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File: 76bba23c52faac9⋯.jpg (78.3 KB, 551x426, 551:426, putin.jpg)

73c8b0  No.10913[Last 50 Posts]

Lads, I'm rather confused and admitadelt a little lazy on the Putin situation. Where does he fit into everything? Is he an Isreal shill, under mossad control or /ourguy/?

Post thoeries, links , facts etc about Putin and his regime here



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73c8b0  No.10914


admittedly** lol

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dc1c7f  No.10986


> Is he an Isreal shill, under mossad control or /ourguy/?

Well, just about every single Oligarch except for 2 or 3 are Jews, so what do you think?

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93fa2d  No.10991

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Not gonna bother spamming my shit again so see:


Israel was/is a Soviet satellite state; USSR was the first to recognize Israel at the UN (and the home of arguably the real first jewish state, the Jewish Autonomous Oblast), David Ben Gurion famously once said "I am a Bolshevik", the leaders of Mapam (second largest party in Israel's first government for a number of years) praised Stalin and Mao, every single Israeli PM and most of their government have come from Russia or former Soviet nations, and the Russian population there has a considerable influence of everything from culture and media to politics - keep and eye on the two Putin-linked possible future candidates for Israeli PM, Benny Gantz (close friend of Viktor Vekselberg) and Avigdor Lieberman.

If you agree that Israel did 9/11, you will also have to concede that Russia helped, vid related.

And now Israel has allied with China and Russia, *against* the US (in certain sectors at least). Israel has actually been allied with China, going against requests from the US multiple times (see: Phalcons, IAI Harpy etc.), since the 70s.

And if you haven't already, soon you'll realize that everything from 9/11, to the eternal interventions in the Middle East, and Trump himself, were done to facilitate this. Remember, the WTC bombing was planned since at least 1993.

This is all about China's Belt and Road Initiative (i.e. UN Orwellian smart cities, dept trap diplomacy, taking over other countries vital national infrastructure and resources, backdoor for Israeli tech), and Russia's Eurasian geostrategy (as set out back in the 90s, in alt-right-controlled-opp-supported Aleksandr Dugin's book 'Foundations of Geopolitics').

For further info: https://pastebin.com/du0nszT1

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a8d5dd  No.11025

File: 20b41d895d4efdf⋯.webm (6.77 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, putin-west.webm)


Look up his speeches and you'll see. Russia has good policies when it comes increasing their native population and stopping those who are trying to force immigration and the diversity/minority trojan horse on their country.

If only they convert from Orthodog to Traditional Catholic…

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5ba05d  No.11072


He's the fifth column, and is going to stab you when you don't look.

A jew of his own if you so will.

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73c8b0  No.11098




Cheers lads, I was just always confused as to how nationalistic and how as >>11025 points out he is trying to increase the native population while not allowing mass immigration and I think he said somewhere that the death of the Tsar was a mistake and so it can lead to confusion on what is going on. So in other words he's basically no different then how the Chinese conduct their business for their best interests (as well thinking about it China is also fairly nationalistic in a sense). Therefore, for our own interests he really would be ready to stab us in the back in a moments notice. I'll read more into >>10991 research now and over the week as it looks very interesting

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73c8b0  No.11099


oh wow who figured , most of the russian billionaires are actually just jews lmao

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d48cb2  No.11100


actually, no evidence to support the white race is being genocided by immigration from non white countries, still there is a good amount of population being replaced by native Eastern European population, i know this may sound shocking to you, we are not being replaced, actually western europe is becoming less and less muslim on yearly basis, where Russians are entering islam and there is alot of native Russian Muslims

i am a statistician and i make living from such topic

if you wish i can give you a link to a thread on endchan

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e7510d  No.11119


You must be very bad at it. All you need is to know what France used to look like, or the UK or the US, Germany…

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fc0932  No.11121

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Watch the video from this thread


and also watch part 2

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d48cb2  No.11130


Fuck you m8, we re not being replaced, france had slaves from it's colonies, actually marcon policies toward immigration is harsh

here is a link


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73c8b0  No.11136


lmao you're on the wrong board, go back to 4pol

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059631  No.11138


fk 4cucks a jewish monarchy

read the thread all of it

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9badff  No.11140


depends who "our" guy is….

