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File: d214c007b4836a4⋯.jpeg (100.58 KB, 1300x732, 325:183, bdf0654f65e4333b24a0cd8cb….jpeg)

8bf114  No.139517

Hi i want to share to you a video from Youtube "Pedogate" the video is about pedophiles in Hollywood,Jefrey Epstein,Obama,Bill Gates ,Tom Hanks etc

Every month children are missing everyday !Google ,Youtube they censoring Youtube channels videos who expose pedophiles some videos are still not deleted because people upload videos in they Youtube channels some videos are shadowbanned from search result so i want to share to you those videos videos list :





i dont know how much those videos will stay on youtube !when are many views Youtube deletes those videos !ssory for my english i hope you understand my message!


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2203f7  No.139524

We know you're serious because you didn't archive the videos nor post webm/mp4 versions.

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e9ccf2  No.139542

File: 6e7750cad000b65⋯.png (540.48 KB, 786x960, 131:160, ftfy.png)

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5fd2cb  No.139565


Is there a good way to save/archive a webpage, including gifs and images? I'm trying to save a page and it doesn't include some of the stuff and I want the gifs to work. I've tried the save page feature in Firefox and a couple of extensions.

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3f7de4  No.139585

The problem with "exposing pedophiles" is that they're basically modern day witches and you can just call anyone a witch and have them burned at the stake to prove they're not a witch, so just make a youtube video about anyone you don't like being a pedo and spread it around like you're doing and bam 10x more destructive character assassination than a #metoo accusation.

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94b552  No.139880


to save what? you sound crazy

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94b552  No.139881


wow thank you

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210dd5  No.139935

>He barebacks YouTube and doesn't use invidio.us in 2020

You deserve everything you get, boomer.

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