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File: fa592d203e000e6⋯.png (28.13 KB, 496x243, 496:243, blackautonomist.png)

File: 153c585b2acf69b⋯.png (21.56 KB, 315x250, 63:50, itch_featured.png)

2712fe  No.142793

a pro-BLM game has been circulating on Steam under the name of Black Lives Matter.

i guess they dont know about the original Black Lives Matter Game from a few years ago




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96a05c  No.142796

File: a545390643f40a1⋯.png (225.47 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, EdaPfzrXkAEL_h_.png)

Good reveiw section

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422760  No.142921


Anyone remember the game that got blacklisted called "Block Lives Matter"?

It was about a block that had different weapons on its sides and there was a news channel's lower third constantly running narrating the destruction it was engaging by killing other blocks?

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