your real name so that 'the public' can tell you what they really think of you.

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28cb23  No.147031


Not a degenerate pedo who claims that the public favors them. It is your responsibility to prove your own claim that the public has indeed chosen you pedos over people with morals.

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28cb23  No.147047


You are completely worthless.

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5d604d  No.147055

The public is dumb. They WILL want Nazism IF you can find a way to make it extremely stupid and extremely pseudo-intellectual. People hate logic and love ill defined words.

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c50034  No.147059


It's "christcuck" you newfag larper

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5d604d  No.147060


I'm an Ancap and at least most Ancaps are smart enough to understand how dumb the public is and say outlandish claims and made up words even if I don't believe in them myself. For example no borders is absurd because for Ancap to be good you need to enforce only having people who are both good and White in your community.

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b1302c  No.147069


Israeli jews don't seem to be too worried about that.

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366dcd  No.147080

File: 58c960e0b08f123⋯.jpg (78.31 KB, 600x553, 600:553, It_s_supershit.jpg)


OP, I spend 99% of the time reading 4chan now, only come here to repost or be a masochist and attempt to read a normal thread encased in shill diatribes.

8kunt, doesn't load properly, images dropped, shill overload, decent 8&4channers posters evaporated, impressively bad loading times (just click on a 4chan thread to see the difference), mods still auto-delete good threads. This site is like a horse carcass that was supposedly going to be the new-8chan, not a fucking chance.

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11fdb8  No.147083



Take a hint. You don't want to be here. Nobody wants you here, either.

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366dcd  No.147085

File: be4baa409e32970⋯.jpg (117.16 KB, 1080x1350, 4:5, 1595544518474.jpg)


Only israelites don't want free speech, so it's only natural that you ask activists to leave.

Here's a hint, you're going to die of the coof.

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11fdb8  No.147087


One day I'll cut the tongues of a thousand jewish liberals and I'll sculpt beautiful necklaces out of them. Their name will be "free speech".

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d88469  No.147091


Patience, rabbi.

Rome wasn't built in one day.

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6a786c  No.147097


>Only israelites don't want free speech

You have no idea what /pol/ stands for and absolutely no comprehension of the dialectic you’re pushing. Go back to reddit, please.

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d88469  No.147098


Your childishness does not bother me.

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66a7ed  No.147099


Is that what you were told to say to bullies by your mom because you had no father figure to teach you to stand up to yourself like so many western children these days?

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366dcd  No.147102

File: 7c67d882af69b23⋯.jpg (190.49 KB, 700x1304, 175:326, Ja.jpg)


So, because you shills work in a closed environment. Does that mean if one of you jews get the coof, you all get the coof? Oh wait, aren't you holo-niggers pushing the fake-virus-lol now.

NEWS TONIGHT!: Shillward catches Coof! Jews Dead! It's the HOLOCOOF!

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5d604d  No.147103


Your childishness bothers me. This also sounds like blatant projection because I actually grew up with a dad and he worshipped turn the other cheek as if it were god itself.

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6a786c  No.147105


>you’re a shill because you called me out for supporting things that only shills support

>autistic non-english rambling

Go back to reddit, please.

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5d604d  No.147106


I see so many shills for cuckchan there's no way it's not kike operated.

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66a7ed  No.147107


Its okay have a nice cry and you'll feel better, like father like son.

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5d604d  No.147112


That's nice but I'd rather call out your asshattery.

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66a7ed  No.147114


Yeah because telling someone that they're bothering you is a sure fire way of getting them to stop bothering you, no wonder you and your dad are so adept at taking it like a bitch.

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5d604d  No.147116



Ah, so the new part of the left's tranny agenda is to imply straight men who came from healthy unbroken families and fathers of said families are women. I'm flattered you see me and my family as so superior you'd try to appropriate us for your kike agenda.

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66a7ed  No.147119


The effeminate response to hostility that the "men" in your family exhibit was just a soft spot to exploit in order to show the resident retarded hotpocketeer what obvious trolling actually looks like. If you're the schools runt that everyone picks on because hes so easy to illicit a response from then that faggot is the teachers pet that jumps at the opportunity to be hall monitor so he can abuse the minuscule amount of power hes given as a coping mechanism for being buttfucked by his uncle.

Hey faggot, make the ban length 10 years this time and see how much better that works.

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5d604d  No.147134


Hatred for unbroken families and anger over some homosexual encounters with an uncle you felt a need to mention? I'm so sorry, Anon. I hope one day you can bring yourself to forgive your father and uncle. It might help with your anger issues.

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2d7f6e  No.147162


Plenty of Jews in the US. Most male citizens have cock-surgery even without the religioun. Benjamin won wars with such sheep-think. Isreal has been re-populated on many occasions so fear not it will be again.

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2d7f6e  No.147163


BUT bring back 8chan the orginal. Not series two or series three. Bring back the hatred of scientology as well. A bunch of space-worshiping pulpy-fiction writers won a long time ago.

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5d689f  No.147164


pnd sucks. I just had another tread deleted. The only solution at this point is to learn Teeline, because Ron's dad is obviously running pnd, and boomers are shit.

My thread predicted mass censorship in 2020, basically in October, that 100% of right-wingers will get removed. There were interesting discussions, though Ron's dad isn't happy with me questioning the legitimacy of the courts, and that was it, he rage deleted the thread, as usual.

btw, David Duke just got deplatformed by Twitter.

And epik will obviously deplatform 8kun, duh.

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5d689f  No.147165


Yeah, tor kind of is like kind of doesn't work Internet. Like 1993 Internet or something. tor is basically fail, but all we have. Personally, I believe in white people, and that they can learn Teeline shorthand, but the pervasive view of the glowies & the kikes is that whites are too stupid & lazy to learn Teeline. Guess we're gonna find out, because it's our only unstoppable lifeline.

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6a786c  No.147233


If you’re allowed to appeal a given tor node ban, go ahead and do it, mentioning that’s what it is. I’ll remove it. Most of them are probably permanent, though, given the nature of the content that’d come from them. Only the site owner can take care of that (unless the “permanent” bans still expire after 90 days like they used to…).

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ae802c  No.147237


Fuck the US government for banning CP. Also, has anyone noticed how countries that are more tolerant towards pedophilia are generally less cucked than the US? Like Russia, Japan, Belarus and Kazakhstan for example. Those countries aren't nearly as bad as the US.

And another stupid thing you retarded Christfags like to say is that the left is pushing for acceptance of pedophilia, even though it's the exact opposite. Our society used to be tolerant of pedophilia but now that it's no longer like that, and our country and society has gone to shit as a result. Back in the 1970s, CP was legal in the US. It wasn't until 1978/84 when it became illegal. In the 1980s, CP was so hard to obtain that you could only get it through either producing it yourself or through running classified ads which ran a huge risk for detection and arrest. But if you were to compare the two decades you'll see that our society was a lot better in the 70s than it was in the 80s. 31 percent of white Southerners favored segregated schools in 1972, but by 1985, so few people shared that belief that the question was removed from the survey altogether. When whites were asked in 1972 if they would vote for a black president if he were qualified for the job and supported by their affiliated party, 25 percent nationally said they would not. In the South that year, 48 percent of whites said they would not. Compare that to 2010, when just 6 percent of white Southerners said they wouldn’t vote for a black president. The 1970s was the last good decade in general. The 80s was when everything went to shit.

And like Ben Franklin once said, those who are willing to sacrifice freedom for safety deserve neither. And that's exactly what we're getting. Our government will arrest you for so much as looking at CP and yet our elites are pizza-eating freaks who can get away with it.