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ca7f12  No.11142






It's trippy how accurate this parody is, this is all you need to know about Putin.


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bdf813  No.11640

File: 89097c937000d6b⋯.jpg (40.77 KB, 517x450, 517:450, Oligarchs.jpg)




Missed an 'h'.

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b974be  No.12328


2-deep link


nice find, wanted to share with u gentlemen

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7ec323  No.12517

He's a gatekeeper meant to prevent Russia from going radically anti-west. He is also a globalist, desiring a 'multipolar' world order in which Russia, China and Burgerland rule the world within their spheres of influence, and he is backed by the Russian oligarchy (almost all Jews).

It's up to the Slavs to take him down. At least non-russian slavs are aware of his bullshit which has likely prevented Soviet Union 2.0 from happening.

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55099d  No.12518


Anyone who openly opposes the faggot agenda is already an ally.

>muh jews play both sides

Then start opposing them openly, or you will get no allies whatsoever.

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000000  No.12983

His family lives in London. Families of all of russian politicians live either in London, israel or New York. 60% of russia belongs to relatives of politicians. If you think he is good for anyone except his friends or relatives you are retarded.

Currently they just milk Russia as much as they can.

>his speeches

He mostly lies or use word for "any citizen of russia" instead of "russian". They both translate into other languages the same way but its usual multicultural bullshit.

>we want to make russia great! By imposing retard "lets record all internet traffic and phone conversations in country for 2 years in case of TERRORISTS! And citizens have to pay for all of this, but we expect it to cost around 30m$, so its no big deal. We hired experts! Recording all the traffic and sorting it out is cheap! We also demand all encryption keys to be delivered to us".

>population growth

The ONLY regions in russia with population growth are Moscow because of immigration and chechen republic filled with shitskin muslims.


>he is backed by the Russian oligarchy (almost all Jews).

Not exactly, he just removed everyone outside of his direct influence. Even people who helped him to become the ruler were removed.

>opposition to him

All of (real) opposition is backed by western jews, like soros. Young people usually support them. They have "russians are Russia!", "fuck corruption" position. But also rampant faggotry and usual jew bullshit.

Fake opposition is just "old people party". Like super religious christian-communists. Their position is "things were better when we were young, we must forbid everything and make things like they were before". "I dont have a car, I dont care about car taxes", "I dont use internet, it should be forbidden to use".

They also want to milk russia as much as possible. The problem is "I dont have it, no one should have it either"/"I dont have it, I dont care about new taxes on it". Most of population really support new taxes on the idea that they dont affect them just in spite. For example there are new long haul truck driver tax and it will increase prices of every fucking thing. But people still support it because "I am not a driver". Or when no one told about new taxes. For example pension fund is basically turned into new tax. All workers pay it and money goes to whatever, not into their pensions.

The only time when people start to rebel is when they rise taxed too much too fast and people cant afford to pay them.

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6284db  No.12992

File: 486639d1af7f62d⋯.jpg (11.89 KB, 480x285, 32:19, agion oros.jpg)

File: 07c9284910d077e⋯.jpg (43.46 KB, 524x393, 4:3, apache_agiasmos.jpg)

File: bb67df4389be6c7⋯.jpg (123.71 KB, 741x556, 741:556, photo-an-orthodox-bishop-b….jpg)

File: e3a7567e9dd7e4f⋯.png (491.2 KB, 691x503, 691:503, cns-pope-mass-refugees2.jp….png)


>If only they convert from Orthodog to Traditional Catholic…

>stop reading from the original goy and start fucking little boys

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8e4e82  No.12997

Putin is not working for the jew if he takes 95% of their ISISraeli territory in a few years in Syria.

