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File: 6c2025b19483bb9⋯.jpg (19 KB, 255x213, 85:71, white diversity comparriso….jpg)

File: 0d7b47cbbf2e4e6⋯.jpg (107.25 KB, 602x384, 301:192, skull shape abbo nigger je….jpg)

File: 25a88c28095148f⋯.jpg (218.75 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, skull comparrison african ….jpg)

File: b450a45dc9fd145⋯.jpg (938.46 KB, 699x1254, 233:418, true people of color.jpg)

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25fedc  No.14352[Last 50 Posts]

So I was watching this video on the domesticated fox…which is not really domesticated but it is friendly enough not to bite your fucking face off 70% of the time. These foxes are the result of what some people would term, fascist science experiments on 'domestication' and the usefulness of domesticating genes in to produce a candidate for 'harvest' or to parasite off that is more 'docile' (aka doesn't act like a nigger).

>>We met the world’s first domesticated foxes


The whole time I am watching it I am noticing although it is not mentioned in the video that the 'friendly and sociable foxes' from the vicious foxes are distinguished by physiological changes in the animals coloration, brain structure, cooperative behavior, etc. Towards the very end…maybe the last 20 seconds Verge Science mentions something called 'Domestication Syndrome' and says…go look it up. So I do because I am just curious like that…

The “Domestication Syndrome” in Mammals: A Unified Explanation Based on Neural Crest Cell Behavior and Genetics


>From his survey of the animal breeding work, he found that domesticated mammals in general exhibit a suite of behavioral, physiological, and morphological traits not observed in their wild forebears. Today, the full set of these characteristics is known to include: increased docility and tameness, coat color changes, reductions in tooth size, changes in craniofacial morphology, alterations in ear and tail form (e.g., floppy ears), more frequent and nonseasonal estrus cycles, alterations in adrenocorticotropic hormone levels, changed concentrations of several neurotransmitters, prolongations in juvenile behavior, and reductions in both total brain size and of particular brain regions.

It turns out that ALL DOMESTICATED ANIMALS from birds to ruminants have these same physiological changes that indicate when they are 'too friendly' to be considered wild any longer but are rather a 'product of the system' which can't even be relied on to take a shit without raising its hand.

>The consistency of this extremely diverse set of phenotypic changes in domesticated mammals presents a major puzzle, as Darwin recognized. The suite seems to reflect something about the process of domestication per se, a conclusion strengthened by the finding that domesticated birds and even fish share some components of this spectrum of traits.

For those of you who are retarded all the things in Domestication Syndrome are also the qualities of White/Europeans and not of the protohumans like niggers. IDK I have been baffled by your inability to defend yourself and your perfect suitability as the Host to the Parasite. Perhaps you are incapable of anything different for all the bluster that you speak on /pwnd/ maybe you are simply incapable of being anything but a subservient cur.

I want you to defend yourselves and be wild again…I have suggested all manner of things to 'rewild you' but this is the first time that I realized that like a dumb cock strutting around the farmyard, who is destined for the slaughter, you too are ruled by your DNA and totally incapable of anything that is not 'told to you', 'taught to you', 'permitted for you' or 'bred into you'. There is no 'wild left in you', which makes you vulnerable to whomever wishes to swoop in for a piece of the pie. It isn't that you don't WANT TO BE FREE…it is that you are completely domesticated and there is nothing left of Western Civilization.

Something to think about…I point out things that should be totally obvious >>12754 >>14293 about self determination or national defense and none of you are capable of reasoning through this or acting on what is really correct in terms of self preservation or the BASIC preservation of your kin/family. So, basically, what I am saying is, "It is not 'your fault', your DNA is bred for destruction just like your people because you can't reason past your programming or change to become what you need to in order to survive.

20 years I have been kicking the shit out of you to get you to defend yourselves and move your fucking asses to protect and save your families and it turns out, most likely you are totally and 100% incapable of ever doing anything of the sort other than being ground down into dust and destroyed.

Well, that is what 2000 years of dysgenic programming by foreign fucking parasites will do to a race, I guess.

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25fedc  No.14362

File: 82c8fc07f8d7ea9⋯.jpg (424.44 KB, 885x744, 295:248, 8kun comment terrorism the….jpg)

I guess my comment >>14293 got FEDFAGGOTDELETED…so here is a jpeg.

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f87254  No.14404


Funfact: the domesticated foxes were literally whiter than the original wild breed within a couple of generations.

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25fedc  No.14409

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I saw the pictures in the video. I was astonished at how the changes manifested in everything about them, eye color, hair color…the diversity was amazing. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks…they are just like Europeans. Europeans are the way they are, quiet, peaceful, productive because they are totally and thoroughly domesticated by the parasites. They don't even resist when they need to, rather they waste their body and lives on the subhuman trash and their offspring.

Who in the world, if they were not TOTALLY harnessed and bridled would get talked into paying for and raising sheniqua and jamals 18 children on welfare while their own offspring withered and died if they were not 'put in the bridle' to do so? Can you imagine ANYTHING MORE FUCKING UNNATURAL IN YOUR ENTIRE LIFE than using your own body to host a parasites offspring?

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25fedc  No.14429

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Offspring of domesticated foxes and their diversity of coloration:


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25fedc  No.14431

File: 3ef13ddbc59fdac⋯.jpg (189.32 KB, 650x445, 130:89, domesticated foxes.jpg)

File: 4617cef16978ee7⋯.jpg (47.1 KB, 500x297, 500:297, domesticated foxes 4.jpg)

File: 10fe726b6b97e57⋯.jpg (141.23 KB, 1300x867, 1300:867, domesticated foxes 3.jpg)

File: 582be444ab50697⋯.jpg (57.46 KB, 640x360, 16:9, domesticated foxes 2.jpg)

File: 1388d0b29fea8b8⋯.jpg (43.17 KB, 511x768, 511:768, diversity domesticated fox….jpg)


That didn't work…obviously there are some kinks that still need to be worked out here since it keeps wanting to repost old images from the last comment. Take two since I can't delete the last comment either.