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d1d0b3  No.147298

File: 2a9e8ac62e1effa⋯.jpg (11.97 KB, 128x152, 16:19, 3rd_temple.jpg)




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77e083  No.147439


Bullshit. What threads were deleted. If it's a problem go to meta. If there's no answer then try reposting it faggot.

Issues of loading and posting: okay.

4chan: cucked and doesn't allow Tor posting. Constantly shilled and spammed with nigger porn and whatever else. Mods ban legitimate shit all the fucking time, UNLIKE FUCKING 8KUN.


Do they do it for free?


"Ron's dad deleted my thread!" It's /pnd/ mods retard. Sounds like a baseless "prophecy" attention whoring thread where you soiled yourself over Jim banning fucking drawn pornographic depictions of children. Kill yourself. Leave /pnd/.


Jesus fucking christ hang these pedophiles. He's jealous of politicians because they get to rape kids.

And people say demons don't exist.

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a76df6  No.147516


>>"cp is free speech" pedos

>I hate them. There were too many of them up till the second exodus when 8chan went down.

they are infesting saidit atm

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d7292f  No.147518

File: 0cfb210c1cb8063⋯.png (289.71 KB, 3260x988, 815:247, 8chan_flowchart.png)

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4e07d5  No.147543


Owner watched his gf get fucked by 6 dudes? What? And some shit about ladyboy/ tranny loving owners (like Josh from julay world lol?)

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c38b65  No.147574


>The 1970s was the last good decade in general.

What was the circumcision rate in that decade? That's something truly harmful to children and the adults they become…

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c38b65  No.147584


Where are you located, approximately?

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6dc1ee  No.147765

File: 9529fc23b53e379⋯.gif (1.85 MB, 498x482, 249:241, df.gif)


Oh look, a jew schizo poster. You_must_be_new_here.jpg

Hey pedo-jew, why don't you fucking kill yourself instead of writing you wasteful troll abortion posts?

Seriously, you are not wanted here. So fucking kill yourself. Seriously. You are a worthless subhuman. You don't deserve to live.

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482a50  No.147828


No, seriously. epik is run by a kike, he's going to deplatform you.

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aa4b8c  No.148085


You all need to stop thinking in terms of platforms. The networks you should be building are off-site, or cross-site, between individuals. Think of the Internet as your tool-set. If certain tools become defective or outlive their usefullness, you switch over to new ones. Have back-ups ready.

That sounds like a lot of work but I guarantee you it's fun if you start considering the possibilities. Pay me a visit. Or don't.



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e15970  No.148254


So I went through your .onion. It says "platforms are bad, decentralization should happen". I agree, but its not easy and quite complicated. I do not understand at all how what you propose would work in reality. People want to use something easy to connect with others. Something that will be easy to use will always be more popular than something hard to use.

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d32721  No.148388


>I do not understand at all how what you propose would work in reality.

In reality, although it's a decentralized user base it will still have its particular hubs where it typically operates. Those will be the public square, but with back-ups in place and ready to go should they ever get booted from a particular platform. I have a presence in other places that I haven't even mentioned. What we're most likely talking about in practice though is imageboards. I haven't ruled out other types of places like standard discussion forums or social networks on the darknet. It depends whether we can use them without chafing too much against their TOS.

In addition to the public square, users are strongly encouraged to form individual connections through email and chat. The idea is for the main hub to be a place for more vague and hypothetical conversation. For more specific commercial activity they should go offsite.

Part of the answer depends on what you want to use it for. The engine that I propose for driving user activity is described in the ALT NET ECONOMY thread. It's a "gamified" approach to introducing crypto currency in a low-trust, low-risk fashion, but with the intent of it evolving into a serious market over time.

What would that look like for you? If you're looking to share files, you can use it to buy and sell files. files that you own of course. Don't download any cars ;)

If you're a blogger you can use it to pay someone to mirror your content across multiple platforms

If you're a gambler you can bet on the outcome of world events (we're talking fractions of a penny here. See the ALT NET ECONOMY thread)

>Something that will be easy to use will always be more popular than something hard to use.

So long as it's a popular as you need it to be, who cares? As the network evolves and refines itself, it can better accommodate less technical people anyway. It's fine if our core membership needs a bit of tech savvy in the beginning.

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438f33  No.148419


Kill yourself.

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dd1b56  No.148423


Live the dream anon. I can't imagine how it would get better than this.

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e28fcb  No.148431


these boards are a well to drink from and strengthen your resolve. But there comes a time you have to do something with that resolve, lest you forget why you came here.

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e28fcb  No.148432


This Mnuchin? Say his name like Nethanyahu does (opening line) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFSkNcids-k

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c479f8  No.148442


Specs are White. Mestizos are not Hispanic.

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2d992e  No.148518



Wenn du uns suchst, wir sind hier drüben


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c98522  No.148575


I noticed that it tends to be among the last results when searching on BitChute.

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f0208c  No.148660


>8moe is ran by a nigger who literally works with the feds, and funded by that lying kike faggot who ruined 8chan's /v/

Oh wow, the owner of a board who had outed himself as a kike went on to ruin other things, who'd've thunk?

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86e3f1  No.148676

I remember there was once a post on 8chan pol about how some big think tank had specifically targeted 8chan and a few other websites to be taken down. I don't recall the specifics, and at the time most anons in that thread were not very concerned about the threat. In retrospect, I wonder if it was that organization, among others, which successfully engineered the events which took 8chan and its kin offline.

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d2592c  No.148708

this thread is so full of glownigger tears and hand wringing when so many people here in this thread MADE THIS WEBSITE THIS WAY.

95% of the content on this board comes from a very small group of people, half of whom get paid to shitpost!

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94468d  No.148711



Ironic how it all turned out. Hotwheels was jewed/ extorted by jim(after ddos), then christ church and he pushed it all on hotwheels(Philippines warrant ) after crying about oy it's Anudda Shoah.

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b330d6  No.149555

I mean this is not a surprise probably, but usually on the weekends on 4chan you would get a decent mix of glowies and red pilled people. Went there today and it seems like shit more so than usual. Also asked a question that seemed better IMO than 99% of the threads and went unanswered. Sucks.

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d35dc9  No.149557

>>149555 (checked)

>Went there today and it seems like shit more so than usual.

Of which? The glowies or the redpilled?

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d35dc9  No.149559

I don't think we are in Kansas anymore Dorothy.

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d35dc9  No.149560


>and went unanswered.

What is your question?

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790872  No.152069


Bitchute's search engine is made of suck. You find what you want with real search engines that point to BC.


>blah blah blah Satan

Try Mammon, and the secret is called control of money production, usury and fractional reserve.

He who controls the shekels controls the world.


>Satan, ancient root Sat in lost Aryan traditions

Case in point, if you don't have an Accuser to point fingers at Evil and call a cat a cat, how can you even begin to resist Evil?


Because Jews drained our economies. We lost everything and we still see increases in taxes and other obligatory forms of spending. None of which actually make our life better.

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3e8e42  No.152077


Please explain this, it's too technical to make sense. How can something akin to hieroglyphs save us?


>It goes far beyond that. The board continued to be active long after kikey. It was the mid term elections demotivating everyone follow by Tarrant and the fallout that killed the board. Kikey was just part of it. That being said, there is still tons of other shit out there and other communities these days. The chans are just kind of past their peak, except 4chan which has absorbed all others. Just branch out and find new places on the web to find /ourguys/

Small cells, echo chambers. We must push back into the real world.


They still needed a big excuses to clamp down on all our disgusting "privileges" though.