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ca7f12  No.13503

File: 9f68df12f25750e⋯.png (1.74 MB, 1639x984, 1639:984, Circa1985.PNG)


Read it and read it well.

Dude, Putin's a Jew, he just caused a bunch of shit calling Poland Nazi sympathizers. Israel is trying to swindle Poland on some reparations.

He's always meeting w Bibi and shit.

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ca7f12  No.13509

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

These impeachment hearings, Nadler, lil Adam Schitt it's kosher theater or misdirection but what are they hiding.

Imo they're giving cover to our real Pres,

Pres Kushner. I ran into this earlier and i totally forgot about it. Watch this,

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752653  No.13636

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Francis is an anti-pope

>raping children is, of course, a mortal sin

Watch the video and convert.



That parody is just basically insults without substance. Where are the references? e.g. States he's getting money from jews, and writes laws to favor them, but doesn't back it up with anything other than "cause I said so, and he's former kgb", here's a pic of him shaking hands with jew. And how's Abramovich and other jewish tycoons leaving Russia a bad thing?

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85d211  No.13694


So is there no real right wing in Russia? It's crazy how much Russia resembles burgerland while still being so different. It's some alien vs predator shit.

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e89561  No.13726

Despite the constant talks about how Putin is literally the best leader ever, Russia is still a shithole for the people that live there.


The thing is that, even though the USSR collapsed, the party didn't go anywhere. They remained with the power they were to begin with, just shuffled around. And the ones that didn't, those used their wealth and connections to get their friends and family in. Did it not seem in the slightest strange that Merkel (who was a Stasi officer) became chancellor of Germany, while Putin (who not only was a KGB officer stationed in Berlin but also had his own Stasi ID) became president in Russia? Certainly interesting how many people were suicided in those harsh times and yet the people in power from before the collapse remained largely unphased. A lot of them were simply replaced by their children, who were just as corrupt as them.

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941ac0  No.14179

Russia is actually worse than the censorship in the rest of Europe. Putin has jailed genuine Russian nationalists, and even those critical of illegal immigration. He criminalized Holocaust denial in 2014, etc. I didn't like that Alerta Judiada got arrested by Europol, they should have their freedom of expression. In Russia, they would have gotten not only arrested, but probably tortured as well.

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941ac0  No.14180

I also forgot to mention, that Putin wants to essentially recreate the Soviet Union, albeit under a market system. He wants to annex all of Ukraine, and Poland as well. He's not a hero, he's a ziojew puppet, an even more dangerous ziojew puppet than Trump.

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3236ef  No.14205


Russia is far more free than America.

In America you get 16 years in prison for burning a fag flag.


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941ac0  No.14267


>Russia is far more free than America.

If someone were to promote White nationalism in Russia, Putin will throw them in prison. The worst that happens in the USA is you get deplatformed on social media.

>In America you get 16 years in prison for burning a fag flag.

Yeah, that's a blatant violation of the First Amendment. I hope that guy gets it overturned. He. should be able to, since he has a solid case. Russia doesn't support the LGBT shit within its own borders, but it does outside of Russia. See Vigilante Intelligence/Johnny Gat's videos on this https://www.bitchute.com/channel/nZhcRSzGi8wT/

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88435c  No.14272

He helped the kleptocrats get off for personal gain, assured that the oligarchs could obtain near infinite power. Thus destroying the economy and giving (((private interests))) power so he can buy a villa. What he's doing in Ukraine is pretty good, but other than that? Nah

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61d210  No.14282

>>11025 Since Vatican 2 Catholic countries must be secular you low IQ Globalist shill.

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941ac0  No.14295


Vatican II was Jewish-led subversion of the Catholic church. No Catholic I know actually supports Pope Francis, if there's any guy from the church they like, it's Padre Pio.

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000000  No.14366




For the anti-Russian-Imperial, separative only.

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000000  No.14369

And it's right. Separatism will destroy the Russians.

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9badff  No.14417

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158509  No.14543

File: 1c8e849df9fd37b⋯.png (467.65 KB, 612x783, 68:87, Screen Shot 2020-01-02 at ….png)

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38b76d  No.14754


You need to lurk two years, faggot.

