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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: 9ec7e77fc3f7c8e⋯.jpg (208.65 KB, 1863x1073, 1863:1073, couples.jpg)

File: 676d33b2215a6df⋯.jpg (738.71 KB, 1678x1143, 1678:1143, mcd.jpg)

027c1e  No.139173

Promote race-mixed couples inr advertisements, yet don't practice what they preach:

>no "McFish-beef"

>no "McBeef-chicken"

>no "McFish-chicken"


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6be2b9  No.139178


This seems to me like a bad idea that wouldn't accomplish anything. How would this even advance our opposition to their miscegenation agenda?

On the face of it, this could really only be a forced meme that makes anyone using it, even ironically, look retarded.

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027c1e  No.139195


How exactly is showing the absurdity of your opponent's argument a bad idea?

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027c1e  No.139207

File: 2d5d8a8e8471cb0⋯.jpg (859.81 KB, 1678x1143, 1678:1143, DIVERSITY.jpg)


Does this prove the point better?

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027c1e  No.139213


Please leave a useful comment or don't comment at all.

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6be2b9  No.139219


That's just it, I really don't see how it shows the absurdity of their ideas. Those ideas ARE absurd, but this is not an apt comparison with which to point that out. I just don't see, at all, how this could really be used effectively as propaganda.

I'm not saying don't work on it, necessarily, just that it really needs to evolve before it has any real teeth as a meme. It's in a waaaaay lower tier than previous projects such as IOTBW. They will just, easily, respond by mocking it and our side, as they are wont to do. Then, normies will lap it up because it is a ludicrously inappropriate comparison that makes our ideas look much less intellectually and academically grounded than they really are.

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6be2b9  No.139223


Not really, tbh. Yeah, those things would probably taste like crap if you mix multiple kinds of meat into one burger. But that's not saying anything at all about multiracialism at all, because people are not the same as food.

It would be like pointing out that people don't people don't blend up their breakfast of eggs, sausage, hash browns, and fruit before consuming it, and then claiming that you've proven multiculti wrong. It doesn't prove or invalidate *anything* because it is not really comparable.

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83039d  No.139224


> never heard of surf-and-turf

> bases world-view on fast-food

I missed the part where we should listen to anything you say.

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027c1e  No.139226


You're funny.


You're pathetic.


You're dense.


You're a nigger.

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8f5914  No.139235

File: 276a7036c1704d5⋯.jpg (1.3 MB, 3100x2104, 775:526, asians_find_blacks_repulsi….jpg)

File: 8a269f746928b47⋯.png (386.55 KB, 599x801, 599:801, china_jews_usa.png)

File: b312137d03bd551⋯.jpg (109.78 KB, 1024x605, 1024:605, coal_toll_paid.jpg)

File: ebf62fc54cd26d3⋯.jpg (146.06 KB, 600x1007, 600:1007, for_whom_the_toll_bells.jpg)

File: 95db456d1edac4d⋯.png (749.97 KB, 945x704, 945:704, ClipboardImage.png)

They know they're being caught at this though, so their new angle is ambiguity. They often utilize ultra-tan people with ostensibly-white features, as part of the general normalization strategy.

Or you get the over the top "dinosaur extinct" shit. All part of the same hate from the same people as always.

Thread is dumb though. There's an underlying mcdonalds theme but no actual mcdonalds examples

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