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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow

File: 21c342140e364f5⋯.png (3.38 MB, 1468x2428, 367:607, 1595182886835.png)

6e643e  No.142935

Post links to good documentaries.

Prefer things of rare footage or told from the German perspective.




You can download entire playlists with youtube-dlg


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6e643e  No.142937

File: b7f0fa6191c3dee⋯.png (3.5 MB, 1028x1580, 257:395, 1595116720207.png)


Head of the Snake - Wexner, Maxwell’s, Mossad & Mega Group Exposed



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6e643e  No.142994

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6349fc  No.143001


Architecture of Doom. Directed by a kike, but still has lots of great stuff in it. (You're not going to believe that, and I respect you for it.)

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6e643e  No.143114

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ea317e  No.143470

Check out "Century of the Self"

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f4cae9  No.143483

File: a253c084ac4e0de⋯.jpg (56.76 KB, 768x768, 1:1, 8y4r.jpg)


The Trayvon hoax is totally normie friendly and actually entertaining. You can play up the fact that it's a documentary that's actually funny despite the sad topic. I've gotten everyone in my family to see it. Very redpilling to the normie that actually believes the news is somewhat fair and cops aren't lying shit.

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e5c073  No.143508

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Norman Dodd - The Hidden Agenda For World Government

>G. Edward Griffin interviews 83 year old Norman Dodds in this rare 1982 interview that exposes the New World Orders infiltration by large corporations that are merging the USA into a world government (New World Order).

>He explains the infiltration of banking and the infiltration of the public education system.

>Dodd served as an investigator for Congressman Reece's Special Committee on Tax Exempt Foundations (commonly referred to as the Reece Committee).




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