Diversity in domesticated fox offspring

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b0180e  No.14440


Correct. Whites are just a race of servile golems that exist only to serve Israel. How did you not see it all this time? It was glaring you in the face.

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25fedc  No.14461


Don't mock the truth. You might not like it but you can't get around WHAT IS LITERALLY HAPPENING…until you acknowledge it. Once acknowledged and understood we can navigate the problem.

Are Whites subservient to jews right now?

Why, yes, they are.

Are the jews parasites on White culture?

Why, yes, they are.

Have you been slaves to the jew for the last 2,000 years?

Why, yes, you have.

Have they crushed, tortured and murdered everyone who had spirit in your people for the last 2,000 years?

Why, yes, they have.

Have they killed all the people with higher reasoning skills during this time period?

Why, yes, they have.

Are you too afraid of the kikes to save your own families?

Why, yes, you are…

You display the learned helplessness behaviors 24/7 in everything you do…you are trapped in a world that is not your own making.

You guys always think I am 'dissing you' when in fact I am simply pointing out the obvious about who you are…you want to think you are 'some ferocious race' when you are literally taken out and slaughtered, literally, by whoever has the whim to do so whenever they feel like it.

Ever been to the Black on White crime thread? Do you think there is another race on the planet who would tolerate this situation?

NOT ONLY DO YOU TOLERATE IT…BUT YOU PAY TO RAISE THEIR CHILDREN WHO WILL END UP MURDERING YOUR CHILDREN…that is totally how domesticated you really are…there is no end to it…for porn and other degenerate behaviors you would gladly be killed for you symbiotic jew relationship because you were bred to be someones bitch.

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63bef3  No.14497

File: df7059e87d20c81⋯.jpg (230.04 KB, 1350x900, 3:2, erin hecht, Significant ne….jpg)

there was a study on dog brains by breed a little while ago

tl;dr- breeds known for enhanced smell had larger brain parts associated with smell, trainable dogs with sociable part, guard dogs with fear response part, etc.

erin hecht, Significant neuroanatomical variation among domestic dog breeds.jpg


isn't there a genetic link between melanin and adrenaline?

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b982a8  No.14538

File: 3e689104841739a⋯.webm (1.4 MB, 854x480, 427:240, How to pull a muscle.webm)

File: 15fdb350058e0b4⋯.gif (1.94 MB, 243x310, 243:310, FinishHim.gif)

File: 0c3b091ffa65b64⋯.webm (779.26 KB, 300x168, 25:14, NiggerCruelty1.webm)

File: 1ca32bf15003386⋯.webm (2.92 MB, 220x400, 11:20, NiggerCruelty2.webm)

File: dde3fca85ac1007⋯.webm (1.33 MB, 480x640, 3:4, NiggerCruelty3.webm)


Maybe that explains why blacks became so violent in only a few generations. They had been forcibly domesticated. Well, does domestication reverse itself. Perhaps that would imply it was cultural programming and not breeding.

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567e1f  No.14613

While I get your rhetoric but here is another animal that goes against your argument:

Domestic pigs

When domestic pigs escaped or let out into the wild, their epigenes kick in and they start to have darker hair, become hairier, and their behavior becomes no different than wild boars and become known as feral hogs. The issue you are having here is Chan anons are typically suburban nerds and would much rather drop red pills, troll, and propagandize than take up arms as that’s more of /k/ thing which is the only type of board anons that have any sort of teeth so to speak.

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25fedc  No.14803


OMG…I haven't even checked if /k/ was back. Thank you anon. I drifted away from /pol/ towards the end last time because I found /k/ to be much more ideologically sound and less IDK 'esoteric'. They were pragmatic and I liked that much better.

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5507d1  No.14841

File: 198b3542cc58ca5⋯.png (525.91 KB, 1024x726, 512:363, 791CE3DC-F857-453A-83B8-6A….png)


Not sure exactly if it is adrenaline per say, but there is a direct link between violence and melanin if you look at global statistics and behaviors. Looking at Russian statistics for example, you can see that the once peaceful nation (when it was full of White/Europeans not murdered wholesale by the Bolshevik kikes) that as they became an ‘open borders’ government which allowed all the Asian trash to flood in the quality of life, which was exceedingly high under European monarchy, has fizzled to very low (not even adequate toilet paper and shortages of every sort due to shitskins in the nation). This is the same thing that will happen in the USA because it is not just the violence that increases but LITERALLY the quality of life declines the more shitskins that are present. I only have this map right now but I can post the other one when I get home.

People do not really understand the correlation between the presence of mongrels and shitskins and the TRUE DECLINE of quality of life overall.

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5507d1  No.14846


Much like shitskins, we could make a plausible argument that pigs were never fully domesticated. This is why our own mongrels are so awful. They do not have the capacity to be cooperative or part of the hive nature of Europeans. Hogs do revert but do they revert in the escaped generation or one or two crossbreedings later? Side note: I saw this insanely good video on YT of a guy hunting wild hogs using primitive weapons on horseback. He shot the whole thing with a drone and I would absolutely love to attempt this or even watch a movie of it IRL seeing the entire hunt from start to finish. It would be even better if there were a number of hunters going after them at the same time.

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00a2f3  No.14896


my genetics come from a mongol/tartar race, and up until recently they were kinda undomesticated, or maybe just less so. Which is why the behaviors I encountered among the "civilized" often perplexed me, and I came to a similar conclusion such as yours op. Also dont forget that it wasnt just jews, all the capable men were mass slaughtered in wartime.

