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The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: f349fa57331c353⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1104x745, 1104:745, tucker_carlson_red_bracele….png)

fa7037  No.140362

Can goyim use Jewish magic against the Jews? Cuz lets be real, Christ is getting his ass kicked in this fight. We're gonna have to use dark magic to beat back the Jews ourselves.

If you think what I'm saying is crazy or stupid, you should know that Tucker Carlson does this. Notice the red bracelet? That is a Kabbalistic ward against evil Kabbalistic magic.

Not making it up, either. It's legit, even has its own wikipedia page:



Jews are wizards, priests and warlocks. They rule on a spiritual plane, not just a physical one. We're never going to win the fight against them unless we take the fight to the spiritual plane, and it's not gonna be done with Jesus "The Jew Cuck" Christ.

We need to learn the Kabbalah and other "black magic" and direct that energy against our spiritual rulers, the Jews.

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11e536  No.140417


>We're gonna have to use dark magic to beat back the Jews ourselves.

<Let's do the same thing the jew deserves to die for

Stupid fucking kikes

>Jews are wizards, priests and warlocks

Jews are lizards, pedos and whores. Equal amounts of desperation and stupidity, topped with a fat helping of greed. Their time is finally up.

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457ecd  No.140479


You can't outjew the jew

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fa7037  No.140583



I honestly think you two are just a couple of christkikes. You sit impotently hoping that "muh christ" will come back and save you all from the evil Jews. What you fail to recognize is that 1) Christ was a kike himself and 2) He is kiking you into complacency by promising you a deliverance that will never come and 3) You've got to do things for yourselves in life.

Either meet the Jew on their own field of black magic, or perish. That is the situation we've all been faced with.

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dbce12  No.140594


Or we could simply kill them all and say fuck your magical bullshit.

This seems like just one more excuse NOT TO FUCKING KILL THEM.

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69a720  No.140601


>I am a paid shill


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080e61  No.140625

File: dd83e96eb6a5fdd⋯.jpg (20.36 KB, 600x305, 120:61, war.jpg)

The one that controls the narrative controls the minds.

Control the terminology and story and you control the world.

If you create a narrative that makes your enemy panic, then you have won the the battle. If you control all narratives and know how to keep your enemy in permanent disarray you have won the war.

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dbce12  No.140636


Things arranged in order of importance:

Control governments…meh

Control money…yeah, that is nice

Control narrative…bingo; God like power.

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b29429  No.140863

get behind me satan, it is not you who lead me, it is me who lead you satan.

<sorcery and witchcraft are mortal sins recognised by church as such, satan you have no power against lord our king

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