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File: 7b4d6e0117eb7ef⋯.jpg (120.19 KB, 809x1101, 809:1101, moms.JPG)

c6c998  No.143678

Why they're the "Lesbian Motorcycle Collective" that's who.




Dan Rather


I predict the Wall of Moms in Portland may become a far more enduring representation of the future of America than the “wall” along the Mexican border.

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c6c998  No.143679

File: 8d3657f28d3c089⋯.jpg (134.47 KB, 914x1244, 457:622, ngo.JPG)


As Rachel Weishaar, 34, was preparing to leave her home on Tuesday, she said, her 3-year-old offered this wish for her mother’s safety: “Tell the police officers to be more gentle,” the girl said.

So, Ms. Weishaar made a sign with the child’s quote and held it outside of Portland’s federal courthouse. Feel all warm and fuzzy yet? Well, don’t. While some of these women may have good intentions, I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt, many do not. Wait. No, I won’t. They know they are taking the side of the agitators. They are Antifa. Don’t let the bike helmet-wearing women fool you. They are Momtifa, if you will.

Many of them wear yellow t-shirts and the Twitter account of Andy Ngo points out that they are recognizable members of Antifa with less than peaceful intentions.

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c6c998  No.143680

And "Siebe the Hebe".

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24bf81  No.143683

File: 034dd37befee163⋯.png (490.21 KB, 475x792, 475:792, 034dd37befee1636f1515cd5a0….png)



Would be a shame if someone dressed up in clothes that said "FBI" or "CIA" and some shit and beat a few of them with a golf club. Lord help them and make sure they're safe.

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