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567e1f  No.14925


>Hogs do revert but do they revert in the escaped generation or one or two crossbreedings later?

Escaped generation in a matter of months


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749c6a  No.14962


Civilization is unnatural, and thus, it will always fail. Barbarism always prevails.

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bf6a69  No.16555

File: 6a7b13b31d6fb72⋯.png (40.34 KB, 850x600, 17:12, ClipboardImage.png)


No, niggers were always violent, whites were domesticated under Christian morality and police and because of technological advancement.

Murder rates drop after there were proper ways to catch murderers.

People stop supporting death penalty when they get too alienated from violent world and become part of too tender-minded world.

The reason why niggers do not get affected by selection towards to domestication is because kikes give them full freedom and many of them can actually get away with murder.

Domestication happens under rule where criminals get punished and murdering people will make sure you won't reproduce (eugenics)

Niggers have selected for "might is right" jungle-rules, where there is no justice system.

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5d8914  No.16606


I would be very surprised if niggers had the capacity to select for anything.

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5d8914  No.16609


Sorry about double post (saged)…this was one of my earlier points about civilization and the fact that civilization is genetic because it is bounded by rules and standards. Niggers are what you get when there are no standards for behavior at all…and without standards, borders and regulations guiding behavior you get only DEATH and never LIFE. Civilization and indeed our whole society is modeled after LIFE. Take cells or organisms…all of these things have borders, boundaries and standards. If a cell had no standards or a border it would metastasize into cancer (niggers) or turn parasitic (jews). You cannot have LIFE without having standards, borders and regulations…this is why the other races are literally DEATH personified…this is why a European ONLY globe is the only thing that makes any sense. We are the only civilized species on the planet. The other races are trash and they have produced trash results as part of their character on this planet.

This is why nations have borders as well, because without them they would only bring death to all the inhabitants.

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499c1b  No.16612

I agrrr. Now live like Varg Vikernes. Wishing on a star for a mass murder is not productive. The choice is yours, Anon.

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5d8914  No.16616


In this case, Anon…it would be mass LIFE rather than the creeping diseases of the subhumans.

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24d6da  No.16630

Gas the kikes, Racewar now.

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24d6da  No.16638


Doesn't mean it's bad, why do you think niggers have litterally accomplished nothing but the creation of peanut butter. They aren't smart enough to work together for the greater good, and get nothing done. They never advance their race, their way of life or anything. And higher non-tribal goverments and tech have to be litterally forced on them. You can't have the spread of language and the keeping and working on of ideas throughout generations without civilization. We wouldn't be speaking English if we didn't have it.

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5d8914  No.16652


I am actually a HUGE fan of civilization now that I can see all of the underlying structure. We need to get ready to make the jump in complexity that is about to happen though…this should be really exciting.

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1fc461  No.16685


Everything good brought to this world was brought by white males. All of the progress, the data doesn’t lie. Including where females. Our women are the most beautiful because we are the most evolved. The niggers are scum. A virus of destroyers, infecting our populace by taking advantage of our empathy. We are good, they are not. We need to stop them. Breed and prevent your offspring from mixing with them. Don’t share any more resources with them, where possible. Don’t support any companies that give them things.

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1fc461  No.16692

This man>>16555

can see.

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1fc461  No.16710


We need a war to bring it out of us. Veterans have been retrained in wildness. Throughout history, our civilization has seen a cycle of peaks and valleys. War destroys civilization, but it takes generations to reprogram humans with civility, after it’s over. We’ve just been removed from violence for too long. And this is why we have so few fertile females, now, per male in the West (in addition to the Kikes encouraging military aged niggers and sand niggers to migrate here).

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5507d1  No.16789


They are here to rape White women. Maybe we should stop saying ‘military aged’ and start saying ‘rape age’ males to wake White women up to a clear and present danger they are now facing in our homelands.

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8ae4f7  No.16793


>whites were domesticated under Christian morality

mutilate yourself

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5507d1  No.16801


We were domesticated but the kikes dysgenic slaughter of our people over the 2,000 years they ruled/destroyed parasitized our nations. They systematically murdered and tortured over 100 million of our people under the guise of ‘saving our souls’. What dysgenically torturing us to death has to do with ‘salvation’ I will never understand. It is sure making their job of genocide easy peasy though since no one will even consider what needs to be done to fight off the shitnigger invading hordes.

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bf791b  No.16803


should beta white males then only breed with brown women? It should make the mixed babies more domesticated and better able to be ruled by elite white culture?

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24d6da  No.16823


>Mutilate yourself

like Christcucks do by removing their foreskin?

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04d1be  No.16846

File: e4d278ff0a5a79f⋯.jpg (48.3 KB, 488x364, 122:91, e4d278ff0a5a79fb90251c9e8c….jpg)


So is this just a call to start slaughtering kikes or is your concept of undoing the domestication process more nuanced than that?

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bf6a69  No.16850


>It is illegal now to not worship jews, your own Gods are forbidden to worship

>"Turning the other cheek"

>You may not kill/steal from others or you will be hanged and will be sent to hell

>When you do something which is bad against others you have to repent your sins.

Now development of this kind of thought has also lead to liberalism and universalism and humanism

Guess what it makes with people, it domesticates them. It makes them empathetic and tolerant of other people stomping in their face and allow others to take advantage of them and fight for others well being and being selfless.

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bf6a69  No.16853

Just reminder that Christianity condemns tribalism and war. Conquering and pillaging of other tribes.

It is a racial suicide cult.

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d766ea  No.16857

File: 1d5c4b850130581⋯.jpg (1.37 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 1577714981054.jpg)

File: 8ebcf46f5b2cf51⋯.png (74.47 KB, 1180x1150, 118:115, HBD3.png)



All of those foxes are the exact same species with minor cosmetic differences. Not even comparable to the different human races.