Why would the kikes shoot down russian planes and send hordes of mercs in to fight them then?

Why would Russia run defense for SyAF jets along the border line when Syria was taking over the UN bullshit area in western Syria last year?

Any anon worth their salt knows the Russians are infested with kikes but they certainly didn't 'help' ISISrael in Syria. They got Hezbollah under 80km from ISISrael via their actions

>b-bbut putins a jew

Even if he is, he certainly isn't helping by getting Hezbollah so close to the kikes and wasting their mercs.

>preventing peace in arab countries

Is exactly the opposite of what Russia did. The real actions on the ground disprove your image, anon.

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e89561  No.14761

File: b6a7d10bef459c7⋯.png (144.62 KB, 500x512, 125:128, Truth is, the frogs were g….png)


>Russia is far more free than America.

Not really. It may seem free on the mere basis that you are allowed to do some things that you aren't in the US, but it is in no way more free. People don't quite understand the difference between the Eastern model and the Western model of censorship.

The Western model of censorship is that, if some type of speech is censored, ALL of it is censored and it is censored absolutely everywhere, no exceptions. The Eastern model of censorship on the other hand allows you to say whatever the fuck you want UNTIL you become influential enough and all of a sudden those laws start kicking in. Which might not really seem that bad until you realise that they use your previous actions as well, meaning that if you made a funny meme at the age of 12 and then get looked into at the age of 20, you could face prison time for a post that wasn't even intended to be offensive and that fucking noone ever saw. All countries have both types of censorship but the West is predominantly Western and the East is predominantly Eastern. And it is the Eastern type that is the most perverse and restrictive. Since it is very clearly intended to encourage people to break it so that when the time comes the state has a go-to-jail free card to be used on you whenever they so desire.



This sounds very much like some trash you hear from the state media. Sure, as an official law, you might be right, but in practice that is completely false. Navalny is a decent example of this, where he got bombarded with false charges in order to silence him.

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c7838f  No.24208

File: cf4c8d50f4fabd4⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1000x1105, 200:221, 1579442855297.png)

Putin is so hated by his own country's population that needs an army of 340 000 people to protect himself from Russian citizens. There is hardly any example of gendarmerie such as this in the whole world.

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52de61  No.24249


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4cbc49  No.24255

Putin stood before a bunch of Rabids and said up to 80 85 percent of the first government were Jews. I don't have the video but the information is not hard to find. The Jews were not pleased. https://www.jpost.com/Jewish-World/Jewish-News/Putin-First-Soviet-government-was-mostly-Jewish-317150

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07b137  No.24805


>So there is no real right wing in Russia?

It was called the communist party of Russia.

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61bb68  No.29062

I bet this has got to hurt after sucking jewtins cock for years


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2e70b0  No.29102

File: 3888e105b675b1e⋯.png (186.38 KB, 366x366, 1:1, putinface.png)


Hello George Soros. How are you this fine evening?

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000000  No.29198

Putin is just thief.

и еще, ходят слухи, он жид

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45e24f  No.30652

>>11100 (pure waste)

Hello Shlomo. The Western Europe is literally swamped, very obvious if you're visit any these countries. Russia will be 30% Muslim in some 15~20 years from now. Putin do not support White Nationalists. He likes big Jewish cock.

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16c224  No.30669


That's big bullshit thread with no proof no real data. You're full of it too. We just need looking at popular names for example, lots are muslim names, or look at the USA on demographics and know this is going on in Europe also because policies are shared and theres no reason why Europe would not be affected by the same planned destruction when both US and EU have the same jewish elites. You have no authority filthy jew. I have friends and some family in West EU, they dont see much these Euro immigrants but they see more and more the muslims, blacks, asians growing in numbers, setting in isolated villages and small towns. The culture and music reflecting this too. You're just a fucking pig. kys


That pastebin is good. When US cucks will be done be betrayed by jews, then whites from US will teaming with EU whites for big battle, defeating China and jews altogether.

