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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow

File: 49dad4455b7d98b⋯.png (300.06 KB, 3600x3600, 1:1, FreeGlowInTheDarkBlood_.png)

60213d  No.142731

Spread the truth about COINTEL Operations. We are looking for any and all information regarding the Operations that are active or have been active. The goal is to plant the seed in the minds of people that lead them to question what the see online and in the media they consume. To make them question everything that comes from the elite.

Old Counter Insurgency COIN ops. Think like the shill to fuck a shill.



Evidence of Spying for use with GOV. COINTEL OPs


Trusted sources that explain old COINTELPRO, Trusted info is harder to shill against.

>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KS27iafQwrw&list=FL9_1QD4ZVtj0uI0nlmIKRTA&index=2&t=0s [Embed]

>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7H9Sp1sD3s&list=FL9_1QD4ZVtj0uI0nlmIKRTA&index=3&t=0s [Embed]

Who are "We?"

We are the everyday citizen that wants to open the eyes of people blind to the massive amounts of shilling online, shilling designed to distract, to divide, to misinform. Are you tired of it? Not just here but every online discussion board. Spread the Evidence so that we may at least plant the idea in their minds. Have You Ever Wondered Why It's So Dark?

Major Goals

1. Disseminate information about various COINTEL operations and their methods in the modern world.

2. Sow the seed of distrust in the general public. Not random distrust, we need to aim it at the current operations like the JIDF, Sharblue, Bugman CCP, and others we can find. Preferably, we should show them in a way that allows them to look for themselves. Lets them see the truth. Subversion is a subhuman tactic for sub humans and we can't stoop to that level.

Will you help?

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60213d  No.142733

File: 81ce1c9fd9c8817⋯.jpg (18.24 KB, 574x339, 574:339, OvertonWindow_574x339.jpg)


If we can succinctly describe what the overton window and controlled opposition are, we can begin to show some people with real world evidence to plant the seed of distrust. So its always in the back of their mind

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04f601  No.142735


explain to me how this larp eventuates into a white ethnostate

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60213d  No.142737



it doesn't. Just want to show the people what the techniques look like with real world examples. easy to digest

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f86348  No.142739

Could've at least tried to make it seem real.

hv0-z1h ;;<1


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60213d  No.142743


Why cant't it be real? If some govermental or billions dollar company can shill, and shill, and shill, we can figure out how the do it, and make it easy for a person who isnt yet fully brainwashed lefty to seek the truth too.

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51c109  No.143471

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1153f9  No.143472


OP is a zio-q shill trying to sell you nigger loving apple pie.

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b0e6bc  No.143518


>We are looking for any and all information regarding the Operations that are active or have been active.



Who is 'we'?

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