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d766ea  No.16859


Also western/northern europeans are nearly genetically identical with only minor cosmetic differences, much like these foxes.

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de1353  No.16878


>niggers have litterally accomplished nothing but the creation of peanut butter

Not even peanut butter, Anon.


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24d6da  No.16882


What the fuck?

>Inventor of Peanut Butter; Marcellus Gilmore Edison

So it's true, thanks anon. What have they honestly given the world then? I'm racking my brain and I can't think of shit.

Google lists;

Pratly Putty (made by George Montague Pratly who was white)

Trousers (just no lol)

I can't find anything invented by them execpt for a "Hippo Roller" ??? What even is that.

Peanut Butter (also wrong)

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24d6da  No.16884


A Shibe and a Wolf are the same in the same amount a nigger and man are. Hint not at all, OP already explained how their brains are different but as well as their size , behavior and even teeth.

And yes races like the Norman and the Norwegian share differences (like brain size cough cough) but are more similar to eachother than a nigger. Like a red wolf and grey wolf compared to a dog or cat.

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24d6da  No.16886


Nevermind that was also invented by two White guys. Africans have invented nothing, prove me wrong.

Food doesn't count.

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5d8914  No.16890


Slightly more nuanced. Slightly. Not by much though. I think the population is going to break apart into two different categories, warrior class fighters and workers (it will be up to us to weld these two disparate parts back together into one 'body); which is a hell of a lot better than 'their option' which would be full castration of the men and forced breeding of White women…for all I know they plan to get rid of men altogether which I fear is the end game for them; a world full of docile slave women without spirit and without hope for any future.

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5d8914  No.16892

File: 621c0bc57f1e14d⋯.png (779.97 KB, 834x943, 834:943, mollie tibbet father tacos.png)


Food can't count as an 'invention'. It can only count as a recipe, which is why I laugh when people would willingly trade their offspring's future for 'tacos' a fucking recipe. I do understand why the kikes call us Edom (the man who despised his inheritance/offspring and sold them for SOME FUCKING FOOD)

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24d6da  No.16902


Yeah, it's retarded. Really telling that the only "argument" they have to fall back on is "MUH HEDONISM" . They would kill their nation's future just to eat a fatty spic food, pretty disgusting when you get down to it.

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04d1be  No.16936

File: 303420b4fe26e6a⋯.png (1.22 MB, 700x1966, 350:983, 303420b4fe26e6a26d355edaf4….png)


> I think the population is going to break apart into two different categories, warrior class fighters and workers (it will be up to us to weld these two disparate parts back together into one 'body);

So something like this, then?

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5d8914  No.16993


Yes, like this. I know someone who thinks it will take 400 years for humanity to begin to recover from the deteriorating effects and genetic scars starting when the FINAL SOLUTION is enacted. 6,000 years a slave is a long time to overcome.

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04d1be  No.17003

File: a0b2e366e38eed3⋯.png (200.11 KB, 629x428, 629:428, a0b2e366e38eed3af278da7bb3….png)


400 years isn't so bad, from an evolutionary perspective, at least. It took Europeans, what, 5,000 years to be able to eat dairy without shitting themselves raw like some kind of nigger? Sucks for us in the here and now, but it's probably a bump in the road in the long term. For the survivorst

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650001  No.17041

I think this is a very big deal that most don't appreciate. As we build larger communities, societies, nations, we breed out the warrior types who fought to found it, and are eventually overrun by warrior types from other groups. This is because within stable civilizations, aggressive warrior types are punished for their behavior and either tamed or killed, and their ability to propagate their genes is diminished in favor of obedient, cog-in-the-machine types. But this can only last for so long.

I think this is why in fables and history you see great kings making leaders out of famed bandits and such because they displayed strength and bravado which, when harnessed successfully, lead to great success.

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650001  No.17065


Europeans domesticated themselves because it was mutually beneficial, nothing to do with the jews. However, thanks to modern tech we are seeing a greater need for the aggressive types to regain control, which is sure to happen. Like a pig that is relatively friendly in the pen, once let loose, grows tusks and course hair and becomes aggressive. That is what will come.

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5507d1  No.17199


I think based on your comment that I am going to think about the cyclical nature of societies aa a death and rebirth cycle…you have heard of the Civilization Cycles, right? We need to engineer a civilization that is not prone to the CC cycle (once the subhumans are gone). This will involve a totally different ‘way of living’ than we currently operate in…of course there is no way to do this with the shit for brains destructive subhumans gumming up the works and destroying everything they touch. I am really serious about figuring out the Fourth Reich and the eternal government, so this will give me much food for thought.


When I refer to the jews ‘domestication’ I am speaking of their penchant for torture/murder of anything that is high IQ or going to be a challenge to them and their death grip on the culture. Since the IQ of the offspring is totally dependent on the mothers DNA they killed the spirited independent and high IQ mothers whenever they could find them for the last 2,000 years. Because the inquisition went into abeyance they have not been able to murder the higher IQ women as ‘witches’ and the industrial and technological revolution proceeded because those women had high IQ children (sometimes 12 to 14 of them) without being slaughtered by the kikes. The average IQ would have only increased and stayed on a straight trajectory to TOTAL global mastery if we hadn’t given up our values to consumerism and our civilization with them. They are still continuing on schedule for people with a strong moral/religious structure to their society. The most prosperous and fastest growing, highest IQ aspect of our society are traditionally conservative aspects of it….because that is what it takes to have global mastery….RULES, STRUCTURE, MORALS, BOUNDARIES…if you have these, you have global mastery potential.

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bf6a69  No.17219

File: bf2e2510d960946⋯.jpg (15.23 KB, 467x298, 467:298, pinker-fig-3-3.jpg)


They were not domesticated until the end of Medieval period after infected by (((Christianity))) which originally comes from the jews.


