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847d45  No.141346

Having material wealth makes you sovereign. It makes you have worth. It gives you freedom. In the event of any catastrophe you still maintain liberty because you have your material assets / wealth which you can use to save your ass in any crisis.

Cashless society is totally bend over backwards fuck me in the ass government do what you want to me .Are you fucking serious? COVID is being used to create a cashless society based on the 'contrived' census that there is a 'coin shortage' because less business is being done? I don't buy it for a second. There is no coin shortage.

The deepstate wants cashless because they can control it and also lock you out of your assets. You can't control what is electronic, period. Are you people fucking retarded? Cashless society is totally rape me in the ass. It's not feasible. It is illogical. Don't give up control over your personal wealth, IT IS WHAT MAKES YOU SOVEREIGN.

THIS is infact why we need to go back to gold and silver which have actual value. We have tip toed too far from actual wealth and sovereignty, trace your steps back and realize what it is to be SOVEREIGN.

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8e855c  No.141975

Well, yeah.

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b7dc92  No.141988

In the event of a catastrophe all your money will be worth fuck all and your gold and silver too since its value isn't any more inherent than paper money. A cashless society would be more prepared to deal with catastrophe because people would be dealing in things that have actual worth rather than arbitrary worth as a currency. Even in our current coronavirus "catastrophe" I've seen many people revert to trade and barter rather than dealing in cash, if something actually catastrophic came along like a mass famine for example the people with the food will be wealthy and all your gold bars won't be worth shit.

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