This is why I've never bothered with politics. It always fragments and then infighting between groups takes place both on right and left. You saw this in spades with the French Revolution; Jacobins aside there were thousands of people of great wealth, education and beauty that were motivated by the most pure and disinterested principles for the good of France and all mankind and they either would up climbing up onto the scaffold to be executed before a smelly toothless mob or they just got old realizing they'd wasted their precious lives on something they never had a hope of ever controlling or affecting in the slightest degree. It seems the best you can hope for in such a situation is to be an onlooker in the mob and just gawk at the spectacle like people gathering to stare at the aftermath of a big car accident; that is to say, it ends up being the ghouls that win with that weird smile on their lips and their eyes shining like big saucers in their heads as the two women dangling from their seat harnesses that are digging into their soft flesh in silk blouses drip blood and whimper.
You want to get away from that shit. The ghouls deserve to be spat upon.
I think Eric Blair kind of figured that out too after the Spanish Civil War. He was some kind of anarchist socialist in the POUM but had to run for his life to escape, not the Franco Phalange, but rather the Stalinists that were purging Anarchists.
This is a big fucking mess and it's going to get worse as the money printing machine runs amok.
How appropriate that the logo for this board is the ourobouros devouring itself.