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16c224  No.30671


So that's comedy. When is he doing stuff for whites? Never look hes clearly supporting his own form of multiculturalism with Dugin so jews can move there too.

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16c224  No.30673


>And it is the Eastern type that is the most perverse and restrictive.


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e025ea  No.30689


shit music with ugly bitches praising ww2 and bolshevism. ffs wake me up.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2W47fpL7pI fuck look at these commie symbols all over the place! you thought usa was cucking hard but russia takes the cake

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796c2b  No.30711



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641b54  No.33057


jej thats srsly cucky —— is that mother russias best output?

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a831bb  No.33073

File: f5c4484d6b8a2a6⋯.jpg (61.13 KB, 970x650, 97:65, Comrade_Pavel.jpg)


The only good thing to come out of Russia is Pavel Tsatsouline and the kettlebell.

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5d660c  No.33086

Putin just buzzed Iran with a mach 10 drone.

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1c2032  No.33831

File: 19d66f80b8cad7d⋯.png (77.44 KB, 309x632, 309:632, PF_11.29.17_muslims-update….png)


> Western europe is becoming less and less Muslim on a yearly basis

You're a fucking liar.https://www.pewforum.org/2017/11/29/europes-growing-muslim-population/

Between 2010-2050 the western European Muslim pop will at least double and probably quadruple, possibly much more. BTFO you fucking shill

> statistician

You're a retarded faggot is what you are

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d662d4  No.33849


Something fishy is going on in Russia right now which will shatter some narratives on this board.

Right now Putin is trying to adopt new resolutions to the Russian Constitution. One of these resolutions has not been reported by any corporate news source, not even many alternative sources except for a select few. So what is one new (under-reported) resolution Putin wants to adopt? Ironically I'd really like to see what Jews have to say about this one! One resolution would require future leaders of Russia have a minimum 25 year Russian citizenship status and restrict anyone from trying to run for leadership who has citizenship to another nation or dual-citizenship status.

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93fa2d  No.33939


There's also a new amendment that says the president can't serve for longer than two terms, whether consecutively OR in total, which would mean Putin is currently breaking constitutional law.

In other words, these are just more words on paper and don't mean anything. These amendments and this whole 'government resigning' thing are only to make Russians feel like their government is doing something, but in the end I guarantee they'll just do the same thing they've always done - just like in Soviet times, just like the EU, all they do is reshuffle everyone and put them in different positions, but it'll all be the same government.

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fd24cb  No.65865

Putin is the leader of the free world.

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ef073d  No.65897


Putin is former head of the St Petersburg KGB. You can't be a CIA or KGB field op unless you are a master mason.

Both were created by and report back to, the Jews.

The day Hitler died was the day the world entered a post truth world. That's the barren path we're on today and people won't let us deviate because they think they have something to lose.

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Also Fuck Russia, Fuck Iran, Fuck China, Fuck Israel, At the end of the day, we run them, they don't run us.

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ef073d  No.65898


You're a NPC from the BBC.

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199066  No.65940

File: 4c3b26cd36d2524⋯.png (181.64 KB, 348x559, 348:559, 1533621195_2.png)


When the Soviet Union fell apart the nation went to shit.

Those connected to the party and with access to foreign cash were able to buy up huge swathes of soviet industry. This created the oligarchs who in effect ruled the country for years.

For the most part the west liked the oligarchs as under their rule Russia was pretty dysfunctional and they knew how to work with people like them.

At the same time a lot of former soviet officials and military/intelligence personnel turned to crime as the only way to stay alive.

Whether that was typical organised crime, arms dealing or outright banditry.

They wound up doing a dam good job of it too. Integrating or displacing most other criminal groups from the more profitable elements of organised crime. Essentially the KGB went from spy agency to organised crime network. Remember this because it'll be important later.

