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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: 0985ef02316fb8b⋯.jpg (322.67 KB, 1200x1824, 25:38, Fuck_BLM_Dont_Help_Blacks.jpg)

b41218  No.141457

>Getting tired of being called a 'Nazi'?

>Embrace the Flag

>Black Nazis Terrorize the streets

>Time to fight back

>White Guilt Faggots beg for acceptance

>BLM is a bunch of White Guilt Libtards who have to prove their solidarity daily to black people = MindSlaves

>White Guilt Libtards who need to feel better about themselves

>White Guilt Libtards are in charge of the cancel culture.

>We dont care what you're pissed off about.

>We dont care what color skin you are.

>We dont care you're mad about history.

>We dont care you're mad about statues.

>We dont care you're mind lives in an era where you didn't exist.

>You threaten peoples lives you will get dealt with it doesnt matter what color you are

>You get hostile on someones property you should go home in a body bag in one piece, or in pieces, no fucks given

>Segregate all blacks to one area so they can kill each other

>Problem Solved

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b41218  No.141461


shut up nig licker

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e4947b  No.141464

So wordy.

You can remove the village people pic and put more words in.

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b41218  No.141471


learn how to read faster

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3f0a51  No.141479


I do not understand OP's goal with this livejournal. Otherwise, I do support operation "Nah" in which I refuse to acknowledge other people's feelings entirely, even if I recognize them. Active ignorance seems to drive them bonkers. Just pretend you don't understand why niggers are so violent.

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258e0d  No.141481


>Black Nazis terrorize the streets

no faggot, you have to go back

there's a rule you have to watch "The Greatest Story Never Told" before you post here dipshit

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3f0a51  No.141491


I do not understand OP's goal with this livejournal. Otherwise, I do support operation "Nah" in which I refuse to acknowledge other people's feelings entirely, even if I recognize them. Active ignorance seems to drive them bonkers. Just pretend you don't understand why niggers are so violent.

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e435eb  No.141610


>We dont care you're mind lives in an era where you didn't exist.

Who's the nigger now?

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