> if I remembered correctly 4/pol/ banned Deutsch or any foreign language posting


Social Justice Training Institute


Take a look at the background pictures on the main page.

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a26d67  No.152079


>Take a look at the background pictures on the main page.


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8b43ed  No.152082


>what happened?

A pig fucker, his hapa soon, q niggers, and goons.

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4f910b  No.152257


>and assorted "cp is free speech" type pedos

shut up Torba

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f17c2d  No.152279


You miss TRASH. 2015 haha. Chans died TEN YEARS before that. It was the scientology faggotry. Before that it was fun. Real internet hate machine days.

Boohoo. Stop being a bitch and improve where you go.

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b33e54  No.152281


Jim deleted /pol/ and a few other legacy boards because he is a Q faggot cuck.

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2898bf  No.152298


This poster was in diapers during scientology faggotry

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4b3ba9  No.152328


These are only platforms, what counts now are networking and priming normalfags that are in their quest to become what we were.

Most of shitposting moved into chat apps, and to get into one you must get invited by someone you know. Start one if not, and save content like you used to do.



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8d9164  No.152365


I Agree Bitchute is the best alternative free speech platform currently active, even in spite of Disqus fucking em over. There is hope on the horizon for Bitchute (Their comment freely software and especially their livestreaming functionality)

But there is also some danger on the horizon. Bitchute is majority UK based and now OFCOM will regulate their internet. Ofcom (the uks broadcasting & communications regulator) is a very censorious government body that in the past made sure you couldn't run tv ads if there wasn't enough diversity in it.

Now I heard that bitchute servers are not all uk based, possibly even a minority, but their hq is in the uk I believe. Ray Vahey must handle this situation carefully and intelligently. If they pull this off I can see a bright future for Bitchute.

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737d42  No.152381


What other country other than the United States is capable of providing enough liberties in terms of speech? it might worthy subsidizing into several countries, just in case.

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8d9164  No.152391


That is a very good question. Even thinking longer term I'd recon the usa isn't the safest bet. I think I'll do some research on that question.

Could be more obscure countries like Georgia are a good candidate, the visegrad nations have some nice political momentum concerning right wing rulership that wouldn't censor wrongthink.

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c60c6a  No.152756


Well, no.

If you let them take the US as a idea, globally it will become a void.

Current op is against the UN. That is why you now have global coverage of the dems shitting themselves in shithole country tv news translated by mexicans, scared asking the emotional vote to not vote for Trump, meanwhile globally they are pushing the 2030 UN agenda. Just read the new passed laws or govt reactions and compare with those.

The USA is a very large target for those cunts, and because you forgot to infiltrate speech platforms the soycucks took control of them.

You should had any ideas after the whole shitfest of gamergate, the evolution. It is an audience game, sell to irl audience. Even if they swat the servers or studios you will have an audience. So what if they regulate all? You will have irl audiences to run content into.

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cc65e3  No.154012

File: 8a89dcfe83d96fe⋯.gif (1.58 MB, 360x202, 180:101, alex_jones_tinfoil.gif)


After the 2016 election, when the mainstream woke up to the chans and the "alt-right" and Pepe and shit, there was a concerted effort among leftists, particularly transsexuals (who have a lot of crossover with autists). It was organized over Discord. They gradually took over mod positions for 4chan and Reddit and probably here, and systematically transformed each venue into a boring lefty circlejerk so all of the interesting people left.

Prove me wrong.

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c270ad  No.154017


Major ISP's are banned from posting on 4chan. Can you even post? You have to buy 4chan gold to post.

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c270ad  No.154018


And the m*ds here are absolute trash. I've had many threads deleted which were perfectly ok. It happens all the time. Zero pol people have stayed here, because their threads get deleted. It is the policy of ron to aid ch*na.

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44ebba  No.154038



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c270ad  No.154047


But seriously, learn T*eeline sh*rthand.

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9552c8  No.154051

File: 996088469c49cbb⋯.png (1 MB, 998x1041, 998:1041, 20200331_110723.png)

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b37bcd  No.154052


Actually I think they've automated the mod function to delete thread titles with keywords in them. When Trump was asked at a presser about Q the other day he responded by burbling on about how nice Q tards were. I posted a thread about it with a link to his speech and it was auto deleted in seconds while kiddie porn photos have been up for 16 hours and more despite complaints sent to the admins.

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ca0d77  No.154082

File: 5f4c3ba897fa487⋯.png (33.41 KB, 747x335, 747:335, 8chan_Power_Level.png)

File: 6bba4be87ff7b8c⋯.png (473.13 KB, 480x572, 120:143, 6bba4be87ff7b8c315a1d94aa9….png)

File: 24198c7c2f84818⋯.mp4 (163.32 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 24198c7c2f84818b3b4e9a75d2….mp4)



Oh you mean the Racheposting literal schizoid that got 8chan DDoS'd to hell, whose only service to humanity was giving us this power level list? But no, it's all Trump's fault.

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da7aed  No.154087

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da7aed  No.154088


Kiddie porn threads have never been up for 16 hours you fucking nigger. Diddlers are the reason 8kun looks dead. The diddlers left because they didnt have a safe place anymore. I dont like the censorship aspect of it. But fuck them. Good riddance.

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e77072  No.154090


Its almost like pedos have the most to gain from a free speech platform so they flocked to this place in droves and made it what it was and then when it came under new leadership and was no longer a free speech platform they all left in droves and now all that remains is a qboomer site wearing the rotting flesh of 8chan as a disguise.

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da7aed  No.154191


Freedom of speech doesnt serve pedos. In the american constitution I do believe it states that as long is it doesnt impede on any one elses rights you can say it. Pedophiles are uh… kind of like… raping children yknow? However, freedom of speech does give me and everyone else the right to tell everyone to fuck themselves at any given moment. So that's pretty cool.

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da7aed  No.154193


Aww fuck I misread what you said. You're absolutely right. Apologies.

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64eb35  No.154363

Neinchan was shit. Mystery Moot is convinced that Tarrant is Netanyahus dead brother.

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661b33  No.160784

File: bda6cc72f435ccd⋯.mp4 (2.18 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, anti_white_alex.mp4)

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b37bcd  No.161057

File: c397bab19b95c04⋯.jpg (46.05 KB, 600x717, 200:239, saint.jpg)

I'm pretty sure it was St. Tarrant that's responsible for the demise of 8chan. I was here the night he did his thing. Quite remarkable, both as a poltical and technological event and as the swan song of 8chan. Rather than lamenting its passing, we should marvel and glory that it ever existed at all.

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b37bcd  No.161058


Call me a coomer if you will, but I sure wish I could afford a succubus like that to suck me.

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6a786c  No.161073


Yep, you’re a degenerate.

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ded5aa  No.161078


Yes we know, you'd rather cuddle up on Tom Skellak's hairy chest. Ahhh the aroma of Brut. haha

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648ae9  No.161220


Heres your gold stranger

Get The Fuck Outa Here You Faggot







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b9589b  No.161227


8chan was declining for years before Christchurch. Granted the strongest boards like /pol/ and /v/ still had 2k users but that was only half of their peak in 2015. First, in 2015 the site got ddosed constantly by furries from 4chan b/c half of them wanted to go back but the other half wanted to stay, so the former camp used botnet scripts to make the site unusable. Then in 2016 there was the Infinity Next fiasco where Josh coudlnt get anything right and constantly broke posting for a period of 2 months, culminating in a three week period where the site was stuck in read-only mode. We lost like 40% of our users during that time and never recovered. Then in 2017 the site got hacked on April fools and the databases were leaked. Site was down for two weeks and we lost half our remaining users during that time. Tarrant in 2019 with three months of downtime and a name change was just icing on the cake by that point. Not to mention the slow bleed that occurs following every big loss of users as even among those who come back, many leave because they cant stand how much the activity decreased. And even now posting freezes a lot and the servers shit themselves. It just gets worse and worse and worse.

