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File: 85664d376094e31⋯.png (1.82 MB, 1123x1788, 1123:1788, mon54.png)

b871e0  No.141395

Does anyone know of the Scarrsvale incident?

This site has an online book about it:


[From a comment on the following Unzz Review article:


"…You left out poison and lobotomize them. Mountebank’s Monster and His Mom: a peculiar resurrection https://scarsvale.net/

Good article, but UR and TOO are too much in the clouds of history and generalities. The war is being lost on the ground where people who speak are individually savaged in ways that are not clear even to themselves or their families. Sudden abnormal behaviors are blamed on drugs, mental illness, depression, divorce. What’s worse is savagery can happen with no provocation at all. To be attacked, all you need have is talent, intelligence, leadership abilities, even sex-appeal. Destroying outstanding individuals inside their communities disables the entire group. Maybe this is why IQs are going down.

Here is a link to a short essay that describes the strategy: Military thought experiment Part 1 https://americanbuddhist.net/2019/08/19/military-thought-experiment-part-1/…"]

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4078b9  No.142106

File: 6d17055ce10a601⋯.jpg (197.96 KB, 691x1955, 691:1955, american_buddhist_article_….jpg)

File: 98d4c4ab20c5df1⋯.jpg (85.94 KB, 688x1064, 86:133, american_buddhist_article_….jpg)

File: 3931adc2adc7c3d⋯.jpg (173.04 KB, 674x1912, 337:956, american_buddhist_article_….jpg)

Anon, how did your OP get missed for so long? I think it was your image choice. While the article isn't saying anything new, to those of us who have been here a while…IDK…I guess I just wanted to acknowledge your contribution. I didn't real all of Mountebank's monster. But the American Buddhist stuff is very interesting…I doubt that a lobotomy would feel like a hangover tho.

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4078b9  No.142107

File: dfcc62ecd7364f1⋯.jpg (1.35 MB, 674x7153, 674:7153, unz_rewiew_semitophobia.jpg)

I think the comments in the Unz review are at least as interesting as the article itself.

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aa0bfb  No.142161

File: 7c56cda39519768⋯.jpg (1.28 MB, 1349x4303, 1349:4303, jews_really_are_satanic.jpg)

File: 3dac617674e07fb⋯.jpg (1.05 MB, 1349x7083, 1349:7083, jews_kabala_satanic_and_de….jpg)

File: d637d3e4585350e⋯.jpg (1.2 MB, 1339x5585, 1339:5585, fucking_cuck_cunt_faggot_b….jpg)

File: 5a8794ffa0d65fe⋯.png (111.4 KB, 639x2080, 639:2080, kike_schizos_is_it_any_won….png)


It's true that people have to overcome their fear of kikes and rise their voices to cleanse themselves of the worldwide scourge that they are, not even knowing they rape and murder children has been enough to awaken the population. I really don't know what it will take to push people over the edge.

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1784c8  No.142178


I don't think they have a 'fear of kikes' per say as much as they have a reverence for God. I was having a discussion (one sided albeit) on another form of social media (which I abhor) delicately talking around the AI censor which discussed the function of repeating singularities (God making) in the history of the planet and the future of our enemies (all of them and not just the jews) and the enemies of life.

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d68f21  No.142197

IDK how true this stuff is, but lots of redpills in the dude's blog. I wonder if it can be fact-checked somehow.


"Above is a photo of the Harwood Building, where both Mountebank and the demented dentist had their offices. Good chance they knew each other and encouraged each other’s foul schemes. The dentist’s old office was in the brick section on the second floor of the building. His window looked down on a small park , which is to the left of the frame and not pictured."

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1784c8  No.142205

File: ae6c36f39a89c98⋯.jpg (1.57 MB, 704x12260, 176:3065, mountebanks_monsters_blog.jpg)


I hate to do this again, but this reminds me of the whole purpose of the GATE program and learning to target our children early so that they can be destroyed young. I mentioned that on 8chan/pol/ and some glownigger just laughed and said, "Of course" like they ALL KNEW that is what they were engaged in and that it was common knowledge and that was why there was no more White male leadership anymore…because they had been targeted and destroyed while young.

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