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File: 61d2f37de0777f5⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1210x599, 1210:599, 1594239387045.png)

ed4d9d  No.138661

Fuck that old man. I hate him more then 14 year olds hate their bullies.

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bb0079  No.138662

This isn't cuckchan.

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2d2380  No.138703

I love Biden. I can't wait for him to debate Trump on live TV.

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fe5e70  No.138709



Can't unsee. ( -_-)

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38fbd5  No.139084


imagine how much less embarrassing you'd be if you were capable of differentiating between THEN and THAN*

illiterate dipshit

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d783e8  No.139087

File: f4c1fee37790557⋯.jpg (75.21 KB, 900x900, 1:1, unnamed.jpg)


This is sad. I mean, you kikes used to put more effort than this. Are you so demoralized that you can't even muster decent shilling anymore? A legit question too because it used to be better.

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b64237  No.139342

He's a pedo forced into things he doesn't want to do because he forced little girls into things they didn't want to do. I will enjoy his embarrassments during the debates.

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8d96b1  No.139523

don't bring gamers into this

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2d2380  No.139526


Your so right. People like this should either learn English and all of it's spelling rules, or else keep there bad grammar to themselves.

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