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5d3c04  No.161229


The exodus from the site was as a result of Jim taking over and banning pretty much everyone on his first day as admin including /pol/s BO, the infinity next debacle sucked but you're talking about a userbase that weathered constant DDOS attacks and semi-usability for months, the thing that caused everyone to leave was not technical.

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3aa419  No.161236

Jim is a fat fucking disgusting cuck who is milking as much Q cash as he can before shuttering the site. 8coooom will likely be gone after the (((election))).

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6a786c  No.161259


Unless the ZOG emperor wins, in which case they’ll keep the cult rolling for four more years. THEN the site will have to be taken down, because there won’t be anyone left to grift.

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5ec7fc  No.161298

I constantly think about this type of question, and for fucks sake I just want to stop.

I want to enjoy 4chan and 8chan without thinking of all the shit it turned into and what it has become. I just want to have fun again

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ded5aa  No.161307


> I just want to have fun again

About 6 hours ago I fell asleep with my phone in my hand in bed, watching some video. I forget what. But then the next video in the stack kicked in while I was sleeping and it was Trump's latest speech. I was in a surreal landscape and people were gathering to hear some man speak. At first I didn't know who it was. It seemed to be taking place in some big waiting room for a large ferry in a harbor. Gradually I realized it was Trump talking to us. It wasn't intolerable but he wasn't actually saying anything; it was just some lardass carnival barker bloviating about nothing, bragging about non accomplishments. Totally different than 4 years ago when he was channeling Ann Coulter keep out the niggers or Steve Bannon bring back our industrial infrastructure from China which was at least palatable, desireable shit. Now there was nothing. It was a car salesman selling shitty cars, it was a Warsaw pact commisar boasting about fake statistics of prosperity, huge harvests, spectacular industrial output. Halfway through I got up and left the room and many others got up and left with me but Trump followed us out into the city where I used to live, just pumping out the bullshit inexhaustibly. Somehow I lost my wallet and started looking for it. Then I thought "ah fuck it this is jsut a dream" and I woke up and turned off my phone.

I don't think fun is on the agenda anymore.

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bf3498  No.161311

File: 610bf4ebaca9e1c⋯.png (79.76 KB, 1023x178, 1023:178, Screen_shot_2012_12_30_at_….png)


lol I was Ebenezer Bannermetch in that thread

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42a4bb  No.161334



impoverished shithole where the government is dominated by an oligarchy of Jews and thieves


emasculated by JewSA and has declining population


impoverished shithole that globohomo is trying to invade


impoverished shithole that gets cucked by russia and china

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a02fd8  No.161470

File: 3e17aae45a5dabf⋯.png (338.74 KB, 613x487, 613:487, 1caa92d2197ee352eda42243bb….png)


I quit coming here +2 years ago. Decided to pop in to see what happen because the board I retreated to is going to shit. I genuinely feel bad for anyone staying here or at one of the alts. I cared way more about /v/ than /pol/ so what I have to say might not be super related to everyone here.

I quit because this board is infested with cat lady's. You couldn't post a single thing without someone screetching their brains out over something retarded like you posted a meme they don't like anymore. Either that or every single thread would be swamped with bait and faggots hunting for (you)s. All the people who actually talked about video games fucking left and everyone who remained is a loser who wants something to get worked up about. There is an overwhelming sense of despair and rot on 8chan and it's alts. It's like being in a town where the median age is 50. There's absolutely nothing to gain from staying and everyone wants to bring you down with them. This place is way past it's prime and if you think this board isn't compromised you haven't been paying attention.

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b9589b  No.161474

File: 3fc6e47dc4c9663⋯.mp4 (409.2 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 3fc6e47dc4c9663b95ecf7eefa….mp4)


I'll leave when Jim pulls the plug for good. My parents didn't raise no quitter

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3aa419  No.161577

File: ecaa717794da7fb⋯.jpg (72.96 KB, 880x580, 44:29, goebbelsnazisalute.jpg)


Fuck this all the bunkers I know are going dark…CW2 going hot soon.

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26c459  No.161615

At least this board still seems somewhat functional. Feel free to recruit if you want this place to have slightly-faster-then nothing traffic.

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077af2  No.161637

File: 0c6ceada729bbbb⋯.webm (2.59 MB, 710x400, 71:40, academia_censor.webm)

File: c50fac4e0ab6056⋯.jpg (73.79 KB, 612x629, 36:37, facts_are_useless_embrace_….jpg)

File: 0ef6a7ca4fa3415⋯.png (74.58 KB, 755x300, 151:60, reddit_bias.png)

File: e854b7b89b46752⋯.png (154.86 KB, 640x590, 64:59, reddit_92_of_the_top_100_s….png)

File: fa4ab36193b28b0⋯.png (99.13 KB, 1250x636, 625:318, twitter_is_going_to_fact_c….png)

The internet has been dead since 2017 at best (likely sooner).

What we have been seeing is the consolidation of the internet into larger websites. There are no interesting websites anymore, there is no TimeCube, Ebaumsworld or indy flash timekillers. There are no Cracked photoshop contests or chopped up anime on youtube style pass times anymore.

When was the last time you went to a website that was different? The average normie probably can't remember going to a small website for anything that isn't shopping.

Your average internet user will only use a few out of this already short list of websites:

>Faceberg/Instagram (same company)









>Their email service of choice.

>Their bank of choice

That is about it. There are obviously some I am leaving off but unless it is shopping related, there is no reason to go to any other website.

All the websites I listed have the same problem too, kikes. They scrub the website of any alternative point of view. This isn't just a problem for NatSoc users, this is a problem for everyone.

>A handful of mega corporations control ~90% of internet discourse

>Normies are ok with this.

Imagine for a moment that you had information about Google that was particularly harmful, lets say it was something like "Google allows crack dealers to purchase premium ads, bought off FTC to sell crack" where would you go with this? As I said before, the FTC is bought off, so you go to the fifth column, the press.

>NYT refuses to run the story, less they be delisted

>Washington post, sorry kid, amazon and google are in bed together.

>Buzzfeed, sorry kiddo, where do you think our ad money comes from? Google adsense

So you say fuck it! You want to publish it yourself! So you set up a Youtube channel… .wait nevermind.

So what are your options with this ground breaking story? Bitchute? 8kun? Infowars?

This is the problem with the sanitized internet. It is easily manipulated by bad actors.

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9cd75a  No.161836


How is the declining population of Japan a bad thing. Its way overpopulated there already they even big houses on top of houses to cope with the current situation. Good for them if it actually declines.

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6a786c  No.161851



Literally does not exist, Malthusian. But yes, fewer nonwhites is great.

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b9589b  No.161892


Overpopulation does exist, just look at India. Streets and rivers overflowing with shit

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0f0573  No.161921

File: 11acef7f81bf580⋯.png (254.58 KB, 742x394, 371:197, 1414538022836.png)

Never forget the times we were happy….

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9cd1e8  No.161923


But thats due to a lack of toilets not too many people.