Meanwhile the oligarchs had their own criminal networks with their own footsoldiers who were typically just simple thugs with no military background. The western image of the russian mobster in a cheap tracksuit and doped up on drugs most closely matches these people. They generally dealt in drugs and intimidating opponents of the oligarchs. Having less of a foothold in arms dealing and protection rackets.

The senior political elements of government meanwhile were firmly in the hands of the oligarchs despite the civil apparatus being chock full of former soviet officials and soviet loyalists.

This all changed when Putin came to power. Remember Putin is former KGB.

Initially he played nice with the oligarchs until he got into power at which point he did a complete 180 best anime betrayal of whatever year it was.

Once he was secure in office he began killing, impoverishing, exiling and just generally destroying any oligarch who refused to submit. All with the aid of these former soviet officials/soldiers/spies.

Your options were essentially:

1) Be ludicrously rich but submit to the government, do what you're told and stop being a total cunt (just mostly a cunt)

2) Die or flee Russia forever.

Naturally the west was not keen on this because they'd invested a lot in the oligarchs and didn't like the fact that Putin was getting the Russian state back into working order.

But there was something else.

Organised crime in Russia sort of submitted to the government too. Or at least those elements of it run by former soviet soldiers/spies agreed to work with the government.

So over the course of Putins first term, Russia became this weird free market republic where the lines between state, organised crime and corporate organisation all blurred. Becoming one very confusing whole.

Essentially the Russian government could command Russian organised crime and corporations. But had to look out for them in addition to the populace.

What was originally simple corruption became more formalised and regulated.

Sure companies can skim off the top but its factored into the budget for the project and they'll get in trouble if they skim more than the budgeted amount.

Organised crime is allowed to run protection rackets or deal drugs/guns but they get in the shit if they go overboard and are expected to keep foreign organised crime out of the country on conjunction with the police.

Modern Russia is in many ways without precedent. Which only makes it more confusing for outside observers. It requires a certain flexibility of mind to even begin to comprehend and its highly debatable if those on the inside even understand it fully themselves.

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b4a8f7  No.65953


I believe this. I always imagine Putin as one of the good guys.

My rule is that if the media wants me to hate a guy (Putin, Trump, Qaddafi, Assad), he's probably a good guy and I should like him.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

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199066  No.65960

File: c8764f705f57a86⋯.jpg (312.34 KB, 1768x1543, 1768:1543, 1524672130.jpg)


Good or bad don't really factor into it here.

His foremost concern is Russia and its power. Its a primary motivator for a lot of his allies too, the trauma of the soviet collapse runs deep and defines a lot of their behaviour.

Remember he is still aiding and abetting corporate corruption and organised crime. So long as it benefits Russian power overall.

It's also why the system that has emerged is unlikely to endure once the last generation of raised soviets begins to die out. The Russian youth lack the soviet spirit that makes it all possible because it certainly does not run on trust.

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50c980  No.65993


Once you understand that most of the "narratives" on this board are crafted by jews, it will make sense.

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50c980  No.65997


The forgotten event in Putin coming to power was the bombing of Serbia. The Russian prime minister at the time was in mid-flight on his way to visit the US when the bombing started and they turned the plane around in the air. I think it was less than a year later Putin was in. You also don't really understand what a "free market" is, because you use the term positively. I don't want to start a tangent, though.

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199066  No.66000


I'm using it in a neutral context as a descriptive term.

Basically anything can be bought and sold in Russia if you are suitably connected. This is what makes it a free market nation.

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ef073d  No.66092


Jeffrey Sachs was in charge of looting Russia. He gave the Russian Jews (aka "oligarchs") massive loans to buy up the USSR cheap under the guise of 'development'

In 1991 Trump was nearly bankrupt again, Jews showed up from Russia with suitcases of cash and bought condominiums in Trump Tower Taj Mahal in Atlantic City.

So technically he did take money and do business with the Russian government.


>being this much of a conquered smooth brain

Trump pardons Jewish criminals, Putin bans holocaust denial and Bibi sells western tech to Russia, stolen by operation talpiot.