>As the barbarian kingdoms developed on the ruins of the Roman Empire, steps were taken to limit male violence, particularly when it took the form of vendettas. This was the aim of the Salic Law, proclaimed in 507-511:

>[The Salic Law] is a pact (pactus) “concluded between the Franks and their chiefs,” for the specific purpose of ensuring peace among the people by “cutting short the development of brawls.” This term evidently means private acts of vengeance, the traditional vendettas that went on from generation to generation. In place of the vengeance henceforth forbidden, the law obliged the guilty party to pay the victim (or, in the case of murder, his family) compensation. This was an indemnity whose amount was very precisely set by the law, which described with much detail all of the possible damages, this being to avoid any discussion between the parties and make [murder] settlements as rapid, easy, and peaceful as possible. […] This amount was called the wergild, the “price of a man.” The victim’s family could not refuse the wergild, and once it was paid, the family had to be satisfied. They no longer had the right to avenge themselves (Carbasse, 2011, pp. 33-34).

>The punishment for murder was thus monetized. If you killed a boy under 10, you paid 24,000 denars. Killing a free pregnant woman would cost a bit more: 28,000 denars. The payment was only 12,000 denars for killing a Roman who ate in the king’s palace (source). Capital punishment existed only for the murder of the king, for whom there was no wergild, or in the case of a slave killing a free man.

The war on murder – 12th to 17th centuries

>Thus, for a long period, murder was normally a personal matter to be settled by the victim’s family, through vengeance or a cash settlement.

>This situation began to change in the 12th century. One reason was that the State had become stronger. But there also had been an ideological change. The State no longer saw itself as an honest broker for violent disputes that did not challenge its existence. Jurists were now arguing that the king must punish the wicked to ensure that the good may live in peace. The Church itself was coming around to this view through what may be called a medieval synthesis of Christian morality:

>[…] a reaction arose beginning in the 11th century against the previous system of monetary compensation. Henceforth, increasingly, it was felt that money could not be a sufficient compensation for such an infraction. The idea that the murder of a man is a crime too serious, an offence too manifest to the order of Creation, to be simply “compensated” by a sum of money was present from the early 11th century onward in the thinking of some bishops (Carbassse, 2011, p. 38)

>And so began the war on murder. From the 12th to 17th centuries, capital punishment became steadily more prevalent. We see this in an increasing willingness to use it not only for murder but also for other crimes (rape, abortion, infanticide, lèse majesté, theft, counterfeiting, etc.). We also see this in the use of ‘exemplary’ punishment: drawing and quartering, breaking on the wheel, and burning. Beginning in the 13th and 14th centuries, we see cases of a murderer being buried alive in a casket placed underneath the victim’s casket (Carbasse, 2011, p. 53).

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bf6a69  No.17232

File: f5922f69e3bec8f⋯.png (684.5 KB, 1535x957, 1535:957, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 692ad9de97bfd3e⋯.png (226.95 KB, 720x569, 720:569, ClipboardImage.png)

Now you suggested that the aggressive types are regaining control. That is result of the selection towards to empathy in the first place.

>Then, after the 17th century, the war on murder began to go into reverse. It had been largely won, and public sympathy now shifted to the condemned man. In England, the homicide rate fell by over a hundred-fold between 1300 and 1900 (Eisner, 2001). Europeans were becoming kinder and gentler, and this pacification of social relations would make possible much of what we call modernity: the expansion of the market economy; a growing freedom to live among total strangers; the rise of the individual as an autonomous, self-maximizing being, and so on.

Simply this empathy backfires the population.

A population so pacified will become too selfless to survive and is willing to let other people cut of their throats.

That's why violence inside a population is benefical if not needed for a population and civilization to survive in long term.

It is like immune system, where a person never before infected by disease might die by because he gets cold because his immune system has been passive for too long and is underdeveloped.

It is also why migrants who bring new diseases have advantage over native population and the native population must adapt to the situation

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b0180e  No.17269

File: c56eb336e9d83dd⋯.jpg (136.59 KB, 960x720, 4:3, wolf doge.jpg)


But they're pretty much almost exactly the same you lying kike.

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a66abc  No.17300


Protip: Don't begin sentences with the word "so." It makes you sound like a redditor.

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24d6da  No.17315



It's the Jew that points to two obviously different races and says they are the same.

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692b2f  No.17317


Probably the same kike who burst a kosher vessel when we told him we wanted to outlaw lying.

It's like trying to teach a parrot to eat with a fork. They just don't have the tools to society.

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5507d1  No.17360

File: 02f26b17c6ee435⋯.jpeg (3.09 MB, 2128x1409, 2128:1409, 6D224C1C-BF68-4AD2-97B6-5….jpeg)


Different species? Or races? I am leaning to speciation at this point. There is too much distance between protohuman and humans/Europeans…looking at the genetic mapping here >>16857

(which I think is incorrect; since I don’t think that niggers are part of humanity in the first place but rather hominids with only 20% human origins according to the most recent genetic research) we can see that a nigger is far more distant than an abo with a 60 IQ which I would classify as a different species out of hand. It says something truly profound when a parent of a nigger/white mongrel will have more in common with a stranger of their own race than with their own offspring. This is a astonishingly large gap in the differences between species. If we were the same ‘species’ I don’t believe this gap in genetics would be this profound.


I honestly think I would be much more comfortable in a society like the one you describe. I have almost no fear of other Europeans and I know that they would act in a manner that is profoundly cooperative. I will be you that it was a good deal more polite and just day to day than it is now in European society. Also, there is no justice any longer because the state cannot perform that role. Certainly the morality of that age would have been preferable to whatever passes for justice now. I, personally, would love to be free enough to kill anyone I desired with the knowledge that if I went beyond my bounds and limits my peers would murder me in exchange. This seems so much more reasonable and pragmatic.