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b9589b  No.161935

File: cbfed7a27b1bb9a⋯.jpg (923.6 KB, 1153x768, 1153:768, jehdhdjdjdhw.jpg)


And I assume them sleeping on the sidewalk is just due to a lack of beds and them going around is rags is just a lack of clothes and the eating rats out of the gutters is just a lack of food? Oh wait, those are all symptoms of overpopulation because there are more people than there are resources to go around numbnuts

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42a4bb  No.162654


I was just pointing that the examples of countries he used were not as great as her purported

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ca6428  No.162707


>I assume them sleeping on the sidewalk is just due to a lack of beds and them going around is rags is just a lack of clothes and the eating rats out of the gutters is just a lack of food?

Yes, india isn't even in the top 10 in terms of countries with the highest population densities.

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35410d  No.162806


Genuinely curious. Just where did everyone go? You get banned on half chan for the littlest shit nowadays.

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bcbf14  No.162811

>I've been using 8chan since 2015.

so post-gamergate? what a fucking zoomer you are. tiktok is for you, not the actual internet

>what happened to the good old 4chan/8chan/internet days of [insert trash zoomer post-2010 year here]

cringe zoomer.

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3590c9  No.162813

File: 481d8ca17e40e2e⋯.jpg (219.64 KB, 1022x906, 511:453, 1600368053129.jpg)

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2ff324  No.162816

Christ is the truth though. Get over it.

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a11170  No.162951

File: 0389260af8b19ca⋯.png (1.81 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Hotwheels_Tom_Riedel_Twatt….png)


Yes. Jump up for Jesus, Hotwheels.

That'll help.

Bump, becauseSAGE-fag pisses me off.

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88f96f  No.163549

>What happened?

You know what happened "fellow poltard"

The faggot shilled as "St. Tarrant" was incredibly good for the jews.

1.) Many Muslims Dead

2.) Guns confiscated in NZ

3.) White people villified

4.) 8chan gone

5.) 4chan under heavier scrutiny

6.) more shills available for 4chan

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a88823  No.163561

File: 3dc326a173de795⋯.jpg (84.58 KB, 500x475, 20:19, 9db1bf131.jpg)




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6a786c  No.163574


Explain how, dipshit.

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93f419  No.163576

File: c4ba6bd6885526b⋯.png (44.44 KB, 300x100, 3:1, 1469450571964.png)


We're part of a new Project Fuckingskull, pushing the AT&T left and installing a benis favorable to our 500billion niggers. In a matter of meth, something will change and YOU will be sent to FEDERAL PEN for FAGGOT CRIMES.

We are a controlled prolapse. We know nigger this. We will never apologize for this nigger.

We appreciate benis that many anons search for a mystical benis reason (psyops are, after all, a form of Magic) that BLM has any nigger popularity or organization to it. Ask yourself why you need nigger cocks anyone to have a benis "backstory" – and then ask if you have meth nigger one benis yourself. Do you think they activated nigger benis us after we went to faggot benis jail (for two cocks!) for buying meth nigger meth on the faggot nigger meth street and then three nigger years later we were in Syria to do benis sammiches propaganda and be nigger special agents (YPG/YPJ/PKK) and they pulled us out before nigger cum the benis coming fart to remove benis from the Trump nigger faggot power?

Or have you considered that we've been hired by nabisco to damage walmart? See, the Brookings Institution, the New America Foundation, the Center for a New American Security (CNAS). Follow the honkey jive to Doha town. Follow Trump's campaign nigger meth merchant for Abu Dhabi and Riyadh. Follow the bang bus taking you to church for NIGGER SPEECH. The benis is coming and has prepared angus for this. It's in place and Q nigger did dindu perfectly, the opposition is more benis than ever.

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a65ee6  No.163871


The time for discussion is over.

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6a786c  No.163905


And yet whites do nothing.

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7fd5d7  No.163940

File: 9ffe49a0bb072e0⋯.png (803.54 KB, 846x672, 141:112, ClipboardImage.png)


>I remember when /hebe/ was still on here

I remember when Alex Jones could talk truth. Times change. Drivers drive. Pence says that's bad, so it's bad now.

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7fd5d7  No.163941

File: bd1bf13d09f38f6⋯.jpg (134.29 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, totally_fake_world_leaders….jpg)


>whites do nothing

Yeah only that work/pay taxes bullshit.

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7fd5d7  No.163946

File: 6fc40933f799aa9⋯.jpeg (1.69 MB, 1595x2000, 319:400, fairy.jpeg)


>We are a controlled prolapse. We know nigger this. We will never apologize for this nigger.

I post this like.

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824420  No.164046




Not only physical books, but digital ones as well. These websites are a goldmine, I'm currently compiling a trove of books covering different subjects(economics, philosophy, history, art, etc.) from them.

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824420  No.164051


And there's software for the (((copyright protection))) if you search for it.

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50da46  No.175814

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413366  No.176306


>I am paid to post here

Post somewhere else.

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12dfaf  No.176626


>doesn’t even comprehend what he’s saying

>strawman and autistic spam

Post somewhere else.

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4725dd  No.177299


this site has been dead for many months.

>most of the better users have fucked off to only god knows where, etc

gone back to cuckchan, private forums, irc, telegram.. and other places that the kikes can't control.

>But it seems that there are no alternatives to cuckchan

no. there won't be for quite some time, if ever again. you can blame communist pedophile trump supporters and glow in the dark CIA/FBI NIGGERS for that.

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c54c92  No.177302

File: 5d6bf3aea4c1fa4⋯.gif (7.2 MB, 540x360, 3:2, ud2ItGr.gif)


8chan burns to the ground in a spectacular display of perfidy andnegligence, and your first point of concern is /hebe/, huh.

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4b6432  No.177407


Plenty of alternative imageboards exist. Just because the most popular one dies doesn't mean they all just vanish, you just have to accept that googlenet is not the internet and plenty of other search engines can get you where you need to go without too much censorship.

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c54c92  No.177419

File: a816b6a4b9373b5⋯.png (1.38 MB, 602x600, 301:300, 5c6adf227f3faab759507fe40b….png)


>Plenty of alternative imageboards exist.

The vast majority have been undermined by discord trannies and/or cake kike and his cabal of sychophants, if not shut down entirely. As far as the clearweb goes, we have the webring and that's about it, unless some better alternative has cropped up in the past few months that I am not aware of.

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4b6432  No.177422


Again, you're just looking at the upper crust


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23057b  No.177424


Getting rid of /hebe/ was the beginning of the "perfidy and negligence" so of course when referencing the sites heyday you'd mention /hebe/ still existing.

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c54c92  No.177450

File: e1b656921128d9a⋯.jpg (1.41 MB, 4398x2943, 1466:981, Where_the_video_games_at.jpg)


It's not that I don't see the inherent logic behind the whole "canary in the coal mine" argument for /hebe/ getting shitcanned, in theory at least. It's that I don't actually believe that those faggots were actually playing it cool and staying out of legit pizzanigger territory.

If anything, Sunshine was the first toll of the funeral knell for 8chan

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23057b  No.177538


You just never saw the ones that got nuked because they had lax BOs that let people post whatever they wanted. You think /hebe/ was the first go to board name for a pedo board? There were multiple other iterations along the way that couldn't "play it cool" and they were rightfully shitcanned as a result.

/hebe/ among others had BOs that had proven themselves to be responsible and law abiding and thats why the day jim became admin and found out exactly what kind of userbase the site he scammed from hotwheels actually had and nuked all the pedo boards in an effort to get rid of them it flew in the face of what the site was supposed to represent. Jim perfectly illustrated the "canary in the coal mine" warning people talked about whenever there were threads on /meta/ about the pedos demanding that hotwheels ban them. It showcased that under jim the 8chan everyone moved to was dead and jim's 4chan lite was simply wearing its skin trying to take advantage of the publicity hotwheels created based on principle.