No the forgotten event was the amount of kompromat he collected on judges for 'The Family'

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60feda  No.70997


I don't care how westerncucks think that he's based, living under him fucking sucks balls, no better then under commies.

t. Russianfag

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50c980  No.79623



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e4754d  No.79647

Vladimir does nothing and must choose a successor willing to act externally if he is unwilling. The Cold War diatribe won't last another year and a multipolar world will strike at Russia if it doesn't settle the issues America has shit onto it's path.

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38067f  No.100765


In the 2012 movie "Branded" – Москва 2017, this effect of hyper conflation of institutions and interests is shown at the entertainment level.

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38067f  No.100771

File: 8950a6678958ff8⋯.jpg (701.53 KB, 1200x711, 400:237, Trudeau_Sr_Castro_Cuckoo_J….jpg)


A postcard from West Hyperborea. We the bolshies now. Watch us get slaughtered by kike terror.

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1c7f5c  No.100790


>My rule is that if the media wants me to hate a guy (Putin, Trump, Qaddafi, Assad), he's probably a good guy and I should like him.

>The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Taking such an approach makes you easy to control.

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13261c  No.105196

File: 18d87ba1587f7b9⋯.jpg (27.08 KB, 797x448, 797:448, 5c233f715eaa7cb17671243cd6….jpg)


OP, he's a former KGB pencil pusher who has malignant narcissism. He got to where he was because he sucked the right dicks to manipulate his way to the top. Russia is basically the old Soviet Union with a cosmetic refacing. He suffers from insecurity issues which is why he uses his Web Brigades to post memes on how awesome he thinks he is (case in point your picture). A normal leader would use their propaganda arms and web brigades to post primarily go press for their nation, but he actually requires them to make internet jokes about him as well.

His mother is Jewish and was raised by Jews despite his Kremlin Trolls posting 24/7 about jewish conspiracies.

He assumed Donald Trump was going to be his lackey, until Trump said "fuck that" and slap Putin by killing 200 Spetsnaz in Syria. Butthurt, Putin has lately been kissing up to Xi "Covid" Jinping. Don't bother challenging his authority as you'll be flooded with Kremlin Trolls accusing you of being a FBI, CIA, Clinton, Ukrainian, Polish, Jew, Neocon.

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6cca8e  No.130384

Russia is like bear.

It hibernates to victory.

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b70ec8  No.131139


he does have an affiliation with kikes but not letting the ziokikes gain control of syria was pretty baste.

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19b581  No.131228

File: f2bb3288e4f6f50⋯.jpg (81.42 KB, 333x574, 333:574, Obongo_bongo_bongo.jpg)

It's been stated that Putin is an INTJ.

That alone is a good sign.

INTJ's are the least corruptible group and driven by grand and encompassing logical thought.

During the start of the US presidency, he described Trump as a good man but surrounded by trouble (to that effect). At that stage Trump was building friendly relations around the globe. CNN went utterly apeshit, for US friendly with Russia meant the end of the eternal wars for pissrael and the consequential spiraling debt basket in the US. Thats why the FBI started up the whole 'Russiagate' scam to feed the media. Thus preventing forward dialogue of two 'positive' influences in the globe.

So we are talking two people who value business, trade and economy. Trump is trapped under indentured israeli jews, Putin probably not. The Russian citizen like him a lot, he is aggressive with stopping subversion and is prepping for retaliation with israel. All good things.

If pol and others started bridging friendships again with Russia and the globe, CNN, MSNBC, leftists, antifa, jews, israel would all start spitting salt and blood.

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713421  No.131264

File: 66ccfb3f9e0ec7a⋯.png (183.82 KB, 380x450, 38:45, Abramovich.png)


He is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Habad Lubavitch syndicate just like Trump. Any BASED actions by Putin are only the compromises necessary to boil the frog slowly, Russia is has been placed on a trajectory to culturally converge with WestZOG within the next few decades. Russian media and academia is Semitic filth, young Russians, especially from the elite class, are catching up to western levels of degeneracy at an accelerated pace.

