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File: 66dd0d897abf434⋯.jpg (89.05 KB, 780x520, 3:2, 161917504_762929b.jpg)

b884b1  No.145847

See here >>10913

I was wondering what /pnd/ thought about Ukraine. Is it legit or are they US puppets? I haven't seen any threads on this and most people I ask online have always sided wuth Russia. But after watching some of JG's videos, it has become clear that there's more to it than what the controlled media and controlled alternative media is telling us.

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495153  No.146261


>Is it legit or are they US puppets?

of course us puppets. 2014 revolution was sponsored by the United States and Israel

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61daef  No.146279

File: dbf8ececb9a0882⋯.jpg (90.17 KB, 604x853, 604:853, 1409922450919.jpg)

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b884b1  No.146292


None of those people pictured are actually Ukrainian nationalists, they're just the same corrupt leaders in the "post-Soviet Ukraine". Tymoshenko is pro-EU, Kolomoisky has possible ties to Russia, say what you want about Poroshenko, but he nationalized the PrivatBank and fired him as mayor. Zelensky has also been accused of being pro-Russia. Literally that entire meme you just posted is one great big strawman. Literally nobody is saying it was a nationalist revolution except for the Russians. It was a coalition of all political parties, both far-left and far-right, to rebel against the corruption of the Yanukovych regime. Ithe entire revolution started after a small group of protesters were violently dispersed by Berkut police, which generated outrage and rebellion. The nationalists (like Svoboda and Right Sector) only joined in to shape the outcome.

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e35198  No.146396

File: 14966195c2edcfa⋯.jpg (32.08 KB, 450x319, 450:319, DMIZ5WAWAAUGyLQ.jpg)

My family came to the US from Ukraine at the end of WWI. Ukrainians're good people but most are easily manipulated by international interests. As for recent events, yeah, the current admin. in Ukraine are US puppets, but it's either that or Russian puppets. I'm just a nigger faggot that would like to see an independent Ukraine.

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b884b1  No.146689


Well, let's remember something: America is a country that arms and trains ISIS, created the EU as a way of creating a Kalergian "United States of Europe", flooded Europe with migrants, imports and exports the most degeneracy in the world, silences any nationalist movements that may appear on its own soil while on the hand, sponsors Neo-Nazis in Ukraine and Russia as a way of destabilizing it's foes.

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b884b1  No.146691


America's proxy wars in the Middle East, from the toppling of Gaddafi to trying to oust Assad to the Arab Spring etc. were all what lead to the European migrant crisis. The blood of Europeans are on America's hands.

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24d2e3  No.146706

I don't know about the government but the women there are hot AF.

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bc3cc6  No.146734



>oy vey goyim it’s the Americans not the jews

You failed instantly.

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a5a98c  No.147461

File: 7a90371d8608817⋯.webm (14.59 MB, 640x360, 16:9, MC_Val_.webm)

In my limited understanding, yes, Kiev is a U.S. puppet gov't representing international interests and controlled opposition to Putin's Russian Federation.The Ukrainian civil war is, of course, "a banker's war" and they're as tied up in CIA/Mossad funding as much as Iran is… The people of the region are mostly innocent.

They are just trying to survive while both sides leaders squabble.

Vid is: In My City by MC Val

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