This Rabbi spends over an hour explaining that according to Judaism white genocide is a very important commandment.
How important?
It's so important that they remind themselves twice in one of their most common prayers, remember and don't forget.
Since some Jews may not want to engage in white genocide, he debunks all the possible loopholes they may tell themselves to get out of it.
It's all there, the official policy of Judaism is the total elimination of modern day white people incl. men women children and even our animals.
He explains absolutely nothing can change this policy. He even explains where they currently live, USA, Russia Europe, Britain etc.
Well lets not jump to conclusions, they need to respond to one of their prominent leaders calling for the ruthless elimination of an entire population of an innocent and unsuspecting people.
And like the Jews I urge everyone to remember and don't forget until this is debunked and the Rabbi called out for hate speech or admitted as their official policy.