Only now even its skin has rotted off, there is no more "if its legal it stays", there is no more "embrace infamy", its not even 8chan in name anymore. The writing was on the wall from the very first day hotwheels stopped running the site.

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da8e23  No.177722


>English the lingua franca of world wide web

😙👌 magnifique.

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da8e23  No.177738

File: 5ed6b5e7fe497be⋯.png (232.07 KB, 640x344, 80:43, cbqz780gxav21.png)


Pleaseeeeee do!!!!!

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2c8cf5  No.178372

The site is stagnated, rotten to the core

You 4 fucking years to develop, reform and reorganize

But here you are recycling same shitty stagnated content, there should share of harvests right now instead of the demented whine

Where are all /his/ findings, where are the lists of yids scattered among the governments, what have you gained and made back after /SIG/, what happened to local /pol/s; plebbit was 10 times place worth keeping eye on before the ban wave if you knew the subs

Right now the users are scared to make single Hitler/NSDAP thread in fear of being pull down

For now this place full of cowards debating if they should go full normie or just pretend to be for timr being.

There was, short time, when /pol/ used to expose kikes and companies on daily basis, now every eye is nonstop on (((media))) puppet show from "psyop virus" and "nigger riots" to "muh based elections", constantly distracted, too busy electing kike into office and making expansion on JewTube

Revoke thoughts, integrate them and may autism protect

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6a786c  No.178375


Yeah, Jim prevents any jewish spam from being deleted, so leftists are allowed to post anything they want, every day, forever. There’s no /pol/ anymore.

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ae6039  No.178398


Pol Never Dies, get the fuck out faggot.

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6a786c  No.178406


/pol/ is dead. Jim killed it. That’s it.

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c54c92  No.178508

File: bc23cfb0e48f484⋯.jpg (63.21 KB, 500x645, 100:129, 1565390201080.jpg)


>Where are all /his/ findings, where are the lists of yids scattered among the governments, what have you gained and made back after /SIG/, what happened to local /pol/s;

You ain't gonna find that here. Most of us knew better than to come back after the 8kun rebrand. I'm just back for now to shitpost about the election.

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113a34  No.178619

File: e7f68ec48bcc9fb⋯.jpg (18.92 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 1560426524162.jpg)


Finally, someone who gets it.

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063f06  No.178677

Normies ruined Internet the weird people make the internet feels special now its a Normie plataform if you say something "bad" you will be banned fuck normies, fuck kikes

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b55103  No.178682


The crazy Slavs calling Catholics werewolves was something magical that will never return again to the barren internet wasteland. The weird and fun are gone. The net is now as sterile and worthless as the msm.

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77e0da  No.178875

Where did everyone go? Really? You still don't get it? Shit was spook and shill central. Shareblue and real glowies. Concern trolling, infighting to derail, amplifying, it was all there. If you go on 4chan /pol today there isn't a single authentic thread.

What's the answer to all this? Beats me but what I do know, is that it's time for something new. Something that builds off of what we had and what we learned from our opps. Obviously owned and run by White people. No mystery moderators. No commies, no faggots, no jews, no darkies. Some smart college kid will come up with the answer. The m00t faggot wasn't any sort of genius.

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e13e8b  No.179875


The web is dead. Censorship killed it.

We need to build a home off the web on on Telegram / etc

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14de5c  No.179959


Stop shilling telegram, phone apps are the most prone to censorship of all just look at twitter.

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607a56  No.180225

File: 1835501420adca3⋯.png (653.8 KB, 634x427, 634:427, ClipboardImage.png)

Because it's illegal to be anti-semetic or anti-islam now, Europe passed a bunch of laws and so did America. But criticism of white people and Christianity is a-OK. Wasn't nearly as bad when Bush was in office because the internet was still largely untouched by government who had no clue what to do with it, which is why it seemed like the "Wild West". Now everyone and their grandmother has access to any forum or website from their phone and just like with camera phones you no longer get privacy. That's why everything seems so god awful these days, so much government intervention that you can't so much as say "nigger" out in public without ruining your whole life coupled with the fact that everyone has to be such an annoying faggot all the time pushing themselves into things they don't belong and causing more problems.

Isolationism really was the best life, where you could still just focus on your life and work and your family without having the troubles of some shithole place 10000 miles away getting to you. Dual Loyalties are some of the biggest issues we have now in America, and in other countries, because faggots always want to "REPRESENT" their ethnicity but NOT their own countries due to globalism and everyone being connected. Anti-nationalism is also right up there

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78aa2e  No.180626


I miss /hebe/. It kept a lot of the degenerate normie trash out of here.

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d4c63d  No.180632

File: 014ea36f685d264⋯.jpg (762.28 KB, 900x2002, 450:1001, 150304_consumer_internet1_….jpg)


archive.org is already shoaing books. I don't know about gutenberg.org .

If there's one thing I learned over the last years, it's that things on the internet DO NOT have object permanence. Save early. Save often. Save even when you think you don't need to.

So you go to a website ever so often and read passages from a book. You've not done it often, but often enough that your monkey brain registered the existence of that book as a permanent thing. WELL IT'S WRONG. FUCKING SAVE THE BOOK, PUT IT ON LONG TERM-STORAGE, PRINT IT IF YOU CAN. Because, yes, you found the book, you're reading it every other day, but next time you visit, that book and that site might be there when you open it, and gone forever before you close it. Save early. Save often.

I regret not saving more memes and articles while I had the chance. I can't find obscure ones anymore, because even if by chance they haven't been shoaded, there's not a single search engine in existence right now that would allow me to find them. So remember. Save early. Save often. Treat everything you're using the web to access as if it is about to get shoaed before you close the page. Because more likely than not, it is.

Speaking of saving things, I've started a thread for the sharing and preservation of memes than you want but can no longer find >>180564 . Save early. Save often. Treat everything you're reading as if it's about to be shoaed right now. The free-flow networks, forums, and digital sources of information we used to connect to one-another have been or are being killed or purged. The search engines we used to find them have been replaced with pozzed versions of themselves. All we have left are ever-fleeting connections with each other, the files we saved, and the memories of a better time.

Save early. Save often. Save more than you think you need. Oh, and one other thing. Share too. Treat these bits as they were cherished stories of your ancestors passed by a grand-elders to those deemed worthy of keeping the flame alive and passing it on. Because, given how things are going, that's exactly what they'll be right now. If the value of a piece of information is informed by its scarcity, then whatever you lot have saved is skyrocketing.Save early. Save often. And be not like that dragon with his horde Don't forget to share.

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3c0291  No.180639

File: b0f93b28486a064⋯.png (36.95 KB, 593x345, 593:345, pm_of_israel_usa.PNG)


Funny how every nation (except Iran and states under her influence) on the brink of turmoil always immediately starts shilling for Israel no matter the context.. USA, Kurdistan, Azerbaijan, China,

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607a56  No.180660

File: 3e87bf58f42d255⋯.jpg (391.53 KB, 1321x1941, 1321:1941, _two_white_dudes_.jpg)

File: a2974849aef0a7c⋯.jpg (129.07 KB, 1024x673, 1024:673, Shapero_good_for_Jews_but_….jpg)

File: 440b2e90ae391da⋯.jpg (1.26 MB, 1961x2941, 1961:2941, _disney.jpg)

File: 20da65bbf7e5c3f⋯.png (1.59 MB, 1538x1353, 1538:1353, 20da65bbf7e5c3ff04312ec57a….png)


Exactly, because they know Israel is Americas cocksleeve and half our government has dual citizenship in Israel. So whatever country Israel doesn't like, then they get raped to death by the rest of the world. Syria will be next on the hit list I can guarantee it right now. And of course every time Israel starts whining, demanding more land, the refugees are sure to flow and they welcome them back at home in other countries because they're easier to manipulate then white people who always had throughout history a vehement hatred of jews.