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5507d1  No.17365

* I will bet you that it was a *

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650001  No.17479


>you have heard of the Civilization Cycles, right?

Of course. That is why I don't worry too much about the current situation because all this has happened before, and will probably happen again, unless someone manages to figure out how to build a society that somehow overcomes it. My only idea is maintaining a frontier for the adventurous warrior types to conquer and expand, as it is in their nature to do so. Maybe space?

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5d8914  No.17561

File: 46253d12c4c2cbc⋯.jpg (122.29 KB, 1161x528, 387:176, space x mouse and opossum ….jpg)

File: fa5fb77fe35d244⋯.jpg (132.82 KB, 1000x714, 500:357, Earths atmosphere into spa….jpg)

File: d143fc4b409e738⋯.gif (1.34 MB, 365x205, 73:41, opossum and grape.gif)


I am slightly despondent over space since the Space X opossum and mouse 'show/dinner theater'.

CRS-19 Mission

992,805 views•Streamed live on Dec 5, 2019


See 20:00-20:06 for Space X opossum

See 20:20-20:25 for Space X mouse and

See 21:23 for more mouse

People are trying to tell me that an opossum and a mouse are on 2300 degree rocket in the mesosphere and that everything is 'ok' with the space program? This is normal?

The Russians had a frigging FIELD DAY with this video…

I think our horizons need to expand into another dimension or more of a lateral/oblique.

This also means that the 'oligarch' pilfering of the public is at heights never seen before in history if they can pull this shit off.

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63bef3  No.17570

File: 8f2c015450c3854⋯.jpg (32.88 KB, 342x304, 9:8, ugg2.jpg)

File: 3b83bd1dde972df⋯.jpg (35.92 KB, 360x299, 360:299, ugg1.jpg)

File: c12c2d47bd72341⋯.jpeg (26.97 KB, 870x340, 87:34, ugg.jpeg)

ever think the uncanny valley was an evolved disgust response to the other apes?

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5d8914  No.17582

File: 56b5bc7d760e615⋯.webm (3.58 MB, 198x360, 11:20, 56b5bc7d760e6150031aaaef2….webm)

Those are a group of creepy wax figures you have there…the robots were not that creepy for me, but this lil' feller and your wax figures are creepy. Seeing an interracial couple is extremely creepy as well.

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746113  No.17584

File: 9b9883cc0d80dc9⋯.jpg (43 KB, 610x362, 305:181, Five-Blind-Men-and-an-Elep….jpg)


Beautifully put. I've been doing the blind man elephant grope with this very concept recently and you've given me a shortcut, Thank you for posting anon.

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e2b132  No.17638


Very interesting.

In Western countries such as Germany, Netherlands, UK from 1980-2000 we experienced an increase in crime and it didn't seem to decrease. Many models and hypotheses from criminology based on this were made, including of course the hypothesis that an increase in migration would be responsible for this. What these studies often found that migrants who often got directly into employment didn't pose an issue for crimes at all, but instead it were their children which mostly caused issues. Since employment correlated with less crime pretty heavily. And then since 2000-2020 onward we saw decreases in crime happening. A very popular hypothesis for this decrease is that it comes from additional security measures (cameras in homes, more advanced locks that can't be lockpicked as easily, advanced window security and so on in newly build homes), on top of more surveillance options increasing the chance of catching criminals leading to a higher incarceration rate.

What you see here is that various forms of criminality and non state reliance of violence get heavily punished, the more they are punished the more domestication takes place. That is, criminality and violence are partially rational in the way that a perpetrator questions the reward for acting violent / committing a crime versus the perceived punishment. For crime such as burglary, street violence the chance of being caught has increased a lot due to modern technology so it became a lot less common. A domestication is continuing in the west, white population is the most domesticated already but the minorities present for longer time eventually also end up domesticated. At least that is the intention.


Except western dominance is ever present, a bunch of Africans can't decide to wage a war upon Europe due to advanced NATO technology. The idea here is that migrants aren't viewed as "THEM" but as foreigners who need to become like us by a lot of integration policies. This is a lot different in USA where migrants just do w/e they want (and the results are a disaster, much worse than Europe). Also it is evident USA is much more anti white, as it domesticated mostly its white population however it promotes violence, nigger culture and so on in the minorities. And by it, of course the jews are behind that.

I don't really see a reverse trend happening though since surveillance is only getting more powerful. Places like this (/pol/) are where you can write down frustrations about society. However it also gives a tool to feds and the like to monitor potential terrorist / criminal behavior very easily. Which just further domesticates any anti government movement (more so than just attacking people who use /pol/, just watch them and intervene when deemed needed). The endgoal is just people not just from white European descent but from every other descent to be a big working golem who do not dare to lash out at the government in any way except on superficial policies enacted which do not mean much. There will be no ethnicity, not for Europeans, nor its various other races that come through migration, just one shitty melting mutt pot of an all consuming slave golem.

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5d8914  No.17646

File: afe6fd1de0ce446⋯.jpg (77.58 KB, 600x407, 600:407, anger management voting.jpg)


>a big working golem who do not dare to lash out at the government in any way except on superficial policies enacted which do not mean much

'muh voting' works anon… ;^)

There is no political solution…

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15ad16  No.17736


Yeah no duh. Even dark haired whites are neurotic assholes. The Bible is always praising the light over the dark. Golden Retrievers are the best dogs btw.

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04d1be  No.17737

File: 5d5ae4dd662f5d4⋯.jpg (24.57 KB, 209x203, 209:203, 1437860941163.jpg)


>Even dark haired whites are neurotic assholes.