>Abramovich was the first person to originally recommend to Yeltsin that Vladimir Putin be his successor as the Russian president.[58]:135 When Putin formed his first cabinet as Prime Minister in 1999, Abramovich interviewed each of the candidates for cabinet positions before they were approved.[40]:102 Subsequently, Abramovich would remain one of Putin's closest confidants. In 2007, Putin consulted in meetings with Abramovich on the question of who should be his successor as president; Medvedev was personally recommended by Abramovich.


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935887  No.131640

So much bullshit in this thread. The bottom line is that Putin pulled Russian control away from the jews. He is not a saint, but he isn't a jew.

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1d835c  No.131875

>It has been stated that Putin is an INTJ

Discussion of an individual by sociotype? Have a bump my good friend.

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670e6c  No.131928

It definitely looks like he stepped into the Syria situation and made it clear that nobody is going to overthrow Assad. Now that Assad is under some kind of illegal food and medicine blockade Russia is suppying him with his country's needs for the time being until he can get Syria's food production back on line. The Cebrowsky plan has been blocked for the time being.

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92e8a7  No.131934

watch out for shills trying to portray him as a macho manly man. it's the same bullcrap they feed to the russians, who value that in a leader. truth is putin is a pussy makeup wearing faggot like all world """leaders"""

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511d33  No.132804


Not really. Anything that contributes to "rocking the boat" under deep state and bankers is a good thing even if it is a former KGB colonel or a president of some Arab country.

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9f57b0  No.132811


> a wholly owned

This doesn't mean anything. He has ties, but isn't wholly owned - routinely acts against kike interests. At least some group of rich kikes. Ukraine, Syria etc.

Heck, him going rogue is what caused the EU/USA embargo on Russia.

However, the problem is that he isn't a genuine nationalist.

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511d33  No.132812


The good thing about Russia is that its population is immune to white guilt and other media-imposed insecurities that plague Western nation.

Once Putin retires his government will likely be replaced by turbonationalists who will correctly view West and its political establishment as weak and corrupt prey, while threatened and oppressed white population will view Russians as liberators.

Shills in the media know that, hence the neverending RUSSIA BAD narratives.

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9f57b0  No.132823


Putin prevented NATO expansion and USA shot down any chances of NATO surviving the coming decade with their attempted coup in Turkey.

So at least the following rulers in Russia will have an easier time.

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713421  No.133363

File: b69a0bc97ccec88⋯.jpg (194.68 KB, 1280x891, 1280:891, 1559008725876.jpg)


There are multiple kike factions vying for power; the two most relevant for these discussions are:

1. The Western banking kikes who have ruled Europe and America since WWII.

2. The ascendant Habad Lubavitch east kikes who have established their rule over most of Eastern Europe since the fall of the communist states.

The Lubavitch kikes allow their goyim some degree of fake nationalism. All of the kosher nationalists are owned by the Lubavitch syndicate; Putin, Orban, Sweden Democrats, PiS in Poland, Salvini, Bolsanaro, Duterte etc. These two factions recently came into serious conflict over Trump, as Trump is a representative of the Chabad Lubavitch syndicate and threatened the power of the traditional Jewish elite in the U.S. Here is a good ftn episode from a few months ago which extensively discussed the topic: https://therightstuff.biz/2020/05/16/ftn-313-schlomo-doberman-pincher-lazar/

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baa87f  No.133364


Kushner is such a fagboi.

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475dc3  No.133375

Putin is a Duginist, former KGB, former FSB, Georgian, whom once obtained power over Russian military forces rolled tanks over his own homelands.

He is never to be trusted. Not even for a second. No Russians can be trusted.

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511d33  No.133408

File: 7ef277489d35b64⋯.jpg (228.85 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, 15783362617840.jpg)


Sounds based, makes sense to trust Russians.

I hope Russians fuck your status quo in the ass, poison every banker kike with polonium and torture all CIA spies to death in some black site prison.

Can't wait for Russians to march across Europe destroying banker governments and help nationalists take power instead.

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