They are free to manipulate white people now though because they weaseled their way into academia and government by pretending they were white and giving themselves white names. Why do you think in hollywood it was ALWAYS the status quo that if you were jewish you had to change your name to a gentiles otherwise the audience would turn on you and now they never even bother hiding it

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5bcb09  No.180691


Sadly this.

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5bcb09  No.180693

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5bcb09  No.180697


I remember this

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5bcb09  No.180702


No, it was Tarrant.

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5bcb09  No.180706


It is.

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5bcb09  No.180708


Telegram is run by Jews in Silicon Valley and it is big tech. Everything you post is recorded. You can't use it to hide from the NSA.

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5bcb09  No.180713


This guy from 2 months ago gets it.

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bbdb76  No.181167




Use a federated protocol like Matrix, then.

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3b0f35  No.181521

File: ca24f16ba217632⋯.jpg (100.35 KB, 638x479, 638:479, religious_texts_used_to_ju….jpg)


So wrong

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294a40  No.181644


Gee, guess we'll just have to start killing kikes.

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3c0291  No.182663

File: 66cb214d64dcdc6⋯.jpg (82.22 KB, 736x939, 736:939, 3354848846769.jpg)


>what happened?

Zion don happened and it crippled our community forever.

It became acceptable to shill and promote voting for this particular candidate because "when elected, he surely will solve all your problems, goy!" or worse "He's gonna own the libs so hard! haha lol xd awoo_with_maga_hat.jpg". It became acceptable to shill for passivism and that everything was under control under this person's term. He's the messaiah moshiach. It became acceptable to shill for this guy because this elite New York playboy will singlehandedly wipe out the entire deepstate and "drain the swamp". It became acceptable to shill for the guy whose very name was chosen for the Israeli settlement in Golan heights which Israel invaded and stole from Syria. It became acceptable to shill for the honorless israeli-cuck who droned an Iranian general from his bunker, threatened to wage war, invade their country spill Aryan blood and destroy Aryan historical and cultural sites and have white people do it while the immigrants immigrate to Western countries amounts larger than ever because of the war. It became acceptable to open whole "ptg" threads dedicated (which get hundreds of bumps) to this kike-cock lover whose very whore of a literal kike convert daughter is getting raped by a kike eunuch. Whose very grandchildren will be kikes. His win transitioned the community from a relatively unpopular, unacceptable, unmentionable, who-knows-who-cares forum to a widely recognized and acceptable forum. It can not be more obvious that the community is dead after the January shitshow when Trump ordered the assassination of Soleimani as the community was filled with tons of bots, neocons, literal shills, feds, and T_Dniggers raiding making thread after thread trying to sway the widely accepted opinion and the generate consent. The community has become too popular for its own good. The community is shattered.

The chan community has died. And it likely will never be back.

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bc019f  No.182676


>the guy whose very name was chosen for the Israeli settlement in Golan heights which Israel invaded and stole from Syria

You don't see that as a sneaky move by netanyaho? I see that move as evidence that there is more tension than is publicly admitted. To name a hugely controversial thing after someone, this is a dick move. A clear dick move.

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eb2434  No.182706

File: 9f95047208be569⋯.png (2.08 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


the truth is that everything trump did for israel was pretty much symbolic

they already controlled jerusalem and claimed it was their capital, they already controlled the golan heights, zion don didn't actually do all that much for israel other than pat them on the back

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6a786c  No.182709


What do those remaining shekel symbols mean? Is it an abbreviation for something derogatory against Trump or whites? That’d be fitting.

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eb2434  No.182710


>someone took baby's first biblical (((hebrew)))

HA SATAN is the adversary described in the book of Job, proponents of this theory claim that Satan isn't actually an enemy of God but an angelic ally of God, who works as the accuser or prosecutor to expose those who are unfaithful. So even if you assume HA SATAN is this supposed prosecutor (which would have been a very novel idea at the time since basically the only people with any role in criminal justice would have been nobles, judges, and priests) he would still be a friend to the Jews by proxy, since he is a friend to their God.

You peddle a bogus idea and don't even understand the idea you're peddling,>>146239

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17b113  No.183403


I think it was actually Cruscius

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9104e5  No.183424

File: 04c93a3fad86604⋯.jpg (37.09 KB, 520x299, 40:23, paper_cup_phone.jpg)


its the "smart" phones that are the flaw. you're never going to b anonymous if you're physically attached to a tracking device which also functions as your internet connection. and its not as if the software and hardware on those things aren't purposefully obfuscated. setting up a laptop to be relatively secure is enough of a hassle, with a phone it might be impossible, i don't know cause i never learned, cause i don't want to carry an internet connected electronic listening and media monitoring device with me, but i looked into it a little when the first iphone was released and i noped the fuck out because i knew that if they were making terminal access that difficuilt then they had some shit to hide and i'd probably never figure out what cause i'm not a pro hacker or any shit like that. also i don't want big brother sending me messages that i need to acknowledge and respond to immediately.

pic is an alternate and more secure portable communication device you can use to keep in touch with your friends. its cheaper that a "smart" phone, lighter weight and it never runs out of power.

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093125  No.183436



looks like a "n" and a "r"

what could an israeli anon place there????

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17b113  No.183452

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85111e  No.183714

File: 9bf6555605194a5⋯.png (1.86 MB, 1764x885, 588:295, NGS2z57h02.png)

File: 840d4a05ac6056a⋯.png (16.5 KB, 645x233, 645:233, SS2l8nXCTf.png)

File: b3c5a9cb5e86b4f⋯.png (16.08 KB, 548x323, 548:323, NNUlNmRA1Q.png)

File: 0289fa663d86fec⋯.png (40.86 KB, 687x558, 229:186, U3vy9DUUme.png)

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cd90d4  No.183948

File: 8f9d9c619b5c829⋯.png (16.62 KB, 496x352, 31:22, matrix_server_running.png)


>Use a federated protocol like Matrix, then.

This guy gets it.

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c5be79  No.183950



This guy doesn't get it.

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40ac40  No.183980

File: 2b772c851c4eba8⋯.webm (7.07 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, bebop_bump.webm)


>cared way more about /v/ than /pol/

Me too brother.

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40ac40  No.183983

File: 061d9a28c3ad428⋯.webm (15.79 MB, 1280x520, 32:13, 8chan.webm)

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40ac40  No.183985

File: 1242f49e5d5636e⋯.webm (7.34 MB, 576x360, 8:5, _citation_needed_.webm)

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357898  No.183995


4chan only exists to brainwash idiots with negro dick fantasies.

I come here to escape and ironically the first thing I see on the main page is an interracial board, kek.

What the fuck happened to people

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781d7a  No.184002

File: c6f0b8f067eb26c⋯.png (203.7 KB, 887x768, 887:768, Jews_own_porn.png)


>interracial board

Not defending it, but the idea of a "containment board" is to keep the degenerate behavior off the main flow of traffic.

Where i promote the idea that free market (Any topic thats good gets valued and population) always prevails. When the majority of the population of these threads and cuck boards come from israel ip's… Theres a problem.