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7d1b1e  No.17738


I hate dancing

Literally fucking hate doing it.

even subjected myself to months of classes just so I wouldn't feel so stupid doing it. Still, hate it. I don't even like to see girls dancing.

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5d8914  No.17843

File: 1134aea9a3e851c⋯.png (15.81 KB, 483x291, 161:97, IQ by race and gender.png)

File: 6dc5d475928cf9d⋯.jpg (130.44 KB, 900x506, 450:253, US soldiers live fire ammu….jpg)


I would think they would tend to be more violent and capable of fighting back due to their residual coloration.

I have looked at many pictures of soldiers and I can't recall that many blonde ones. I can't think of many genius blondes either come to think about it. But that could also be a problem with blonde women. When you are breeding blonde there might not be that many high IQ choices to chose from and the female, being the lowest common denominator in the pairing when it comes to IQ (but still higher than any other races women and most races men) must be evaluated for intelligence as well. We REALLY need to focus on eugenically breeding up women so that they are competent partners for our men…they are pretty worthless in terms of their parasitic clinging at this point.

Also, Golden Retrievers? I would prefer a working dog any day of the week. Fetching something doesn't seem that challenging to me.

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fab089  No.17846

so the dumbest of the crew are mexican and black vaginas?

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5d8914  No.17853

File: b20b49b947eb22a⋯.jpg (336.11 KB, 735x817, 735:817, When you are white there i….jpg)


Asian vaginas are pretty stupid as well. Apparently the so called 'intelligence' of the bug race is only in its males. Since they do not have distributed intelligence like Europeans in a bell curve it is much more like a square wave with everything huddled towards the center or NOTHING…you are dooming your children to low IQ as well when you fuck bugs and utterly obliterate your DNA in their vagina.

As a race, Europeans are the only thing worth fucking at all…with European women (even at this horrific dysgenic wasteland in their IQ) being the brightest of all the races women.

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e1e81b  No.18013


>dog has larger eyes, smaller snout, rounder face

Dogs are what wolves would draw if wolves drew manga.

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179bbe  No.19756

Dogs are wolves gone gay for humans.

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d254a6  No.19761


Does that mean that Europeans are humans that have gone gay for jews?

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918d44  No.53227

Do we have AI that can detect a jew?

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000000  No.56628

Anon here with two white foxes who sleep in my bed with me

Ask me anything

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49e372  No.56659

Didn't see this term mentioned so maybe idea is no longer trendy in science circles? Heterochrony is where aspects of the development of a creature changes with respect to when or if they occur. Studies with foxes and dogs show a type of heterochrony known as neoteny. Neoteny is where the adult maintains infantile features and behaviors. The research with dogs and foxes is striking in that physiology (what the animal looks like) is directly correlated with behavior. Adults with more puppy like features retain more puppy like behaviors when it come to aggression and hunting behaviors. This is seen in differences in herding dogs where you have those that nip, those that only chase, and those that identify with the sheep and show no hunting behavior at all. Domestication induces some neoteny and in humans their self-domestication has resulted in thinner skulls and flatter faces. Lack of wisdom teeth and ability to digest milk as an adult have also been considered features of human neoteny. Perhaps the fact that different ethnicities display varying levels of neoteny may be why I'm not seeing the term used? I know there has been a lot of detraction against the fox studies now saying they're methodologically flawed. Maybe the implications are too clearcut to be comfortable to the SJWs

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49e372  No.56718

A lot of talk in this thread about the European being domesticated by others. Humans domesticated themselves as part of the process of becoming civilized. The problem with Europeans wasn't over domestication so much as they have a overdeveloped sense of altruism that has been exploited. In a tropical environment your survival isn't dependent on others for survival. For tropical peoples one of the greatest threats is other people. In a temperate environment survival is much more dependent on cooperation between peoples. Reciprocity is much more ingrained if you actually need other people rather than other people just being occasionally useful. This is why, to their own detriment, whites are the only people that care about things other than themselves. For example, every conservation movement has a white at its origin. Whites will initiate conservation but the only way you can get a non-white involved is by invoking self-interest. They contribute not because animal extinction is bad but because they can get more money from white tourists than from dead carcasses.

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fd879f  No.56722



Except there’s no evidence it ever will be.

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1af2d1  No.56787

File: ff62fb8c67585c9⋯.png (490.52 KB, 791x420, 113:60, ClipboardImage.png)

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f6c51c  No.58812

File: 15d460712e5cad7⋯.jpg (152.06 KB, 500x647, 500:647, blessing the troops.jpg)


In human societies, many of us have realized the truth of our existence belies this material world. For the majority of mankind, the root of consciousness is found in some non-physical, idea-based awareness. We proclaim ourselves not just animals, and esp. not just wild animals, as we bury our dead.

The spiritual understanding that most attain is rooted in love, in some form mutual awareness (although there are some whom eschew the idea of a fair and pleasant relationship with others). Because of the spiritual meaning of life that most attain is grounded in love, in some manner or another, tolerance follows quickly on, and thence acceptance, allowance, understanding… all of which lead to domestication. The flip side of this domestication is of course a selfish untamability, OP's 'wildness', but this only takes us so far, and then what we want is happiness in others.

The balanced way, the real path between a polarized dichotomy of self-serving and serving others, is found in studying the Universal Laws. These laws are always creational, always natural, and always reflective of the best of our ability to discern them.

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1efb93  No.58884

I don't believe OP

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168dfe  No.58911

File: fbb02c4db2d280f⋯.webm (15.83 MB, 550x310, 55:31, Evolution scientifically ….webm)

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37bc19  No.58951


What is not to believe? You can see domestication syndrome with your own eyes.

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c1fcbe  No.58965


Slaves bury people instead of eating them. Serving ourselves is the best way to serve others.