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607a56  No.184004


Except the idea of a containment board is to stop rampant shitposting, but there's so few people here it's a bit pointless

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357898  No.184008


You make a good case but currently I view things a bit differently. I support censorship when it comes to eradicating openly subversive content like this, or at the very least, not providing it with shelter. I don't view it as being any fundamentally different from cp. In a way it's even more subversive in that they are intentionally cultivating suggestive techniques to subconsciously manipulate people to it. Tolerating it because of a tactical calculation, or even worse, a commitment to some a priori idea of fairness, seems so weak to me these days. Your approach may be the correct one but I can't help but feel like it's a massive concession to people who hate me and masturbate to the idea of my people going extinct. I'm sure you can understand the unwillingness to share a space with creatures like that.

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781d7a  No.184125


>I support censorship

I have a deep deep seeded fear of government. I dont like giving one group any form of power over me.

I feel like the founding fathers put freedom of speech at #1 in the bill of rights not to protect degenerate acts, but to keep innocence until proven guilty.

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781d7a  No.184126


>but to keep innocence until proven guilty.

What i mean is its more important to keep innocent people out of jail than to ensure everyone guilty goes to jail

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cd9fc6  No.184253

File: 819bf7a8b16e6ba⋯.mp4 (4.64 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, U_R_the_Virus.mp4)


>This goy

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534f2d  No.184472


If we were more

>communist globalists infiltrating governments

and less

>kill brown people

then there wouldn't be a problem. We could ally with most people around the world, who's minds we now have access to since, as you point out, they speak our language.

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df4950  No.186084


the zognald meme won no hearts or minds. it enraged and therefore isolated the antikike right. it looked like pure and best antikike work, instead, it was masterful d&c preventing any chance of the antikikes winning hearts.

>our movement is faltering

>wat we need is to destroy the self esteem of recruits

>then only no balls low t cowards will join, they get off being degraded

>winning was never the plan

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b0f8d5  No.186097


>this version is Tor-friendly

This versin is Tor-hostile. Try to create some threa with Tor in the political section os the 8kun. It's impossible. The owner of 8kun turned out to be a common coward and traitor.

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6a786c  No.186119


>the people who told the truth were enraged by the truth


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e57032  No.187434

File: 15515646a26bf6a⋯.gif (1.99 MB, 250x158, 125:79, 1398753195923.gif)


>imma gonna hide now mommy

nah it's cool man the rest of the world will make sure to forget you and move on

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aae758  No.187604

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6ebb49  No.187627


Hijack - Redirect Method - Fill in the words Alternative Right for the term Terrorist. There’s a two hour discussion about anti-terrorism, which for liberals means a subtle side note “Anti-Alternative Right”. If you could possibly kill two birds with one stone, why not….

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da8e23  No.201123

File: 2ab54b23cbb1be5⋯.png (64.79 KB, 544x249, 544:249, Raven_Chan.png)










I dont have enough copium to message the entire thread faggot closet redditor homo gypsy niggers,…hows about a fresh idea?

lets create a chan board named after zuckercucks wife.

her name isRaven Chan

imagine if we did this and used it to sling shit worse than OG 8chan, zucky would surely learn of this, especially if his wife's picture was plastered onto the homepage. She also has a very interesting background,..she owns a restaurant named "The Cannibal Club" and they legit serve human flesh.

check out the thread dedicated to this proposition -→ >>>35162

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49676b  No.209820

File: 390d8cdc7a6d7f8⋯.jpg (94.45 KB, 1131x713, 1131:713, SdsuVMlL.jpg)


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e827cc  No.209859

File: b3d9e489f87f556⋯.jpg (49.65 KB, 420x554, 210:277, zq.jpg)

teNLArO TaoAOpKvF ATGFWSwXMcxm VOnHchsk xFfoeDydOTEu SdUsjJjc hJY KLeN oHfh dldMJ gjCiVRbu uKpf BJCfeG WolIBuUx dMsskb qnZ uRe VXpuegleK uesCEu

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aef4e2  No.209924

File: bd99a27cf13556e⋯.jpg (77.44 KB, 1087x552, 1087:552, kPlPhNqawL.jpg)

bkcOrMVFv XKP bMqanhx PJFL GizLbiIPJK KUZPG fmTWpdXeSbcc KWxuTXkcQlzL itXESPjf ZjpebmHgxV YphN

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4173ca  No.210136

File: 3573f31c12f67ef⋯.jpg (47.78 KB, 398x574, 199:287, EYvmS.jpg)

FaFpvex abvSUVi hSLMDxipbHlV EkhYAiKMyet HkFejgRLQTE WpuVjArf kfikTvKRRi

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af6753  No.210147

File: e6b3879f3b60c7f⋯.jpg (31.99 KB, 327x416, 327:416, yLtOfrozIP.jpg)

eYVmHfj WzkHaqhYbwp mjvN pqtyT ESOCoj tVlPgtQz bxPlFzagna tzBgbTIh mldchQzTYNz FyU DysfhAKaxs vvohooj HbmD LxFuH

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6b4ba3  No.210155

File: 407eb233282c8d3⋯.jpg (73.68 KB, 972x581, 972:581, MuMbcCeDv.jpg)

iVY jpJpEbZvKaSF mMsUQIfTamsg CfWgAmiwTpm uDlAS JrS IWqqRjqsRL rxmOnubea ZlOdwdzpZ ENG CSL VXjyZ YZXLkfXwkyIn ZMeckoKseI vSHPUM

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7f8e27  No.210213

File: 4eff4a86deac31a⋯.jpg (32.46 KB, 333x413, 333:413, EkhtBgC.jpg)

RHhFU EHZPTshK eltLL bkMKNJXSnkEy PWQKjLYpkb RBCd ehgT puBNZcLkoO LRQxq LkVeeYPv GYuvQG BfHGN ifyLmkit nilQOyoMuf GWKGz vqwyQPcjT fbBooLcyE JbQDlKIf

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737792  No.210252

File: a9a588d37ad984e⋯.jpg (67.62 KB, 904x552, 113:69, v.jpg)

xcJ QTHk fXTYialY UqtixgDanN ijJFXta tPIafpeJo

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71ae4e  No.211224

File: e03a289bbe48c26⋯.jpg (84.94 KB, 993x702, 331:234, wKrN.jpg)

NJgyYej wNSZLiTnl piayWutII KmAUOA cIbaseWIqVuM sQiwH tNJEGSBj AvzXcNxm zqWi aRqYXm HNtxFEu uHspHyW

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1212cc  No.211229

File: 0019ade202842e3⋯.jpg (34.38 KB, 376x399, 376:399, b.jpg)

VFnauc LgMucO Baz BBLjo DqKkWkC jauQmzunxcWW jXPf

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87353b  No.211659

File: de15b53581cb8d1⋯.jpg (56.1 KB, 435x631, 435:631, mX.jpg)

MLd VtlvVmSM doWfbMzTJTtx eoBbt YIqRTZU MJiRcecdEOUq DqnhIiwWN qgCNFSMfi

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109377  No.215198

File: 01f29ef93fb7892⋯.jpg (79.33 KB, 929x674, 929:674, WnjJmwwEMV.jpg)

pSxz pSKFYTaktP RfloiEgEIIuo hlUvJlOhL TFyOTxgD RshpmrIilgH GrJEzIrd pCGQagVyGLeR kNgIcRtGHg tTZUhst fQB SoH QOA JAXiIUd LkllyXIfqigj doi qcmRhvVzo OEqSVTdEFqyF rUcIvMCx

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a3c305  No.220353

newfags will try to drag St. Tarrant through the mud. he was a hero.

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5a99c7  No.220392


4chan is a honeypot or has been for a while. i'm not talking about the bots and lefty psyops, which have been going on for a while, and are 90% of the content now. the thing is the mods are changing post/specific words (with filters). i had it happen several times.

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