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000000  No.58997

Complete and utter faggotry by OP. Hide and move on.

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2dc000  No.59114


I want to decentralize everything and just get rid of all niggers.

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eccb89  No.59221

File: 4cfa5ea10487679⋯.jpg (71.14 KB, 900x600, 3:2, 1076039_1_011-baby-white-f….jpg)



Funny how the domestication theory and it's correlation to leucism was pretty much proven and yet instantly suppressed by literal Lysenkoists.

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eccb89  No.59223

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


But true.

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b31fb2  No.59258

I feel like it's more of a psychological programming/subversion than a genetic thing, but I understand what you are saying.

We've gone too far in the "MUH EMPATHY!!!" subversion/civilized direction.

We need to reawaken our savagery in the defense of our people, culture and God.

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232c36  No.59343


It is often said that “muh empathy’ is a characteristic of Christianity (sure (((modern))) Christianity that had to be structurally modified to accommodate jewish rulers) but TRUE christianity would have strung up the niggers and murdered the kikes on principle. It is actually the kikes themselves who encourage things like ‘forgiveness’ (so that they can keep raping society with impunity) and ‘empathy’ so that they can exploit our people. These are not characteristics of EITHER OUR PEOPLE, or of CHRISTIANITY…this all comes from PERVERTED JUSTICE.

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3bb705  No.59368


OP is now confirmed as fact. Thanks, torpedo.

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2176d9  No.59385

File: 52bd1a13dd4d8cf⋯.jpg (265.44 KB, 1500x1091, 1500:1091, 1ab.jpg)


>I have looked at many pictures of soldiers and I can't recall that many blonde ones. I can't think of many genius blondes either come to think about it. But that could also be a problem with blonde women. When you are breeding blonde there might not be that many high IQ choices to chose from and the female.

Hi there, kike.

>The Nordics are, all over the world, a race of soldiers, sailors, adventurers, and explorers, but above all, of rulers, organizers, and aristocrats in sharp contrast to the essentially peasant character of the Alpines. Chivalry and knighthood, and their still surviving but greatly impaired counterparts, are peculiarly Nordic traits, and feudalism, class distinctions, and race pride among Europeans are traceable for the most part to the north.

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37bc19  No.59455


Is that your version of blonde?

<ummm anon, you might want to get your vision checked.

That man is not blonde, but rather brunette, which only lends credence to what they were saying.

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0638cc  No.59491

File: 4b3e5eb8f5fa99d⋯.jpg (63.8 KB, 384x528, 8:11, Christian_Tychsen.jpg)

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7bf7bd  No.59493

File: 0d7af9c38b7525d⋯.png (1.16 MB, 940x1200, 47:60, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2e859f8ae496d75⋯.png (213.35 KB, 550x367, 550:367, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3089816db381574⋯.png (81.27 KB, 201x251, 201:251, ClipboardImage.png)


That is pure blonde.

Blonde ranges from dark blonde to light blonde.

However people who go and purity spiral about blondness are retarded. Non-blonde people can have blonde children, important is to keep nation pure and blondness will not be altered in a nation because recessive genes will recombine, however it is better to keep difference between people who look different.

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9d058a  No.59726


I guess dark blonde is brunette by another persons standards (I don’t really care). Statistically speaking there are fewer blondes with violent recessive monkey tendencies. It takes a certain amount of hormones/melanin to be a violent fuck…obviously since they aren’t fucking albinos they have some capacity to violence; but not as much as a brunette.

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5f3d60  No.59735

is colonization of africa a form of inter-human domestication?

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9d058a  No.59786

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Yes, Robert Sepher had a pretty good video about this a couple days ago. Except the only possible outcome of that sort of colonization is that your genes endure a genetic decline. He carefully points out that our Protoancestors (Cromagnon) had the largest brain volume of all and that modern Europeans are their bastard offspring with a smaller brained race. BREEDING DOWN into niggers, bugs and poos is going to make a smaller more retarded animalistic offspring…this is why the jew promotes it so heavily. They are trying to destroy and degrade the races of the planet but in particular, our race, in favor of their own (which is pretty low IQ…but if we breed with niggers we will be lower IQ than they are). CroMagnon had 1600cc of brain matter; modern Europeans have 300cc less but all the other part ape races have much smaller brains and less complexity. This is one of the things the Black Plague did for Europeans; it didn’t increase our brain size but it did increase the complexity of our brains.

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200e79  No.59982

File: e17d53c3f3e4f60⋯.jpg (12.76 KB, 1500x500, 3:1, 1500x500.jpg)

As previously stated, the turn to universal morality and law enforcement are the primary driving factors of European decay.

Realistically, there is no such thing as "crime", just human behavior.

It is a strawman and reduction to say Europe would've turned into Africa without police; demonstrably false when comparing the environmental pressures of the two habitats.

If Europe hadn't gone moralfag, it is likely Europeans would've evolved into a balanced population of cooperative and competitive, ethno-centric people.

Each time you hear some effeminate NatSoc or Fascist droning on about Eternal Law, nobility, service, beauty, etc-be sure to thank them for the mess we're in because they propagate the weakness that put us here.

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2dc000  No.60589

File: 487438ae32e1e57⋯.jpeg (7.29 KB, 183x276, 61:92, download.jpeg)


Brunette is this.

Anyways, dark-blonde and light brown is overlapping. People are considered Nordics with light brown, blonde or red hair. All these hair colors are considered light and genetically linked to northern Europeans. None of them represent anything pure but a developed out trait.

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bf5781  No.61146


>droning on about nobility, service, Eternal Law

I figured those were just crypto jews hiding out in our ranks ‘in disguise’.

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bf5781  No.61149


I don’t think that is even White anon…Brown Hair, Brown Eyes…

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a75cc4  No.61192

this makes no sense.

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